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S-t ECÍAL ifOTICES. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN' INDIANA RAILBOAD. 1861. Sl'MMER ARRAXGEJIEXT. 1861. Irains now run on this road, fundays excepted, as follows: Leave Tol"io 'Yir Chicago daily axcept Mondara at 10 40 A JI.,and 10.30 P. M., and via Air' at 10 45 A. M. Leave Detroit for Chicago at 1,80 A. M. and 7,50 P. H. Arriving in Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at 8,00 A. II. and 8,00 P. M. . and via Air Line at 7.10=1'. M. Arrive at Detroit from Toledo, at 7:15 A. il., 2:00 I'. M. and 6.30 1'. M. Arrivc in Detroit from Chicaso at 6.30 P. M. , and 7 .15 A. M. rrive in Toledo from Chicago 4,35 P. II. and 4.50 A. M., and via air line at 4.25 P M. Leave Jackson for Toledo at 5.00 II. and 1,45 I'. II. Arrive at Toledo at 9,10 A. M., and 4,35 1. Ut CONNTiCTIONS. At Totedu - With Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, with Wabash Valley Rail Road. Ar Detroit- With Grand Trunk Rail way, with Great Western Raihvay, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee, Railroad At Nbw Albaxy & Salem R. R. Crossixg - WithTrains for Lafayette, Kew Albany and Louisville. At Cuicagu - With Chicago and Rock Island, Galena, Mihvaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy - North West Raihvay - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, anl to all l'oints West and South. &&■ Trains are run by Chicago time, which is 20 minutes slower than Toledo time. JKff Patent Sleeping ' Cars accompany the Night Trains on this Route. &3 Time and Fare the same as by any other Rail Road Route. JNO. D. CAMPBEIX. General Superintendent. o. h. h Passenger trainu now leave Detroit and the several Stations in thia County,as follows. (G O I N G WEST. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Even. Ex Night Ei Detroit, 7.30 A. ai. 12.00 M. 4.03 p, m. 8.00 p. 'm. ï'psilanti, 8.45 " 145 P.M. 6.25 " 9.15 " AnnArbor, 9.05 " 2.15 " 5.50 " 9.35 " Dexter, 9.25 " 2.50 " 6.20 " Chelsea, 9 45 " 3.15 " 6.40 '■ Ar. Chicago, 8.00 P. M. 5 45 i. M. 8.00 l. M. GOING EAST. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. Mail Ex. Day Ex. Shelaea, 5 00 a. m. 6.10 a. k. 3.15 p. m. Dexter, 5.15 " 6.35 " 3.35 " Ann Arbor, 5.40 '■ 7.10 " 4.00 " 5.10 p. M. 7p8ilnti, 6.00 " 7.40 4.25 " 5.S5 " Ar Detroit, 7.15 " 9.15 " 5.45 " 6.30 " THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. Ut JAMKS OLAHKE'S Celcbrated Frinale Pilis. PEOTECTED [ L E T f E K F BY EOÏAL ' J0 PATENT Prepared from a prescription of 8ir J. Claflce, M D., Physician Exiraordinary te the Queen. This invaluable medicine in unfailiog in the cure of aU thons painful and dangerouH djheasPá to which the female ir.ptitutyM in lubject. It moderaten all excess and re moves all obstructioas, and a ppeedy cura taay bt rfelied on. TO K.lltRlED LAD1L8 It U peculiarly suiteá. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly periort with nlgularity. Kacli bf)ttle, priee On Dollar, btiars thft Govorameoi SUuip of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeitA. Thcte Pilh should not be talífn by ftmalts dmrinf tkê FIRST THREE MONTHS of Prtgnmci),u tkêy art ture to bring on Mitcarriagt, bvt ml ftjr otktr timt the] "■ ëafe. In All taamt of Nerrous and Spmal Aüections, País in the Bock and Umbi, Fatigue on Blight exertlon, Palpita tiun of the Heart, HysUricfl, and Whit4a, thefte PüIb wil] Heet a cure wheu aQ othor moaci hato fAiled, and blthough a pewerful remedy, do uot contaia iron, calom attiaw ny, or any thing hurtfnl to the eoQBÜtutiou. 'uli irectiuua aecompary each package. Sole Agent for the Dnited States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Balduin ft Co,) Rochejtor, S. Y - $1,00 and 6 poatage stampa endosed to any au Agens w4U Innit a botU of ÍS BU1 b; retara I Sold be GRENTILL & IT"LLL?. Ann Arbor. and by Druggists iacv.ery toivn. IMPORTANTtFEMALES THE HEALTH AND lü-'E OFWOMAN Iscontinually in povil f she is mal enouLh tn oegleot or maltreat tliose sexual inegularities to which twotbirdB of lnTfx are more or lean subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PII.I.S, prepare! from the same formula inch the inventor, fiORNKUUS L. CBSESEMAN M. D., of fork, haa for twenty years.used successfuüy in an extended private practice- iminediately ieli-c wtthoul pain, all disturbances of the periódica discharge, whether ansiag from relaxation or suppression. Tliey act Hke a cliarm nremovhig the pains that acccinpany ilillieult or inimoderate mecstruation, and aro thü only safe and reliabla re-medy for Flushes, Sick Headachc, Paius in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpita tion ui' the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Brotan Sl4p and ofner unpleasant and dangerous effectH of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fitior Albas or YVhites, they effect a j speedy cure. To WIVES and MATEONS. Dï. CHEESEMAN'S I'IU,S are offcred as the only safe raeans of ranewlng inierrupted menstrnation, but. IiADlKS MUST BEAR IN RHHD There is one condition of the female system. in which the Filis ennnotbe takelt without produciría a PECULIAR RESULT. The amdiUonritf erredlo is PREGNANCY- the rcsull, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresistible Inidcncy of the medicine to réstars the semal fuvetions to a normal condition, that even the rcprodttclive poteer of nature canñot resist it. directions stating ichen, and when they should nol ie used, ivith oach Box,- the Price Oue Dollar each Baz, r.bnLi"''g 50 Pilis. A valuable pinphlet, t'J bc had free, of the Agcnts. Pilis sent by mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Asent. Suld by Druggisl general y. B. B. HUTCH1NGS, rropretnr. 20 Cedar-St., Keut York. For Sale by MATNARD STEBBINS & WI1SON, aud RENVIIjLE & f ULLER. ÏIÏÉ M OVATl roiainsr -w. htjistt HAS REMOVED his stock of Hardware for a few weeks to lbo Store formerly occupiod 5y C. H. MILI. EN & Hangsterfer's J31ock. DEA INMfe CO-, TNVTTI-, nitcntion to their new stock compiising all X kiuds oí' Crocfcery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures inúllouse-furaishina; good,all of which they are offer At the Lowest Possible Rates, French Chma Toa sets Trom $5 00 to 20 00 French China dinner Bef from 25 00 to 70 00 Stone chifia Toa sets frora ' 50 to 5 00 ílnne china dinner stts from 8 f0 to 2ü liO Chi-s Kerosene I-amps complete from 37 % to 62 "l it bte Kerosene I4iiiips complete from 80 to 10 0-) Fluía I-ainps from 18 to 62á ffëë" Ijamps of all kïads altered and repaired. L. F. RANDALL, OEALING IK PBANÖ FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music Sf Musical Murchandite. JACKSON - - MICH. PliíNO PORTES 'rom the mnnufactory of A. II. GAyi & CO. of New Yurk, for wliom I am n et. I will tfarraut inferior to nuni1, in style of finish quantity oi quaJity of tone and prompt ness of action MELODEONS, manufact'irod by TRFAT & IJJÍ8LET NTeiT Havr?n Conn. & KriTEY & ÏKEEX, of Brat lebur Vt. I wtll warrant snperierto any in the market in every re-i eet tliat periains to 1he good qualitíesof a Melorteon. I have on hand and am cnsrantly receiving from the pu!jli-hcr large quanties of the most popular SHEET MÏÏSIC vhich T will send by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of marked jiríces. A good assortnieut of GUITARS, YIOLINS, PIANO Stook, Bows Stvings, Instructions Books for all instrumenta, CUUIiCH. MUSIC BOOKS Glee Books Sp., Sfc, Sfc. The nsual discount to the Profesión. Musical Instruments tuneil ani repaired anl satisfaction guarantee in every respect; Iy787 ï,. F. RAXDALL. Ann Arbor Marble Works. BATCHELDËR& EISELE. TT AVE on hand a fino assortment of American and 1TA L I A N MA It B L E which they are prepared to manufacture into MOMJMENTS. UEAD STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPS Ac., Ac, fcc, fec, n all their varieties, and in a WORKMANUKE manner. Ilaving had considerable experience in the business they Üattür themselves that they will be able to please all who may favor them witii their oreert. Their pricee LO W AS THE LOWEST. liose wiKhint; any thiDg in thoir line are respectfully Jn'itcdto cali. BATCHELÜER & E1SK1.E. Ann Arbor. March. 6, 1861. 790yl City Mc at Market. jmt-mtg ïne undersigned 1THEIE MARKET TO THE CORNKR 01' ANN AND MAIN STREETS And will keep conwtantly on hand a full assortment of -e-is-la. 3VT-e-,-1:-eí-, whicli they will rdways be found in reacliuesstn cut u"pon SU1Ï CüStOMEKS. No Piiss will be spared to keep their market Clean, and Meals Sweet and patrons may rely upon getting the best roasts Steakw, chops, etc. , that can be found in the City. CALL AXDTHY Ü8. S. l'ROCTOR T. WALKER. Ann Arbor. Hay 4, 1860 745m6 Rifle Factory! A. J. SUTHERLAND HASremovedhi Gun Shoptothe Nuw Blockir Huton street, south oi the CourtHouee.ontnesecond floor, wherti he is prepared to i'iimiBh Guns, Pistols, Ainmunition Flasks, Pou;hes Game Bags, and Every other artiele in Lis Line. On the moBtreasonable terme, and to do all kiuds o n.EÏ3Fj!V.irï.I3NrGr n the anortes t notice.and in the best mannel , du il assortment alwayskept on hand, ond made to or er. DEFOREST.ARMSTRONGA CO. DRY GOOÜS MERCHANTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Waw York. WOUI.D NOTIFY THE TRAPE that tney are openin Weekly, in ntw and bcautiful patterns,the ÁIBO TUK A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country perfection of csecution and design in füll Sladder Colors. - Our Prints aro choaper títMü any in market, and meoting wth exteasive sale. Orderü prompíly attmied 'o 1o2yl


Old News
Michigan Argus