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I&iiïiïïii ïbitttUxi. I. O. O. F. WAIÏTEN'AW I.OPOE X; 0, of the Iniepéndent OTder of "'M Kollmvs mi'i'is ut tlielr Lodge Room, ;vi'rvKn':iv èvening, at 6 ' 3 o'clook. CïB.WILEO, X. i. F. soro, See'j. B. G istJTfiÉRLAND & SON, WIIOT,KJ.LK AND RETAIL Groen and Commlsakm Merthants, East sid ' nn Arbor B. HES6E, k Scbqïon Reapectlfullj tender bis profoasionbl to the of Ami r and ri.-initv. n Uai-k's New liuililiug, Main Btreet, Ann Arbm Mica. Night calla promply attended to. TWITCHELL & CLAKK. A ttorxkys aml "ouns-l!ors :ill:iw, ileiioral T.ife and T Pire Insurance sfrats. Office in City Ball Block, en Hurnn -t.. Anu Ailv)r. Collectiona promptly made .ml r.-iii ií i ■ I, -.ui -[n.'L:al attentioa paict to conveyanemg. D.i.TWITriIKI.I.. r'3tfl . F. CLABK iJAMES B. GOTT, r AW OFFICE, No. 2, over SlUrtOn & Gter'8 Store. Li J. M. SCOTT. AmurotvI'e & I'n mxHrra Akt-.sts, in the ii -,-ly .iccupi.'.l y c'mdV.i atore ol bMoore Pttrieci Batiafaction guarantt W. N. SÏKONG, Dejlkk in Dry Bood, Boots and Show, Qroceries, BorjLi.-l-, I UoodS, SC. Uï ■ A"I' Artiur. WlxNËs & KNIG HT. DSALEBsinStaple, Faa.-i Dry I ■!■-, IS'"ts and Shoes, c. c., Hain Street Ann Arbor. MAKTIJS c THUMI'ÖUN. IUBJfTruRi Wakk-Uoom, Dealei in all kinds of Furnttaro, ' se. Nw Block, Main Street. KÍSDUN &HENDERSON, DEALERS in Hardware, Stores, houst furnishinggnods, Tiu c. kvc-, New BlDOk, Mam Street. A. P. MILLS, Deat.kb in Staijto Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and SliotM and Katdj -l.i'.f Clothing, Hurutf'titreet Ann 8 i-hor JOHN W. MAYNAKD, Dealer in Staplc Fancy Dry , Boots and Shoes. fee. Xc. , Maiu Street, Ann Arbor & ABEL, ATTORNKYS& CouNSEtLORS at Law, and Soücitors in (Twiit-ery. OBcfl in City Hal; Block, over Webster K Co'a BdPK Store, Arm trlior kINGM.EÏ & iOUGAN, TTORVKYS, Counsellor, Solicitors, and NotarieBrubl. lic, liave Bouk.s and i'Lit. tihowing tilles oi au iands o the j'oúnty, andattend toconreyancingandcollecting ciuaiils. aii.i to p:iviii.2r t:txes and school interest in al.y part oi tiio titate. office fcast site of the SquarO,An3a Arpor. "TaMKS R. (X)OK, JrsTICB wm FRACS. Office nearthe Dcuot, Ypsilanti, n. Wm. J.KW11T, M. D, PSTÓCIU ft S!-.;kon. Office at hia rosirlence, riortl aide ofHuron street, ard 2ü house West ot Uivision ■ . nn Arbor. '. COLl-lÜK, MATFAcrt.'RERani ileiilcr iu Boots and Shoes. Excüaage Block, 'l doorg South ut MayrauxL, tebbius fe Wilsom'B atore, Ann Arbos, Mch. M 'UKE & LOOMI8. fl yf.xuFAfTt'KRBS an'1 .lealer in and 3boes, VI Pbo?iiix lïlück, Maiu streel, oue door Noith ol V;iiiingtun. vVm. 8. 8AUJSDEKS, "" Dealer in Bc era, Ann Arbor Cash i ;■.)., & Sho store, iMiutb side ol Public tíqoore. M. iTÜllEUMAis Oc CO , II, : Betail dealera aud mainfacturen oi V T Ree tthing, hn potters of Clol b oeres, üuedkuis, Jcc. Nu. ö, JiJuck, Ann Arbor. i G. B. PORTER, b,.. SritGEON De-vtist. üfiice corner of Uain jPBtLfeL &n Haron ntrects, over 1'. bacli's store, Tt9VPv4 Ann Arbor, Michigan. T T April, 1859, Wm. WAG-NER, Okalrr in Beady ttnde Clothing dotha,Ca88ÍmereB and Vesttngs, Hats, Caps, Trunka, Carnet Bags, &c. Main tt., Ann Arbor. M. OAMTLON," % yff EftciiANT Tayï,or and dealer in Ready Made Clothing. VX No 41,1'hcenix lïlucfc, Ann Arbor. BACH & l'lhRSON. DEAl.KHi-' in Dry Goods, Grocorie., Hardware, Boots & Shoea, te., Main stntet, Ann Arbor. MAYNAllD, SriEBBIKS È CO., Dealers in Dry Goods, Groeeriea, Draga Jfc Me3 buots & ólioe-;, &c. , coiner of Main and Aun BtreetB, uu oei - w tlie Kxclüiuge, Ann Arbor. SLAVVSON & GEEIi," 1 ROCEK5?, Provisión & Commissinn Üerchantt,and dea.T Iersiu Watkü Limk. Lavd Plastbp, and Plastkk of PARis,one door Ëfcst of Confe'fl Hotsl, C BLI-Ö, DEATKRinClocks. Watohea, Jewelry. and Fancy Gooda, at tbi' sigii f the Big Watoo, Xo. 27,1'hoenix Block J. C. WATTS. DE-H.KH in Clocks, WatchcH. Jewelry andSilver Ware No 'Z-l. New Block, Ann Arbor. T K. FREEMAN. Barber and Fashion:ible Ihiir Drcssor, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Midi ILiir Frontfl and Curls kept jonslantly on SCHOFF & MILLER. Iv eai-ERS in Uiacel l&n eens, School, and Blank Booka Bt tionery, Paper Hangfoga, ïro-, Maib Ëtveet Ann arbor D. DkFOREST. iTTholeíale and Retail Dealerin Lamber, 1-alli, Bhin'V ile.i, Sasli, Poort, BlJBds, Water I.iiiu-, Grand Kivcilaster, 'laster Paris, and Xails of all Eizen. A fu 11 and perfect a-inortment af the above, and tli other linds oi building matenals oonstaDtiy on hand at the towest Doasible rates, on -'etruit treel, a few roda from the Rarlroad Depot. -Uso oeratíng extensirely In the Patjant Cement RooBog. WaIhTBKAWCOPíTY BlttLE SBC1ETV. IEPosiToüv of Biblm and Testamenta at the Society ptMKB tW. C. Voorhe chapín, wood & cön TO ï-XT0Xrx, OHAPIKTtfe CJo MANUFACT"sKH.'OI3Eiiaa.1;, Book. - ANt)COLORED MEDIUMS, Wrapping Fapor.ifco. ANN AltUou MlcH. MISS JENNIE E. LÍÑES, TEACHER OF Piano Forte, Guit ir, and Singing, beleg dsairotiá ot' enlarging lier class, wil! repeive pupfls at the resideae of Prof. WINCHELL, wfaich being oear tlie Union School, will be very ctuverjient for Biicfa scbolurriattending there who ma y wlsb to pursue the study oimusiciu connection wïtb other bi aochea. Ter ma WO, half to be pajd at the m ld die and the balftuce at tho close fo the term. Livery Stable. Tl OÜKI.N, at hi I.ivery Stable. rear ef Frn.ildin, 1) halda himsell ready u, farnitta tbe best "i irn out " Bini;leordouble,at6hottnotice. Callandse is Uomi and tarnages Ofl .; dooi west ui Webster's Book ttore. CARDS! CARDSü CARDSÜ! TTaviug purchased a RüOQLHB Kotary Üiahoh] Prfl , ■■mi li a fine assortment of Cara type, AröCs Officcifi propared to Oards of ali k:nds in the neitest poBslble Htyle and at a great reduction from l'ormer [.rices, íneluding BnnineaH Carda formen ot' all avoeattons and professiona, Hall, Weddiug, and Visith.g Ordö, etc, eli. Oali, give ua yourfc orders and eoe it Is f m.


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Michigan Argus