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Devoutly incliued persons frequently tnagine that the suggostions of their awii human nature are the intimations and directions of God. They love to be guided by Him, and hey love to think that their pleasant desires and purposes are inspired by iim; thus they easily deceive themselves. An amusing nslance of this kind ook place at a certuin Conference. - Among the attendants was a very jeautiful, intelligent looking young adv, who drew the admiring gazo of rnany eyes, particularly oyes of naseulines, always on the lookout for 3retty feminine faces. During the interrnission at noon, a spruce young minister stepped up to ;he Presiding Eider, and said with an air of secrecy : " Did vou observe the young lady who sat by tho íiret pillar on the left?" " Yes," said the eider, "what oí her?" " Why,'' said the young man, "I feel mpressed tliat the Lord desires me to take that lady for my wife. I think :hat she vvill make a good companion and heipmeet in the work of the ministry." The good eider had nothing to obect. I3ut, in a few moments another youthful candidato for ministerial efforta and honors, and for the namo of husband, cama confidintially to make known to the eider a like impression in regard to the same young lady. "Youhad better wait awhilo. It is not best to be hasty in determinin tho sourco of such impressions," said the prudent eider. And he had well said, for hardly were the steps of the second youth cold at his sido, ere a third approaehed with the same story, and while the worthy coufidant marvellud, a fourth drew near with the question - "l)id you notice the fine noblo looking woman sitting near your left?" " Yes," cried the ewelling eider. "JWell, sir," went on the fourth victirn of that unsLispieious girl, " it is strongly borne in upon my mind, tha it is the will of the Lord that I shouk make propoa)s of marriage to tha lady. lie luis mpressed me that sbe is to be my uii'o.'1 The eldor could hold in no longer. " Impossible ! Irapossible 1" he ex cluimed in an excited tone. " Th Lord could uever have intended tha four men should marry that on woman P jggr A travoler passing throngl one of the counties of Tennessee 01 horseback stoppcd at a modest cot tage on the roadside and asked fb shelter, as it was quite dark anc raining. ïhe " head of the faraily came to tbe door and accosted the tra veler with, "What do you want?" " I want to stay all niglut," was the reply. " What are yer ?" This interrogatory was not fully understood b, the travel er, and he asked an explanation. "I mean, what's yer politics?" reioined the forraer. Air yer fur this Union or agin it V This was a poser, as the travler was not certain whether the "man of the house" was a Union man or a secessionist, and he was anxious to " tie up"for the night; so he madeup his mind and said, "My friend,! am for the Union," Stranger, you kin kum in." O Tho past was infin'tely mornentous whüo we were in it ; the future will be so víhen we are in it; 'but now that wo are hare, and that lifej with its experienctid realitios, with its offüringt possibihties, is here, the present alono should bo regurdod as rcally of cominauding importanco.]


Old News
Michigan Argus