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Our City Election

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ïlie Annttal Charter Election of tura City camo off on Monday, and tho " stati&ticnl" result isgiven u apotbur column. Tho Demócrata went into tlic cóntest ugainst an exultan t, oonfident, and detcr inincil eneuiy, fought tlio batt'.o in tho face of .1 llepublican majoriryïof nt least VI') in tiio City, :ind eamè out of t tuoró tlian !;lf tb-j vlctors, dividing the City offices oqiuilly w'th tho Uepublicans, and tc itiring a clear uiajorHy of llus Cohïk '. The Republicana elect Mayor, Justiceof the Peacc, Marshal ; the Alderman and Ooustablc iu the First Ward, and the two Aldermcn añil Constable in the Fifth Ward. Tho Dorooorats take Recorder, Collector, Street Comiuissioner, two A!dermeu in the Second Werd, Ac Aldermsn and Constable in the Tliird, and the Aldcniian and Constable iu the Fourth. In the Secoud Ward therc was a tic on Constable and it was decided by lot, tho Democratie candidato beiug the wianer. Eaeh party takes one Sipcrvisor. So ïnuvli for the facta. As for specultttors, it is confidently assertcd by thein that the Democrats would Iiave cleeted tlie rest of their ticket liad not the Ropublicana carried too niany guns to start with and seattcred ammnmtion too freely over the field. The Republican candidato for Mayor has long had aspirations in that direction and pretty suecessfully laid h!s coins (coins) before itisDON was designated as his competitor and got a start, liad Hisdon had the sauie eaily start, and the sanie e.drauvjant ambition, we are inclincd to believc that he would havo laid Miller out; and as t was he made a first rate run. The First and Secoud Wards did nobly for both the City and Ward tickets; the Third and Fourth put their Ward tickets through all right, but showed a screw lose on partof the City ticket, which it eertainly cost som ething to loosen. 'l'he l'ifth Ward shows a petty strait vote except on one The Democrats have nothing tQ complain of, and niay hope to do the. " clean thing" anothor }:car. ïhc City Council for the ensuing ycar is as follows : Maioi - John F. Miller. Recorder. - Stepheu M. Webster. Akkrmen - lst Ward- E. S. Smiih, Wm. MeCretn'y 2d " - Wm. S. Maynard, Lewis Fritz. 3d _ Wm. II. Beesimer, N. B. Nyc 4th " - 11. Iloopcr, W. Jaekson. 5th " - M. II. Cowles J. T. SwaihcL Democrats 7 ; Republicans (in Italics) 5 ; new members ed. í Aecordinfi; to the indientions of seatlering, returns MANNiNGJthe lipubliean candidato ícir Associato Justice of the Supremo Court will not have a inajority to brag off, even though runninfr alone. In Detroit but, 1193 votes wero polled, and Maxxino was beaten in two Wards by an indopendent-antifive-gaüon-Kepublican-Gennan candidate. In this and many other Couuties no DemocratiR tickets were in circulation, nnd tho Demócrata did not genererally vote1 In othor localities Walker was probably run. Had the Demoerats had a candklate in the field he might have been eleoted. A Hay of Lioiit. - Coldwater villftge has been giving liepublican majorities, for the last three or four year?, ranging from 200 upward; Coldwater has just beeu made a City, and the first Mayor of Coldwater, elected on Monday last, is our old " boss " and instructor in tho " art typographical," Alukiit Ciiaxiileu, a ötraight-haired Demoorat, Tho Democrats also elected several other oflicers. Wo congratúlate Major oa his suecess, and the new City on its good fortune in securing so good an ofTiuer in the outset. SJST We had hopctl to present our readers this week with a completo liet of the offieers elected on Mondny last in most of the Towns in the Gounty, but, we lvivo not boen furnished with the names in but two or three Towns, and of course cannot givb thom. We hear f rom thisTowu that it has deeted a Democratie Supervisor, and irom another that it has elected a RepuWioan ; from this that it has elected a part of eaoh ticket and irom the othor that it is " clean Republiean." This does not gives us the data. Send us the list of offieers elect, and " faith, we'U print thom." L3fT Tho Demócrata oí Sharon elucted their candidato fop Treasurer, Wm. Sherwood, by a majority of about 10. Joiin J. Rjbison, our candidato lor Supervisor, milde a noble run, and was bouten by only three votes. -- - - LL" Tho Domociats of Bridgowater electetl .their whole ticket by an ncroased majority. DjUtiVti LkBarox is Supervisor again,ana í- W. Palmbr Clork. Wo havo not boen furnished with the namos of tho Othor officeiPfp As election is already over we need not pubüsh the proceedings of the Durnocratic City Conventioii held on Friday last. SuTice it to say that it was full and harmonious, that llev. Ghohoe Smitii was Chainnan, E. M_ IIenrujiks, Sucrotary ; and that the following City Oommittec was appointed for the ensuingyear: Messrs. A , J. Sutherland, W. S. Manyard, N. B. Nye, E. B. Pond, and R. B. Chaso. S2F In Oaklund County, Harky C. Andrewa, Repoblioan, was elucted Judge of Probate, by a majority of 720.


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