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T-íev .Advertissraents. TírYTTr"eT WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS Insurance Company ■ CASH CAPITAL & SURPLUS OVER $2OO,OOO. W. Ñ. S T!IOG, Agent. Ann Arbor, Hnrch 20,1861. 79ïtf Btortgage Foreclosure. rEFAULT haring been made in the c-mdition of a f Horlgaga MWutod bï .'■jlson Kllsnrurl'i and Llcanor DU mf t Jabra Hibi'd 'lated the 30th !ay of Augut, A. D. 1858, nnir-cordrd 'n tho KegUin soffico, 1:1 tü ciiunty orWashtenawinLiberNo.-. 2nf morignsM, at page'ÏO, oDtiu-secuiidruy ISvpti-mbtr. A. I). IS5S, at b o'vlock, I'. M . an.l assigned ly Jatici liibbard to 8. U . Kihh-!iuv1 by a&ftfgDment under Eeal, dated the Olh d.iy of Febmary, ,l. ;■ 6fi 3 , nnd record d in aid Rezitir'j."flici in I. ber .Vo.2: of Mortgagesat page TTO on tht 19th d;iy uf March.A.II. 18M,at 4 o'clock, P. M.', ky wliich defu uit the power of ml eoaMned in said mórtgig- beciime asentiré, andnosuit ur proceeding haring been iu.stiutcd :it lairio recover the dvbt Recured by saidnvirtgage, r any part tlier.of. and the sum of fi hundred and thiee doll.-r au l Hi.rly-th'ee cents bsing now cla nstv! tube ''tt-thereun: Notice thereloreherebygiventhat theiwiid m'irtiiage will be foreclosed bT saieof All cerUin traft or parcel of laad ititate in the Towd of Lyndon, D Ihe Counly of Wasinenaw, unlitite of Michigan, boirnlelani de-cribed as f'dlows. The i:orth-wost part of thesouth-west fractional qusii-tpr, nnl the part north of the S ate road running frnm Jexter to Omnd River in the south-west part of the outh west fractional quarter, all on sectiun six f6). township one pouth of raneo numlr tliree (3) e;ist; containiug fifty eight (SS) aerea and 5-loü of an acre, rnoreor lesa, or sorae part theioof, at public vendue at the Oturt House in the city of Ana irbor, on the eloventh dny oUune next at noon 8. W. KNKtLANl), Asaignee. KlSGStEV Jk tlORGAN. Att'fl. Dateil, Mareh 1, A. D. 1861. 7J2td tóthe" electors. REOISTRATiOlN NOTICE. THE BOARD OY RKGISTKATIÜN of the City of Ann Aronr "il hold sessi n in the scveral Wfcrds of Kaid C'i.y, n TIIl'lC-iliAY anl FRIDAY, MARCH, 28th and 29th. commenc;ng at (Jocl'ck, A. 51., and closing at fto'clnck, P. M.f of each day, at the foltowing placet , for the purpose of correclingandcompleting tho RegUtration of the qunüutu electors of said city. lsl Ward at the -ti re of Slawson & Geer. M " Officuof G. Shattuck.Esq., 3d " " Court HouRe. 4th " at Firem-n's Hall. 5th - at Ui.' Office of Sinclair cSwuthcl. All who will at th ensuing charter Election be entitled to vote under the provisionn of ect.l, Art. 7 of theConBtitution fahould stfe that their names are registcred. Persons having clinnged their residence sinctt the last f;!ection mu&t register in tho Ward in wnich they now reside. Tho Fifth Ward being a ncw Ward all votersmuj register. By Order of tho Board of Registration. E. B. l'OXD, Chirmn. Willmx McCreart, Secy Datcd, Aun Arb;r, Jlaich 6th, 1861. CITY OKDIIAiCE. Be it orduii ed by the Mayor, Rrcirder, and Alderman of the City nf Ann Arbor : Thnt the qiralified electors of the Oity of Ann Arbor. ut the lee i n to be held on the tirs. Motiiliiy in April, nnd al each nnnual eleetion '.hercnfnr sliull elect by ballot on Uolloctor for '11 Citv of Ann Arbor. Mud ■ and pust in Conimon Counoil thi lllh day of Marjh, A D. 1861 ROBEHT J. BARRY, Mayor. D. S. Twitcuell, Kecorder. To Rent or Sell AFTER THE FIKST DAY OF APRIL NEXT, I wil! ell or rent iuv hou-io and lot ontlie corner of Huron an 1 Firpt treet-;, opposity the residence ofJudge Grangcr;:il.-o two half lots, one on the corner of Ann and I-'inU stieets; and one on K.rst strei-t, bitivoon Ann nil Huron strce'.s. Kor teims aply to LZRA l'I-ATT on ihp premies, any ono wishing to rent thu hounv hd bette- apply soon. EZRA l'LATT Ann Arbor, March 15,1861. "To the Unemployed." A GKNT? WANTKD tocanassan1.vlicitordor for th' f IJttloGiantïiewinic Machine, l'rico ouly $16. To. MMrgeticndlnitiroitbyyooiifmii we jwy a alrr of $15 per m.nlh and xpcom, T :i ci.mmission bx whicli frmii-%"0 to tlOWpcr Ttar can be made. ThiB is a new mnchiiio. just patented, ani e wish an agent inevery towa or coiinty in the Stute. F( r particulars, descriptivii catalogue, &c, &c., ar.clo.sea stamp, and adT. VAGE, Toledo, Ohio. 4w791 General Agent Ter C. 8 MANHÖÖD" How Lost and How Restored. Juit PuhhsJied n a Seahd Envilope, A I tiCTURE ON' THB NATURK, TRRATMBNT AND RAliICAL CÜRB OF 1'1-.11..A1()RUI1O1ÍA, or Seminal WeakiifM, Sexual ,)r.blty, Xervousness and Invomntrv ünlasioiM LduelDg íinin)tency, nd Mental and Rijsioal 'noapncity. BY ROB J COLVERWELL. M. D. Author of the' Green Book," Se. The worM-ronowaed mtlinr, in this admirable Lector cleaily proves fim liis own experience tbat the awful concqiitnees ofself alnine may be elTectualW removed without m-dicinc and without dangerous surgical oper. tions, bougies in-tr:ments, r'.nis or cordial". f V outamode or cure at once, certain and efreetual, by which every snfforer, r. matter irhiithU rnndit. may be.mivcurohirosclf diaiply.privauly " ndiaUiy.- Thi úcture will prove . boon 13 thJusands and thou. Bsn't under wal to any addMW, pot paid. on Ui rceipt of two postage .tni,by ad-lrefsing Dr. rH. J O. KW, 127 DOTwy, e or Pct Box,


Old News
Michigan Argus