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The Recent Legislature Of Michigan

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From the Michigau Faznter, March 23. Probably tlioro nevcr was a body of men got together wlio werc niore phari apical in their professious of economy, but wore in reality more reckless in their partisanship, and more blind to tbo true iuterests of the State. Wliüst professing a desiro not to add to the State expense, tliey Iiave iucreased the cost of tlie Lcgislature to the ut'.uost limit whieh the constitution would permit. Tuis is the result of their action in that direction. Pretending to a sanctimonious regard for cquality of represen tatioD, they have agreed upon ouc of the most uujust aud uuequal distributions of the (Jongressional districts that could be devised. Assuuiing particular regard for the Constitution, they passed lawswhioh oven memben of their own body asteemed it their duty to protest against, as in the case of the attempt to compel the Regenta to establish a Homcoopathic ProfeSBCtrship in the Uuiversitv. Pervaded with the idea that all statesinanship and politieal economy consisted in not fostering any eilucational or industrial developmeut, unlsss required by paitisan or selfish interests, illiberality and shortsightedness characterized their whole proceodhigs. Whilst the Normal School was eut off froui a simple appropriation of a thousand dollars to i'eplace its Librar; deetroyed by lire, 25,000 acres of swamp lands were sacrifieed to cajoio the Germán interest, and a femalc bwnch of tbe University was proposed in defiajee of tho constitution. Whilst all appvopriations to promote the agricultural and mrSehanioa] industry of the State werc dunied, even to the amount of the small sum of one thousand dollars, four thousand and four huudred dollars have been appropriated for a new oLücc not ueeded, and to start at Lansing a State nursury aud seed store, with the design of breaking down all the parties engaged in that business tbroughout Michigan. Tlie excellent provisión that enablud the State Superintendent of. Kducation to cominunicate with tbe ! lic and with the school oflioers througliout tho State each mouth was scouted at and abolished, and even the pittanco neecssary for the expenses of holding the excellent meetings of teachers iu their iastitutcs was withheld, whilst tho peopie of the State were compelled to aid in building up colleges for tuitiou in foreign languages. JMeanwhile, iu addition to all these abortivo attempta at statesmaoship, the people, after ba ving every measaro á progress aud of davelopment of tho industrial resources of the State denied theni, are called upon to pay during the next two years a doublé rate of taxation. We do not wonder, therefore, that thia Legislature is pronounced by its own friends " one of the most iujudicious and reckless bodics that ever asSCfUbled i tkc State."


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