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GRËAÏBARGAmS AT i Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. Q TTi: IIAVi: ACAIN' REPLENTSITED OUR STORE WITH V tbebuwl splendid Stoel ol O O XS lint WAS ovor oiVci'-l ii) any OnO establishment it Mak-, all of viüofa wfl dflèi (tor Oa (Si p-T ifö r röD ■'7- (7 n n f& ra A ss; u J vö lj iP ui li ÍÍJ ikJ vá iM islow as can be fourvl in the Unino We want Money ! unl will make Greal Sacrifices on Anyiliin wehave to obiain it, not oxccjiting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS Wc cordiall inrito ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to cali ,inil examine our QooUfl and Prlces. We als tir Prompt Paying Customers to como ;ml buv tboir nrppllAfl fot tlieWinfpr. Tothosf Bashfal "nptitliat ateftírsÚ to oaJJ, we bj to ttiuatek 0OUJTBJC6 1&UXjXj Your "ÜI7HEA.T? witlioutlonger waitii.g for higher pricea, come in, old scoren, andthen it such prices ns u il] in up :t!l lossefl It is hardl; ueccessary to ouuiucrute our Uoods, for We have Everything! A largo assortnicut of UARPETING, CROtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIIES, GEOERIES, TA1NTS, OILS, IIATa, CAPS, BOOTS, S1IOES YANKEE NOTIONS fee, &c,, &c. (7150) HAVNAIU), STEBBINS & WII.S0 Stoves &. Har; ware ! RISPEN & IIENDERSON Have nww in S.torea larga aasortmentof ïardware and House Furnishing o o se mm AU vork will sriM as ('I1KAI au at any oihtT Esütblisliment ïn Muhiui, ]:ry have got the Best Assortment of Cooking P AR LO R A ND l'LA TE SS TOV EÏS I3NT THIS ST-TH, And will sellthem Choaper than THE GE E AP EST, Please cali and sec. All Unds of tin ware kept on Land, Particular aUention paid to all kinds of TJ CE Ï23 ' CL) 53Í U; Vhuli will be done wlth NEATNESS AND DISPATCZI. ■"I'leasc calland sce tbcir STOVE R0051 in 2d story of New Block. RISnOK & IIHN'DEKSON. Ado Arbor, Jan. 5, 1861. Still in the Field ! WITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS in my line direct from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturera! have just rtcoivo'l alargeaad well electedassortmeut CLOCKS, IVATCHES, ST 3E3 "W 1EX Xj H. Y. SILVEll & PLAÏED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And n great varioty of Yankee Notiona, tc. wouldcall particular atteution to raj large tock of SPECTACIjES, of Gold, fc'ilver, Steel, and Platcd, with PERSCOr MGLASS A superior artiole, and a great varicty of articles ia the nyOX3CEA. T for CXAJS:Vrsono hftTiDg dtffealt waUrtrt to Ho withglMMf, an ie acconinifKliitfl a? tu_v .-tock i- lirii iv coinplfte, I' B, I'iirticnlrr itt(ïnti"n paid to the REPAIEING f ;:lt kirnlH uf ffflitohM, such as Making & Setting New Jewels, 'INIONS, 8TAFFS nnd CYLINDERS, also CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, Vt'ivtly Bcpftiicd umi warrar.K'.l. C. BLISS. August 20, MC. '8tf Ayer's Agüe Cure. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Ls a ronstitutional disenso, a eorruption of tile blood, by which tliiw fluid bocomes vitiated, ■weak, and poor. Being in the cireulation, it pervades t)ic whole body, and may burst out in disrase on any part of it. No oigan is free from its attacks, nor is thcre onc vhich it may not dcstroy. The scrofulous taint is variously Cansad by mercurial disenso, low living, disordercd or imhenlthy food, impuro air, filth and tiltliy habito, the dopressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infoction. Whatevor be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending " from párente to chüdren unto tlie third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seeins to be the rod of Ilim who says, "I wüj vi.sit the iniquities of' tho futhers upon their ohildien." lts cficcts conimencc by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, whiuh, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, i termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the nir&ce, eruptions or sores. This foul eorruption, which eendera in the blood, depresses the energies of Ufe, so that seiofulous constitutions not oidy suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they liave far less power to withstand the attacks of othor diseases; consoqnently vast numbers pcrisl by disorders which, althongh not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by thia taint in the pystem. Most of the consumption whieh decimatcs the human family has its origin direetly in this erofulous cnnttimination; and many destructivo discases of the liver, kidncys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise frora or are aggravated by the same cause. ( tas qoarter of all ouv pcople are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their hoalth is undermined bj it. To elennse it from the systcm ivc must renovate the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate it ))y healthy food aiid eicrcise. isuch a medicine vre supply in AYER'S Coinpoiiml Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most cfFeetual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every■where prevailing and fatal malady. It is corabíned from the most activo remediáis that have been discovcred for the expurgaron of this foul disorder from tlie blood, and the rescue of the systcm from its destructive consequences. liento it should be employcd for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it, sueh as Eeuptive and Distïasf.s, St. Anthony's Fiue, Rose, or, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Bijuxs and Bous, Tumoes.Tetteb and Salt Rheo:, Scald IIead, Ringworm, UüllMA-l ISM, SïPIIIMTIC MhIMkUCIUIALDiseases, Dhopsy, Dyspepsia, Demlity, and, indeed, AI.I. CoMPI AIXÏS AllISINO FKOM VlTIA.ted oit Imtiteb Blood. Tho popular belief in " impuritij of 'tlie blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to pinit'y and regenérate this vital fluid, i without whieh sound health la impossible in coutwninnted constitutions. Agüe Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OF Intermittent l'Vrn-, or Fcver and Agtoe I mitf nt Fcver, Chill Fcvcr, Dumb Afeite, Periodical Headavhe, or Bilions Hcadachc, nucí Bilious Pevers, indeed for tlie wlmlc litss of diseases originiiiin i 11 biliary dcrnngement, caused 1 tlie Malaria of Aliasmatic Coiintries We aro enablcd here to offor tho communlty a rmedy vhicli, whilo it curen tho above coniplaints with certainty, ia atill pcrfoctly harmless iu any quantity. Such & remedy is iuvahiablo in distriets where tliuso afflicting disorders prevail. Tbis "Ccre" expels tíio niiasmatic polson of Fever and Agüe from tlie system, and prevente tbe dovelopinent of tho discaae, if taken 011 tho first approach of its premonitory symptonis. ït is not ocly tbe best remedy evor yet discovored for tbis class of complainta, but also tbe cheapesf. The largo quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every lody ; and in bilious distriets, where Fever and Agüe prevails, every body sbould have it and use it fieely both for cure and protoction. It is hoped tbis price wíll place it vitfaln the reach of all - the poor as well as tho rich. A great siiperiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is, that itcoutains no Quinine or mineral, consequenfly it producoK no qutnism or other injurious eífeets whatever npon the constitution. Those cwred by it are left as healthy as if they bad never had the disease. Fever and Agüe is not alono tho consequence of tho niiasmiUic poison. A great varié ty of disorders arige from i its irritation, among which aro Neuralgia Eheuviatism. Qotífc Ilcattach?, Jiluulncss, Tooüiachc, Earachty Catarrft, Asthma, fíaiptíqtion, l'ainful Ajfcction of th,: BjAteny llij&ttrics iítín in the fiowels, Cdic, Paralysis, and Deranytment of the Stamatfi, all of which, when oiifinaiing in this cause, put on tho intermittent type, or bocome periodical. This "Cure" expels the poison from tho blood, and cunse'quently cures them all alike. It ís an inval uable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarïous distriets. IÍ tafeen occa-Monnlly or daily while exposed to tho infection, that will be excreted from the system, and caunot accunnilate in suffleient quantity to ripon into disease. Heneo it is even more vahmblo for protection tban cure, and few will ever suffer from Intermittents if tbey avail themsclvea of the protection tbis remedy aifords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL MASS. MAYNARD STEBBIKS& WILSON.and by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. J. BXJRRILL, Tráyeling Agent. AÜ aporient Stomachic preparation of IROX purietld in Oxygcn mdCarbon by combustión in HydrOgen. ietíoneri by the htghsat Medical Aatboritfes, both in Eu rope and tho Unityd States, aud prescribed in their practice Tho oxperiencenf tboupands daily prove tliat no pfeparaUonol Iron can be opinpfrced with it. [mpuritic of the blood, dèpreesionfl of vital energy, jalc and oitu-r wiso Bickly complexions Uldicatbfl ii.s necessity in almoat every conceivable case. Innojioua in all malftdiei in whl It bas been tried, luis inoved ab.solutely curativein each of tbe following cótnplatnie, viz: In DobllIty,Nervous AfTcctloiis, Kmaclatlon uyspepsla, Constïpatfon, Dlarrlicea, Dyscntery, Incriplciit ('onstniiptlon, Scrofiiluutit TuIk i ulosis, Salt Itkeum. Mismenttruatian, White. Chlorasi, Liver-Otmplainift. Chrtmic I'-adachts, Rheif matism, Intcrmittcnt Fcrertt, Pimples on the Face, &e.. hijease of Ge.vkkal ItEiiaiTY, whether tbe result of acute disease, or of the continu! iliminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic compl.iints, one trial of tliis restoi-ative bas proved succossful to an ex tent which DO flescri ption nor writttn attestation would reuder credible. Invalida so long bed ridden as to havo become rorgotten in their own ncihborhoodfi, have saddeuly re-appared tnthebaey wtfrld as if juet retumed from protructed travel in a ilistant land. Same very signal instaticcs of tbis kinil are attestod of fonalt Mtfferérg, emaciatcM viotünu f apparant uaraamiiv, nngulneotu oxhauntion, critical changos, and that complica tioc of inTvdiis and ilyspeptic aversión to air and exercise for which the physiuian haH no name. in NlBTOOa Anvonoss of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necesarily be salntary, for, unlike the oUÏ nxides, it s vigorousjy tonic without being exciting and ovorlicating; aml ently, rogularly aperient, 6Y6D tht DAOfi obstinatt' oasM t' onstiveness without even being a gastric purgative, or infiicting a disagreeable unafttioou Itifl tlii.s lattT proper ty, among othflTB, which iniikos t so emarkably cffectual and permanent a remedy for PiUst upon which it also appoars to exert a distinct and speci(ic action by dispersing tbe local tendency wbicb forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable asare its tanses, a single box of these l'ills have often sufficed for the most habitual cttses, includiug the atteudont Coslivenes3. In nclieckotl Diakruoía, even when alvancoil to Jhjsentery confirmci]. omaciatine mi apnaivntlv inaltirnant. the eflects having been equally decisivo and Mtonfshlng In Uu local taina, loss of BesnandstrengtkfdebUitating oongb, n 1 1 ' 1 reinitu-nt hoc tic, which genera llv tndlofcte Incipient Consumption,, m overal very gratifying and interesting Infltanoü, Iu Scrofnlons Tubercuolsis, ibis modieatcd Iron han had far inoro than the gnod effect s of the. most cautiously balanceé pn-paratinns of indine, without any of acelr irall known HabUitiM. The :Ltt"niiiHi rif fcKialt-s cannotbetooconfidently inviU: tn fliis reme.dy :nii rátorative iu the casos pecüliarly atTectinp tliem. In Itheumattsm, bothchronïc anti inflammatory - in the lattrv, linwrv.-r, iihir' ilecidcily - it lias been invnriably well reported, both as alleviating pnin and rcclucing the BweUlngsand stíffbauof tbo joints aml muscels. In lutermktent írTJiitmaíítnecessaríly beaKreatrempdy aml energotío POBtorative, and its progréta intlio new settlements of tho West, wiü probably be une of high renuwn íiihI usofulness. No rt'medy has evtr been disco vcrod in tho wliole hititory of melicino, whlch exerts such prompt, happy, and iully re.storative clfectB. Good appetite, complete dï pestiui., rwpid acquisition of atreiigth, wlth an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immcdlately follow its ue. Put up in neat flat metal boxos containing '50 ])ills, pricc 00 ce,nts per box; ibr wU' by druggists and dealen. Will besent free to any address on rencipt of the price. All lottera, orders, etc., shotild be addressed ' " B. B. LOCKE,&C , Genen] Agent, 477t1 339Broadwfty,N. Y. Var Sale by GRENVJLLE & FULLER, Ann Arbor. Howard Aasociation, Philadelphia. A Jienevolrnt Institntion e&tahlished by special tndotcmen for the, rclitfof the. Stek and Distresneed, afflicted toirh Vtrtiltnt and Epidemie Diteasest and cspmally for the. Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organ, Dispensary free to palien tri all parts of the United States, VALÜ ABLE KKPOBT8 on spennatorrhea , and other DIbBUM OÍ Sexual Organs, and on theNKW R1CMKDIES emyed, ent to the afïlicted in mled envelopt'H, freo of charge. Two or three Stamps for postago bo will be ceptable. MST AddresfcDR. J, SKILLIXHOUfilITON, Aeting Sur geon Howard Association No 2,south Ninth Stivet. Pbl Holfhla ÏMjj 10 00 Vests, Shirts and Drawerap For ShIo Iteap ftt GUITEHM AN A Co '


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