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18811861, REDUCED PRICES. All ECindB Of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Gloves, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Flannels, SELLlTSra OXT'X1 AT REDUCE D PftZCES 2 AT STRONG'S Chcap Cash Store, EXCIIANGE BLOCK. 7S2tf MOORE & LOOMI3 Have Rcmuved to the STOKE KECENTLY OCCUPIED BY C. MACK, Phoenix Block.East side of Main St., AND c HAVE In Store SffiJH W A LnrSe STOCK C6T 0F BOOTS SHOES Of every desciiption which will bo S(OIjI OHBAPEH THAM CAN BE BOUGH'J IN TliUCitj. aImo large assortmont o1 HOME MANUFACTURE, Of uil kinds made in Uj mest Fashionable Style nr good and EXPERIENCED WOIJKMEN, FRENCfl CÁLF BOOTS are XOTsiki'asski tliis ;-ilo of N'ew York City, anti are warraatcil nut to Kir. Our SrOGASAND KIPSs are ma'le uf the best malfiiulu )ui stock of Morocco Bootees Tor Ladiw is tho the best in town, wiih heelt or without We Makc to Oiiler, mdnever miss of si'ircra the first tiine ko give una cali and we will show vou our sto-k free of charge We have rwured the ■ervfcea of two Exieriencel .lourneymen, who do otir u-ndiiii,' in the IVeateat Marnier, xud on shortost notice. Öur motto is Quick Sales and Smull Profits Thankful for paal favor.s wc hopebjpaylng striclattentloatoonr buslnento nrit a liberal sliare of your pairona-ïf for the luture. j5L Komember we are not to lio nnáwwW. iL$y MDORE & LOOMIS VVLXES & KNIGHT har roceivcd their second purehaso of FALL -A.HSTID WINTER GOODS, Which will be sold at the Lowest Possible Priccs, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We iuvite all lo cali and be satittfied that our GOODS ARE AS QOOD AND P ft I O E S AS Ij O W na can be found u tlie city. Not. 10,4888. ' ÏT5t ANTOHEK Lh AARLÏIVAL AT THES W0LJ) AND RELIA BLE PIM CLOTHINí, EMPORITJMü fcS&jLKro. a PHCENIX BXjOOIC, MAIN STREET. bas u-t retnrrif1'! froru tlio Eastern dties, with n i.irgt mul ilc-ïiraMe Btuck of F ALL AND WINTER 3r O O X S ! , whicli he Ís noiv afcfftlf at unusually IjOW PRICESï Among bil Assortnu.'ut ma y be found BR0ADCL0T1IS, CASSIMERÈS, DOESKINS, fc VE8TIKGS, of all Jescrijitïuus, ospicuilly for FALL AND WINTER WEAR I which ho U mitting and makini.' to order, Ín thelatest nm' best fitvlcs, together with a nípprior nasortmíot of READY MADE CL0TI1ING! TRCXKS CAIÜ'irr BAOS, IMÜHEI.I.A.S, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, wíth mimemn k otlipr art'.clos usu.dly fmiinï in niniila: ertt;iblirflii!iL-iits. Al ANEMP0R1ÜM OFFASHION.. the -iulisrrilrr ílalttrs lúlílsnlf, (lint lilainng rx{K'roncc and generaJ &acc6M.wft] enflblá bim to gtva tlit; jreatoat satisnetfoa toull wnn iiüty trust liiinin tlm wiy ufinauufat'turin.Li gnnm'iiU to unk-r. Ï6tf VM. WAOXKR. 8,776994,650 VOLUNTEIRS WAKÏED! TO ASSIST IN' THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! tVhite fülks, or of whatever color, caste or nativity, wliother innfricd, single or of doubtful connexion, will liecnliated in llie noble cause of EMANCIPATIKG THE CQMMUNITI - rr.ii.M th::- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! atiil will ri;c iye Iheiroutfil ut iiie Extensivo Furnisliing Establishment G V I TE R MAN' S HEAU (UARTEBS! baving bueu estaLlisliod for the LAST TEN YEARö; our known mie of warfare is an Uiidi sguiscd Destriiclioii OF HIGH P RICES! POR CLOTHIWG For all Jigoé! Sdx and Condltions! In consoquoncc of the vcry ííttering cnciiiiragemeat wliieb we linve n-c ivcd sinco our locution in tliis ciiyf V6 h&vo ioereasej uur Stock of FALL AND WINÏEE CLOTH ING! To meet tlio demnmls of mir custoinfrs, nmï haviiig beconM more l'ully coririneed tlian ever, tlmt our Biooc of dciiliny, iui'iielv. ut tlje luwust possible rutes for RBA23T-FAY, is tbe only truc plan; we will continue t: serve the publie ms htTetol'ore duriuff the coming fall nml winter. Our Stock consists ia every vaiiity of ÏJEADY MADE CLOTHING ! Plnin nnil Fnncy CLOTHS, 0A8SIMER!, StLK, AND S!LK VELVETS, A Urge lot of GENTLEMEN 'S FURNISHINCi GOODS, whieh ftre all warranted DON'T TAIL TO CAliLAT Gr. :EC. C?, For past favors we are grateful to all, The same for lardeónos in proportion, And those who see rit to cali Shall receive our best smiles and devotioB. M. Guit er man & Co, N. U. Student nd all otbert who wnnt to see SONDHKIM'á new "iikhIo of cutting will do woll to cnlland leavutheir mensure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! Alm Ar kor, ?(it. 28. 18110. Ttilt D. L. W00D & COT LEavo Reooivocl -A. 3LA.IÍ-GÍ-E STOCK: O? Seasonable Goods! For tJa.o FALL AND WINTER TRADE, Of 186O: WHICH THEY WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASÍÍ, OR READY PAT Cali and see Before. Purchasivg EJsewkere. D. L. WOOD. Y. G. FOSÍEIÍ. Mrs. WIMSLQW, An cxperk-n ed Ni'.rs ::7il Fcaialo ï'hjiiciail, prcncuí tu tbc attention of inoíliem,b SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHÏLPREN TEETH1KG, vtafeli uri'i fttly facHttatea tho proeeM oí teetbïBjf, tr mttt n ng 1i(i !iii roducing all taftannnaüi d- will n!hn ALL PAIN uxl spwnodlc Bctíon, and la SÜRE to REGÚLATE the BOWELSDepend upon it, tooiden, t wil] jive re to ouimIvm, and Relief and health to your Infanta Wc liare pat "p nii.l nml iold ilris ■rtwle fc.r ortr tf-n rent, san CAN s.Y, IN CUNK1DKNCK AM TltlTH of it, wbet we bare cerer betïi abte to saj of, soy otlicrmMIiím- KLYER HASITKAILED IN a HLVOLE 1NSTAHCK, TO HrTKT A CTKL, whn timHy cd. Nevcr lil know nn EiMtuttcfl of diaiJaf.ifacMcn hy ;mv nlio owhI ;t. On cMitrarj, aliara ilclihtcil with ils itjit f..ti n-. luid -link in itrina of conu&endation of ín mágica I effecta and medical virtues. : iponlc in thf iimfttr "UIIAT WK IO KN'OW," after tci yftftts' (perince, AKtX Ji.KM.l. OUB RFFCTATION "OR THE Fl'l 1I1.1.MJ M'n' K WHAT WK 1IIÜK DKCLAÜE. Jilulin. M ,vrn iï!.tanr% winTr the iaf rit I-t Buffi fhï fftm pain iinl ixbiutn-nt rellel tril! be f uu ad in díu-vn ur twinty m'&ute afUr syruj is ;H!i)InistTcit. ■"; ,1 , ■ . 'l'his raluable preparatlon La the prtRclption of me of the most KXI'KIïIKNCKD and SKILIJ-TL NURHKH ín Nw Knrlml, nnl has boeu umm! with Nl-.VKK KAIJ.iXii SUCCKgd in THOUSAND 03- CASKS. It not ocly relieve tbeebfid frotn pam, bnt invii rat ■ the tonta ch and boireU, correct aeilto. aodrUi Uu endenergy tu the wholeffyatem. It wïll a!mott in.-i.ntlT relieve GRIFING IN TSJS BOWEL, AND WIND CULIO nw overeóme convnlaion, which f rmt npeedlv renf died, wil in deflth. We Heliere it the MVT iinri 5ÜREST IIEMEÜY IN HIK W0R1.H, in uil cnsi of hYSKNTl KY and DIAiUOICKA IN CUM.uül N, rlwth it armes Trom teethïBg, orfroraam othet canse. W wnul'lsiiv to tverv nu thtr whö h n ;i cbiM vulT'rlni; fretn anj of the fireg(inj? compïarnt - 1 KOT 1 tri' YolK PRFJÜI ICK. NOU TUK riïKIfl'K'KS UT OTHERS, stni'l bftween yon ml vmir sntTr mr elifW and Hip n-li. f thatwili '■■' Sl'üK- YKS. Alï: ol.L TH.Y - t fnllow tlic use of tbln innliiMit1, ïf tiint'ly iuimI, Full dlectiotifl for aslng ill accompanv r-iu-li betll, Son# gobuitw utilMa tin1 fac ilnil ff (TK.T1.S A: I'KKKIJÏ8, Vork. Ís "ii tóe outttlila vrrnppf, gtW i.y Drufflita tlirougoni tbe w rld. Piiiulpal t ffleo, 13 Crdnr Sirftl, N, 1' PRtCEONLY 28 CENTg IT.lï linTTLK. ]"..r s:il.' iiv Eberbach fc Co. Iy778, T( ) HOU&EKEEPEKS. SOMETHING NliW.- B. T. BABBIT'S 15i:st MtwCAi Salkratvs. I U mamif:ictur('l frum ciromtrtl snit, p.tul i l {iilin-lv lilíiTein firin ulhcr Halrmtuii. U ADtbedeleteriuua matter extraclrd in nurii a9 a iioaimpr as to produce Bread, Bfccnit, nnü a'!K Oi-lkindi cf Cake, w!lhmteontiihiK a uiii.i. ui B -:il.nilus hco tka Bnail or Ciike ia Inkrd J ..'■iiiy preductog whoinone rpvults. KtJY Hiailick' oí Salcnu uk i tumd Jto l;:i-. .ni'l j H I efl througij Bread and Ui-cnit buking : ( ( (;i":st!lll'nllv, Bothr'.g rcin;un bnt Cülnimin huil 9 1 ■ ii'artr, and Fluor. Vw will ruuUlf pererlvr, by a hetnifool tb! tfaW.itm, tli.-t it i, aaliteü w Ut u-m rr.)írtotlierílnlrtu8. ' lL It b paekd in one 'ponnd pnpem, paehirmp n pe r branded, "B.T. HgbUtt'a IIcmI,-,; JJ (? Q -iaUü-atiii;" abo, pfctúro, twlilcJ leaf of M UO v',Ui a glom oi' pfTervftftfíiDg water n the top. - rt 'Alitnyuu pu:cliac ODe paper you hlioul'! prf-'M Uenw the wrapper, and particular t tii-t Uit m-t exactlv lil.c tlio tirt ■ brand aaaborr. Tt Cff) FulIdlrcrtloBnlormakinffBreadwItri tltta fal H I v atiMandSulir Utlkoz ( rtaip T;irtar, uillac ' maklnjraii kinns of Pnntry; alio, fur maklng 5 Suda Water aod SoiUlitit Ponders. ; 9 UAKF. VOL'lt OWX SOAP wHb u b. ï. BABMrrra pure coxcentraid ü POTAfH. J Warranted doublé tba Rtrcngtb of ordinarj H "ntash: pul op In r::v,-t ]',,.■- . 8 ib. f 5 I,-. nd 18 11 is- wi'li ruil ditretiooiifnr uutkhig "■ ANP ilar.l m;p! .-.'it s .ai. Cvnsumers w.ll linJ thi. K be ilieapent artieM (n uarket. r Uauufacturvd and (ut ale bv kl 11. T. liAül'.lTT. ) 56 88, TO, Ü74 Wnshliwtnn t.,Ncw Yurk.ifl 7 j audKu CS India t.BnuUa. 11! 4 74-yl ij Jor the Specdjj and Permanent Care of Seminal Wcakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissiont, Jïervous and General Dcbih'ti, Impotcncct and all Diseases arixing from JSwUury Habits or Exccssivc Indufcuce. T FIERE are thousands of Young Men, as well na Minm. Aged and Oi.d Men, who are siifl'cring to soine vxtfol from the above diseases. Slany, perhaps, are not awart of their true condition, or wlien asuistanci; is rcnlly net-del. For the benefit of stich, we hei-ewith give a few of tliu nioH comtnon symptoms, viz; WtaJmeêê of the liuck and J.wtbt, I'ain in fw liead and Siifo, DJhnnM of Sight, Dot and Wrft befure the ByM% Palpitación f tli; tkart, ijwywy"a, Lom íy Memory, Confusión of libas, DeprBSÍon f Spirit, Aventitm to Society, Stlf-Di-ttrwtt, Timiditt, tt fér eauh and uil ofthe above svmptouis these remedies will be foimd a " Sücr-_ eign Balui,1' These remedies embrace thrco preseriptions : A box of Iatlx, a box of AferMHM Taic ritte, and a box of r'iri4 Tonic Pilla, all of vhieh have importaut otficoa Ut pcrfurm, and should be uaed together iu every caw. Thefr 5Hperii)ritr over other iuodes of treatmeut uiay be brietly sUted as fullows, viz : jjj" 'I'lwy diminish tbfi violence of sexual excitement. ftijr They iiomcdjately arrest nocturnal and diurual ooti ons. jféü" Tlioy remove local weakness, caiising the organt to asáutnc their natural tont and vicor. fjLjF' Tne strenstlien the constitution hy avcrcoiniag nerTous debility and general weakims. j" They enüven the spirits, wliich are tisatilly depreis, hv expelliug all ezoiting causes from tlie nystem. ' &S By their iuvigoratlng propertiw they restore tk patiënt to liifl natural health and Vtgoi of Bummad, jg-'J'hey onre whe all othac mean? have f 11 i 1 twl . jEy-Thay contain ') Mrrint. vu Opium, uur anytliinf that eau in any event prove injurien. ïhey a'rc easy and pleasunt to use, and will not Inierftíre wifch the patient'd usual business or pltasure. &jf They can bo used without suspicion, or kiiowledgt of , Ten a room-mate. Thfit thev may eome within the rcar1!! of all, we har flxed the pi-ice of the Poêioh at $1 per box, and tbe iHtté at 50 cent3 per box each. Ia orderin? by mail. Is :dditmn io th priee, twelve cents in stamps shoald bc iuclusvd for return jiostagü. rK I.ADTES in want ftf a safe umi e (fret nul á&Zl remedy for FtTeffvtaritia, Suppretaiam of th Bt'-N - j ,i' ,■., or aiiy disease peculiar t" their sei, '■-SW phould use l)'i. Gates 3 Kkmai.k Mumhu . mL ru.i-s. Price, by mail. $1 and mm st:unp. jgftfcÉL - Cautio.- ïheae Puls should not be neJ JBBft jhi during ywgnancy, as HtMAUTMgfl ill b th ly__jfv coliseo u once. "" LADIE8 who, from ill-health. deformitr, Or any other humane and reasonalle cause, deern it atetary to avoid un increase of family, can do so without incurring danger to health or constitutie) by the utt of Jtf. .■ Craux'ê French rreventice J'oieders. Prioe, by mail, $1 nd two stamps. These Povders can only be obtained by nddresunj th General Agents, as below. Send for Dr. Qates's Pricato licdical Treatiê on Stxuri Diseases l'itiCE Ten Cents. Address. II. G. MJLLKR L CO., Genernl Ant', . . LouisvilU, Ky. For -"ala hy M.VYXAKD, STEBDIXS, & WILSOX. y78Sla Ann Arbor, Mioli. PROF. L. MILLEirS IIAIR INVIGOKAÏOK. an i-:n-'i:fTi i;. SAFE axd kcoxomuai, cojitíium i FOR IïiTOKlNü GKAY HAIli t. lts oHjiunl cubw v.Uv e Lt dyeing, aml preveata tUc Uulr frm turaiog grajr. FOR PREVEN nX( RAIDNJWS an.l curUig ii.whrn lber i-, hiM partióle ut' vitali tv or rccupmtir eucrvy rcmainlug. FORREJO1NQ 5?CCBP AND DAXDRCIT, and allcutaaooiM aflections ut ilio Scnlp. FOB Ï'.KAÏTIFYINC TUK RAIS, impnrl v. lo it an uupqoalled gluds and briManey, making it suft and i i Ik in its tex1 and oausiag it t curl reaétíy. The great tvW-lmU aul Uie increasiag deuaud for thiw uoequalled preparatW, oonriace the proprietor that toe trial i.s nulv uroüinnrj to satisfj a rUsceruingpublk of it1 superior qualitta. ver ñnj Uir preparatiou at pwent in use. It deanaea the head am] cIp frum dandruff and othcr cH'tineoun diseascs. OrUnM h:)r lo gT4iw luku riant ly, aml givesit a rich, olt, glouj and tWxlbk ippeacance, and also here b hair is looiienirtg itnd litio ninur, It will giva sfronih m.l rigor tu Uk ruots, and resture tfeegiowth to tboae pruts wbf$b bare becomf bd.ld, eauaïng it to yteld arrxA coming of hair, Tdereare hundrodi if ladies and gentlemen n. X,-,v Voik v-fsn Si;ivc v thoïr li.iir rostoici by tbe uh af tl li. Egorator, when all otlier pro para tions had fullc-d. han i his posdOAsion letteas innumexable tMtifi Ing ■ abore facts, from persons ofthe higliesi resj ect'a biltty. ït will t'ift-ctually prevent the hvhfroyi ty,rnhi# srntj untü tbe lafe&t periodof lii;and in c:im- wbee, the hair haa ebanged ftü eolor, the use hftlw luvtgoratpf - will wühyortainty nsforc tt to itê original hür, $% it i dark, glossy appearapo& As ■ prfnvae for tbe toilet and a Hair Restörative t is jnrtiealarly reoommpodt (!, hévtng an agreeable rrasvasoe; and the grwil faeiHtiei it. ftflFurda in dniêing the hair, which, wlu n innist with the Iqtngorator can be drësaed in any requfrad forra mj a to proaerve ltfl place, vbetber plnin o in puris- henr the icreftt demand for il by the ladiea t ttanémrè toilet art iele hteh mm ougIN t be without, as the prteq iliict-s it w ithin thr reacb of ;ill, belug ONLY TWENTY-FIVE GENTS per honk', to bo hal at :ili respoctata droggiste1 aml perfume rs. L miJLR woulil c;ill tlie alfcniinti of Parefi'tB nnd Guardian to the nae of hla tovlgorator, in caura rlipre the chtldrens' Hair IndlnM to be ireak. Theupeofft laya the foundation for a inod hond of hair nuil Knnrra ■ any imnuritiea that mnyhnre hiUl ■..,,,„ ,.i,.,i „n,. th calp.thercmoval ofwlilphln iwomar; bot heatthofthe cUiWa4 Ilio future tnaearano oflti llair. , .. ij., rrtiv. - X..n, gennlne wltlmul iit.fn. -. midíV I.oris . on the onter vraumi: iso. .. (MULER'S Il.Ml; INVIGOBATOR, t. T.iblown in daal. Uïi..!, ule Di ,.,t, IVy St. and s,,w iv-sll princiji]i' Mi r, 'i.'i1 :ui'l linijriis tbroughotii Ihe v,urlii. i,il,t' ''. -(',. ui lu .nr, i;isr]s hv til!' iuuiüiy.. . I aU' dealM tu prëBeat to the AiporicaD TiibUc niy New & Improved Instananeoiis Liquid Hair Bye which after ye&rfl of m fewtifio QXfMiimenting I hare bi;m;;hi ■!. perfei im. tt Jyw blacs or bruwu inatantlj v.ithout itijtiry to the llnir -r Skin warr:ui(fl tlic bet articlo of the Kiii-l iu existence. - ■ , PRICB ONLY FIFTY CBNïv DEPOT, 56 DÉY1 ST;, Sew tor 762yl Talken XJ. ON OR IBOÜTthSlOth ..fJunc last, a .alo Y,lo,r Cow, al.i.ut 7 yeara oíd. Han n.uiow ln.rim. turn ert ap. Th owner is roqinslri1 to pror property, paj ehargeü, and také txr away.