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City Cheap Lumber Sas7i, Doors Blind,?, Piaster Paris Grand Eiver Planter, "Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glaas, Paint and Putty, cfcc, &c. , D. DeForest, HAVING IncrcRsed hit faa'llltle for tlolig buslniü-f and enlarged his Yard and Stock, ie pre pared the present sensun, with the bes!, lnrgcst and chea:ct scasoned toch everin this mirktt to SHtisty the reaeonablr ■ ;■■} at i i of all. Öur motto ia nut to be undereold tor cash on delivery I wiï 1 not undcrtHkfto frightenthe public by anyine thftt thry will getahnved iï thuy tuy eUowherc, for we prcftumc that othero wiUselIaBlow asthey can aíTord to. All kinds of Timber, Joists, and Scanning, Pine, Whitewood Bnsswood, Hem lock, Planed and Matched Fine, Whitewood Ash Fluoilng. rianodnnd rou?h I'ineand Whitewood si'ünü . Kt; ir, Posts, (Jhk andCudar PoBte ud Pickots of all kinds. Ipini failj, anï) itiljitetuooïi &..t I'iup, Asbani W'iitewood Shinglo, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BUekVa.uUt,ndCherry and thin BtuH', Wagon auö BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, Hoxnnd Body Lumber ,Maplu Log Tiraber, Hickory, Oak, Ash7 Slm7 Beech, Ofi!kh!ckneasee,width andlungthü ,&c. c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. ÏTalla of all slzes, &c, &c. SASII, DOORS, & BL1NDS, made by hand to order as low aa fnctory pricoe, on the shortestnoticc by the beet of workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bills ofal) descrlption in the above building line furnishedontheshortegtut' notlce, i'or We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful 1 and i perfect aseortmect of the above anc otherkiuds of Building Materials Oonstantly onhand at thtlowestpossible ratet Cali and be Convinced, A few rodt southfrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING. N.B. - I annow opera ting Exteusivelj la the Patent Cement Roofing. " TÜË CAMPA1GN OPEN. Campion's Flatforra ! TITE subicriber has jnst rtti.rnüd from the tast with bil Fall and Winter G OODS Whieh he ig Determined to Sell AT TUI LOÍ7EST PEICE FOE CASH! at which, First Quality Gods can De afïbrded in this city. My clohs nrc all of the FINEST QUALITY and 8 I manufacture thcm into clothing myself, I uní enabled to WAEEANT EVEEY GAEMENT I sell. to be WELL MADE, wliich is a strong induecment to customers to patronize my storo in preference to places where large quantities of half made goods are kept for sale. I hnve the fa'Hio.vs, and can give you as Fine and tctll Fitting Garments as can be bought anywhere, I am bound to sell CHEAPEE AND BETTFR QOODS ! than any other similar establishment in this city. Your custom is most respectfully invited. M. CAMPION. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1CO. 773yl LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succeásors to Chapín & Loomis.andChdpin, Tripp A Loomis TUF: above finn of Iomis Sc Tripp havinff purchasod the entire interest of the fornier com]anies will continue the business ut tlie cld stands, whore thcy wilt be ready, on theshortfíst nutice, to fill all urders in the line ot Castings and Machinery, !n the most workraanlike mannor, and on as liberal terms as any other shop in the State. Amung the vari mía articlesmamifactured hy us, we would enumerato STEAM ENGINES of all kinils; Milt Clearing and Fixtures, wroughtand cast; all the various castings for making and repairing Horse Powers & Thresbing Macliines such as are at present, or have fonuerly been in use ra thia pjirt of theSt.ito, as well as all the varions liiinls of casting and machine work called for by farmers and wechanïcH in'liis sec t ion of the country. of all the various patterna, up ïn siiesaodprices. will be keptconatantly on hand, got the most modern and improved tylfs. ■HUBBAED'S WROTTGHT IROK REAPERS & MOWERS. Fiaving commt-nced manufacturíng this fluperiorMachine, single and combined, the farmers are invited t cali and aee a üpeotmen machine now in our ware room, before purchasinRelsewhere, believiaS tUat this machine need only to beseen to convince the farmer of ITS SUPERIOEITY over the lïoapers and Mowors in this marki-t. Thankful for ferme patronage to the old firma, we would solicit a continuance froni old frienils(an;l atrial by all wishing foranytiüng in our line of business. LO0MI3 & TR1PP. AnnArbor,Muy 18th, 1859. 697tf SGHOFF & MILLER A RE STII.L ON HAND at tbeir old Stand, No. 2, Frankliu Block, with the most complete asüortmcnt of Books and Stationery7 PERFUMEKIES. FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, COKDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS. HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Market ! ftnd they would Huggest to thusc in pursuit cf anythingin SANTA OLA US' LINE that tbcj can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from this stock, as each purchaser gets :ui adtlitioual present of Jewelry , kz. , Hanging in value froni 50 ets. to $50. 6&T Thpytrunt that tboirlong experience in selocting gotxlB fortliis nmrkct, aii'i strict attention to the vranta cf Cys tornera, may entitle tbem to a liberal abare of Patronage. Aun Arbor, IVc. 5. 1S60777tf EYE and EAR. flftjlÍ DR. F. A. CADWELL, S" OPEKATOR ON THE EYE AND KAIl. Kor Drafiitss, BlliitÜnetts, and all Of Mïit and I w i Iiifj;. DR. C. RE1NG A REGULAR PhysfcUn, wlíh TW'KN'TV VKAIÍ"íJ exclusiva practico in the trctn'nt of dseases of the EYE AND EAU, wiU be found qualilïcd to Kive relief or ofTect a cure in any caso withio the reacb f hnman ekill. &&■ No charge for an ezamln&tlon or an opinión, orfor UTiaucctssful services. Dn. C.'s Tkuahsk ox tiib Eve and Eab, of 300 pp., containing roferenees, Testimoniáis, Deflcriptionof DiseaseH, Case, and othor important matter, illuNlratüd with Cutsi, to be hngratiët by seuding Ten Cents tt pay postagp. Addreiw Dr. Cadwell, 93 Kandolpb Street coratrDcaburDj CUíchOjUI. Iy768 ShoriíTs Salo. BY Vikïbjs ol u i&saed ut „f nn, iiuíit DichkiI ni' the Circuit rnirt tluConñt uf Wanhti'iiaw, and Stute of Michigan, l.i-r. ,1, tho 28 day of july, 18C0, anü tb lïr.-,t, .i .,,,,i ,,.';, ered, againat tbe gooda and chatteht, and for tbe want thiTPof íunti ür.ii tenements of Jolin T. Raywaultde feodant Uicrciu namcd, I Uid un Uic 29Ui day of j,,i,.' 1860, levy apon and seise all the rígbt, litle i int eít of the .i.l Jüliñ T. in and to L1 following n-.-cril-.] landand premian I" wit comí.,,,. ing four ro'.s Nortli of the N, ríli-west comer of Lot No. onu, in Bloc X.. „,., in thc Villaje of ■■„■..,'., in saul ( omity, aml running thcnce Nortll ilong tho' Enstlinenf the Mgnwaj running North frnm nMVill. age of Chelaea cigl,t roda, thanee North-eust or parallel wlth Xorth atreet, in mid viltoge, fvu; roOs, tlience Soüth 'ir paiallel irith said lifghwáy oight rod to the north lino ol Raid NoiUi street, thence Sooth-wwt alnng tl.c North lim. of saíd North straat finir roda to the place of boginning, contalolngthlrtytwo roda ofland bethesame more or lm.--, in the rounir of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, all ..f which premia I símil exposé Tórnale at public anctioa, u the law directo at tb( froDl ilonrofthe Court House, in the City of Ánn Arbór, lluit bcing the p'aro for holding tlu Circuit Comt forllic ('ounty . Wubtooaw, on S:ilnn!ay the 18th daj of May next. al elarao o'claok in the forenoon ol uld .lay. THOS. F. LEONAHIi, late Sheriff. l'atwl, Mnrch 37th 1861. 7!i;!.l Mortgago Foreclosure. DKFAULT liavinis been ma.Uf in the con.lition of a ttortgage fxvoated by Nslson Ellaworth nnd tleanor liis wift t Jatwi aibbard, dated tlie 30th .lavol August, A. n. 1H5H, and recordad n the EUbctar'i ..tlice in the coimty of Washtenaw in I.iber No. S2.",f morliriiire,' MHgaTTO, onthesecomWay fSetember A B 1850 atucl;ck , l'.M.,a.i.l Mrtínediy Jab.T llibl,:,r.i lo s' Kn.-.lanJby aaalgnmeni ander wal, dated tho 9th dy of Kcbruary, A. D. 18(11 , „,, I oord'd lo sai.l fcjrfí jer'aoffleeinIJbrNo.ï2ofMortgagea( paeo 770 „„ the lth .lay ef Maich, A. D. 1861, at 4 o'cíook ]■ M TY whicli ili'fault tlie j.ower of sale containcd n áaM ini'irtgage became oporativp, añil no suit or proceeding havin boen hutltuted at law to racoverthe debt sccared br nidmortgaee.oranjr art thmof, and the emn of five handrod unja f bree dolían uü thirty-threc cent beimr now claimeij to ha due tliereon: Notice is therefore herebjr giren that thejnid morteagewiU bo foreclosed by a ale of the mortgaged premiiea, to-wit: .11 that certain tractor parcel of land , "sitúate in the Town of I.s-nflon !n tbe Counly of Washteiian-, aml State oí MicMmn tcTindraand fhcribed asfollowR. The r.orth-west nart of fractiooal (1uarter, n.l the nórth of the S'.atf ro:ici running fn.m Hexler to ranil lüver in the sonth4reet part ..f the aonth weít fractional.iuarter allon section x (6). tmvnship one outh of rani nunilwr three (3) cast; containing fifly eight (5S1 aereï and531OO ofan acre, morcor Ion, .ir 30111e pari thpieof at public venJue at tlie Court Housti in the city of Aun Arbor, on the ekvenlh day of June next at noon „ u S. W. KNKKUND, Assigneo. Kl.vfisrKV vV Morgan, Att's. Datpcl, Jlarch 19, A. I). 1861. 79.;; Mortgage Salo. DEFAUI.T haviriK been made in the eondition of a certain Hortgage cxecuted by James Connelly Ji and Catbarine Ciinnelly lus wife to Iliram . Warren dated the Bfteenth day of December in theyear Kijfhteen' huiidredaiid hfty-thrce, and recordediu the Office uf the Register of Deeds of Washtcnm County, .Michigan in Líber 20 of ifortgagss on paSo 156, at oioven ani a quart.r of tlie cloek in the forenoon on tho nineti-nth dayof Dccemoer, A.I1., 1S53, hlco Uortgáge wa"s on the thirty-üret day or October, A.D., 1854, duly amigned bysaid Warren to Zebedee Waldrnn,and said assinment was reconled in the n.iid office of said Regtetei on tho twenty-thirdilay of Kebruary, A. 1)., 1861 at nine and a half o'clock in tlio forenoon in Liber 20 of Mortgages on pago 157, and the said Miirtgagp ivas also on the Eighteenth day of Februari-. A. 1)., 1801, duly aBalffned by said Waldron to AlphBUi Felch. which last mentioned awagnmenj was recorded in the said Office of -aid Ri-í,'.ut cm the twenty-afth day of February.A. D.. lfól at nine and a half o'clock in the forenoon, ín Liber "f of Mortgagev on pi go 614, by bich default tbe power offlalo containel in sai.l inortgage becamo operativo and nosuit or pioceodingshave been nstituttd at law to recover the debt now hecurcd theieby or any part thereof, and tho ium of threv hnndfea and lifty ono dollars and fifty four cents bomg claimed to De due thoreon at the date of this notice : Notice is thorefore hereby nivon that said mortgasre will be foroclosd by salo of the nortgaged rnmlaea to wit : the West half of tbe SoaUi ost Qaarter of ifection Nuinber Two . in Township One .outh of Kange Six East beingioNerthfeId,in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, or ro much thereof as wiU bo neces-saryto pay thesuni claimed to be due with the interest, costa and charges, ax public vendue, at the outh door of the Court House, in the the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Waslitenaw, on the tenth day of June, A. !., 1861, at ten ofthoclock in the forenoou of êaid day. A1PHECS FELCH, As-Mgnee Batol, March 7 , 1861. faltd ""Sheriff's Sale. BY V7RTUE OF A KXECÜTION" is su-d out of and un.ler tho seal of the Circuit Court fir tho County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, baring dato the I3th day of January, 1860, and tome directed and. delivered, agahut the geoda and chatte!s. and for want thereof lands anrl tenements of Kichard Conaty and John Conaty, defendants thereio named, I did on tho 13th day of January, 1860, levy upon and seize all theright.titloand interest of the said Richard Conaty and John Conaty, in and t' tho foUowing described land" and premines, io wit: The west half of the southeast quarter section thirty-two, tho south west quarter of section thirty two, also, the south part of south cast quartor o. section thirty. one, in the Townfhip of I.yndon intheCountyof Vtahtenaw, and State of Michigan all of whieh premlaea I ihaU oxposc for sale at public auction, tte front door of the Court House. 111 tho City of Ann irbor, that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for the County of Waahteiuiw, on Moiulay, the Bixth day of Moynext, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of waid dy. THOMAS F. LEOXARD, Late Sheriff. Dated, March 13, 1861. 791td Sheriff's Sale. BY rirtue of an exccution issued out of and undor the sealoftho Circuit Court for the County of Wasitetav, and State of Michigan, hearing date thetcmhdav' of July, 1860, Bii.l to me uirected and delivered, agains't the goods and chattcls, and for want thereof lands and teneinents of Ira Beckloy, defendant thereiu named I did on the eleTenth d„y of July, 1860, levy upon and seiie all he right, title andmterest of the said Ira lieckly in and to the following described land and premises, to wit : The north half of the north-west qnarter of section numbei fiixteen, in Towihip number two, south of range six cast , contalnlqg eighty acres, in the eounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, all of which premisos I shall exposé for sale at public auction, as the lair direct, at the front door of the Court Honse, in the City of Ann Arbor, that beinfthe place for hulding the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, on Mondar the sixth day of Jlay next, at eleven o'cluck in the forunimn ofsaidilay. THOMAS F. LEON'ARD nated. March 13, 1861. tdV91 Late Sherifif. Marshal's Sale. pIRCTIT COURT of the United States, District of J Michigan, ss:- liy rirtue of án execution issuedout f the Circuit Court of the United States for the disirict of Michigan, bearin date December 29, 1S68, tome drectod and ilelivered, 1 did on the first day of January, A.D., 1859, levy upon and soize all the rtgfet, title auil interest of Preserved BiifflnKton, the defcodaut therein named, in and to the following described lands or prem. ïaes, towit, Lotnumber two (2) in Bnwera addition t.) the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw an 1 lhstricl of Michigan, which I shall Bell at public auction or vendue, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Satimiay, the twonty-aeventh day of April, A, D. 1861, at twelve o'clock, ncou, of saidday. JOHN S. BAOS, r.S. Marshal. rty X. n. ye, Deputy. Dated,atthe city of Aun Arbor, tliis J3th dav of March, 1861. 7!)ltd Cbancery Sale. mllF. CIRCUIT COURT for the County of Washtenaw1 in Oiancerr- Isaac L. Deunis, complainant, v. James Bignall, defendant. In pursuiincoand by virtue of a Oecrco in this causo hearing date the 17tn day of Hecember, A. D. , eighteen hnndred and sixty, the undersigned Circuit Court Comraissioner for the County of Wathtenatr and State of Micliigan: will sell at public auction to the higheöt bidder at the front loor of the Court House in Üie olty of Ann Arbor, on Ttiesday, the sixleeuth day of April oext, at ten o'clock, in the iorenoon of tlial day, the folloning described real estáte, towit:- All that certain traot or parcel of land known and described as followi : Beinfr the west half of south-west quarter of section number twenty-three, (:':j);.ilso the west half of the nortJj west quarter of section numbi'r twentv-six, (20), In the township of Salem, County of W.-mMeiaw ,and State of Michigan, tfDQtalaing me humlreil and lhirty-fotr acres oflaud, bc jthe same;niireor less, orso mucii thereof aa may be necessary tosatisfytlwi deoreein this cause with interest and costil. D. S.TWITCnFLT., Circuit Court Comniissioacr for Washtenaw Co., Mieh. Bum & AiiEi., Sollcitors for Comp'lt. Dated, Feb. 26, 1861. "Sfit.l MOORE & LOO3YEIS Have Removed to tho STORE RECENTLY OCCÜPIED BY C. MACK, Phcenix Block.East sideof Mnin St., AND r HAVE In Store SB2 a LarSe STOCK g- OF BOOTS SHOES Of every description whicli will be soijD ciiEx'Eri THAN CAN BE B0UGH1 IN Thii, City. Also & largo assortmont of HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds made in the mest Fashionable Style BY GOOD ASD EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, FRENCH CALF BOOTS arpN'OTscRpASRiïDthiji Ideof KeifTw Cit}-, and are warrauted not to MP. Our STOGASAND KIP Sa aro made of the bet-t materiaLs Our stock of Morocco Bootees for Iiilffy is the tlie best in town, widi heels or without Y linke to t)rtler, and ncver miss of srrriso tho drst timo f glv us;i cali tuul vo will show you our itook freo of chante We have aecilred tho servicös of two Expcnvnccil Journpymen, who do ourmeudinc n thplVcatcst Marnier, and on shortest uotice. Our mutto ia Quick Sales and Small Profits. Thnnkful ?fr past fa vors we hope bypaymg strictnttontionto our bnsiuessto ïnerit a liberui sharo of vour Datrona for tho (uture. ■83" Hemcmbcrwe are not to be nndw-Kold. -X MUORE & LOOMIS 1000 Fine Overcoats ! For Sale Clicop at GUIÏERMAN & CÜ'S.


Old News
Michigan Argus