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The Virginia Programme--the Ultimatum Adopted By The State Convention

The Virginia Programme--the Ultimatum Adopted By The State Convention image
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'J'iio Uu-hmond XVhig of Fiiduy gn es full particulars ot' the ultimatum adopted bv the Sute coiiveniioii oí' Virginia, of wiiich the tek'grapliie have furnïshod vcry nieugrc abstracts The rescilutious which forra the basis of Virginias plan of sottlement, wer.e vigoroasly (.lisou-si'J in tlic convoptipn, and vcre enbjocted to various arucudments. As fiuully adupU'd, (lu'y read as follows: GKO0RAPBICAL I'AUTIES. " The choicö of funotiortarics of a cominon govcrnirtent osfcab'ished for tho conimon good, for the rcason that tluv eutertain opinionn and avow pürposes hobétle to ihc institutions of so'.mj ot' the States, neceasarilj preeludea the peoplè of one seetion frai the partieipation n the aduiinislfation of the governmen-t, sulijec.ts the wéaKer ló the domination of the strongcr section, leads to abuse, and is incompatible with the safety of those whose iiitèrösta are impcriled ; the forniïition, therefore, of geographical or sectionnl partios in respect to Federal polilies is coutrary to tha principios on which öur system rests, and touds to its overthrov. TIIB TERIUXQRIES, " The Territorics of the United States conttituto a trust to be adniinistered by the general government for tho poiurooa ijoucfit of tho people of the United States, and any polioy in roepect to such Tenitories ealpulated to eonfer greaterbeneiits on the people of one orinore of the States than ou t!io people of the other States, is eontrary to cuality and prejudicial to the rights of somo tbr whosa benefit tho trust was created. If the ailinission ofslave labor and freo labur iníoany Xerritory excites uufriendly conflict betwecn the aystema, a fair partitiou of the Territorios ougbt to be made between theni, i.nd each system ought to be pro töcted within tho liniits assigued to it. by the ittWS uecessjry for its proper develop inent. TEDERAt. rORTS AXD AIISKXAI.S. " Tlie sites of tbe Federal forts, arscnals, &c, within the limita ol the States of thi.s Union, wnre acquired by tbe Federal governmeut, and jurisdictiou over ihem ceded by the States, aó trusta, for the common purposea of the Unios during its continuante ; and upon the sepuratiön of the States, such jurisdictiou revorts of riglit to the States, respectively, by wiiich the jurisdiction was ceded. YVlriist a State reinains in the Union, the legitímate use of such forts, &c, is to protect the country against foreign force, and to aid in suppressinj domestic inmrrcction. To use, or prepare them to be used, to intimídate a State, or constrain its freo action, is a perversión of the purposes for whieli they wcre obtained ; they werc uot intended to be used against the States iu whose limits they are found. in the event of civil war. ín a time of profound peaec wuh foreign natious, and when no sj nip toma of duinestie insurrection appear, but irritating questions ol the decpest iinportauco are pending between the States, to aecuniulato withiu the limits of a State interested in such questions an unusual amount of troops and nmnitions of war, not required for a:iy legitímate purpose, is unwtSo, impolitie and offcusive. NOX SKCESSION', BUT UNIOX. " Deeply deploring the present distracted eoudition of the country, lamenting the wrongs that have impelled some of the States to dissolve their connection with the Federal government, but sensible of the hleteiogi of the Union, impressod with its iniportanco to tho p cace, prosperity and progress of the people, we carncstly deaira tiiut an adjustment beriuiched by which tbe Union may be re-established in its inlegrity, aLd pc:iee, prosper ty and fraternal feelings be restored tliroughout the land. ' The Ricbmond Wkig explains this programme as follows : '■ l'he resolutions of the committec contain tlie substanco of a prögratnmó, whieli, we fancy, can be made aceeptable to the great mass of the people of Virginia. The resolutious, in the main, strongly assert tbc State rights, principies wliicli have ever been dear to the people of this State. Tiii'V, together with the proposcd amendments to the eonstitution, constitutc an ultimatum to be submitted to the northeru States, accompanied with the solcinn deolaration, that if not acceded to by those States, tliis State will resume its delogattd powers. " An inipression prevails in tlic country to soine extont that by the plan of the committee this ultimatum is first to bc Bubmitted to a border slave State convention. This is a mistake. The conilaittee very propcrly make their own ultiiuftiüin, on the fejection or adoption of whicli by the non-slavcholding States their future actioil jrill depend. Tho border conference is only intended for consaltation in the hope that the border Staten mny be indueed to concuv i" the action of Virginia."


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