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Ann Arbor Marble Wors. I BATCiïELDËil& EISELE. TT AVE on hand n fine aiisortmcnt of American and 1TALIAN BLE which thcv are proparcd to manufacture into UOHVJABtiTS. usad srojvjïs, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOP$ Ac, Ac, Ac., Ac, in all their varietics, an.l n a WORKMAXI.IKE manner. Baring lii cunsi.lerable expc-rience in the busuies.they HUCTtliemselvetliat ttu-y will be able to ptaaM all who may favor tUem with tbcir order?. Tbeir prieel LOW AS THE L O WEST. Those wishing uqr tttog ta tW i!,íTL'?SS?fUy in'ited to cnll BATCHELÜEK S tlaliLt. Ann Arhor. March. 6, 1861. 0yl HEAD QUARTERS. rn For all kinds of PBTROIiITT 3VT , ín COAL OIL, & FLÜID I LAIVIPS. lM PETROLIUM FLUID, W Coal Oils. iBf Superior qu ..lity, at pricea gunrEÍ antying satisfiiction. Lampe p nltered to the above on short jLj= notico. 3ÏV A. DoFOREST. V -im Nor. 10, 1860. 774tf hst e -w im:a.z? OF THK COÜNTIE3 ÜF Washtenaw & Lenawee, Mich., From Official Ricords and Special Survtys. By BECHIEK, WENIG & CO., and GEIL & HARLEY, Being Succensors to Geil ie Harloy , Topographical Kng's, Authors of Maps of the Counties of Hillsdle, Branch, St. Joscph, Calhoun, Jacksou Caa, Van Buren, Barrlon, Wayne, Geneee, Kwlamazoo, Shiawassce, Monroe, Macomb. St Clair, &c, Michigan; Loraine, Medina, kc.t Ohfo: Niágara, ErietCattiiaugus, GrMDt, Saratoga, &c , New York; ilonmoutli. Morris, fzc,, New .erey ; City oí ReaJing,ó.c., I'enn.; Laporte, fee, Indiana. - etc , etc. Tlie undrsigne.1! ire preparinj? to publish, by Subscnptïon,an wande rabiurri Mpn of the Counties of WaiHTK.NAW aiiÜ l.BNAWEW, 4IlcHIG."ïf, & CUfPful SUlvevS ol tht entir Diatdct, madö xprertly -for tliis work, nt3 fn.m Oliicia! KecoidfuU'l í-ther íeliable In'omiatífjn.Tbe Map will delinéate mmtelyth frfM ÖeogTAphical and Topographical ieatiires pf tlictoutitics, among whicli m-iy be enuraórated the foHowia: 1. It wiil show all t!i Tuwnship, títictícn, and Qu.irUi1 Lines. 'J It wüi generally show th1 Boundary Ltnes of Farms, and the nameio!'r-"i 'ent ownars 3. Ii will show the locution o[ Public Rnad?, distin guiliing ilie open r 'as frona thoac nol on n -1 4. lt rili show the locatioo f Churehea, School Iiouses, Hatels, lili, iianuíactüries, DweUisgA, hups, te. 5. It will gïve the cour-e of Rivers eni Oreeks, and show the location and nutlïne of al! incndored Lakes. 6 It willcntain Plan-i of the Principal ViUage.i, sïiow ing tb.e iretH. Lots, aml lucatiun of Buildings. Fach Villaje Plan will nlsi contain a iürectcry, giving the names and business of village nubsciiner.--. The recorded add tions to Villages wil! be distingmshpd by colors. 7. I will give the course of Rail Fu èu cnny.h; od,and also such as wan aow inpiooaas ofcuastruction It willc'jncain a Disiance T-ible, givmg tb ÜPtance by the most direct open roads, bet ween any to Viliitges in the District 9. HwiU contain a Business Directory of country subscribers, givinj; tiieir names, occupation, and the section cm whicli th' y re-ide. lü. Views o!' Ir;vite prominent Buildtagi, frill be i ng tii ved on the margin, by spuca) eontraot only. In order toaecuru au insortii n, euriy appïicaiiun hould be made tnthe Agenis intiic.r mpecTv diíti cts. 12 ïhe Map will be nently entrivud, handsomely oolorpd, ub.-tin'ially backc-d witt musln.and mounted i n rollers. No pain-; nor expfnst will bf spared to malie 1he work in every resjeft worthy if public ennndcuce. The pric oi Map w U be at the Jow rate of ms DolUn per topy, payable un dfiiveiy. Autfaorivetf aKentBwili "rtslt rery poctlon "f the Pi trict. for the purpiof perffrctinK bbe woik, aad, at th" tim", to solfeit patronage t i'. Cpon theif cali will, .e the time n sub cribi-, n oiderto i-btaiu the worfc us it w 11 be soM -y subaeripuen onlj ComiDUDicattoiis in regard t businoss pertainïng to f thlfl Map, f sent to A.v.v AltSOS, Mich., will reteivtpr mpt ..tten'ion GLIL & HARLEY, Pubrsheis. fL, A l'r'-m'iitn bns been awfirdcd by the Mchigiri j State Agriculturalocieiy. tn Gkil, Haplky k Siírd. for their Coanty Jlapa on exhibitin tt the Annual Fair. held in Detroit, in WO. See Circulara which will i3 disributed. TftftmS AM T OH ER J& & AR RIVAL AT THE ahioLD AND RELIABLE jfiMH CL0THINÍ EMPOEITJMU A 5T O . S PHCENIX BXiOCIS:, MAIN STREET. hasjust returnoc1 frnra the Eaatern Cíties, with a larg and desirable stock of FALL AMD WINTER Gr OODS! whicb he is now offering at unusually LOW ITtlOES! Among bis Aasortment may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERES, DOESKIXS, & VESTINGS, of alldescriptions, esptcially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR! whicb he is cutting and reaking to order, in the latent an best styles, together with a superior assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING. TRBNKS CARPET BAGS, UMBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. with mimerous othcr articlea usually found ia aioiTa: entablishments. As ANEMPÜHIÜM OF FASHIO, the subscriber flatters himself, that hislong experlence and genera. 6uccess,wiü enable him to give the greatesi Batisfiiction to all who muy trust him in the way ot'manufiteturing garments to order. 76ötf WM. WAGXER. TLQOmiS & TRÏPP, Succtsdsors to Chapín & LoomiR.íiiiflChapin, Tripp A Loomis ■ ■ n -- ]IEabfJve ürin of Loumis & Tripp having purchased t'nlire interest of tlie forraer companK wïll continué tliü baslnew at Iheold stands, wherc they 11 b' rfft'lv', on the sliortcst notice, to fill all orders in the Une ot Castings and Machinery, in the most workinnnlike mnnner, and on as liberal ktrnu 'a any other sbnji in the Htate.Amnng 1he various articlBsmanufactured by uü, we would enumérate STEAM tSNGINÈS of all kinds; Mili Uearing and Kixturop, wrouglit and CftBt; all the rariouB castings formakinj; and njpairing Ilorse Powers &Threebing Machines sucb as are at present, or have formcily been in uso in j thip part of the State, as wel! a all the various kinda 'f caetingf and machino work called for by faimcre and mechnnicR ntliiK tcctlon of the cono ry of aïi the various patterns, up in sizcsandprices.'will be kejitcoDstantly on hand, got the most modem and improved styles. HUBBARDS WROHGHT IRON RKAPKRS & MOWERS. having commt-aced manufacturing thid snpertorMa chinf;, single and cembineu, Uie fiirinorK are iuvited to , cjill and pee a specimen machine mw in our ware room, befo re pnrchavingelsewhere, believinii thatthis in) chino need only to bf Keen to convince the farmer of irS SUPERIORITV over the Reapera and Mowers in this markot. Thankful for former patronaire to the olri Ürms.e wouUi solicit a continuancf from oíd frionas, ind atrial by all wisiiing for anything ín our line f busiocfwLOOMIS .V' TKIP1. A&n Arbor, Mav Ï8th, 1859. 607tf BUY YOUR CLOTIILÑg" Cleveland Ciolhing House Where Uiey now jell Winter Clothiug at greatly E.EODtJCEX PRICBS, Afcwdaors Wet of Cook'e Botol, Baron Strfcet Aon Arbor. 5821Í A, & C LOEB. Ii. F. RANDALIi, Dealer in PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Musie Sf Musical Murchandisc. jack:on - - - mich. PIL NO FORTES from the manufactory of A. H. GALE CO. of flew York, for whm I nm agt. I will warrant inferior to iiono, in style oi Qnish quantty ui qualitj uf tone aiiü iTctoptiitss of act ion MELOTXEOJSTS, manufactured by fHELP k CHASE, Syrcuse N. Y. & ESTfciY & GREEN, of Brat lcbonv Vt. I will wiinaut superiiT to any Í8 the market in eveiy resj eet tlmtpertaina to the good qualitiea of a Melotleon. I have ou hand and urn constantly receiving Trom the largc quantios of the most popuUr SHEET MUSIO which I will sentí by mail to any part of the country, oo receipt of markcd prices. A gooü assortment ot GüITAES, VIOLINS, HANO Stools, Bows Strings, Instructions Eooks for all instrumenta, CHURCH MUSIÓ BOOKS Glee Books lfc.t Spe., Sfc. The usual discount to the Profe sion. Musical In struuients tuuel and rupaired alU aatiafactmn gu;.rantee in every respect. Ij787 F. RAXDALL. DO TOÜ WANT WHTSKERS? DO TOU WNT WHISKERS? DO VOU WANT A MUftTACHEÏ DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINliHAW'S CEI.EBRATED STIMULATÍNG ONGUENT, For the Waisk3rs and H.iir. The fubscribers tüke pleasuro in announcing to the C'itizt'nsof tho Uuite'l biates, that they have obtaine1 the Agency íor, and aro now enabïftd to offer to the American public, the above justly celebratetl and worldTHE STIMULATINü ONGTJENT propart'.'! by ih. ''. P. Büllixooam, aa eiuinent phy slCl'i ui Looiiort, nati Í3 warr.inteti to bring out a thick aet of Whiskers or a Mustaehs in frnm three to six weeks article Ís tUn only one of the k nl used by the French, and in I-ondüU ttml j Paris it ia in universal use. lt isa beautiful, econoniic&l, soothing, yet sí i mul at ing compnuml actingas it'by ra igic upon the r otri, causiutf a beautiful gr--w;h of luxurmnt hair. If appHed to the riculp, it will curo UALDVK3P, :in 1 cause to spring up in place of tiiu baM spots a fine growth of new hair. Ajptied nccunling to directions, it will turn ked or towy hair dakk, anl restore gray hair t1 its original color, leiiving it soft, Pinooth and flexible i'he -'O-vüue-xt1' is in indispensable article in evtry gentlcroari'ñ toilet, dDd airerone wee' s use they would Dot flcr any cousideration bc wituiut it. The Rubscribcrs are the ouly Agentsfir the nrticlein the Uniei( tates, to wliomall orOors must bc addressed lJrice Uue ollar a box - lor Pale by all D:uggists an'i De:ilors: or a box of the Unguent" (warranted to hav tbtt -liV'iredeilccL) will be -ent to anv who det-ire it, by mail (direct), securly packed on receip: of price n' putago $-.18. Apply to our addrpas HOACK L. Hi(;KMAN &l CO., 78SmG 24 i liamireet, Xew York. For the Speedy and Permanent Uure of Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal JEmissionê, Ñervous and General Debility, Impotence, and all Diseases arisingfrom, Solitary Mabits or Excessive Indulgence TIIETïE are thousands of Men, as well M Mtddli Ageu and Old Men, who are sufforing to some oxtant from tlie abova disease-s. Manv, perhaps, ara not aware f their true condition, or whea assitanee is raally iieede'l. For the benefit of such, we herewith give a few of the mort commou iyinptoms, vil; Weaknesa of the Bark and Limbt, Pain in tlit Umd aud Side, Dimiies of Sight, Dolt and Web$ before the Eyss, PalpitatUm of the Jleart, Dysptty-iia, Loss of ttemory. Confusión of Idiuts, Depression of Spirits, Aversión to SorUti, Diitñtitt, Ttiniditi, etc. For each and all of the ab'ive svmptoms these remedies will be fouud a "Sovor igii Battn.1' These remedies embrace three preícriptions : A box of Paattts, & box of Nervaus Tonic Pilis, aud a box of Virité Sbnic Pilbt, all of which have importaat offices to perform," and bhoul'l be used together ia every case. Their superiority ovar other modes of treatment may ba briefly atated aa follows, vis: jjg They diminiah the vitdence of sexual excltement. tyjjT L'hny immadjately arrest nocturnal aatl diuraaJ emlftlOBJ, 49" They remove local wnakness, causing the organi to assmne their natural tone and vigor. jflty They strengthen the constitution by ovorcoming narróos debility and general weakness. ay They enliven the spirits, which are usually depressao, by expalling all excitin causes from the syatem. gfS By their invigorating properties they restore tht pititsiit ti liis natural health and vigor of manhond . JÍÉ5" They cure whea all other means have failed. j(Qf" They contain no JUercitry, no Opium, nor anythinf that can in any event prove iujurious. They are easy and pleasant to use, and will not iaterftre with the patiënt' usual bu si no sa or pkasnre. 49" They can be used without suapicion, or knowledge of Ten a room-mate. Tbat they may come within the reach of all, we have flxed the price of the Pítatela at $1 per box, and the I'ills at 50 cents per box each. Ia ordering by mail, in addition to the price, twelve cents in ataraps ahoald be iaclosci for return postage. ■Ti IjADIES in want of a safe and effeetoal fiOk remecí y for Itreyutaritic-s, Supprestiun of th (KaJl Mentes, or any disease peculiar to their ex, ■ nhonitl uie Dit. Gatks's Kemii.e Mo.vthlt ■Ëtfu.' i: X'ills. Price, by mail, $1 and une stamp. BnPw Cautio.- These Pilis sliould not be uied HBp JjÊk during preqnancy, as müeorriaji will be th I.ADIKS who, from ill-health, deformHy, T any other humane and reaionable eauie, deern it neceiary to avoid an increase of family. can do so without inourring danser to health or constitution by the use of M. La CruuxU French Prcventive Powdera. Price, by mail, tl and Iwo Btamps. These Fowders can only be obUined by addreiiing ib General Agonti, aa belnw. Send for Dr. CUtks's Private Mêdiatt Trtalim on Smtfl Diaeatt. Pkjce Tin Cints. Addreas, H. O. MILLER ft CO., General Agenta. LouüyUÏ, %T For -ale hy MAYNaKX), 61 bUlilNS, y788iu Ann Arbor, Mioh. THE CAMPAIGN OPEN. Carapion's [Platform ! 'PUF. subscribir bas juut returnod from thö tagt with X his Fali and Winter Gr O O ID JES Whkh ho is Determmed to Sell AT THE LOÍVEST PRIGE FOE CASII ! at wliicli. FiiBt Quaüty G ods onn Do afioraed in this city. My clolis are all of the RNEST QUALITY and ns I manufacture them into elothing myself, I am enubled to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT I sell. to be WELL MADE, which is a strong ndufement to custoraers to patronize my Btovc in preferi'noe 10 places wlieie large quantiti?B of halt nvwi goocïs are kepi for sale. I hnve iht'LATEST fa iuns, nnd can give you ae Fine and we l Fitting G irmenis ai can bt boughl anywher, I am bound to sell CHE A PER AND BETTFB GI-OODS 1 than any otlier similar establishment in this oity. Yourcustotn is most respectfully invitod, M. CAMPION. Ann Arbor, Nov. 160. 773yl TaKon XJk. ON OR ABOUTthe inth of Juno last, a palé Yeüow Cow. al'ut 7 yearp o!d. Has narrow horns, turoed up. The owner ia requetod to prove prfiperty, pay chargeEt,aDd toke her away. JODN .1ÍTTH. NortbfleW,Fb. 23,1 61. 788-8 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, #Cre Cottgk, Ccid, Hurttcnisn, fofiuma any Irritalion or Sonnet. oftfie Throal; Rilievt the Hadfnf C'iith in Contunplion, Brwieküi, 1 ma, and Cata.rh. Ciar and Rit utrmglh to the vtrice of PUBLIC SI'HAKKIts. mid SINGEllS, Fev„.. . ..are of the importinceof checking a Cough or "Comuion Cold" o ts flrst stage; that which in the beginning would risld to a mild rvmedy, if neglected, anim attacka the l.unjs. -'Brown's Iironchial Troches," conjiiningdemulcent ingdints allay Pulmonar? and Ijrorjctiial ïrritation. BROWN'S 'Tlmt In my Thront,(ror irhlch the "Troches" re a speciflc) having made TDnTTirci m often a mero wbiaperer.1' TROCHES N p w„ ua 1 'I recommend their use to Pcblic pbaknROWN'S EE--1" KLV E.H. CHAI IS. "Have proTed eitrcmely serviceablo for 1 KUOHJi nt:y HENRY WARD SKECHBR. " Almom instant relief in the labor of brt-athing peculiar ti AsTnM." RKV.A. C EUOLXoTOiV. TBinuVa "Cootain no Ojium or nnj-thing injurl ■ i Chcmi.'it, Boston. ' DTiOWN'S "A "'""Pie and pleaaant combination for Cocons, Sic.'' DR. O. F. U1UKLOW. TROCHES ■■Beneaoi.llaB.ONCB." 3U"'DR. J. F. W. LANE, BROWNS „. . , Boston. I haT proved them excellent for _„„„„_„ WaooPLvo CocoH." TROCHES HEV.H.W. WARREN, BROWN'S "B"1:'! "hen compelled to peak," sutforiag from Cou.' ' IKUOÜIb St. Louis. "Enectual In removmg Hoarneuess and URDWV'S Irritation of the Throat, ao common with nu " .SraiKüms and SctoEas.1' TRnPHFSJ Pro!. M.STACT JOHNSON, TROCHES La Granad. Teacher of Music fc'oulUeia BKDWN'S Female College. "Graat beaeflt hen taken befure and TRnnlIP"ft"1'rJ'lchi'1?'"theJ P10' Hoarso1 KUUrtCjö ilesa. I-rom theif past effpet, I tliink the wia be of permanent advantjitre to me." BROWN'f REV.E.I'.OWLEY, ,. M. President of Athens Collega. Tenn. TROCHES FicSg."! BxDiat3t TaYLUNG & BLOOD INFIRMAR Y. Fiskcr's Block Wcodward Ave Detroit, Dr. S. JT. CARPrcjSTKR f II A1X Alll. DOCTORS gen. rail pretend that Coniumptioa la iiMurable, becnuse they cannot cur it themael703: but tliis does n--t malte it truc Man inecl.auics willvrorks on a job all day and after aomg not' but apoil the material thoy will toll jou it never can be done in tlie way ou want it. But byapplyin? to a better woikman - ono who thcrouglil unierstiinii.H hls business - you irill get jour wofk ac complLshed in shape. Invthis ri'üpcct thcra Is th wtmo difference to bo founl iu all trades and professions. The bungltr in meciMQiátn, in the arts, ín law, in tbeologj, and io phyaic, will say auch things cannct be done. And t is true that they could uot be il all men were liko thein.elvofl. But fortunately there is anuther claaji of men, arnl the-, when tliej tak? jour case iu band, do tbo jobas jou wattt it, or resmre jou to healtb, accorf ing to delire. We have onlv to remfmber tl ia act to ünilcrstai)i3 whj ooe physiciaa should pronouoco tbat incurable whicb another can curo. In mechantes, wennmetimea find tbat bj a poMcaslon of superior Micnn-, by some new invention, of which he has tUtí ole use, or bj the Rreater Ingooit j oi hl mimi, one person will m:tke or do what no other cnn. Exacily it may be so in physic. And tb is is tho very reason whj I have such great succesH oror all other.i in the treatraent of Consumption. By bsving the original genius, by possessing the I.un-Meter, hichenables me toclearly delf rmine the nature of the liseasf "nd by hav!ng sueh remedios for Cuu.mmption as C) othcrl'hysician" ver had.make bold U say that I have, anü C"n effi'ct a curo i this diese beyond tho reacb of any ó man. To proré hi? to have heen the case, I raight givfl you numbers upon numbom f certilicates from mtn and wótnen given over to t--1 lïrave, whu have beeu reiicued and rêntöred to healtb '■ by the perseveriug use of raj remedits for Consumption. Uut it is not aect asa y for me to do so here, for Ihe fact of onemHn doing wbat anotber cannot ennnot. is viflent toali men of common wense. If the Consumprive wisliea further pfQflf than tbis, I can onlv say. tod patisiy youraelf by tri tl of my skill ia tha ■jure of jour complait Doctor Carpontcr will visit Ypsilanti, and Ann Arbor, -luring 1860-01. Ann Arbor, at Cuok'fl Hotel, 3d an- 4thof each raonth; Hüwkins }Iou3O, Ypsilfinti, 5th and Gth of eflch montli. The remaindcr of the time, he fffll be found at his Lung Infirmaiy in Tctroit Iy773 City Cheap Lumbcr Seuk, Door s Blindt, Piaster Paris Grand Iïiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises., Glass, Paint and Putty, dec, dèc. , IX DeForest, HAVING Increascd hl f.inilltJos for dolig bnat ness anr) enUrgcd his Yard and átock,ís pro iBird the procent tensón, witb tt e bes Urges! -nd est seasoned stock everin tbi mrtt ta ifttisCy tíie reasonablr expectntions 1' all. Üui sotto is nottn bf underoldf"or cash on dalivery I wil ] not undertakfto t'rightenthe public by-iayinji fhat Lhry wil] get 9hvnd if they buy elsewhere. for e presume that otherilJsella]ow asthey can tttbrd to . UI kinds of Timber, Joist:, nd ScantHng, Pine, Whitewood, Basswood, Hetu r rk. 3laned and Matched Pine, Whitewood ; sh (''looring.Plnned'ind rouh Pineand Whitewood [ine.Fenc. Pos, OekandCedat Poit and-Picketi 1 all kindf. pint f atl), ani tüljttetuoob C. .f Ptnc, Aihani Whitewood Shlnglc, 3arn Boards and Barn Ploor Plank, ■ilaek Wi.jUt.indChnrry and ttain stuif, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, ;oxand Body [umber.Maple Log Timber, Ilickory, Oak, Ash, EIm, Beech, Ol'u!l-.liiclmoset,widtha andlength,&c. te., Piaster Paris, and Piaster otallklnds. KTallS of all iliei, Sic, ,c. XASIf, DOORS, & BL1NDS, 'nade by band to order as low as factory prlces, on hö shortestnotice bythe bestof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Rille ofal descrlptlon In the abore building line. 'irniahedonthenhortestof notice. for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. ful' anda perfect amortment of the above anc ither kindc of Huilding Materials Uonstantly onhand althi lowostpossible ratet Cali and be Convinced. A few rodt soutli from. R. R. Depot or, Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING, N.B. - I amnow operating Extensivelj In the Patent Cement Roofing. D. L. WOOD & CO. Bave Heoolved .A. L-A.ÏIC3-E STOCK ODF Seasonable Goodsl Por the FALL AND WINTER TRADE, of 1000: WH1CH THET WILL 6ELL CHEAP FOR CASH, OR EEADY PAT CaJl and tee Befóte Purchasing Eliteuiere. D. L. "WOOD. W. G. FOSTER. 1000 Fine Overcoats ! For Sal Oheap at GLITERMAN& CO'S. Üü T0 GUITERMAN Sc CO'S ÜOK GEtlXY'S PAT.t.NT PáNTS- a bow art íh.] Jf Jrt ti miB# Ihey fcuwj (Jío cníoá.- rlaflt fof SCSy. A!c for At yn Brc íuf íí ,


Old News
Michigan Argus