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SrECIAL NOTICE3. THE MAKKETS. Offick of the Michica.v ARGrs, 1 A.n . AKiiOR, April 4, 1861. ƒ The followlng are the Rolling piices of the principal articles of produce offereed in uur market. Wheat nd, bn. - - - - 85 9J 11 white bu, 1 ,0C Barloy.cwt. ..... 1,55 Corn.'sliellcil, ..... 40 " car, - - - - - 20 22 Bnciwheat. bo. .... - 42 O& - - - - - 20 83 Kluur. red. bbl, ..... 6.00 " white, ..... 5,50 " ná, 1. 0 Ib, .... 2,50 " white, .... 2,75 Rycflnwr. ..... 2,25 Corn Maal, - - - . - 1,50 HiK-kwheul flour, ... . 2,25 Kaïns, ..... 50 "5 Flux Scf.l, lb, ..... 03 Timnthy Seed bu. - - - - 2,25 300 ( lorer eed, bu. .... -4,00 4. S0 Hay, ton, ..... 8,00 10,00 W.m.1, pcrcord, .... -2,0030 Crapberrln, bu. .... 2,00 2, _5 Bcol.hind qr. ----- 04 05 " foreqr. - - - - 03 04 Port dremed cwt. .... 5,00 0.00 Matton, lb. - - - - - 04 i;4 ï - - - - - 07 08 Cilcken. .... 00 07 Kgffs, doz. - 10 Bntter, Ib. - - - - - 12 14 Cleeje. lb. - - - - - 08 09 I-nrd, lb. - - - - 10 14 Ttlltow. lb. . - - - - 10 12 Potatot's, per bu. - - - 20 25 Orjions, por bu. - 60 Turnlps, ..... 20 Applcs, groen, - - - - 25 38 '■ diivd. , - 1,50 l'eaches, - - - - Jl lliniv, cnps, lb. - ... 10 BeeswAx lb. - - . - - 30 Balt, rock,tbl. .... 2,25 " line, bbl ..... 1,8S Piaster, ton, ---.-- 800 O. H. R eT-a.-.--Bi'"v:s.i-.--,--;j;f"ÑaifrW Passeíger tiiitns duw luave the several Stations in lilis Cuuuty, as folio Ws-, GOIMG WEST. Kal. Ac. Hay Ei. Jack. Ac. Nirht Ei. S'!, 8. 05 A. M. 11 29 A. M. 6.45 r. m 11.10 r. K. tanArbor, 8.S0 - M 11.40 " " 7.10" " 11.35 ' Bflter, 9.00 "" 12.05. PM 7.55' ■ I'lu-Uea, 9.20" " 12.20 " " 8,20 ' ' (Í O I X G F. A S T . NislitEx. .Tnck. Ac. M.iillx Kul. A Cholsoa, 6.30 a. M. 8.88 r. 11 Í.2C )■ m Dexter, i üó " " 3.55 " ' S . -I r, e .nn Arbor, 4.40 A 51 7 .: 5 " " 4.Í0 " ' 9.21 i'psilanti, 5.M " " S I .ri '■ 4.-ÍP ' ' 9 60 IMPORTAÑTtoFEMALES (dfUfy. +} THE HEALTH a au UFE 0FW0MAN II coiattnually m peril if she is raal cnough to neglect r maltreat those fioxual to which twohirds of her sex are more or less subject. DtR. CHfiL8EMAN'SPILLS, prepare! from the same ormula which the inventor. rOUN'EUrS L. CHEESEilAX, M. D., of New Tork, hns for twenty yearsused ■ !'v in an extended private practico - immediately without puin, all dtflturbances of Uiu iioriodical lisc'.iavge, whetlier ansinji from relaxfrtion or suppresiion. They act líke a efaArm in remoriug tbe pams that icecinpany difficult or iinmodorate me-stru;ition, aud ire the only safe and rvliabls remedy for Flashes, Sick leadache, I'aius in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpita tion t' the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterics, Sp-ipms, irnkt'ii ?lej) itnd otner unpleasant and dangerous effects ►f an unnatural condifion of the sexual funettons In lie worst cases of Fluor Albu$ or Whites, they effect a peedy cure. To WIVES and !Vt-A.TIÏ-OlsrS ):;. t'ilï-:K-l,:Uri J'll.L are ific-ed as the only safe iioans of reoewing interrupted monsti-uation, but. LAD1ES MUST BR AR IN MIND There is one condiuon of the femnh system in which the PMs c(in7iot be taken wi hout produciy.g a PECULIAR ? ESUL T. The cmidVion referred to iê PREGNA NCY- ht reauït, MJSCMtlÜAGE. Such ís the irresistible endency of the medicine tu restors the seiual ftiction$ to t -normal condition, tfiat even the reproductive power na.tu.rt. canñat resitt il. directionê stating teken t and teken they êhould tot be ustd, with each Box, - the Price Que Dollar each lux, f.öntaining ó0 Pilla. A vahutblo l'a-nphlet. to bo haiï frec, of the Agonts. iHs sent bij mail prompthj, by encloeing Ttce to any gcnt. Bold 1 v Druggtais geueral v. R. lï. HUTCH1NGS, Troprlotnr. 0 Cidar-St , New York. ■or ?Me by MATMARD BTÊB8INS A; WI1LON. and 1RENVI1XE & IrULLEB. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S PÜLMONIC WAFEES 'im Original Medicine Established in 1837, and the firs article of the kind ever introduced undtr the name o " l'i r.'ic Wafkr ,'f in thin or in any other country all other Pulmonic Wafers are countorfeils Tiie gen can lje known by the name IÍKYAX beingstampe on each WAKER. lii.YA.v's l'ri.MOXic Wafeiïs lU-lieve ConghfCWde, Bcre ThrojU, Hoarseness. IïltVAX'a Pt'LMOVlC WAKKRS Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difücult Ureathin. Bryax's Pui.mümí: W'afkhs Relieve Spittingof lïlood, Pain in the Chest. Bktan's I'ulmonic Wafkrs Relieve Incipient Consumpti()n, Lung Diseasea. BrYA.x'í Pl'LKOMC WaFL'BS Relieve Irritatioa of the Uvula rfnd Tomtti. Brtas'í PriMOXic Wafkks Relieve theabove Coinplaints in Ten Minute. BitYAX'h Pn.MOSic Wafkks Are a tteHlng to all Classes and Omstitutions. 1ÍKYA.NS l'riVUMC U'AKKltS Are adapted to V'ocalists and Public Speakers. Bhya.Vh Pilmo.vic Wafkr Are in a simple form, and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Pducorio Wakers N'ot only relieve, butefTect rapid and laatiug Curea. Bryan's Wafehs Arowarraated to give satifactiou toeverj ooe. Nofamily nhould be without a bor of " Brjran's Pulmonic Wafers " in the house. Xo tra veler should be without tí supplj ot "Bryan's Pulmonic Waters" in his pocket. Xo perron will over object to pivf; for ' Bryan's Pulmonic Waftus " Twenty-íive Cents. .JOB H08E8, fiolerniprii'lor, Rdchcsier, X. Y. Bold by Grenville k Kuiler, andall good druggista in the L'uited States and Cana. las. MOTHERS READ THIS. The following isan extract from a letter writtf-n bv the pastor of a Bapti-t Cliurch to the "Journal and Ifauenger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and Rjieaks volumes in faro ol that world rtnowned inc:dicine- Mks. Wixs low'sSootiiing Strup for Childbut Tkkthiní; : 'Wcrco an adveítiRemí-nt in your columns of Mrs. Wln8lowBftoothing8yrup. Now we uever sa.d a word m l:iv,r „f a patent medicina before in our Hm-, bat w tl"1 compelleato sa.y to your readers, that this is no -WK IIAVK TRIBD ÏT, M KNoW it TO BK IT IT CUIK8. Jt te, probably, one of the moM suceewfu] medicines of the day, beoaum it is one of the oost Andthowof yoarreadew who have babies cau't do it better to 1 y in a mgfly " tec ailviTtisciiit-iit n another column íi, Coughs. The sudden change.s of our climate are HourecK of Piti.ho.vaby, Bmo.r.iiiAL,andAsTHMATic Apfec Tio-f. Experience haviog proved that Bimple remedies often act speedily and certainly when taken ip the early f.tapp of tho diieasfi, recouwe shouM at oucr b had to 'Brown's Broncbial Trtiche?,1' or Losenges, let tbeCold Cough, r Irrilutioii of the Tlnoat be ever so btjght, asb -bis precaution a more seriouH attackmay lii effectuallj waroed oiX. Ei bucSfb iiEBsand .GEma wül findthem Bffectual .-uhig the rofc. Poe i SPRING GOODS. _____ EICH GOUDS. CHEAP O-OODS. BACH PIERSON HAVE just opencj a Urge nnd well eeleetd stock of Srxl3Q.g; Grood.s. latest styles and patterns including fB-.innrer. reinan? 3aiiDs.S3s w PÓPLINS, CHALLIES, DE LAINES, TRIMMINGS, H U M M E R SÏÜFFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLES, all Carefully sclected, Waranted to please, and for sale cheap. OOAXX1 YV3M3Z S3333. BACH A PIERSON, March 26, 18G0. 793tf 1801. 1861. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.H.MILLEN&CO. Have removed to Iheir Rrick Storf1 recently occupied by A. Dei'orest, anü are tiow recciving a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS FOB THE SIPRINa TEADE, Among which are &ple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NEW isTYLES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BOXNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &c. Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, & CROCKERY. Aho an enlire New Stock of Carpets and Ci' Cloths, of New and Beautiful Palterns, THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT PRISTIÓ PEICES! An we can satisfy all who wilt rali and examino our Stock, that (juodsare Chtapthis Spring ftr CASH OR READY PAY. C H MTLLEN & CO. Ann Arltor, March 20, 1861. 2mT93 Important National Wcrks, l'iihlished by D. AITI.ETON & CO., 34G AND 343 BROADWAYNEW YOEK The trórkl are sent to Subscribers in any part of the country, (upon reccipt of retail price,) by mail or expreM, prepald: THENKWAHERIAN A 1'opuUr Dictionary of General Knowledue. Fdited by ÜEO. iiiPLïT and Cuarlks A. lU.v.1, aided by a numeroua select eurps of wrilers n all branches of Sciences Art nd Literature. This work is bciug publishedin a'bout 15 large octavo volumes, each cooUiimn" Töütwo-column psget. Vols. i., il., ui., iv. v., vi, Vu., vin., & ix. -iic dow ii'M'lv, each containmg near S.üflOorigin'al ai'ii c!c-i. An additional volume will bo publislied once in about tliree nvmths. e-lei'00' '" C1Uth' -83' gl'eeP' S3'50' IIalf RuSs!a' S4 5 The New American Cyclopffidta is popular without bent- superfleial, learneii without beiug pedan tic, compro. iensiv( but sufflclently detailc-d, free from personal pique ind party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate It is a complete ataieiuent of all that is known upon every imjortant topic within the scope of human iutelligence - ivery important artiele init has been specially writtfn for it pages by men whoareauthorities upon the topic on which they spcak. They are required to bnn the ubji-ct up to the present moment; to state just how it itaMl vntt). All Ilie statistical information is from the atest reports; tlie geographical accounts keep pace with he laterti explora tions; historical matters indude the resheitjurtTiews; the biographical notices ods ak not nily of thedead tmtalsoof the living. It is a hbrarj , ,vV?.riKMK!VT OF THK EBATES OP COSIGltESS Being a l'olitical Hi,to,y ol the United States, from the organization of the firet Federal Con. mu in BK lo 1S50. Kdüedand oümpiled bj Hon Tno IUrt BBnoH.from tue Official Records of Conrren The work will be completad in 15 royal octavo" volumes of ,50 pageseach, 11 of which are now ready n mloitloMl volume ill be publwlwd once In three montha tloth,,$3; Uw Sheep, IIalf Mor., Hall Calf. $4.50 each. A WA Y OF I'IiOCT-RIXG THE CYCLOP.EDIA OR DEBATÍS Form a club of four,and remit tiieprice of fourbooks ind Hve copies will be sent at the remitter's expeomfoi carnasci or for ten subscrihers, eleven copies will be sent at our expense for carriage. To Agcnts. Ko other work will so liborally reward the cxertions of nub. As Aobkt w.i.vtkd i.v thisCoüntt Tem nadetnown on application to the I'ublishers Aun Arbor, March. 1859. 690amt -g I!ev. Tnos. Whight, agent at Kiune & Smith Book Store, Ypsilanti. Ann Arbor Marble Works. BATCHELDËiT& EISELE. p AVE on hand fine assortment of American and 1TALIAN Af A li B L E which they are prepared to manufacture into U0NUMENT8, HEAD STQNES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPS tc., &c, 5tc, e., in all thoir varietk-s, and n a WOHKMAXI.IKE manner. Ilaving had considerable evperience in the business they Matter themselves that they will be able to please all who may favor them with their ori.ere. Their prices LOW AS THE LOWEST. Those wishing any tliing in thñr line are respectfully n -itcd to cali BATCHKLUEK & EISELE. Ann Arbor. March. 6,1861. 700vl To Rent oï Sell A "Kit TH8 FIKST DAY OF APRIL NEXT, I will „.11 X. or rent iny house and lot on the DOrnor of Iluron and First ttn-c-tx, opposite the residencc ofjudge Granger:alfo two half lote, one on the corner of Ann and rirat iti-ects; and one on First street, between Aun and Huron streets. For terms apply to K.P.A ri.ATT on the premise-, any oue wishing to rent the house had bètter apply oon . BZBA l'LATT Au Arbor, Mareh 15, 1861 . 1000 Fine Over coa ts ! Fur Sale Cheap at GUITERMAN & CO'S. "To the Unemployed." AGENTE WANTKl) t.icanvassanilsolicit orders for the I.ittle üiant Seuing Machine, l'rice only $15. To enerjjetic and Iriistworthy youns; men, we pny a salary ol $45 per monlh and expense, or a commission by which from iflIOto $1000 per year can be made. Tliis is a new machine, just pateuted, and we wi?,h an agent incver.v town or county in the State. For particulars, deacriptire catalogue, &c, &c,, cnclosea stamp, and address, l t. l'AGE, Toledo, Ohio. 4w'91 General Agent r er L'. KTotice rS HEREBT GIVEN that the Animal MerUng for the A electie. n of ollicers of the Ann Arbor Cas l.iL'ht Co will be held at the office of the Companv, ai the Qaa orks,onKridaythel2thdayof Apr.l; t 4 oclock, 1' " JAM1ÍS CLKME.VTS, Sccretary. ' Dated, Otliceofthe Ann Arbor (Jas laght Comiany, March 8th,18Gl. CARDS1 CARDSÜ CARDSÜ! Having pHrchased a RDOaUBBoun IUjmo.vd Card Press, witb a flne mort ment of Card Una, tha AMr prepared to print Card of all kinds in the neateat posiible tvle and tl ■ greal redoction from formcr price, inolading Bculneaa Card formen of all aTocatioinandprofosüion, Buil, Wedding, and VtalUuj '-.. etc. (Sill, ïfv u jours ordvrs and ene