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Y! iriii'j.w s();ti[ERN & Ita NOKTHBKM INDIANA KAILROAD. 180. W1NTK.U AKRAtfUEMENT. 1361. Traína imw ruit cm this rmu), Puxóaya axcoptedj un l,i:ive VolMltr-.r Olir:n.'' dailv t'r,pt í.m.;i v al 12 15 A M..IH1 t 1 MI) i'. H ...ll ■! na Air IJu nt '■ A. M. l..-avi' ' ut I lni.-.n üt .,-11 A M. m.l 0,80 P M. Arrivinx in Pbimgu frum tühido uil i elroil ;ii 10,80 A M. :inl 11,00 I'. M ArrlTil ;it i.-li-nit tVmn Toledo, :it 8:18 A. SI., J: ÜK)0 I'. SI. Arrite iu netmltftomCWcnroatWH) P. U.,anl8Jt r. m. Arrivo in Toltvlo trnin .Clllcagn 3,40 I'. M. aml 4. A. M. lenvi' Adrián fai JaakKon nt fl.l.ï A. NI. anl 11,11 1'. M. ' J.iclísun tor Adrián nt ",an a. M , and 11,05 I'. ,M. CtlNN'HTION'S. At T'MJIDO W'ith ('levi-iiiim .v Toledo Rail It-'1 . wiili Wabwib V:ill.-y Ruil Kond. AT Mktk'HT - W'itli üritnri Tnmk lï.!hv!iy, witl, iírí'.'it Wr i.-.n Ku:w:,yT altO] willi Detruil nuil Milwaukre, lUUmaü At Nkw AIjH.wy - H. H Grohpiv - VVitbTrAioa ter Lafayelle, Ñow Albañracd InúiAvUle. at Cbicaoö - With Chtcauu m-l itck btlauíl, Galana, ■ilwaukw, Chloafp. BorTington mi (Juincy- Mortli wa( Rallwajr - Chioago, i'."ii and !t. 1. mi, Iilinois (Vnti-.ii. rin.l t., :ill Pointe West and Soutli. ■ Tratos HriTlin by ('liir:io tinu-, wiiirh U 20 minateé .iow(.r thiui Toledo Mu. &j WuodrafTa l'at'int dlaeptag f;irs iiccompiiny the Kighi Traína ni tntaRoute. Tuno aud Kare Uit1 sanio as liy any otlier Rail Boad Kou JNO. I). CAMI'DKIJ.. Gene-al Snparlntondcnt. FIRE! FIRE! WESTERX MASSACUUSETTS Insurance Oompany . CASII CAPITAL & SURrLUS OVEIirt. $2OO,OOO. W. N. STROÍG, Agent. Ann Arkor, March 20, 1661. 792tf LJFE INSURAJNCE. The Connec'icut Mutual Life Insurance Coinpany. Accuinulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WIIXINÍURK LlVIvi for any amuunt uot exeeedfau $10,000 for tbfl wbole term of Life orfor a term of jpMurs. fn the Rioft favOTabl I ,'. B Tho Compapy la parely matual ana the policy lioMisrs got all the curplus over tUocxactcOBt of Esanrano' It acoomodatos the :ii red i the .setllement of their premiunm ON 1-11K POIJCISB, If dwlnd. by Uddng a note fr o#fl b&U fche ar.iuunt, bL-ariug inU;rcrit at aix per cent, jer iinnutn. Dividends are Declared Annually! and since they aow amount to yiftí per cent on the premium, c;ish ;iüii notOf and are inereasing thi'j may be ::i ■ :iot-S. jg3"" Tin? rntí-ii ot" prc'Tniiiins arcas low ns any othor re:: andtholargQ aooomulttod Riad of $3,500,000 Es 8Ocurlj invested, as may be seen by referoace t t msde aeoordtog to law, on file in the uUicc uf the Co u atv Clüi"k,at Ann Arbr.Lft JAMfö G0ODW1X, Prest. CrvR, IlHET.ifl,Sí'cy. Kor parücalarpply to JAMES 0. WATSON, 7Ö3yl . Agent ftt Aun Axbor, Mich. NEW YORK LITE INSURANCE COMF'NY. Acouraulated Jan, 1360,61,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED wilb thcCiimptrollcrof tlie State of New York. Divideads average 40 per cent, anuually. j. S S E T S . Cashinttink, $ 31,355,49 lnvested in secnrities. creatod umler thf1 lawaof the State of New York .111.1 oi the U. S., 258,870,79 Real Estafo ftnd Fixtuna, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Bonds and Mortj?apesdravving7 pírct. interest 683,998.39 Suts vcceivetl for 40plr cent.of premiumrt n life policie, hearing interest, 675,315.85 Quarterly and Sími-unnual premiam!f,due subsequobt to January 1, lSfiO 20,550.38 íntorest accrued up to Jan. 1 , 1860, 3.4S8.77 Rents accrued uptoJnn. 1, 1860, 1,708.34 l'renliuras on policítís in hands of Agent, 26,445.19 $1,767,133 .'4 Drs ITELU and Lkwitt, Medical Exnminers. 743tt J. GHJBKKT SSIITH, A?pnt Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS THE AGENT Tor the folknrlng first class cimpanies: ilOMK IfíSlRANCE COMPAJiY, of New York City. -Capital and Surplus, $1,51)0,000. CITY FIRE IVSlltWC K COMPANY, oí Hartford. --Capital and Surplus, $400,000. CONTINENTAL ISSURAUCB: COMPANY, of New York City.---Capital and Surplus, $100,000. Three-quarters of the nett pronta in this Company ír divided annuallj among it policy holders. Q. MII.I.ENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1860. 6m778 Couway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, MasB. Capitnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilitios. - - - 16,4-10 03 D. C. Rogere, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. 1 S.WITTTNEY, L. 3ODMAN, W. F.I-I.IOTT, ASA HOW LAND, D O. McGI LVK A Y, E. D. MORGAN WAIT BKMENT, JOSIAH ALLIS. A. H. BU'.l.EN W. H. D1CKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. HÜGK113. Ann Arbor Refprencee! Dr, E. WELLS, L. JAMES. E. D01XÏE, ENOCU JAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOODR1CH J. W. KNIGHT, Agent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 one of thc IlEAVIEST, SAFSTT nnd D1CST Insurance Co's. in the U. S. Instires on reasonable terniK, ami al ay pay promptly. There is no better Fire Insuranc Compauy. Mo ney WantecL Wli o will LendMoney TAM KBUUJflNXU nY SEVEKAI. PERSONS tu obtain mom-v fur tliem at Ten Per Cent Interest, (Or More.) For any one willink to lend, I can at once nvest on jfood um-ncumbered abnndant REAL ESTATK security any Ktimw of mouoy and see tliat the title aud security an: AU. HICIIT. &? The borrower paying all yxjiraiei, including reconting. E. W. MORGAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7, 18.1!). 715tf General Land Agency. PEftSONS wantlog lurmi, or reeldcncedl) ornen Aon Arbor, eau by culling on n-. o eleclfroma Hat ofover 1OO Farms For Salcl Ofrarlou ïIzcii Irom :t, t. l.'JO" aerfifiach ;(lomo a good aiany inthU Connty.) Morethan 5O Dvvciing Houses nthlsOlty jfroiri two huadred to fourthouBando;an jach : And over 3 O BUILDING LOTSI Amonethefarm nrc thn Blshopetarin, 1300 acres, the l'otter (arm, i u Groen Oak the Placefarm, aj 4d)erei, the Blandón nn.i Jcnkfarm, in Webter thn Stubbe, Micbae! Clans;, Newton Braftan, and K.illahai farm, In Aon Arbor; J.Kir.iinley'4 farm, In th Hatch and Hlck t'arma lu Lodi;the PatrlckClaynfarm In i-'roodom; W. S. Daviion, B. O. Baker a and Uuck'a farm lnSylvan. Moitn and raany otbers can be dlvided to tuit purohr..erB 3. W MOJGAN. AnnArboJ, Jn lt. 188f S3 3," W. MOliöAN, Agent lor Ui. ifutual LifTnsurancoCompany, New York. AccumuIateilAsMCts, - - - $5,350,000. th'j leadlos Ufe Inaurance Comimny in tbc U. S. Kniekgrbookei Ut InBuranco Companr, New York, - a fint chiss snï Co. - ti-inis roasonable. llumbold) Kire Insflrancc Company, New York. Capital, wilh a Uritemirplui!, - - 200,000. I'eoria Marine & Kire nwu ranee Co., I'enria IU_.t x No. 1 Kire Insurance Ce'. 707tf Capital, .... 600,000; DE FOREST, ARMSTHONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, New York. WOUI.D NOTIFY THE TRAPE that tney are openin Weekly, in ntw and beautiful pattttrni, the AI .-t) TIIB A New Print, wliich cxcels every Print in the Country fo ijcrfectinn of exfeution andfiosignin full MalU'r Colorn. - Our Prints are cheajicr Uiau auy in niarket,apü nieeting wth extentiivc kílU. Orde proraitly attondöd 732yl Oval Picture .Frames A IX SI7KS, STYUCS and PRICE3 Just received and for alu cheapat CHOFF & MILLEK'S. Dt. 26,1860. 7S0ir mwcb yiïV "'i''in ji'fcTv nrtj LwBÊ ff'.jtüün ï f ARKN'OW OI'KXIM!, DIRECT FROM rri:i.!-IIKi:s AND Miinut'aclurcrs.a Ni-w and Cvmplato stock of LAW & MEDICAL ÜOOKS, Sctiool Books, Misctllaxeous Ilnnks, Blank Bnohs. dan STATIONER.Y! Wull aml Window Puper, Drawinj; aml Matlu-mntiral Instrumonis, Music, Juvcnilo Librarief, EuvelopM, Itiks nml Oud. GOLD And all otJijir kinds oj Pens and Pe?icifs Witi'lmv Oornip( Bhftdw nnl Kivture, POCKET CUTLERY! And everyOiitifr pcrtininií ti tlic tndej and more to w lucht livy vuntd the atUntion of thp country. Inconriuctiitx mr boidnow, wc'slml! do all that cm that no rOftSOBablt man, wonmn or cliiltl shl find any fault. We po.ssess facilHies which will enable ui to suppb our tcu.iiTs at tbe Lowest Possiblo Figures. We propose ío sell for READY I'A Y, ala email advaoce We expvct a proíit on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. We liave engnged tlie aervleM ol JAMFS F. SI'ALDING lirroft)! are prepared to funiish Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards written to order, with ncatness and dispatch, by mai' or otherwise. The "Emi'irk Bouk Stokk," is mannod ty a Rood 'crew, nd thoy will alwftys be found on tlie "quartr iWck.' ready and willin ti attend to uil with pleaaure, who wil favor them with a cali. ttemember tho "Empire Book Storo.' JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Aon Arbor, May, 1800. ;48 THE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- FALL Sc "WHSTTEI?, E3r O O X & GOOÜS FROM AXJCTION. Facts for the People -OF"W"-A. SHTENAW _.ND- ADJOIMING COUNTIES ! And their numeroua questions answered. Why is Everybndy trading at the "BANNER STORE? ' - Because A. P. MILLS, the Propriiitor o) tliat Establishment hns just returncd from the Enstern Citieswith the Largest, Handsomest, C7t,eapest, and Most Attr active Stock qf STArLE ANDFANCY DRY COODS! ever brought to this part of the State.) Why is Eoorybody pïeaaed wüh his Stock? Boca n se hisstvlM nro more heautitul, quality botter, and prices UU at any other store u liie county. Why has he always Someihing New and Cheap to Show? Beca use h; has a fricn-l connoctei wilh onc of the ly ifest DrrGoodfl Honsw in New York, who is oontlnuiilst " BOBBING ROUyjy for cbeap barg&insand th late ttyleü, as they appear from time feo time and n this way kufps hint siijiplifii jrith 3 yles, in'1 consenuoutïv customen can always fltod someltatog Frerfh, NEW CHEAPanl DESIRABLE Wliy does ne seü m much Cheaper than the restf Becausp lie has a buyor in tlio city all tlu timo to tnkp of the continual ;li;uic of i)ic m.irkcl, and n that way biuri bil goodi much clK'iipxr than others cao, atul'tliec lie inarks tlicm duwu to the Why does he $e!l Ladks' and Childrens' Shoesso much cheapfr than toas ever haard ofby the oldest Shoemakert? Becruiso ho buys his ttóck in the lai of hoemat;er8, of the manufactiircis, iully lh peí cent cheajHtr than tht' New Vuxk Jbbbon -ll them, fin'l nnicli better work than theygenerally kwp. TíiiscourbO enaUse talm to selta bet ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otherssell at 50 cents, anrl a better FOXED GAITKF at ,'-() ci-;it .. thao othurs huII at 75 coul.s. Has he any Kats and Capa? Yes, I fihonlil ttiink lie has stacks of thera, ennuh to supply the State, at priceti luwcr than was ever hcardof r-iiin-it!: ■ ■■ part. Why U his Tea so mtich better fnr the price you pay than you gel at otfier places? Bccause lie takesfriv;it care in selectinji it, and gtvOfhll custoimtrs the Ih-ii.-üi. ,,f i real goodTo cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. lt w a way h(i bas got. Where should you go to gH your CLOTHS and have them Cut or Made? Tn tho BANNER STORE, wLcre the People's Danoer i unfurlttl fur tho Peoploitood. South Bide of Tublic S'iuurc, a few doorn west of Cook'i Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sfpt. 18, 1860. 7C6tf MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Puhlished in a Sealed Envelope, A LBCTÖBE ON' THE NATL'RK, TKKATMKNT AND EUIICAL CCBE OF SPKKJIATORRHOKA, or Seminal WeakriCBa, Sexual Oebility, Xervousuüss anti Iiivtiimt: ry Kiiiission.-t i.tiluciiig Imputeucy, and Mental and Phyaical Incapacity. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Author of the "Green Book," $fC The world-renowned anthor, in thta admirable Ijecture clearly provcs fiom bis ewn experience tliat the awful coni-ftpii'nces of aelf abuse may bo efTectually removed without meiiiciiioand without langorouK surgical opirations,'trumenU, trt' or cordials, pointin out a mode or cure at once certain and efiectual, by which every BUlfwtr, no matter what his eondttJon muy bp,!ii;r cure himself ehcaply , privatcly and radically. - This Lecture wilt prove a buonto tliouHand.s and thousands. Beet under Real to any addross, post paid, on th reccipt of two pustage BtnmpK, by addffOMlog Dr. Cli. J. C. KLINK. 127 Buwery, New York Post Box, 4,086. 785 BUY YüUll CLOTHIKG k.t tho Cleveland Clothing House Where they now sell Winter Clothing at greatly EEDTJCED PRICES, A fow doors West of Cook1 Hotel. Huron Street, Anu Arbor. 782tf A, & C. LOEB. GREATBARGAMS AT ■ Maynard, Stcbbins & Wilson's. TE HAVEAGAIN REPI.ENISHED OCR STORE W1TB t ttu' most spleoditl Stook uf E O O X y thtitWAS evor offert1! in any one establishment ir. Miiu-, all of wliidi (Woflferfor OaOki Oos ip[@is)(y)Oii ulffir as cjui bo found in the Union We want Money ! lll'l WÜl II ;ik( Greal Sacrifices on Anytliiii" wojuivc to obtniu it( not exceptlng OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS j We cordiulljr invito ALL CASH Cl) STOMERS to cali and examine our Gooils and Prlceu. Wo tOm invite our Prompt Paying Custcmers to come and buy tlteir supplies for the Winter. To tllOM BashfttJ one that ure afraid to cali, we say to thtm, tak. courage withoutlonger ivaitii.g for highor prices, come in, old scores, and tlicn at onch pricps aa wfH m ke up all Iosrcs It is hanll; ueccessary to enumérale our (joods, for We have Everything! A large assortmentof CARPETING, CRObKERY DRY GOODS, MBDIINES, GEOEEIES, PA1NTS, OILS, riAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &co &c. (715tf) MAYNAKD, PTF.BniXS & WIT.90 Stoves & Hardware ! RTSDON & HENDEHSOW Kave inv in Stort1 a lare aasortmentof Si Ttt7 3 "W1 JB S 9 Hardware and House Furnishing E3Gr Cd JHJO 3aí o AU nork will be üld as CIIEA1' as at any other Establishment in Michigan, Th4'7 have got tho Best Assortment of Cooking PAU LOB AND l'LATE X3vr tuis íst"a?jaL.ir33, And will sell thom Cheaper than TUE C E EAPLS T, Please e;ill and see. All kfnds of tin ware kept on band. Particular attentionpaid to all kinds of $j CE IS 3RP L H2. O3.; Whicli will b? done wllh NE A TNESS AND DISPkTCIL JtfS-riMiae cali and nee tlicir STOVE ROOM n 2d tory of Xcw Ulück. RISnON & IIEXDERSOX. Ano Arbor, Jan. ñ, 18C1. O . BLISS Jinfiiiïiiimi;iaii;iiniiirjiiMiii):i:.Tjffi;n]ii;iniii!iiir,:CTnnnnniiinni.-iii Still in the Field! WITH A LAEGE STOCK of GOODS Ín my line direct from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturcrs! have juat receivul a targe umi well selected assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, r as -vr jej x, 3=. -S-. SILVEll & PLATED WAHE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a groat vfiriety of Vankec Notiong, tc. [ wouldcall particular attention to my large stock of of Gold, üilver, Steel, and Plated, with PEK SCOPIO GL ASS A superior aiticlo, aiul a grcat vnriety of articlcs in the ÖHE3C tor CASH. 'ersonc havsng ililTeult mlollHtoflo with glasees can "■ :' mmKiW1 o mj stook b larxo and complete, 1" .S, ï'articulrr attcritii.'li pald t tlio REPAIRING of all kinds of Fine WstohM, such ;ls Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFFS nnd CYLINDERS, also CLOOKÖ, AND JEWELRY, Veatiy lit'paired iiuü warraiucd. C. BLISS. August 28, 1800. vo8t( Ayer's Agüe Cure.


Old News
Michigan Argus