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The "compensation."

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We liintci in our laot issue Ihat tho Legislatura wlth a wise and prudent forecait, had smight In inake amends to tho Germnn JJepubüenns of this State fof the act proliibiting thesalo of beer and ale n loss quantiMea than fiVa gallons. But we did Dol tliink when we penned the item that tho fict would be so soon and ? oponly eonfessod. And yet, in tho Adverlisfr of the eume day we iind tho folio ving free, frank, and full acknowledgtnent : " Tue Credit Sidh of the Ledoer. - In grantiog twenty fivo ihousand acres of huid vo u German-Ainerican Seminary, ti) be eatublihod in this city-, tho Legiplnture hua inaclo some compensation to our Gerrnan fellow-citizens for the fooliab ' five gallon' act. While making up their judgtnent ti on tlio former aot, it would be riglit that they ehould take into oODsidemtion tho lat ter. One is a positivo good - tho other will be a ' harmleii tvil.' They won't lose the ale, and will got the land." It 'n true the Adverüer dunies the iöterpretation wo put upon ihu little paragraph, but its raeaning i., noverthelcSB, not to bo misunclevetood. It speaks of tho " credit sido of the ledghT ;" it saya the Tjegislatnre by givi'ig the '2Ó.U00 acres of land to the GerrnanAir.eriean Seminary, " has made some coiTiponsation-tu onr Germán icllo iv-citizens for the ioolish ' five gallon' act ;" and it urges the Gorman Republicans to take this land grant, this " oompensation" into cont-ideration ; and it further congratulates them that tho " five gallon" law will not ba enforced, and that they will gt-t both tho ale and the land. This e&posure, and we havo nu doubt i: is u truthful one, shows that the Itopublican Legislatura oí' Michigan had an idea that the party had bought and paid for tho Germán vote, and that to keep it a pi ico must be pa:d. ïho " five gallon' law, confess. edly not to be enforced, was enactüd to uatitify tho teinperance men, and tho Germans were givun 25,000 acres of land to heal the apparent wound. If this is honest, honorable legislation, what act of legislation eould bo so corrupt as to bo braudod dishoneit and dislionorablo f The Kepublicans of Oldwater and viuinity held a Canons on the üth instant, and nominatod D. B. Püiunto.n, as tho candidato for Postmaster. The Caucus was a largo one, over 600 votes being polled. Tho Republican expresses much dissalisfaction with tl.eresult, and charges that respect able men were prevented voting bv the jam, and that thoee who did vote, voted early, voted ofien, and voted by the handful. But then, "dad is under the hay," and tho Republican though the party organ, is not an impartía lone. It hints, however, tliat efforts will be made to set asido tho decisión of tho meeting. f-" Tlio Repubüoans aro wont to charge the lack of power in Mr. Lincoln to collect the revenne in the secedcd States, on ship-board or otherwise, to tlie Buchanan-aclininistratiou. It shoulil bo remenibcrod that for weeks beforo Congress adjourned the Republicaim had full coutrol of the Senato and House, and that thu failure to pnss enipowering laws is chargeablo to tbe politieal friends of j Mr. Lincoln. Mr. BüOHANAH has sins enou"-h of his own to answer for. Let h'uu not bo made a goape goat for those of a Kepublicau Congress. The new Tarifl of the Southern Conlederacy e.stablishes a duty of 30 per cent. on negroes imported fioin the " border otates." This is designed as a '■ coercivo" measure, but will provo a greater burden o the Cotton States than to those of the border. Tariffs a J vanee prices ttnd consumers fuot the bilí. L3f The Republicana of Oakland Couuty have Domiaated IIakry C. As drews for Judge of Probate, the Supervisors baving ordered a special election to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Nouth before the coninienccment of his term. Mr. A. will probably be elected, and then will couie a coutest in the Courts, Mr. Lokd, the presont incumbent, claiming to hold for the full term under a commissiou frora Gov. Blair. And in this eontest we predict Mr. Lord wil be beat. EP The New York Tribune says that ': Oíd Abe" don't consult his Cabinet as to important appointments, nor examine the applications and rlations on filo in the dcpnrtments, nnd that it is of no use for applicants to filo their papers with ilie Secretarios. We gness that somo friend of the Trihun', pertiapt one of its Editors, hos been 6nubbed, henee this ebullilion of dissatisfaction m I i i m i - -- . tST Tho President of tho Southern Central "Railroad haa posted n notice at Snvannuh, as follows: " Goods for Tennessee and other States out of tho Southern Confederacy pass through the Con'ederate Slates without the payment of duty." VOF President Lincoln haa appointed Wm B. Tatlok, Postraastnr of New York City. Ho was Assistant Postmaster under Gen. Dix, and onliis retironient from the oflico to tako chargo of the Treasury department, Mr. T. was promoted to tho chief place. He lias been conneetod with the office since 1819 and knows " the ropes." His appointment gives satisfactioc to all but the disappointed applieanta Jg2L" It is now said that Clay and ConwiN have both reconsidercd their decisions and accepted tho missions tendercd them. Clay gocs to Spain, and Cor■ivin to Mexico. EP1 Hon David Wii.mot, of " "Wilmot Proviso" notoriety.has been elected to the United States Senate from Pnn,eylvania. in place of Gen. Oameron, I tyaneferred k) Mr. LiNcmx'f Cabinet.


Old News
Michigan Argus