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How To Enrich A Garden

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Mks:-i:.-ï. Editóos - A few yéars ag.) I liücl ffccïtfcion In uOCIljiiy a non gurdt. II had boon wuni by oopdoual uroppir.g iili:nt roUmiTing, til! it would UOt pmtlace hult' a isrop' i-i uiiyll i : ly J fcsul i; i ::..i ere tü ..u t np ■:; il. I could have li.:ii_'!ii open l a:'nya.'d i:;i!;i!io.-,;i:a had bi;n u:isS:d ei ml ■ t!Ícii-ljH ihroug i lile yeur lili most ol ' the salts und til lbo uriuts us gunc, bnt I (hllüght it Uould .': t j ;iv ti;!i. Nwr uould i .ii_v Luttel' atfi rcJ lo (julüi vate a yaiiin ;.l lUu lluix'lS. Thul'e .;![' iKio in the gnrdcN. 1 { liU'iui o:;o ihird oí il t whitu MJgur boet- tlrtJ remaiuder to aura, i s, ■■-.;, beaiis, íqitaahes, tnoloní, cébbitgoy, tuuiutoes, oiiiono, &c, &o. "i 'iici'i; wua one thing Ihot I could do. ] had :i fumüy ol hve, threo adulta und twe t'lii'ilreü, one an niuat. I phued a l):;lí li.)g-lic;ul, c. CWeiliont lor 10ceiving the u rty !J)ts of the family, luclüding the mine ol' Uiu chamberí. - ; This was fill-id aboot once ti d y ttlrougli thi. weuk und two or Ihreo timos on .M'üid. .ys. My uieibod of ap'yiiig it was üns: at avoniDg I bogan ut onu end of the garden nijd wiih :i pail lid dipper J threw it on úw liiils aod bede of óvorything 1 plauted, tiM the lul) waö emptied. Thosecond everiiüg 1 b gap wliere 1 left ofl iiie first, and RODtioued on ti1 the tub was ugaiu emplied. Öd I ooatiauud till 1 hud goae over the liolo garden, l corniiiikd ti) repeat tba Banie procesa through tliu eulire se&sion, or untii tc gurdoH hid beca m so maWrod :;s to tioed no more lood. 'ïim first time going throügh the garden, us tlc Beods were not up, Fused u large wateriDg pot, wilb coarse noae. Tlie secoud timu through, 1 used the pu'ü and dip jier, and :i)) ied the liquid arouud uie plant. As tbe pluntfl bncun.e lurgu and nóarly covcrod tuo grouud, I applied the liijiiid to the grouod whererér il wuü luiked. And notv for tho result. I had a náighbor, Dr. C, ; computitor in tho gardening fine, thai é'imtner. mine, the ñamé sízaí and tin; Kauie quality oi oil. Ho had plenty of open burnyard manure and plenty of time to work hia garden. Heof'ien Ijoasted of having the best garden in town, and thought hij abould have the beat] notwithstanding mine. liut no suoner were the gardens both well up, tli..n the Doctor begae to show i cl Buspioion that lie ahould bo beat. - : Abo ut the first of J;ily he camo inito] iny garden and suid " I have como to ioquire nto the secret oi' your power over the vegetable ktngdorn. Tlie rápid growth of your garden is a mystery to me. Your garden was once, mine Iwice, and dragged well. Your8 wus run down and iiad no manure, niine was in botter order, ond btiües, had plenty of manure. - Mine also has had a little botter attention than yojirs, and now Ibe Srat of July, yours is eertainly tbirty if Bot fifty per cent. ahead of mine. Teil me whai you have done to it." u Well, Doctor, come wit h me nto ny wood house," &aid I : ''There, tbat uib, with th lielp of my good wite, eoiuains all the secret there is ttbout it. I h.ivc been feeding my garden just as yen have been leeding yonr pis.:' ' Well, now I see what yuu have been doiug all Bummer. I supposed }(u were watering your garden all sümraer, and I nondfed wby you ehould be doióg' that when there has Leen plenty oi rain. Now I teo the mystery." That garden, Mesers Editors, had the reputation of being the most thrifty and the most productiva of ar.y garden iu the country. That was my first experiment with the waste water oí the family. And as that was applied to a half acre of worn-out land iiMonly a part of four mootbs in the yeaf, 1 cuino to the conclusión that had the who'e been jiidioiously applied one entire year, it would have been amply fiufrioiunt to keep, in a high productivo order, two acres. But in this estímate I havo not included tlij excrement froni the pmy, My ppihiqn was then iorined, and has been confirmed by laie experimente, that the rnanure froin the family would be amply süffioiont to . ricb as many acres lur all tlie purposw f agriculture, as there are mombers in the family, and tliis, too, exclusivo of absorbente to be used. But bv tho jiidiciuu-' uhc of absorbents, the au'iount could be-easily doubled or qwadruplod oven. And this would be the truo way oL saTiDg and uaiftg the liquid. With the expenso of one hali tod bi guano, in permanent 6xtngé, áiiy farmer could roabe from Lis house ono ton a year rbtough eoveral generations. it wül eertainly pay.- J. L. Edgeuton, in Country Gentleman. piíljigon kps.


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