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Ho for the M-ïmmoth Cabiuet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JUST OrESTJj IN THE IR ucw ud Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIIlKOF ÍIAINSTfiEET, ja.Krasr arboh A complete stock of ROSEWOOD, M AHOGAN Y SliTS OF PARLOR FURNITURE INCLUDIXU Süfus, Tetea-Tutos, MahOMHT RoM-Wood, Black Walnut, I'hun anit Harble Topjici IlOáEWllOÜ, MAIIOGAN'V. BLACK WALNCT, FANCY AND COÏTACE CBAIHS, &c, &c, &c, &c: .m. oh s j 9 Kleeant MTRRORS, BUREAUS, SECRETARIE?, Complete BED-ROOM BKTd, 1NCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -OFIlllllilll ■tiltil Of the best quality und DWMest In Tact thcy Kvorj ■Ihing 'villi whiob. to l'urnish PABLOR, nornom, SITTtNO ROOM. OH KiTCIIEN, AND OUR CITI2ENS NEED NO longer go lo Ietroit or etoewhen to find a largo assort BOÉ. This PURNITURE musut be solii and wfll be sold at VERY LOW f RICES! &&■ I-et every m;in aud hts wife or going to be wife COMK AND SEK. Thcyalso have a HE A USE CA RRIA GE, And are always ready to atïml to Ihe burial of th( dpad in the City and adjoining country. Wari'-Koomseasi gids ofMaiaStoeet, batweBn Washington nul Liltt-rty 0, M. MARTIN'. 0m793 C. B. THOMPSON, L. F. RANDALL, Dealer in PIANO FORTES, MEL0DEONS, SHEET Music Sf Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - SÖCH. PliLNO TORTES from the manufactory of A. H. GAU & CO. of New York, for whm I am agt. I wil! warrant inferior to none, in style of finish quantity oi quulity of tone and promptiu;ss of actiou MELODEOKS, manufaeturcd by 1-HKLP k CHASE, SjractiSe N. Y. & KSTEY & (iiíKHN, of BnUUeboM Vt. I will warrant .sujKn'iorto any in the nuirket in c-very rei) eet that pert&ins to the good qualitiesof aMelodeon. 1 have on hand and am constantly receiving froni the pnblishers largo qaaa ties of the most popular SHEET MUSIC which t ill send bymrtil to any part of the country, on receipt of m;irlíed pHees, A good asbortmeut 01 GUITARS, VIOLINS, TIAKO Stoolii,' Bows Strings, Instruclions Eooliá for all instrument, CIIURCH MUSIC B00KS Glee Boules ty:., $r,., Ifc. The usnftl discount lo tli' Profr sion. Musical Instr umentt tuneil an i rapaired unlsatisfactmn guárante c ui every veslu'ct. 1.V76T T.. F. RAXDAI.L, DO Y0U WANT WHISKERS? DO Y0Ü WANT WHISKERS? 110 YOU WANT A MUáTACHE? DO YOU WANT A 11USTACHE? BELLINGHAU'S CFI.EHÜATED STIMULATÍNG ONGUENT, For the Wiiiskars and Huir. The subscribers toMe pleftsorfl in annonncmg to Ihe dtiïwof the Uoited Statea, that they have obtafned the AgêDcy lor, ati-1 ire now enabled to oüer to the American public, t lie abuve jus tl ƒ celebratud and worldTHE STIMULATING ONGUEUT ih prop&red by D. 0. P. Iïki.Ungham. aJJ eminent phyician of London, und b warrautod tabrlng out atbick set of WMskers or a Mustache in fromthree to six weekfl article is the ouly one if the kind used by the Freneh, and in Londun and I'aris it. is in universal use. It isa beau ti Tu I, ecnomical, soothing, vet sfimnlatinp compound ftctingaa it'by raagi?. upott the rooti, eauslng a beiutiful groWth of lnxuriant hair. l!' upiilied to the scalp, it wlll cure itAi,rNi:ss) an 1 cauM to spring up in place of the bald ppota a flne growth of new liair. Applied fieconlinir to diiTCtions, it will tnrn RED or towy Uair d.uík, and restore gfar hftir to íts original color, eavíng it aoft, smooth. and nVxible The -OMiVKvr' .s ña indispensable article in overy toilet, and alter one weeks use they would not for any consideration be witliout it. The subscribir are tl only Agenta f ir th nrticle in the Unitet1 States, to whom all orders must be addressed I'rice One i ollar a box - tor salo by all Druggi&tfl and Pealn; or a box of the. "Onguenf (warrantel to have the desiredeflect) will be ent to any who defire it, by mail (direct), securely packed on receipt of price an5 poatagfl $1.18, Apjily to our addross HORACE L. IIlüKMAN &C0., DMJOoran, ac, TSSmG '24 Wi'liam títieet, New York. THE CAMPAIGN OPENCampion's IPlatforra ! THE subicriber bas just rcturned from the tast with his Fall and "Winter Gr O O X S Which he tl Datermined to Sell AT TUK LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH! at which, First Quality Gods can De ahorded in this city. My clohs ore all of the FINEST QUALITY and as I manufacture thom into clothing myeelf, I ara enabled to WARRANT EVERY ÜARMENT I sell. to be WELL MADE, wliich is a strong inducement to customers to patronize my store in preference to places where Inrge quontitios of half made goods are kept for sale. - I have the latest fa-bioxs, and can give you as Fine and we'l Fittiny Garments as can bt bought anywhere, l am bouud to sell CI1EAPER AND BETTFE GOODS ! than any otlier similar establishment in tliis city. ïour custom ie most respcctfully invited. M. CAMPION. Ann Arbor, Nov. leGO. 773yl FIRE ! FIRE ! WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS Inimrance Gompany . CASH CAPITAL & SURPLUS oxrjsn. $200,000. W. N. STRONG, Aj?ent. Ann Arbor, Mnroh. 20, 1661. 792tf jtfCBït. Cure Cough, Cohli ffbrsenc, TnflnJ&SxáLW cnza, n11 Trritation er Sonncfs oj iijfrijl &'$&! TAroatf Rf.lirr.tHht llnck'ny Confk [Y'Yiftyt$M '" ■ 'n'"";"''it . Bronehüiê, AMh luiluLaUWW ma n"'1 Catanh. (.hur and VKuKmY gir. stn n$ih Inihf rot er of iVSKÖ PVBMC SPEAKERa, M3 nnrt UffGBRS, F are a ware "f the Importa neof checking a Conga or "Cumiuoii l'old" in its Bnttg;that whid) ift tlie bfiiinniiiic wcmW yield toa mild remedy, if negfectéfl ioob attacka the 1aius. -'Brown's lírmichinl Troches," coinaimngdi-iniilretit ingrediente allay l'ulnionary and Hronchial Irritatii'ii. BROWK'SI "That tronóte in my Th ron t, (f ÖT uhu-h irlic 'Troches" ua ;i speciflc) havingmade TT)nnTJ7?ca'mtíOflf!u 'A nit!rt' whldperor," IKULHliiS, x p WII.I.L. "I recommond tbefriue toPl'BUCSFKAKBROWN'S f:1!S" REV e. ir. ciiAiiv. "Have preved extremo] y ser?ici ■ TROCHES REV. HENTtY WARD SEKCHER. "Almost instant relief lo tb iliatressing BROWN'S lbor otbrthto weullar to Asimij." RKt.A. C E(;;i.F.-rrox. Tciinnuo "Contain no Opium or anythlnr Injuri lItUUilL.S,us. du. A. A. 1IAVKS, Chemwt, Botton. BROWN'S "A ltnI'l nd pleasunt combinatlon for Coious.&c.'BH. G.F. B1GEL0W. TROCHES "Beneficial iti BaONCnms.1' Ml. J. F. W. I.AXE, BROWN'S ,„ , Boston. "I have proed thom excellent fur Wnuorixu CoCGH." TROCHES REV.H. w. WARRKN, Ekmton BROWN'S ""MwBolal wheu eonipellcd to speak. -ufTül-ing iïom CiilD." TRnpn KSV. f. J. P. AN'DERSOX, TROCHES St.Loon. "EITt'ctual inremoving Baumueai and BROWN'S l'ritation of t)ii Tlirnat, 10 commoa with iSi'EAKKna and Singehs." 1 KUOtlÜ.0 jji Uranse, (ia. Teacher of Mu.sic Soutnen RROWN'S fVinnli' Colli ■-(■. oxvuii o nOrea, (jeneflt wh,,n ,.,,.,.„ „rf,)rc an(, .„.„„„„ ilfu'r pmmMiw, m th..y ptcvsnt IIi.:ii -,■ 1 KUUxlloiii'ss. From tneir past effect, I think tliev wiu bo of permaoeni adrantage to me." BROWN'P' REV.E. ROWLEY, a m. PresidMit tt' Athena Ccllefft, Tenn. _ n ■ Sold by all Drnggists at TWENTY. TROCHESKIVKCK.XTS A BOX. -C 77Omfl LXJNG& BLÖOÏT INFIRMAR Y. Fisher 's Btock Woodward Ave Detroit, Dr. S. .T, CAHPRMTEU RAINABD. DOCfORS gen. rally preünrt tliat Consnmptimi is Ivearabte, IncauM tlicy wnaoteurt it chea6lros; but tliis does not nutke it true. M&ny roecbanlcg will irorka on b job all da y and nfter (ltiinji nothing but apoil the ra&teiift] they will teil 3'on Itnever eao be ilone In the wojr you want it. But bjapplyiiu to a botter woikmaa - oaa irho tharotighly andersúdide bii bastean - you will gt youï vork iieeompliiihAfil in riiape. In thin respect tliere is tbc same dilToronce to be found in il] tr.ides and professions. Tlic bimglrrfl in mpclianism, in the art-i, Ín law, in theology, and tn physir, will y such things cnnnot be dine. And it is true llmt thoy cuuM uot beit all men wt-re like tbemBelves. Üut furtuiiatfly there is onothrr clnss of incn, ;ind these, when tlu-y t:ikc your CM6 in hand, do the jobas you want it, or restore you to healtli, accort ing to desirc. V hnve onty to rctm-mber tl s tact to Onderstand rbj one physician sliould prunouiice thut Incurable walen anofbef eaa curn. In inechiinic.", wesoinetimes tind tliat by ;i pOflsesflfofl of mperior mcins, by gome nw iiivrntinn, of vrhich be has the sola, or by the oreatef lagentty of bia niiinl, one person will make or do wlmt no -rl er c tn. Kxactly it may be so in pliysic. And Ulfa ; ttie vrry icason why I have snch preat BuecMi "ver all others in the tit-aímf-nt of Cotuumptton. liy haring the original genius, by poswutQg the I.ung-Mtttr, wliich enables me toclcarty determine tbe nature of the diseaseniid by htVfag snch roMedien for Connptiotl nn no other I'lty-iirinn ever liad, tmke boM te ay tliat ! havt-, and can etieet i cure of this diK'ïise bpyond the reach of any other man. To prove thu to have fcecn the case, I miht give you numbers upon number? of cerlilicates from mm and women given over to tbe grave, who have boen rescued and restored to health by the perwroinf use of my remedie Tor Coosumptlon. But it is Dot HMXM&'JF for me to do so here, fur ihe fact of one mii b doing what another oannot cannot, is evident toali mon of cominon sensc. If the Coiisuinptivt; wishes furt her proof than tiiis, 1 cao cnlv BB v. come and eatisfy Tourwlf by tri 1 1 of ïijy skill in the euro of your compiatt Doctor Carpenter will visit TpHllantiftnd Ann Arbof, flnring 1860-61 . Ann Arbor, at Cook'a Hotel, .'id and 4th of cueh mnntli; Ilawkins House, V]psi!anti, 5th and Btb of eaob raonth. The rtaiainder of the timo, he will be fuuna at bla Lung Intirnmiy injietroit 1 773. OF THE COr.N'TIES OF Washtenaw & Lenawee, Mich , From Official Rr corda and Special Surveys, By BECHLÉR, WENIG & CO., and GEIL & HAELEY, Beïng Fuoeessot to Geil & Harïtj , ïonogiupbioal Kng's, A ut hors of Maps of the Countk-s itf ] liilstK.le, lïninoh, Pt. Josepli, CailuMin, .laekson t'ass, V;in líuren, lïerrien, Wayui1. Ueneee, Kalainazon, ShlawAsawe, Uonroe, Macomb. St Clair, fcc., Michigan; I-oraine, Kodina, &c, Uhio; Niágara, Eríe, Cattmunf a, (ti-i-nc, feratoga, tac, ríew Vork Monmaatb, Morris, ícc., Kw Jwnej ('it of Itead ing, "&.■,., Peun.j Li porte, Xc. , Indiana - etc. , etc. Tbc undrsigned are preparing lo publufhj by Sabacription.iiii'w and c .ïnbjnt'd Maunf the ('ountics ui V-sHTEtiAm and I,k.awi:f, Mninc.ji, from carefui surreya "I the enttre HMnct, made expreasly foj thia work, and from Officia! Records aaJ otner reliable in ormation,- i'iic M.ii wiU delinéate m'nutely tb ■ rarious ;tn.l Topogra phicai features o. the Coaaties, amosg whicli in. i be enumerated the fbllovring: 1. It will show all Ui Townsbipj Sotoa, aml Qnarier Linos. '1 It will gonc rally show the Boundary Lines of Farms, and the naines of resident owners 3. It will show the location of Public Roadn, distin guishiog the open roads from those not opened. 4. It. will show the location of Cburcbee, School HouMS Hotels, Millf, Mnnufactorie, lhvellings, Sbopa, &c. 5. It will give the cour-e of Klvera and Creeks, and show the location uul outline of all nie.nnVinl I.akfs. 6 It willcontain Plan of the Principal Villages, show. inj; the Streets, LotR, and localion of Buildinpa. Each Villaje Plan wIU also contain a Directory, giving the ïiauifs and business of villaje Rubacr ibera. The recorded add.tionsto Villa ges will be dtettoguiahed by colora. 7. I will i:if the course of linil Roads conipleled,and alsn such as are now n ptocem ofüontruction. 8. It willcontain u DUtanoe Table, gïving thedistance bv the most direel opeotroadsj betwéen anj twp Villagea in th District Í). It will contain a Business Directory of oonntry subscribers, giving theirnames, eccupution, and the section on whicli thty reside. li. Views of Private Residences and prominent Buildings, will be Piigraved on th margin, by special contract onl". In order to secure au intertloa, early application sliould be made tothe Agentsin tht-ir respective diMiictrt. 12 Tbe Map will be neatly eagraved, hundsaancly colred aubetanttally bacfced witt oauslin, aöd mountedon ■oBern. No palns nor expense wiUbe spa red to make the work ii rrv respect worthy of public conlidniee. The price if the Kap will beat the low ra-te of tfixDoUr per copy, payabte on di-livery. Authartiec ateatswBl vmit erery portion of tlie Dis trict, tor the purpose of perfëcting the work, and. at the snnw time, to solicit patronage to ,it. Upon their cali, will, be the time to subscribe, in order to ubtain the work ia it will be üold by subscriptien only ('nniniunications in regard to businews pertaining to this Map, if nent to Ass Akimr, Mich., will reeeire prompt attentlon, GBIL & HARLEY, Pubiisheis. 1, ■ . A rrcinium hal been ''awimh'd by th" Michigan State AgricuIturalSocu-ty. to (kii. Ha&LW k foVKBn, 'or their County Stapi en exhlbition at the Annua. Fair, udd in Detroit', In 18i;0. Öee Circulara which will ba dissributed. 7S9m3 City Chcap ïiumber Sash, Doors Uitwis, Piaster Paris Grand Iiiver Piaster, Water Lime, Natis of all sises, Olass, Paint and Putty, cfec, cfic. , D. DeForest, HAVING tncreased his faftilitiea for doing buai' ncss and enlarged his Yard and Stock, is pre(jaiüd the present aeaaon, with tke bes;, Inrgosl and cheaiest aeaaoned stock everin this mirtee tu BHtisf'y the reaeonable expeetations of all. Óui motto ia notto be undero!dt'or ensh on delivery I wiil not undertaketofriahlenthe public bysaying that they will getshavedii they buy elsewhere, for we presume that utber willielluslow asthey can afford to. All kinds of Tiraber, Jétela, and Scantling, Pine, Whltewood, Bnsawood, Hem jock, Plaiied and Matched Pine, Whitpwood Ash Klooring. Planedand roueh Pinranii Whitewood aicünü, Kenc(. Posts, OekandCedar l'oste and l'ickets ol all kinds. piu fatlj, anii UHjitcwoob { Ptne, Ashani Whitewood Shinglef, Bain Boards and Barn Floor Plank, Hlm-kWn .lUt.Hiid t.'hi-rry Bud thin tuH, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Box and Body !,umber,Maple Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Bcech, Oí'íi!l-,hickne8BeB,width8 audlength, cc. te, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinde. 3STa,ll5i of all sizeB, &c, te. SASJT, D00RS,db BL1NDS, made by hand toorder rs lowna factory pricpa, on the shortestnotice bythe bcstof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Billii ofall dcacription in the nbove building line furni8hedontheh:)rtf;gtof notice, for We have Mills Cutt'mg Regularly A ful! anda perfect aasortinent of the above auc other kinde uf Huilding Matei als OoDstantly onhundattht lowestpossible rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rod-i southfrom. R. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOPING. N.B - I am now operating Extensivelj in the Pateut Cement Roofing. GO TO GUITERMAN & CO'S FOR ORRKLY'S PAT5IIT I'AN'IY_;i ne artlclo aiid jnst tho thing. They havo tlio txcliiMve fi?lit for tbe City. u [gr tiip ptrnt Trace Piif=]if n'ler.