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18611881, i OFF AT REDUCED PRICES. .Vil Kinds of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Gloves, Hosiery, .Cassimeres, Flan neis, OHE" A.T REDUCED FAICES 1 AT STRONG'S Cheap Cash Store, EXCHAJS'GE BLOCK. 782tf MOORE & LQüMIêT Dave Removed to the STORE RECKNTLT OGCÜPIED BT C. MACK, PhoBnix Block.Eaat side of Main St., AND HAVE In Storo SiiSj ■ Lttrge stock jf; ■'- cS1? op BOOTS $c SHOES Of every desciiption whioh will be SOXjID OHEAJPBR TH AH CAN BE BOÜGH'J JA Ibis City. ilo a large assortmont c HOME MANUFACTURE Of all ktndü made in tho mot Fa ah Io ii a b 1 o Style T 000 iSD EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -ounFRENCfl CALF BOOTS are N'OT scrfassed this wMe of New Vork City, and are warranted nol to kip. Uur prOGA8 AND KIP Sfa are made of the best matcrials Our stock of Morocco Bootees for Ladles s the the '. st in town. wiih heels or without We Malte o Ortltr, undnever uiíbs of the first time bo give att c:ill and we will show you our stock free of charge We have HWored the services of twn Kx perienced Joumeymen. who do üurmendin? in the IVcat ct -Haiiner, aud on shortest notice. Our motlois Quick8ulesaud Small Profita Thankful 'nr past favor wo hoppbjpaying strictattentioti to our businoss to raerit a libürW sharo of j-our patronajrr for thn luture. SS Keraember we aro not to bo nndort-old. tft MuRE & LOOMIS WLM!S &KNIGHT hare rceeivcd their stoond purehasa of WINTER COODS, Wbieh will b gold at th Lowest Possible Prices, FOB CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT P%. "K We invite all to cali and be eatisfied tbat our GOODSAREASGOOD AND PRICES AS X;OW as oan be foond io tBe itr. Vvi to, iïgo. ristt Gr ao d . ilICH GOODS! Cheap Goods! I BACH & PIERSON TT AVE JUST OPENE.D THE CHOICEST STOOK -OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS to be found in tliis City, coaaisting oí GOODS FOX GENTLEMEN gubstunünl and durable, GOODS FOR LADILSl QOODS FOR THE MECHA NIC 000 DS FOR TEE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLE.S, IFAIMILY @(5O(5i[![K2l]fëO 8 all Carcfully selcoted, Waronted to pleaee, ebd for anle oheap. COME AJSTX3 SEE. BA.CH & PIERSON Ootober, 1S60. 76Stf GIFT FOR THE HOLIDAYS! SCHOFF & MILLER UE STILL OM HAND at tbelr old Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Blcck, wi'.h the most completo assTtment of Books and Stationery, PEIlFüMEEIES, FAXCY GOODS WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS SHADE9, KOLLEKS, C0RD9, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, OURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS; Ever ofFered in tliia Market t and thej irouM suggost to thoao in pursuU cf ahythlngiQ SANTA CLA USy LINE tbut tïioj can aocure 9, Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaslng from tliimiiork, i cadi purolianer gets nn aüditional presi-nt of Jewtlr, &c-, Ranglng in value from 50 ets. to $50. y Thpytr'a-.t that their'.ong er.pïrianco in selecticg go' fnrtlilsmarket s'.id strict altentun 1o the raots of Customers, may eutitle tbtm to t libtral sliert oi Fatroniige. Ann Arbcr, Deo. 6. 13C0. 7T7tf 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEIRS WANTED! TO AS3IST I!ï THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! liite folies, or of wlintever color, caste or narivity, ■whether rcarried, single or of doubtful connexion, will beenlisted in the noMe cause of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITTl - FROll THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will receive their outfit at tha Extensive Far nishing Establishment -OF THE- G VITE R MAN' & HEAD QÜARTERS! Laving been establielied for tho LAST TEN YfiARS. our known rulo of warfaro is an Undisguised Destructioii OF niGII F RICES! I"OIl CIjOTHIWG For all iges! Sx and Conditions! ín conscqucrco of tlie very ontering cncourngement wliieli wc havo tec ivod Mnce our location in this city, we hnve inereaee I uur Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINC! To meet tlie deirmr.da of our customera, and having become more fully convinceil thftn ever, tliat our mode of dealiug, niiMiely: at ilie lowost possible ratea fer ie the only true plan; wo will continuo t: ■erve the public ns horetofore durirg ihe cumii'g fall and winter. Our lock consiste in every vnriet.v of READT" MADE CLOTHINö ! Pi' in n nd Fncy CLOTHS, CASSIM'FR. SILK. AND SILK VKLVET?. A ln-ge lot of GENTLEMEN'S ÏÜR. XISHING GOODS, wliicli nre all warranted DON 'T FAIL TO CJ-XjXoik "37 C3r. X-I. C?, For past favors wc aro gratcfn] tt. all, Tlie Earnc for largc ones in proportion, And those wlo see iit to cali Shall receive our best smilcs and devotion. M. Guiterman & Co. N. B. Stulpnte nnd all others who -want osee SONDHEIM' new "mode ofcut.ting will do well to cali and leavetht'ir mensuro For a Nice Fitting Suit ! OXTITEl?i.3r-iaj7 e& Co. Mrs, WIEFSLQ W, lo thp ultcntif-n ot uk t)ierá,licr soothi-ng syrup, FOR CHÏLDREN TEETI11:G, whicïi ffretttj facilitte! the procesa of trtli!Bg, bf Boften ng tlie guïns, iV.lucin all infla miuatl n- wiii ftiluv AÍX PAIN HP'l iptamodje aettafi. nd , SüflE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. Depend jpon it, ■otiMW, it "1!! !rc ms n your.,iivca, end ...... Relief and health to y íhíaíits TV e have ptn up tn and eoid thl oHic'.o for otiY en years, tnd CAN' SAY. IN C0M1D1.XCK AM ■RUTH of it, what '.fe hato nevir b n nf. to Fti jf. any otliermedi;:n'- NLVMi HAS iï FAlLtlj IN A M.NULE 1KSTANCK, TO I I I ] T A CURE, rben tfmely ued. Ntvtr dtd we knew t.n ínft; oí" di-ant ífuctii-ii by av.y who uited it. On the ontrary, tt afj di-lighted witli its oprr. ti1 cí, nnd spiak in ttrms ol cüHinifiudutii n of its nra-jicM efiVd and medual virtues. We ,peak n thU matt r 'WIIAT WK IO KNOW,'' niter t jrwt' xpcrlrane, AND!LEIK OUK UH'ITATI' K 'KOU TBK FUI I1LLKI NT W WHAT VL HliiiK CKCLAHi . In a'.ini fi cvtry in ti neo wliore tbe inf'ifit 'i'lV. r nr froni pan 6n 1 (ixhí n, reliel wfll W louffl in ftftècA fcr t-.vtnïy m nuits alltr li' BjTup i.i nrlinlnisUreii. TLis viilüable praparatíoo in the pfpicipticu of cfit of the most EXPEWKNCED and SKILU LI, KUHSW n New tn;!mi, and has Ueu utcd -n-ith MtVttt rAIUHG SUCCESlJ in THOUSANP OF CA&rti, It not orly relieves thecliil ! pn;n: b-.t Invig' irt the stimachand bnwels, crrect; acid tv. and fjles t. nj nd enexjr to tho irhoiesyatcm It w!il a'.uioit ininntlr relieve üRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COUO nd overeóme convuUions v?hch If n t ppcedlj ffin; ' died, en 1 In deHtli. Wc Ivl'eve it the TllJ-1 and SüREST REMF.IY rN THE W0RI.D. In nll cuso of DY-KNTKKY and ! IARkIKKa IN CBItuRI N, wheihi r it fln-ïes frin tecth nj or frm any oíbfr oiuhc. W would soy to rvery nitlur who b fi a clild Fu! 'rora env of the fcregoi&K cmpTnnt: - l o KOT IET YOÜR 'PKEJÜ ICES, NOB TUK 1'1'JJUI KIB OK OTHER?, fitand botween you an your RuflVrnj ch:!1, nd the relief th:t irlll 1 SU1U'- YES. Aí; OIXTELY - to fuHow the uie oí' tntfl melicnr?. if timely used. Fu!l (ííertcní f"r U"i'n; will BCG'njpsny eacb bottlc, Nons gmuilM unle-ia tle facsimile iif ( ÜRTI.Í t PET.KÏN3, New-Yoi-k, is on th outtlde w-rafpT, ííi'ld by Drug';Ut thrr; rut t'nc wi.rld. Prliiclpnl IHcc, 13 Ctdir Sti-t, JT. T. PR!CE CNLT 55 CENTS PEK B!riI.L Foraftloby Ebcfbacb 4 Co. ijTiZ. ■ TÓ TlOÜSEKEEPEriS. QOMETHING NEW.- B. T. EABCIT'S O Best Medical Salebatc. [3 manufnetured froa cijtnmjn salt, int] im prepare eiitlreiy different fron othor Saieiatus Jij All the delctericus matter extracU.-d 11 sucii t j yt nannor M to product Uref.ii, Ciscuit, ai.d ui !■ vj t tinds uf Cake, wii hout cntaining a partiële o k Saleratus htn the Bread or Cuke is bakt 1 tlierfby producin whoit'üfjme ranjlts. Every partiële ol SjUera'-usiü tumed to ga.a, nd pas rj tv tbruugu the Bread aid Biscuit whilc baliing f O sOBMaently. nothi'ig remaina bul ei rnmoü al 53 f U V'att'r. and Fioar. Y.ju win recdilr perceive, h d) iho taste of tbis .Salei-atas, thr .. It ii entitol u Uffecent froinothtrSlnitn3. ' Lj Itis packed in one pouml paper?, each ptrbranded, "B.T. Kabbftt'i Ket Meiilciatl JJ ÍQ -leratus; i.iso. picture, twntftd leaf ot breït'3. M U O -ritli a of ciTerT?sr n wat?r (;ii the tnp. fl" 'A'hen you pu-chuse oncpaper you shnulci ' rferve the vrftpper, and be particular to gt Üu next exactly like the 6rst brand ar sbove. N Wft Fullrtirectionfor makingBread wilb thls Hal H I yJ eraius and Sour Milkcr Ck-bit Tarljir, willac " corapitiy ea:h packaj; ako, dlmneat foi 's raakineall kimla of fastry ; c!so, for mnkint Soda Water atd Sc'.dütz Powder. y '9, MAKEYOCUCWN' SOA" with LJ 3. T. UADblTÏ'S PCRL tJ.N'CÏ.Vr.1ATU ö POTaSH. 4 Warrand doublo the lire&fftli of ordinar.1 j i'otaih: put up in cr.ns - 1 lb, 3 lbs, 3 Ihs, m bs, and 12 Ib. - wlth fulldinotionsfor makinii AN'D flard and Soft Soap. Consumero Will ficd tbi. k the cheapost article in market. r Manufacturad and for ale by l3 B. T. BABBiTT. "j Ü4, 86,68, 70, ST+ishineton st. , New Yorli fl r A an:l Nu SS Icdia st, Bosten. 2 i t "48yl J Herrick's Sugar Goated Pili CT CHILDREN CRTFOR THEM ! jj ss Th is remarkuhle rSj v merican remedy ís cart&yif Y%Sk Tv norm. Over Ere nii, WiM tiMffiS ''ons :f boies "r" bo1i 'Z Hoiits. Balrami njn Htfal human syf-tem In - . , :i!a''S5ful. Actinc BsJSfci glan'ls, Bolió ind Culd sss1' ,.f tbc body, iLtir n,éu att.-nded wfth the bappint eiTect. Tn oíd s(nilrr cases of sickaess, smsil doses-r 1 i-aled friquen'!' - r elenaea the ytte, thatgnod health I th nd wo chinga in aspIOTmelrt or flirt ucoe ssry. ïLeï rever caus soremoutlis, Bwelled joints, ;-,ch'nLrlirr.iifi te aa do many olhcr kinds. Tl'ey die warraotrd' o 'vt stisfaction.ortlie price refundod. 11, ey art conmdèitd cheaper, safer, prettier. aml in all respect uprijr to any purgative pill ir the v,rU. JS-lhtüieci Terv of codiiñf 2, pill with Mfrar emanr.tecl rritJ, Ir Heriick All others are counterfeits.arid iruscd, irill dn hat-m and disappoint the ci. Hwrick' pllls arelei6n-lv Pu1 . . 30 in ■ box,rA a .rfeshwt of dlrectioai, sndseÜ for 25ceuta per box; 6 boies for $1, Herrick's KrD Strexotoknino PlastKRS. Thcgmt Stn-ngther nt,, P„m D'Strnyer. The Bat avd circpest llnuseh.ld Rrmedy in thr wurlJ. These renowned Piaster cnrerams. weaknessand ditressinthebaek.sidesandbrnast, in five liour?. IdcUíí so certam are they to do thla, that t!e preprfdoi WRrrant them. spread frem resins, bulsams and guin, on beautiful k,d lther.renderMhenMuculiark adaj.ivd to the wants „f Femal„ Mn „u,,.,,,. TheirappKctlca I universal-equally to thf ■ strnnffmn,ti„. dolicitf wonmn, and the feeble infant. Tn pacli and all fhey willwoí. a balm nnd a Messing. Their me , syreeablo und with.ut annoyance ortrunbb. Fch Platw-Illwar fremoo to lour monlhi, nnd in rbelWHttie comphfnts, Mrama and bruwi, freqnentlj elTect cniw whfn all fail. ruil dirwtions will be foand on the bar kot eacb. Pubhc speakers, vocalist, minister of tintos,.! and others, will strengifcen their lunwandimpreTC thrtt voices by wearinR them on their breapt. I'rice li; cents. The nbr,ve articlr- rc 'r,l? hTu he dea!r In Ann Arl.or and l,y r)rug)rltiroilrbontbf Unnccl Stsirs Cana das nnd Sonth Am-rif , at wholosale bv all lar DrnggMtainthit lirin-ip,' fltVr BERRrCK HRnTHHR, I'l3T ra.vcnc.iL(.:iEaifcw, A'.bory.N.T. PltOK L. M1LLEW8 HAIK INVIGOEATOK. AD lU'f'ECÏIVr, SAFE AN"l: KCOXOJUCAI. Ct'Ml-OU.ND KOP. RESTORING ;1UY HA IK to it orinal color out dyng, au i prevent !hp Iiair trom turning grar FOR I REVENTIN' BA1.I NBSS and curig it.wheo tier. ' is the leaat partido of Titliiy or piraUw ccuxj remaiumj. FORREAIOVINü SCURF ANC CAXDKLTF, and II cqUneous affeciious of the tcalp. FOB EAL-nKVlNü nu.' equallod gUas Hud brilhincj, making it "soft am. ailkr in lts texture an 1 cansing it to curl readilv The grtst celobrity and n.e n;reasing darnaad Cor thi nnequalled preparation, enovmes Lbe proptietor tblit ■ u trial isonly necessary to sarlaf) a cli.-ccinn:Si,iblico( it uperior a.aalitiM „ver any other prrpatation t i,wn muse. Itcleanses tbe Ucad and scaip (rom aetérvff ,4 Ar ruínnto'ísrtwajf,,. tho lmir lorroí ■ rieb.Bofl, gi,,v ni feuMt ,,,. loaniuce,anl alsuwbcre 'he liair 15 luoi,lnc anj ibií,nig,itwB(tn Mri8;h tod viga, u, ih root, mí reato tt growth to those pRrts whicii han ükui. bal.l, causip.;; it lo yiolrt n pak eoifir.g ffl-air 'tetan adrjdi of ljdiw nd gsutfcmeu'í R ToikwhohatahaJ the.r bar rwtored br tho n- nf this Invigorator. when all Olher prepuratioai luid fü,d L. II. has Id bl POUtuloii lttu i.nmt:,! le.t,fyin luhty. K w,ll affectoalljr pnnot the L fren ,,„■■ thahalr ñas cliange.i lt color, tbc use Oftli( luvijror.tor riU ithVertainty restore it to te arigh,Hi rfxivt It a dark. (tW arpíaranee. As a pexfuio. fur 'tho toil.t anda Hr Rentoratij it h part.suhrly recommmdod having an agreoalilc lrneranco: ul the'great (koilttln ,t afforcis in irewng thchnir. which, hen moiêt ivith th Invigorator cao be dressed in nny rpqinrc.) foiin o ■ to preserve its place, whelher plata ot 11 cun_ hfi-r tiie irrcat ilrmaml for it bv tho ladiea m M'andord toitn mude rhieU non ooght to b without, as tbu piic. placesit withm the reach of all. bo;n? ONLY TWENTY-PIVE CENTS por bottle, tobo hal t all nwwtaUo droíiíts' aal pprfumers. L M1LLER ironld Mil tho ittratlra aritrtct t4 Guardinns to the use vf hii Invigorator, la oane wb r the childrens' Halr inclines to be isk. Ibouseoflt lay ■ the foundation for a ood he.irl of ],sr as :t rcao ■■ any mpuritiCH that may bvo hecorae corneotfï miá thcscalp.thí removí! of nhioh in necer.faiy buth forth io!th cf tba cbilú aud tho future ar pea mu, rfi; OnnoN. - Xoa p"nuïne wiíhr,' tlrt ftc KÍtDff TOrTH HAIR INVIGORATOR, H. V. bk!wn In the ),', . Wholerale Dtpt. 55 I'ey St. and iH krnll ;!.r.rtnep] Marchante and Drofgteta throughout th wnrM. . btrr.i' rlisooaDi to purahaserfc f.v iLe .-,!■,;: ;■-. 1 Isc üesiro to proieiit to the A ericac Publí mj New & Improved Instantaneoua Xiiquid Hair Bye which after nn of efcwttflo eTper;m(r, I ir brought to ptrfectmn. It oye oluk 01 brown IrMsntly "viüiout n.iury lo HatrorSWn mrranttd tba bu arucle of the ktlk) in ntetem. PRICE ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 50 JET Sr., ÍVcm rrv, ToL'yl ' City Meat Markei. THBIIÏ MABKÏJT:' TO THE WRNER OF A.VN AXD FOrRTB BIEFTi, Aad '■■-::; ts itiatanU; os ] uid a full iiw i tmant of 3B1l-xr-c-sí-aa. IVE-o-n-t-ei-, whioh tbey vül aiivay? b found in rsadluífíf" ent ■ n SCirOfSTOMEBS. No russ wili bt sparoft lo 'f thoir lurï Cíe si q , a i j 1 ?,í e a t s S w eet ftiul jvitron rc:v gotííiij: thf bant RntA&rs U'#. rt .;. . Mc.tbtctto : (EsadlntiíCUr rMb AN5IHY U. 8, I'Kor-TOI'. in.Ar?'r.JÍ;' 4, ÏS9C r.' .)


Old News
Michigan Argus