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MfCMGAKI SOUTHERN & IKTHEKS rSDIANARAII.ROAn. 18a; iNTKÜ .UUiA.SO'EJIK.NT'. 180l. Ir u nofl 1 ', rl ■ :■ [tteüj as ■ .■ ;■. .:■. n;i 11 I.) :'. M ,-lv: .:.. Air :.:!! :i I il H. :,„,! Int lïiiingoul 0..M A M. lid ■■:■'■■■ P. B IVoni Toleslo :.kI I ui. .11 :it i.:.u I .-.■il :] .:■ : a , .-. Metr ■ .,■ m lol i i, &J Sií5 A. M., & 60 . . M ,auü3.16 In : !. lo ;■■ a%iugn 3,40 P. M. ml f.31 A. M Innfi ■■ ;'- 'l!■ . i .:m A. M , ..■:.■■ ■ :■ '. M. - r. . ■ . U-do Rail Riad, with ;.:,!, I Boádl Wltli riwul Trui ÏViilfcay, vil! 1 lu . ulao, w.üi tb DctroUjiuJ Alilwuukeei At N.:v A'im-.y .': .üm ;: i-With Traína fur laiiiyclte, N.w All 11 100- Wilh Cli rcijio nnl tlock 1 .:■ ' ■ ,; , e, Cl . ' ■ -Xmilj 1 '■■. AK..H :-!■■■! -;l. Louifc, 1 ... I (Vnir.i. an 1 t.i all 1 uluta V.-.I .n. 1 gtttrtu'. lina aro run i.y Qlilcago tinv, whleb N'-O I ut'-, -lo.ri-i timo !■■ ■■ In ' 1 i--. fa Piitonl Sleeplug Cars accompany tb ilua on ll:'s ■ f, . asby anyothRil UiKul :ii;.' JNO. I. CAMPDEIX. '..ii.- ■! ipMttten4nt. "fí"re"mf"í"rYT PTJSSTJÏStV .V ASSA CUUSETTS Xu-jurance Oompany , CASH CAPITAL & SURPLUS O"VI3:F5. S5SOO,OOO. W. N. srRONG, Aeut. Ann Arbor, MPoh . 20, 16G1. 7921 f LIFE . . lWt3 kAJNpÉ. Tho Connccticut MuHial Life Insaranes Company. Accuninhitod Capital, - S:V"00,000. l f TiA. iNI'IÏ!-: fin :uiy' . VV M0,0 1 fot !!..■ whole term of Ure 01 r..r 1: tona of : tbc tu..t favorable tei ra. opaoy i ;■,!■■; mutual anti th p lioy ■.,:■ tbe exacl - .,,líe ), . . .1 the Bettli 1 ■i„ r pirmiunis (N LIKE 1'OI.ICIKS, f dwirM, lj a ñute fnr "lic halflüe amount, bearinf intsNst at BH ' , ;■' r iiinium. Dividend are Dcdarcd Annvalhj! ftfcd BÏuce they óow aiñoonf to lirnf per cènf 6n the ireid note, iid we increasing tbey may be i. cancel tlif d " jCST The ratei oi premiuiss nren low as an.v otber tv RguDsible Compsny and tho Urge accumulatod fund of $$,500,000 Is Böcurcly ukrêsted, aa inay be sean by reter. . accor I.Dg 1" Ie ■■ , on fit? En the oüice uf thu L'ouuty Clerk,a1 Ann ►DVIN,PrMt. Guy iï. IHLP8,Secy. ForpartícnlaraapBÍj to JASTE C. WATSOK, 763j 1 1 Mich. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Acoumulatod Jan, 1860, $1,707,103,? 1 MORRIS FRANKLTN", PresiJenf, J C. KENDALL, Vce_ President, PLÍXY FKEEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED Oompirollarof.the Stftleof New York. Di-riïais average 10 per oeit. aniidally. CWblaBank, 31,355,40 - . oreated ander 11 lAwof ate of Sew V.irk and ol the D. B, 25S,870,Tí) leal Éstate umi Fixtarea, Nos. 112au1114 Broadway 132,150 rt4 VnU and Mort (ageadrawlhg7 por .-f. intérosi S3,'Ï98.39 nived for 40 per cent. of premium un Ufe loreet, _ 675,31c. Sa i.-nnr1' ■ I premiaras, doe aubw' ,,.,. ntto January 1, 1880 _.'..riVi.0S iccriic :. up i" ■'."■ 1 1SM, %S5' ' ', :crueduptojn.l, bVüi'Xi 'remluma oo poüoies in handí oí Agenta, !8,4.m H,T67,13-.4 Drs WXUB nuJ LtWITI, U 74-;tJ, G1IJ3EKT SMITH, 'gent Agency ï C. H. MILÏ.EN IS TiiK (iKXT fir the folio ring finti clas compaiucs: IIOHE IMSUUANCE COMPANY, .r Kcw Vork Cjty.-Capifal and Surplus, ïi.óno.iOO. CITY PIRE IKSÜHANPE COMPASY, of Bartford. - Capital and Surplus, $-1011000. covtinextaIj isrA!t"E compawt, ol New York City.- Capital and surplus, $100,000. ?bree.quartèrs,of .the nett profita in tlus Company i hvideú anuuíüly among its pollcy bolders. OH M1LL.ENAnn Arbor, Doccmbcr 13, 1860. em"78 Coimay Kire Insurance Co., Of Gonway, Mass. Capitiil paicl np, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - 200,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,410 03 D. C. Rofccrs, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J a.WiriTNRY, L. BODMAN, W. F.I.T.1OTT, SHOM,Nn D r. M.-íiM.VKAV, K. O. MORCïXN WAIT BK.MKNT. JOSIAI1 AI.I.IP. A. II Bu LEM W.H. niCKINSON, W T. CLAIM', D.C'. HOGERE. Ann Arbor Rpferenccp: r. E. WBlrfcS, L. JAMES L. norr.K, CNOCU JAMES. OAPT. O.f. OOOIR1CH J W. KNIGHT, AL'Ptit. Aun A.rlior. Michigan. TH E PEORÍA M AEINE & Pi BB INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, 1..L1NOIS. Qapital. - - - f00,000 of thtt-IIEATIEST, SAFK8T anl BKT 1 nsurancé ■,,'-:. ; ii the l 8. In onable trm . promptly. Therc is DobeUerFlre insaraaa Ci:iip.-itiV. Money Wauted. W l o wlll Le n 1 M o n e y 1 ÍAM KBQÜESTED BY SEVEKAL l'KRSONe tu obt.;i:i ui iiiiy fór them at Ten Por Cant I iterest, (Or More.) furanyone willinst tolend,! ;ui :it Inveat on rood uuoncumb red abuudant ]:IAI. ESTÁTE secnrity u i,, money and seo thit t&B tltlo nd securitj re il i liiNiir. :- Tlic borrower paying all oïponjos, inclmling re.,,.ll:,.. K. W.1I0R0AN, Ann Albor, Gct. 7.1SS9 71MI General Land Agency PERSONS wsntinp fnrrns, or rnaldeniTM n omeiil Ann rbor, .'.an oy CHlllttgonme itílocttrorca liet oiover A!()() Farms l'or Salet Ofvariou-'lrIrnm S, te 1-iO'1 aerctach ;(flome ia eood is in yin'.hie Connty.) Morothan f Dweltllg Inüsrs ntaliCtty,fromtwi 'mudrod to fourthouaorcio (rach:índ nvfl' 1 í í ; t(JIF,l)ING LOTS! m inslhefnrmii are the lüshopsmrrn, l.'iOOacrPi, hu l'otter ferm, Infireerionï; t" I'lürriarm , n i 1 lora, tbeBlawlonnnd Jnkfimi8. in We h .Stub'-'s MichüCl Clancy, Nctnn Boegsn, Dd Ffallab.31 arm, in Ann Xrlmr: J . Kif:aeloy'4 farm, B i'io U-rch and Ui -k Hrm Ir. l.odi: ttPatriffk 'Mnyu f'irm In frneHom; W. 8. Haviken. B. 1. Bnker and IïucVs rnrms in.Sylvsn Most' f h.. ind many other3 can bn iivided to uil 1Urll'"Cr' HO1OAR. AnnArboJ, Jn lt . i11 "■' i? V. M O R G A N , Agent lor Hntual fJfe Iit-uram-oOmiitany, Kew Tork. AeeumutatedAanta, ... - $5,350,000. li" teadíng Ufe Inqurance Conapanj In the U. 8. Enlekerbooker l-ife losorance Co'ropaiiy, New York, - a firat oUaa foft Co. - terma reaaonable. Hnmboldi Flre Insurance Compaay, New 5 (■:,,, ■!:,!, iih iil-iru-i-siirplliK, ■ ■ 2U0,000. Peoría FirelbaoranoeO&. retinu UI. - i No. 1 Etre'Insnnncotio's. 7o7tf buitel, .... 500,0O0: DE FOKEST, ARMSÏRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MKRCHAJiTS. 75, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Nbw York. WOül.n N'oTil'Y Tlir TUAUK tiint tnoy ar openin VTeekly, in atn and besntifal patteratthe W A üfSld V Vf 3? Ái 5gt32S!ïïï'Ss ALSO TUK AmoslLoag, & New Print, wbicb excels every print tn the Country fo peWcctiou of i-xi-ciitinn iui'1 Itííiin in full Uftd'ier Colors. - Our l'rinls nre ehenper ' tn auy iu marK.-t , aud moettDg wtb exlensive sule. OnitTM (roinptly a1 t'ii'ii"l t. 782yl uval Picture Trames ALL SlZiCS, STYLES aad l'RICEü juut reccivud and Ut .íIl clu-apat OHOFF & MILLER'S. . , ïioo" , ■ n ■ ■ " ' 1 Rk Empire ) TÊÈËK B0OK KORE SH Ar.i. S'ow i -i;. m ,: i ;■ ) , ANii ' . , ■. ,i New au i LAW &c MEDIVAL MVOKh, School Bookt, Miscetlancous Banks, lila uk Boolts. dan STATIORTETIT! Wall.iml Wiuilu-.v Paper, Matbfmatical ! ■ Miihic, Juvüui'i : , Euvelopes, taks and Catds. GOLD And aW of? er kinds of Pevt and Pvncils ' Wiiuïow Corufcej 81i ■ ■ ■ ure, POCKET CUTLKRY! Aii'ïcv. . ■ .: ■ ■ to tl ■ tratle, and nioix to wLn-i; ■ -. Ite ntu-ntíuQ '■l UiQ country. Tn ftoinliictitic "'ir li "■--, w ftbftH dn n Haal can . 'i that qo rcaw d ibl' man, w unían Oí ctiild sháll ïw anv fauy , We poj&ès facilitles whtch will enableufltó Buipply Btomera it ttao Lowest Possihíü Figures. Wc pvoposc tofteii tör REVOY r.W, ata smul] advance. ■ ■ ■; r profil on our kok)s, bul Casli Sales will Admit of Low FIGURIS. bave onsnged the rvie ol .; AIJDINQj heroforeare prepaced lo furnisii Visitiwg, Wedding and all othèr Cnrds mr liten tn order, icith neatnets and dispatch, by mai' or othertoite, Tlip "Kmimiu: Roox Store," ia inanued by a z"- 'prow.' ai they will alw ] bei and ou I] quartT fleck," ready and nrilliDg 1" atlénd it al! witli pleasore, wko wiiï fftrot lliíin with a cali. líemember tiiu "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Oo Ann, Mi , '.860. '■!( THE BAfíIÍER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- F-XrL Sc WINTER E O 33 S. GOUDS FROM ATICTIONT. Facts for the Feople w ft. s iï t e :n" -a. vt" ADJOTMiNG COÜNTIES ! Anú tlirir nunioroua quostions ntifvno.l. Win i Evrryboily trading at the "BAXNER STOREt '-Because A. P. WIILLS, the Proprietoro) that Est ftbliili ment has jast returned from ihe Eastcrn Oitieswith the Largest, Handsomest, Cheavent, and Most Attractive Ütock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to this part oí" the Stato.j Wliy is Ecanjhody pltated with }tis Stock? htastylea :iro m'fr beantlfol, rjnnlitv iM4tcr,antl lower tiiati nt au) "'.;; ;r rtore ín Uw oounty. Why has he always Snnuthing Neie and Cheap to Show? ■ M ',., '„a-ü f:icn.'. cniiirot.'ii witll OD '.f Ul 1} m ; f)ry GoHiln Housen in Now Tofk, who itluualsi " BOBBIlfQ ROI VZ)"Xorohepbai ■ lielato this way i :v cusiuuiL-r.s cao alwaji ïin-ï Bomethiñgrwah, ]SEV CUEAra-il DESIRABLE Wliy does he sell so much Cicaper than the rest? i buyer In tho city all the timo totnkt tinual charge of the murket, and n iluit waj bui much cheaper thaD óthèrt can, and '■■"■ Éemarka themdoffn totho IjOWTEST ZTIGrXJFlZm. Why does he ' Ladkt' and Childrenê' Shoes so much c,e:iper ihan was ever lteard ofby the oldest Ssoimaki'rs? Bccaiiw hp bnys hi? stock in the land of OiocmakorSj oí the manufacturera, inïïy Lfi percent chea.per ihaai tlu, .. ■.. :..!..!.., nel) tnem, and much better work tnan Uiey'gcneralli keop. ihiscouree onables hixn to sella b ittei (iaitcr for 35 Cents. tbaii otliersscll at 50 cOTits,ani a botter F9XED CAITEI' at Meent.-, than erthera neli at 76 Hat he any Kats and Cap? Ycí.I (.hoi.M think lio has st.■cl of theni, Bqongh to jupplylhostote, at prieta lowcr tliau is ovSfhoardoi laaBathMe parto. ";.j 's his Ten so muclt brttrr for the pr ice you pay than you get al otlter places? Beoansehi takei [real care In wleoting it, and giTOahfi custoineis 1 iie beaeliiof B re. il .mi ..'. 76 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It is a üy ho hasgot. Whrre should you go to get your CLOTHS and .bc than Cut or Made? To tliaBANNBR STÖKE, where tho ïoplo'i Banner i unforlod ;"■'!■ the Pe Bouthside of Pubïio Square, w doen wcstofCook1!. Hotel. A. P. MILLS. 8rt. 18, 1860. MAiNliUUiJ How Lost and How Restored. Just PuUnthed in a Seahd Envehpe, a !,,iTi:i:i;oNTHK nat BE, FJRRATJiENT and RAI ICAL Cl RB OF -ri.i...l'::!;ii(i-.A, m S-nïnal ■ sa, Sexual DebUity, NorrouBowia aad Idi iv Eiulnloiu Lbduoing unputoncy, and UentaJ utul BV ROü. J. OüLVERWELl, M. D. Author of the ' Green Book," fyc'. TIk world-iwiiownod aathor, m ttii- admirable Lectun ■.uiiiiiioiivii egperience that the awful conseqnencefl ofsclf alnwe may b(? effectaafl; removed medicino and daDgeroue stu calopc i lii'n-. bougies, ïn-truments, rlngB or cordlalñ, pointtng out a modo or cuw ;it once córtalo and eff&ctual, bj vrbicl) ev no matter whnt hls condltion may bfl.mav cure hlmaelf ckeaphfypricauly and %adically, - ictuxo il! provea boonta thousanda and thousaodSi Sont umler Btal toany addrcHs, po.-t pald. 'm Vap tvci-ijit cf two poitnge stamps, iiy addTéssing Dr. ' 11. J C KLINli), 127 Uowt-ty . New York Post BctX, bFYYOUR CLOTIIIKG Cicvcland Clothing House Wbore tlioy now scil Winter Clothing at grontly REDTJCED PBICES, A few doors out uf Couk's Hotel, Huron Street, Ann Arlior. 1b'2t( A, & C. I.OBB.


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Michigan Argus