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SOUTHERN ès .Jr.1 ■ ■ ,;: RO kD. 860. W1MKK AllKAXUEMENT. JS;i. Ir.iins nuw run uil tuin riai!, iuf'iiys exceptad, ss ■.,:i..,v.: . ■■■ i', lodo fr CliieARfi i.'tiiv pxwpi Monday al 12 15 M.,:inrt 1 J.-IO I'. M . :.n. m:i 'Air 1 in ! !' A.M. IVtniit I-r ( t:incpnl O..'IA SI. umi' ,3i P M Arriviogiu i 'hi, ■;,_.,. ('i-uní Fuledo-anMtotroil al ' '■ ' '... .,■: ! ll.Oii P '.: v , .(! ifetroit imm Coludo, at C:'.5 A. M., & ?:00 '. M. Arrivc in Detroit fruni Chicago at 6.00 I'. M.,an13.15 :■. m. Jrriveiu Toledo taim Cuioago :;.IO I'. M. .in.l A. fl. i im ■ ■■ Adrián foj JaeKon n! 0J5 A. M. and 6,15 1. M. ■ Jacksi.n tor Adrián at S,30 A. M., :ml Íl,5í P. M. COXN'ECTIOXS. Vr T.u.nrm- '.Viili Clevel 1 & r. No ÍM Road, wiih iVabash :ill Kml Road. At Ii:t!íoit - With Grand Tvunk lïaihvnv, with firrat D 'Utilway, alsn, with llur Detroit and .iihvaukee. H:iilrnm Ar Nkw Ai.'i.wv S: SaIKY K. B. ('Rossrvt; - With Trains for-lafayotte, New Albanyafcd Ixtuisville at Chicaoo - With ' liicao and Roch Islan!. Miliraukee, Chica '. Burlington nul Qülncj - N'ortb West iliiilwnv - Chicago Alton nn-l st. [..mis, [Hiñóte i'.'ii' ;;ii. atv.l to all Poinjfl Weat anl Soutli. Tr;iins nre run liy Clm-ago time, which is 20 miniit 1 tyrvt tlian To'cdo tinit. j1 - v .: . Pnt6at loeping Cars acoompanf tb : . lins .■!! this Hiiiit,-. 4g Timo aud r;in; tlie sui:e a.s by aïty otlier Rail J.VO. D. (n;Ti:i.l.. i&neral SupeKntendenV UFE IWSÜRANOE, The Coimecücut Mutual Life Insuranco Company. Accuniulatoa Capital, - 8:5,500,000. WIU.IN'-L'RKUYK? for any amonni nol exeêeding $1o,0j0 f.r tho vhole tcnp of Life prior a term of v.-üvx. i ;i themost favorabïé terms. N.H The Company U puroly raatnál and the poliep -he surplus over thoexAoteost f iunrkdJm l! ftocomoda-tèa the hisnred in the setüemeat of their premiunu ON UFE POLICIES, if doairod, by taking uroue half the amo uut, bearing interest at nis ■ . per :innum. Dividends are Declarcd Annualhj! ■' ■■,■' ■. now amounttonriT parpant on thopremiumv4ath and note, nnl aro ïucreasing thcy uiay be . :■' cnrict'l the notes. The vates of premiums areaslow as any other tpCompany andthelarse aoenmalatea fnnd if ;!: .■ 0,000 is seciirely invested, M BÖKy seen by refevence to the statement lOMto aoeordiug-to lawj, on file m ihe office ottne Couuty Ann Artmr.-tm JAME8 GOODWJN, Prest. CrvR Kor pai tituláis ajijily to JAMES C. WAT3ON, 763yl Acent at Ann Arbur, Micli. NEW YORK LIFEINSUHANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 1860, $i,7G7,l33,24 MORRISKANKLTN, President, J. C. KEJNTDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAiSr, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with the Comptrollor of the Stilte, of Now York. Dividends average 40 per ceut. annually. ASSETS. Ca-h in Rank, $ 31,355.40 lnvoste'l in securitiecreatid untler tlie lawsof ■ . f N. ■■■■ V..rk and ■ f ihc U. S., 25!,STO,7O Iti-nl K-tate and Fixtuiet, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway r-.4;oc4 Bonda and Mrtgages drawin.T 7 per et. interest 5S3,yü8.39 N(.:.x reoeived for 40 per cent.uf premiums on Hfe policios, bearing [nien at, 675,315. 85 Qoartèrly and Semi-anniial premiums, duc subse.innt'tu Janiiarj 1. 1K60 20,S5ii.38 rdtereül accrued up to Jan. 1 , 1860, S6i ! i.crued opto Jan. I, 15S0, 1,708.84 l'ro:niumson policiesin hainda of Agent, 20(44--ï.ly Í1 ,767 ,133.24 T)ra Wells and Lewitt, IMical Examinen. 743tf J. laKiiKUT SMITH, irnt Insurance Agesicy ! C. H. MILLEIÍ TS THE AGKS'T for the follovrng first elass companies: HOHB IiVSlHASCF, CUJIPAJiï, nf New York City, -Capital and Surplus, $1,500.000. CITY PIUE IXsrilAKCE COMPANY, of Hartford.- Capital and Furplus, $400 000. COTISíEXTAIj IVSi:i?AAC15 COMPANY, o: New York City. --Capit land hurplus, $100,000. ThreequcMters of the nett profils in this Company is diviileü annually among its pulicv holders. MII.I.ENAnn Arbor, December 13, 18fiO. 6m778 Conway Fire Insiirance Co., Of Conway. Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - 269.963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers. Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.VVflITNEY, L. BODMAN, W. EU.1OTT, SA HO I. ND, D O. McGII.VHA V, E. D. MOKGAN VVAIT BBMENT. JOS1AH AI.I.IS. A.H BU'LEN W. H. D1CKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGERS. Atm Arbor Refprencesï Dr. E. WEI.LS, L. JAMKS. DO?GE, ENOCH JAMES. f!APT. C.S. GOODRICH J, W. KNIGHT.'Ajrent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 one of the HEAVlfST, SAFBSI nnd BKSI Insurance Co'k. In the l'. 8. Inaures on reasonable terms, and al yays pny pruinptly. There ia no better Fire lnsuranc Company. Mo n e y Wanted, Who willLcTñdMoiiey 1 ÍAlf UEQUESTED BY SETERAi TKRSON'S to obtoin money for them at ïon Per Cent Iiterest, (OrMore.) Fnr :i n v uno willink to lotnl, I ean at ODC6 invest on gooil unencumbijrii abuni-lant II HA! KSTATK SOOorttj ab.ynumfl f inoueyamï sec tliat tho title and security are all RiOHT, ïbo borrower paying all CTcpen.ies, incliKlhij? rocordias. W. MORGAN, Ann Arlior, Gct. 7, 18S9. H51f General Land Agency PERSONS wanting farms, or rnsideDcnFinornn-it Aon Arbor, eau by CBÜingonmeeoloclfromaiist of over 1OO Farms For Salel Ofvarloup sizes trom :i, to HOO acrefach (sorne at good fliau yin this Connty.) Morethan 5O Dweling: Honses nthÍBOIty,froratwn hundred to fourthouiancdo-irooch:and ovftr U O F-triiiDIJTG IOTSI mongthefarmB nrc t he Hlshopirarm, Ï300acren, the I'ottnr farm, i n GreenOak; t"re Placefarm, a.i J 4o ) acre, ihcBlandon and Jenka farms, i n Webster; thP ritub1!, Michael Clancy, Newton Beogan, and Pallnhoi farms, in Ann Arbor; J. KingsleyM fnrm, inPittaheid'the Hatch and Hlck l'nrma In I.odi;te Pat rirkClayu farm in Frnodom; W. S. Davlson, B. n. Rakera and Ruck'e farm nSylvan. Mu.-t ! these and many otbers can be dividod to uit purobaser. E. MO IGAN. AnnArboj, Jan lst . 1SS K) EW.MOEGAN, Agent for Hatokl LifeInnr:inceC)mpany, New York. Aeumulat0d4s4t) .... $5,:iöi,000. lea '.in.' Life [nsuraooe Compnny in the U. S. Knlckerbocftér Lifc Insurance Gpmpsur, N'ew Vork, fl ftrst clus f t Go. - trms reasonabie. Homboldl Fire [ntorftnee Company, New York. Cpftl, willi ;ilAresuiihs, - - $2UU,0O0. Pooflá Marine ft Firö lïiu raneo Co.t Peoría Hl. -.hfttv i. 1 l'ireliisuranceCVa. 7ü7tf S,:.ital, .... $500,000; DEFOREST,AR:STRONG-fe CO. DRY (JOODS VIK!CHAIVTS, 75, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Na w York. W0ULD NOJIFT TUK TBATIE tblrt 'tneraro opcnln WeeUly, in nw aad baautiful iittTu, the 'W .iïiSvF 3? 3? A &&'&WÍL!$ A Nfw Print, wliioli cxcrls ;vti_v l'rint in thr Gtmotrv ■ti4a ofxeowion and ■■■■.mn fnlt Buddet i tl ora. - OarPrintaare oheaper f%n any in iiKii-Uet,and nrlb eztensiTi Onliii'H prutnplly atterulcl t# 732yl -AEYE and E AR. ■O A. CADWELL, 8" OPERM'OR ÜN TUF. KVK AND "ÏAR. For Denfncs!'. BUndne, 1 all dcfects of siin "! HenHng. DR C BEIHO ARBGÜLABPhyiMn,TitliTÏENTY vl ,; , pracUcein the treatment of ds- the KVKAN1) ËAR, m;t be ftfunfl quálídMi to llf or effeot a cure in any casu within the icaeli of human skill j85" -Vo ckarxe for an ciitnlnathn or an opinión, ar f'rr uiDuccettfiü tervica. B C 's IR! "■ tuk Kve a.vd Kiü, oi 300pp., aontaining referenc, Testimonial, Bëscnptlon 8f DisOaa, and other ünnortaoi ttWjillmtiated with Cuti, to be hadíTOW, !■■■ eniiJUi 'm CuM Ui ny pOHtago. A'Wrese Dr. CaÍWKB., 03 Kandulph stjvl oorncrDaabotn, Ciiieago UI. ly"6S Oval Picture Frames AU. SIOTB, STYLES and PBIC8S just wccivi-O aud for salo cheapat CIIOFF & MILLEU'3. Dc,3, 1890. 'SV ARE NCW OPENING, DIKECT FKOM PÜBU AND M,i!iui';ioi un-is, :i Xow and Completo atocle oi JLAW & MEDICAL J3OOKW, School liooks, Miscellancous Boolcs, Blank Books. aan STATIOHTE5RV! Wall nu.'. ITIsclos Paper, Drawing and tfathematleal Tnstnnnents, Umie, Jureaile Ubrarietfj Euvclojws, Inkij nuil Card?. GOLD And all other kinds oj Pens and Pencils winiiiiv Cornice, Bhadea nml KKture, POCKET CÜTLEKY! And evt'rythinff pertainïng to the trmlo. nnd more to wliiclulify wuulo iiivitc the attentíon of thf couutry. In coiiductinET our business, we slmll dn all ü ba tb&i no ixhm n ible man, woman or obJld shall fin'l ;u)_v fault. W( poiseas SfcciHtlea vhieb will enable us to supply our stomers at thu Lowest Possible Figures. We proposc to s.-Hfur READY PAT, uta smallmlvance. Wu i'Nprct :v proftt On our goOils, btlt Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. hare angagad. Hm services o JAMIÚS 1'. BPALDING, liercforo aio preparod to furnish Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards writlen to order, 'wih neatness and dispatcfi, hy mail or otherwise. The "Eüifibb Pp 'K Btosk," i manned by agood 'crew.' nd they will alwajs bc found on the "quarter Nftdj and willing to attend to uil with pk'anurc, wm will favor thom with a cali. líemernber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Ann Arbor, May, 1860. Mj THE BANWER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL -OF- Ü-OOD iS GOODS FROM AtJCTION. Facts for the People -OFWASHTENAW - huADJOTMNG COU.NTIES ! And tlu-ir rumorous questions answrreJ. Whii ík Everybniiy trading at the "BANNER STORE? ' - Because A. P. MILLS, the Proprietorof that Establishment has jnst returued frum the Easiern Oitieswith thö Largest, Bandsomest, Chfa-pext, and Most Attractive Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brouglit to this part of the State.] Why is Evêrybody pleased with his Stock? Becaus hlsstyléA ft re mnro beanttful, quaiity lotlor, anti prices 1üv,;t tiia at uny other store in the aomity. Why has he alicays Something New and Cheap tö Show? Because b-i has ft frienrl CDiinop.tcd witli nne f the ly Dr} (...■;- H0UW8 in Nfow Vnrk, who Ís citinn:ilst 11 BOBBIifG 11OUWD" for dbeap bargaiiu and the Int e stvles, as i they appearbom fime ío timo, an1 ntbjs way m flupplied wïth 8 vlc, and córisequftní! customers canalways tind someUiing l"n-h, NEW CHEAPand DESIRA BLE Why does 'ne sell so much Chcaper (han the rest? lïfcuise líPliüR a bi.iyr in the city all the time to takp advaDtair' oL ;li' itinual chango of the inarket, aml in thsï way buy4 hú :_r""' uiu.-h ohéappr tUan othérü can, and then he markB thera tho IiO'WEST FIGURES. Why does he $e!l Ladiea' and Childrevs' Shoeseo much cheaper than was ever kc.ard ofby the oldesl Shoemakert? Boranse lif buys liis t'ck in tbc lanS ff ihopmakors, of tlif inrimifacturcrs, fullv 'iö por cent eheaptt Uucn the 1 New York Jobbprs m'll 1 hora, and much belter irorl than f they generally keep. Ihis courisc enablcs liim to sella botter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othernscll at 50 cont,anil a botter FOXKD GAITER at j0 cents, than others scll at 75 cents. Has he any Hats and Caps? Yes, I shonM think he haa tackj oí them, onoogh to lupply tho State, at prioes luwcr thm was ever heard of round theso parts. WIi y is his Tea so much bctt':r for the pricc ijou pay than you gel al oüter places? lïccause t;ii:e- -i ■ ■ oaro In tfalecting i, aud giveahiË custoiïiers the benont of a real goOQ 75 cc-nt TEA FOR 50 CEiSÏS, ■ It h? a way he lias got. Where should you go to grt your CLOTHS and have than Cut or Made? Tu the liAN'N'Klt STORK, where tho l'eoplo'a Bannor ii unfurled for the People s ii 1. ííouth side of Public Square, a few doors west of Cook'i Ilotel. A. P. MILLS. Sopt. IS, WO. W tf MAN HOO D How Lost and How Restored. Just Publtshtd in a Sealtd Envclope, A LÉCTÜRE ON' TUK NATURE, TBKAtMSNT AND RADICAL CURE OK SPERaJÏRKHOEA, or eemlnal MTeakoeM Sexnal UebllltyJ NprVousneas and Inrv BniMloni Uduclng Impotency, aml Mental and J'hskMl lnrnpacfty. ÜY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, II. D. Author of the ■ Oreen Book." Lc. Tho wnrM-rci. r, m thix fulmirublp I elearly provesf ihisewn experlenee that the awlul contoquencM of elf&ban my 1 Bectaally re ired without medioloo and itii ml dangorong nrglc tious, 1). . oiitamo.lit or cun at . - ■■ joytain nci elTecl which every snlicrer, matter wh:it his oojJ'lilion may ),■ mar cure hlmsulf ditaply, priaady a-mi radtcatty.- Thlí tacto will pro a dood ta thavwadi and thonsSent under seal tn n aiWwsi, i.üi.1, on the re. ,-..,,1 „t two w tagi tami .1. 0. KLINK, 1Ï7 Buwfrj Nw Vork _ 1W Bt, 4,586 '85 BÜY YÜÜR CL0TH1NG' Cleveland Clolhing House Whare thej now nd Wintor Clothinu at greatly itEIDXJCEID PRICES, A fewdoor.f Westof Cook's Hotel, Bocón Btreet. Ann irbor. '"-" A, & C. LOEB.


Old News
Michigan Argus