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FIRE! FÍRE ! WESTERX MASSA CHUSF.TT8 inmrance Gompany . CASH CAPITAL & SURPLUS; ovi3H. %r 30,000. ; W. N. TllOJiï, Agent ' Ar.u Ai-lior, Jí.rdi 2í), 1S61. Ï93tL . IJ F E ï IV "sïTttAMOK The Conneoticut Mutual Lifo Ins.ira'ici Company. Acouinuliited Capital, - 83,500,000. WII.I.IN.-TI'.KI.ÏVKS fot any amount not excoeding $■ ;.o 1M fr 't' !i"V terra of Ufo or for a U-rm oï w.i 1:-, öü tin must favorable tcrnM. N.B Tlie Oompany i pnrely mu(u:il n4 lUe pollcy lioldurs got all tho inplus over tl;M.i.-t coát "f tnsurance H :i" lodatbs the Insnred in the setHtfnent of ;i,ir ON i.IFK POUCJES, fdejirwl, l taking .t ,1 .1.' fut one half tlnï amouat] bearinu interest at six u-r v-'Mii, per iimum. Dividcmh are Dedarcd Annunlhl ni slnce Hiejr ow amoonl to Hm i-r ml on pi m'iini, eaKh and note, anti are mcrcjising tln-y maj bo . j ui. ■! to cancel tlie aoton. j" The ratès '1 premiums ftrcaslnw ns any ntber re-K.;i.i'!.. Company nntil Oio Urg' acoümülotefl fun-1 f .;.ó 'O 000 svmif-ly laTMted, as iuay be Boen by referonce to the statement made acoorUi)ff to law, cm die in 'ke office ottUe L'ouuty Aun Arljor.-CJi JA.MI.-i UUO1IW1X, l'rcit. Gor Fl. Pan PS, Eïeoy. F,.r iMrtUmlannppljr to JAMES 0 WAT90N, ïa3jl (ïiMii at Aun Albor, Miel). NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aecumulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKUN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED rith theCbmptroUerof thfl Stojaof York. Dividoaüs average 40 pcrcwöt. annually. AS8ETS. ■:, h Ilanl;, S 31,355.49 iBTOfteti n securtp,cre;ttííl Doder Ibc Iftwaol the State of few Vort mul ofthe U. ?., 268,870,79 I!. ilK-tute aml Kixlures, 112 aiM 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Iïoïhï.s Hii'l Mortgagea drawing 7 per et. interest 683,998.39 N'.ii.v reet Ived for lit per ceiit.of prvmiomfl ou life polic! is, bearing Interest, 075,315.85 Quarterly atodTSeml-aoBna] premtvms.'dae svibsequent'to Jannary 1, lSfiO 20,5.w.üR InUTist aeoroed "i t" Jan. 1 , 18C0, 3H.4S8.77 Renta accruedup to Jnn. 1, 1860, 1, 70 8.34 Premiums ou policles iu haQdfl of Agents, 20,445.19 $1,767,13.24 Drs Wklls and LüWlTT, Kedleal Examinéis. ;43tf J. 61LBERT SM1TH, Agent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEÏi IS TUK W3ENT for the following flrst claw eompanle: HUME INSXTHAKCE COMPANY, of New York raty.-Capltal and Surplus, l,5u0,000. CITY PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford.- Capital and Surplus, $400,000. CO.VT1NEKÍTAI., INSVRARCE COMPANY, of Hen Vork City. "-Capital and Surplus, $100,000. !'li;.' i]ii;.iUms of the nett profit. iu this Conipany is divided annually among it.s polfcy holden. C H MII.I.ENAm Arbor, December 13, 1860. Cm778 Conway Flre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Roprers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WFnTNKY, L. BODMAN, W. ET.LIOTT, ASA HOW UND D C. McOlL Vit A Y, K. D. MORGAN WAIT BKMKNT, JOSIAII A1.L18. A.H. BUU.EN W.U. D1CK1NSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGER3. Aun Artor References: nr. F.. WEl.I.S, L. JAMES. I DOUOE, ENOCU JAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOODKICH J. W. KN1GHT, AKent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. T"1ÏÊ"PEORIA MAEINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - $500,000 nnc of the HEA VIEST, SAFEST and BEST Insurance Co', in the U.S. Insures on reaaonabte tetma, and ui :í- pajr promptly . Thore ií no botter Firc Iusuranc Conipauy. Money Wanted. W hú w i 1 1 LendMoucy] T AM BEQUEaTED HY SKVERAL l'ERSOXS to obtain i myney for tliem at ïen Per Cent latere st, (OrMore.) For any one vUUng to lend, 1 can at once invest on ■rood uuencumbered abundant KEAL ESTÁTE security anymunl of moncy and ace that the title and security ;,!■■. ui. BIOBT. ., , , ,. - The borrower paying all expen-es, ínchiding roj.n„ E. V. MOBOAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7.1859. 715tf General Land Agency. PERSONS wanting farms, or reetdenopnn omR Ann Arbor, can by Cülllngon me iolectfroms liet o f ovo r 1 O Farms For Salel Ofrariousslzcstrom 3, to 1300 aerceesoh ;(iome ai goodutanylathiBOonnty.) Morcthan 5 O UtVPliiiR Houseg nthlTlty,fromtwo liundred to fourthomanddo - nrt aaeh : and ovr 2OO Bail-DIIÍG LOTSI imingtherarnn are the lüebcpetnrin, !TO0acres, rhe Potter farm, in Green Oak, the Placefarm, a, j IJ) acre, the Blandón nnd Jonk farms, in Websteri the Stubis, Michael Claucy, Newton Becgan, and Pallaha farms, In Ann Arbor; J -Kinsley'4 farm, nPittsSüld-the Hatch and Hick farms in I.odi;thc i'atrickClyufnrin in Kreodom; W. 8. Daviton, B. f? Bakers and Buck's farms náylvan. Most of these nnd many otbers can be dividod to sult pUr0b"Cr8 E.WMOtGAW. AnnArboJ.Jan lst.-18S K EY . MORGAN, Agent tor Mutual Ufe InaaraoeeCompaéy, New York. AseamuUtod Aantal, - - $6,340,000. the. li-n'limr. Ufe Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerboeker Life Insurance Company, iNevf ork, a flrst cIrhk xafcCo. - terms reaaonable. Humbold) Tire Insurance Company, New York. Capital, wlthalargosurplu, - - iSOOjOOO. Peoría Marine & Fire Insurance Co-, Peona 111. - Ho. 1 Firc Insurance Co's. 7O7tf CÏpitelj - t500,000; WLNES & KNÍGÍIT have reccivod thcir second purebase of WïiSTER GOODS5 Wluch will be sold at the Lowest Possible Prices, FOB CASH, BAETER, OE PEOMPT Wc Luvile uil to culi und be saUsfied that our GOODS ARE AS GOOD PÜICES AS LOW us can bc found in the city. No?. 10, 1860. 773tf BE NOW OPENIXG, DIRECT KlioM Ï'L'BIJSHKRS .' AM) Maniilactiiivrs,:i Ninv nul r pletfÁvék of LAW & MEDICAL JÍOOKS, School Bcoks, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books. dan STATIOKTERY! Wal! and Wunimv Panrr, Drawingand Mathematica] Instruments. Music, .Juvenile Ubrariod] Kuvelojics, Inks auil Cards. And all other kinds of Pens and Peticifs ' Wiinliuv Oornlce, Blindes and Flxture, POCKET CÜTLEBY! And evorythïng pnrtaining to the tntde, and moPO to whiekthcy wuQlu ïiivite thu atteniiou ot the eouotry. In oouiiMfitin? our boslness, we slinll do all (lint can he í!rtQe,Bo that uo rcasunable man, woiuan or chiUl BfaftU find any fault. Wo ppssons facilities which will cnablc us to suj)jty our stomers at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. Wc pFoposo io soll for RKADV I'AY, utii! advauce. W.' (i. i."i a pro6t (ju our goods, bat Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wc have miagad th services ol JAM1ÍS F. BPALDING , haraforaara preparad to ftexikisb Visiliig, Wedding and all other Cards written to order, with ncatness and dispatch, by mail or otherwise. Tlie "KmpirbKookStork," is manned by affood 'crew,' n! ti.i'v will alw;i,vii be xoand on tha "qoaftar deck," ready and willing to attcud tü all with pK'aaure, wLo will favor thcm with a cali. líemember the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTEB & Co. Ann Artor, rii.v,186O. 7-g THE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- f-A-XXj &c vt'hsttee. goods from auction, Facts for the Feople -ÜK-AND- ADJOINING COUNTIES! Aud tlit'ir uumcrous questions answered. Why is Everybody trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Becaute A. P. MILLS, the Proprietorof tliat Establishment has just returned from the Eaetern Cities with thfe Lar ff est, Bandsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attr active Stock of STAPLE AlsD FANCY DRY GOODS! ever liruuglit to this j)art of the State.] Wliy is Ectrybodtj pleased with his Stock? I!,-c.insi. hisstylesnrpmnrn Vautltul, quality Hetter,and piices lower tl'ian at any other store, in the couuty. Why has he always Snmtthing New and Cheap to Show? nccausehnhasafrii-ndconnected with of the ly Kesl DrjGKxUuHoDüiNowYork,who is continuatet " BOBBJUG 110UWD" for ebeap bargaini "'1 i'"1 ' f stvle s thev appaat from time to time and m Hila waj kip hiin suppllod with itjrtoa, and conaequont.v CU8tomers can alivays fmd suincthing Creah, NEW CIIEArAud DESIRABLE Why does 'neteU so muek Cheapcr than the rest? Becausc lie has a biiyer in the city alltheMme to teke arti-anlaie of the contlnual rhangc of the market and in thal way buy bí Kofllls '"u11' cheapfr tban othere can, and tïicr. he marku thcm down to tho Why does he sell Ladics' and Childrens' Shoes so much cheaper than was ever Iteard ofby the oldest Shoemakcrs ? Becauic he buys Iiix stock in the lam) of .dioemakers, ol the manufacturera, fully 26 per cent cheaper than tlic New York Jobber sell tl'iem, and much bette.r work than they generalij koep. 'ilii course eoftbleabim to sella bütter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than nthers"U at SO cent, and a better F8XKD UAIÏKI' at bO centa, tlian oüiara sell at 75 centa. Has he any llats and Caps? Yos.Tühould think he has stacka of thern, nongh to supply the State, it priotitt lower than wus everheardoi round tliesc parts. Why is his Tea so much brtlcr for the price you pay than you gel at otlier places? rteeaiise he t.'ikes jfreat care [naelaotl&fl it, and giveshis cu.stoineia the benelitof a real good75 cent TEA FOR 50 CEJSTS. It m a way he has got. Where should you go to gel your CLOTHS and have thtm Cul or Made? Tb the BANNER STORE, whsre thePoplo'a Banner U unfurledfor the People;sgood. South de of l'ublic Square, a few doors west of Cook'i Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Scpt. 18, 1SCO. ÏOTtf MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Scaled Envclope, A LUOTOBB ON THE NATURE, Tl'.K.ATMKNT AND RADICAL CURE OF 8PEBHAT0RRHOEA, or Buninal WeakncB-s, Sexual Uebilitv, Nervousuess and Invomiilary Kinissions iúdnciug Impotency, and Mental and l'hysical Uicapacity: BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Authorof the "Oreen Book," AfC. The world-rmiownod author, in thljB admírablo Lecture clearly provos fiom his ojvn experïenco tliat the awful oonuquenoes ofself abuieway bc ciTectually removed without modiotooand wtthoat a&qgarougadïgicft] operations, bouKU'K,intrument.s, riBgB 91 coriialn, poiüting outanjoiló or cure at once oortftfd nii cfToctual, by which every sufferer, no matter what 1 condltion my bo,may cure biuiself chcoplyprivately and radically. - Tliis Ix-cture will provo a boon ty thousaiuU aud tbousan(lë. Si-nt under sral to.any athlress, post paid. on the tpCfilpt of two postage ftiaps, by ftddrcsMiuK Dr. CH, J "C. KLINK. 127 Dowery, New Vork Pobt Box, 4,586. ?86 "5ÜY "WÜÍtCLOTHÍÑ G" yvt tia.o Cleveland Clolliing House iVliere tliey no sell Wiuter Cluthing at greatly BEDTJCED PBICES, A lew doors Wcüt ofCook's Hotel, Jluron Street, Anu Arbor. ï85tf A, & C. LOEB.


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Michigan Argus