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GRE AT BARGA I NS - A:r - Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. WK HAVEACA1V lïKH.KNtfllKI) OCRSTÖREWlffl V? most spléndïd stock of E3r O E 3O that "WAS ever oflered in :my yn n: the btutc, utl ut' whicli we oüer lur ík luw as can bc föuml in the Uuion We want üftfoney ! nul will maUe Grcat Sacrifices on Anyiliing wojiavc to obtnin it, not excepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS Wc conliall.r n ( ALL CASH CU STOMERS to cali and examine our Goods and Prlces. We alsi invite uur Prompt Paying Customers to como and bny their BappllM for the Winter. Tn thosi Qashfü) ones tbat are afraiü to cali, we say to thi-m, taki cuurai;tj without longer walttngfoi higher pnces, come in, ol bcores, and then at fiuch prifps u wil] nnke up all I0SM6 It ís hardh nccce-sHry to unumcrato our üoodü, for We have Evejrything! A largo assortment of CARPETING, CKOtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, IIAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SU OES YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, &c,; &c. O[LIL ASO OHl QDOÏ (715tf) MAYNAKD, STEBBIXS & WII.SO Stoves & Hardware ! TUSDON & HKNDERSON iliivti dov in Store a lare aasortmentof SIS rJBT1 Si "K7" JHrQ nöi 9 Hardware and House Furnishing All t. ot will bc sokl asCIIEAI' asat aiiy oihor Establishment in Michigan, They have gotthe Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND l'LATE I3NT TiaCIiS STATE, And will sellthem Cheaper than TEE C HE AP EST, Ploase cali and nee. AU kinds of tin ware kept on hand. 'articular attentionpaid to all kinds of W' will be dono wltli NKATNESS AND D18PKT0U. -I'lcaso cali and ace their STOVE ROOM in 2d story of New Ukck. RLiDON & HENDEUSON. Ano Albor, Jan. .', 1861. O. BIi I S S MMliiiininniamimitaiiamuiiUTjnniiiiiiiiasiiiiiffl3niTiimmiinniiiiii Still in the Field! VITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS Ín my Itue dírect frum New York, Boston, and tlie M anuí ac turers! I liavo just reccivL'tl a largo and well Kplectíl assortment of CLOCKS, VVATCHES, j e: -vsr IE jLm n. -y. SILVER & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a ereat variety of Yankee Notions, Ac. I wouldcall particuliir attention to my largo stock of SPECTACXilSS, of Gold, Silvcr, Steel, and Plated, with PER SCOPIO GL ASS A superior article, aml a great variety of articles in tlie '"osea.1 r=? casxz. Portcntf havnp ilHïcult watohotoflo itWi glMinw, cn bc nccoramodutcd au my stock is larje and compk'tC', I' S, Particulir WNktioa jiaid t" tho EEPAIEING of all kinds of l-'me Watcht'., such as Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFFS and CYLINDERS, also CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, NVutly r.fpaired and wnrraiiled. C. BLISS. Augiwt 28, 186P. 7&HÍ Ayer's Agüe Cure. Scrofüla, or King's Evil, ís a constitutional diseasc, a corruption of the blood, by wbich this iluid hecomes vitiated, veak, and poor. lieing in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No oran is freo from Lts attacks, nor is there one vvhich it may not destroy. The scrofulous tainfc is variously caused by mercurial, low living, disordíTed or ujihealthy food, impuro air, tiltil and tilthy habita, the depreesing Tices, and, above all, by the vencreal infection. Whatevcr be its origin, it is hereditary in the conBtitution, descending " from parents to childrcn unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it svems to be the rod of Him wlio says, "I will visit the iniquitics of the futhers upon Iheir children." lts effects commenco by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulceroUB matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and interniil organs, is termed tubcreles ; in the glands, Bwelnnos ; and on the Burfece, cruptions or sores. This foul corruption, whiuh genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complniiiU, but they have fin less power to vithstand the attacks of othor diseases; eonsequcntly vast numbers peml. by disorders which, although not serofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the Bystem. Most of the consumption whieh decimates the human fainily has its origin directly in tliis scrofulous contamination ; and many destructivo diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are nggravated by the same cause. Une quarter of all our people are serofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fVetion, and thcir hcalth is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate ie by healthy food oud exercisc. buch a uicdidne we supply iii AYER'S Coinpound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most cffeetual remedy which the medical ekill of our times can devise for this everywhere prevailingand fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remediáis that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Heneo it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofüla, but also those other affections which arise from it, such as Ehuptive and Skií DlSEASSB, St. Anthoxy's Fire, Kosr,, or Eiiysii',, Pi'stules, BtOTCHES, Hi.ains and Boils, TuMoits, Tetteb and S.u.t Rhrux, Scald Head, Kixgwoiïm, ltlir.rMATISM, SYl'HlLlTICandMultCfKIAI. l)lSBABES, DitDi'sY, Dysi-epsia, Dubility, and, indeed, au. Compi.mxts auisixc; ritoM Yitiatei) oh Impubf. Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofüla is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital iluid, without vvhich sound healtli ja irnpossible in contamhiated constitutions. A"YER'S Agüe Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OF Intcrmittent Pcvcr, or Pever and Aue, Remittent Pcver, Chili Fcver, Dnmi) Afine, Ferioclicnl Hcadaclie, 01 Hilious Hendachc, and Bilious Pevers, indeed for the wh o Ir class of discases orïgiuatiiig in liilíiiry doran gcmeut, caused by the Pialarla of Miasmatic tountries. We are cnabled hcro to offor the communlty a reniedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certaiuty, ia still perfectly harmlcss in any quantity. Such a remedy is invuluable ín districts whero these affiicting disordera provail. This "Cure" expela the miasmatic poison of Feyer axd Aoüe from the syatem, aud prevents the developnient of tho diecase, if taken on tho first approach of its premouitory symptoma. It ie not ouly the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also tho chcapest. The largo quantity we supply íbr a dollar brings it within the reach of erery body ; and in bilious districts, vhero Feyer and Agüe prcvaila, cvery body shoulé havo it and use it freely both for cure and protectïon. It in hoped this pricö will placo it within the reach of all - tho poor as well as tho rich. A great uperiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for tho spoedy and certain cure of Intermitteuts is, that it coutains no Quinino or mineral, conscquently it produces no quinism or other iujurious eiTecta vhatever upon tlie coustitution. Those curcd by it are Uu as healthy &s if they had 11c ver had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone tho consequente of tho miasmatic poison. A great varïety of disorders arise from its irritation, among wltich aro Neuralgia, JïJieumatt'sm, GotUj l&adachei Blindness, ToWtache, Earache, Gitarrh, Asthma, laJ)iiattont I'ainful JJfcction of üie Spltenf Ifrstcrics, Pain in the Bovi&s, Oolic, Paralysis, and Ikrangement of the Stomach, all of which, whon originatiug in this cause, put on tho intermititnt type, or become pei-iodical. Thia "Cure" expels the poison from the blood, aud cousequently cures (hem all aliko. It is an invaluablo protection to immigrants and persons travelling or tentporarily residing in the malarious districts. Il taken occasionally or daily whilo exposed to the infection, that will be excretcd from the system, and cannot acciiniulate In suffleient quantity to ripea into disease. Henee it is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few wiÜTOver sufler from Intermittents if tbey avail tln-msflvrs of the protection tnia renicdy alTords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MAYNARD STEBÜINSA ft'ILSON, andby all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. J. BURRILL Travêling Agent. Ax arierient Stomachic preparation of IRON purietid in Oxygcu and Carbon by combustión in Hydroiten. icÜom-ii by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Ku rope and the United State:, and preseribed in their practico The e.xperienceof thousands daiiy prove tliat no preparationoi Iron can be eompared with it. bnpuriiiea of the blood, dopressioDS of vital energy, pale and otberndse sickly oompltxiocs iiuïicates its necessity in aluiost every conct'ivubU cast. unoxlousln all mala'lios in wln'eh it has b?cn tried, has proveí! absolutely curativeiu cach of tUfi folloffing complamts, viz: In lcblIHy(IVcrvous A ll f U,,tis, Kmnelatlon iyspt'psIn,CoiisUpnlloii, Ularrhcca, iyst m ry. Znciplcnt Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Sah Rheum, Mismcmtrttation, White. Chlarosis, Complaints, Chronic Headaches, liheütnatism, IntcrmUtent Fevcrs, Pimplen on the Face, se.. lujcarte of (ÏENKitAL DSBUSTT, whethor the resu It of acute diKoase, nr of the continued diminution of nervous nnd muscular energy from chronic complaints, ono trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no description uor written attestation would reudor entibie. Invalids o lontf bed ridden as to have become forgotten n thcir own nciK'liborhnods, have su1deuly rc-appeared in the buny vorld as if just returned from protrnited travel in dïstant land, Some very signal instances of this kind are attestoi) of teníale sulTerers, emaciatcd victimsof apparont manisinus, -sanguineous exhaustion, critical clianges, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic avorsiou to air and exercise for which the physicinn has no name. In NKRVODfl Affectionr of all kiiuls, and for reasons familiar to medical men, iho. ojii-ation of this preparation of iron mustnecensiirily bo salutAry, for, unlïke the oíd oxides, it is vigorously toaic, without being exciting and overheating; and gontly , reularly aperient, evon the most obstinate cases of costiveness without even being a gastricpurgative, or inflicting a disagreeable ensation. Itisthislattcr propcrty,aiuong others, which makes it so cmarkably effect ual and permanent a remedy for FiUs, upon which it also tippears to exert adistinct and specific ictiün by dispersing thfi local tendcuey which forms tl) om. In Dvspkpsia, innumfraMe as aro its causes, a sinplo box of these Cha ly beate PilU have often suflïceil for the most habitual cases, includiug the attHödout Coslivenes. In uncheckod Diarroika, even when advancod to Vyscntery confiruied, emacinting and apparently malignant, the eiTects haviog been quallj decisivo and astonisliing In tlie local p8&8}TOS0Of tleshamltitrength, debilita ting OOVUfta, and remittent hectic, wlticii generally indícate Incipient Consumption, in several very gratifyiug and intere.stinjí InstaaoQfl. In Scrofulous Tubercuohis, this molicated Iron bas had fjir more than the good cfTocts of the most cautiouly babneed preparatfonj of iodine, without any of aoeir well known liabtbties. Tho attention of fomaJofl cannot betooconüdently invited to this remerfyand réstorallve in the cases peculiarly afTectinfr them. In Uhtumaiism, bMh chronic and inflammatorj' - in the l;ittT, however, more decidedly - it bas been invariubly wollroporttd, both au alleviating pain and roducing tho BvelUngaaad st$floosof thejoinla and musecls. In Intermittcnt Ftrwjiimustnccessarily beagreatremcilv aud energetic restorative, and its progress intlio new Süttlemonts of th West, will probably be one of high rcDOwn aud u.sel'uluess. No remedy bas ever been tïiscovcred in tho wholo history of melicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and lully restorative effects. Good appeMtc, complote digOHtion, ritpid acquisition of trengtb, with an unuaual dispostuon for active ind cheerful exerciscj immed!atcly :'"ll"i', its une. l'ut up in ncat flat raetal boxes containing '50 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by druggist dealers. Will be sent free to any fcddrMi i raowpl jf the price. All letters, oiders, c-tc, ahojüd be uddroaspd to li. B. LOCKE.&Co., fienciJil Agont, 477yl 3Íi9Broadway,N. Y. For Sale by GRENVJtLE A FüLLER, Ann Ar(xr. Howard As3ociation, Philadelphia. A BmiVOtoft Institution established by special cndoicmen for the relief of tht Stek and Distrcêseed, aj}li.cted wüh Virule.nï and Epidemie Diseaset, nnd esjtcr.ially for the Cure of Disease of the Scrual Organs, Dispcnsary fru to patten s tn all parts of the United States, Y 1 .1 A I tLE 1 ; KI ' HRÏB on sperma torrheea , and other Piseast,.s oL the Smeo&I Organw, and on tho NBW KEMEIUES mnyed, ent to the nlllicted in seale4l cnvelopcs, free of charge. Vwo or three Stamps for postage bo will be ceptiiblo, & Address-Dn. J, PKIIXIN'HOUOnTON, Acting Sur geon Howard Association No 2,south NinthStreot. liiiladelphia., TSyl 10O0 Vests, Shirts and Drawers For Sale cheap ut GUITEltMANjfc Co GREAT. GREATER GREATESl BAIiGAINS EVEI1 OFFEEED 1859. JLqJ859' Ia tliisCity, íire uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jo'üolx'y Storo1HE Subscribir wouldsny to the citizonsof Aun Arbor, i ■ particular, and the reet of WafhtAfiaw "mmtv in gcnerl. that hehasjust ÏMPOIU'ED ƒ!■ IÏECTLY from UUKOPK.e Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! Ah of which he Wndahinwlf to teil CHK APKJï tifia can o bought west ot" New Yoik 'ity. Open Fftce Cy Kruier WwtcheB trom 66 to $10 do do Lever do do ft to 21 Fluntiiig Chbb do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylindcr do do 9 to 28 Gold Waiehes trom 20 to 150 1 have also tno CELÉBRATE!) AMEltïCAN WAT CHES, which I wlll flcii ter $.1-'i. Kvery Vvatch warrantod to uciibrin well. or the monoy refuodcd. Ciocka, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fancy Goods, Gold Pen, MusicuUustrumeDts and Strings, Cutlery, fcc., :md in fnct a varlety of evrrythinp ugually kept 'ay Jcwelnra can be houghtforthe uext ninety days at yuur OWN P RICES! Persons buying aiiything at this well known establianmc ut can rHy pon getting goods exact'y as representad, orthoinoiiny reiunded. Callearly and secure the besl bargaius ever oiï'ored in thie City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are prepttred to make any repairs on fin e or common Watches, oven to in ttking o er the entire watch, if ncceeeary. Kepwiring of Clocks and Jewelry as usual. Also the manu fee t uring oí RINGS, lïROOCHS, or auything des ired, from California Gold on short notice. Bngnvbis iu all ita branchesexeeoted withneat iiras and diepatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thI859. 7L4w HORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Iï r o a d w a y , XewYork PublUUer of Miialc nnd Muslc Books AND DEALER IX Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin 's celebrate d and othor Guitars, Violius, Tunor Viola, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, TrianglesClarionetts, Tuning Forks,Pipes andHammerft, ViolinBows, bestltalian Strings, Bass Instrumento for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S 3a. o o t 3VE tx S i o, From all the publtshers in the U. S., Bertini's Iluntin's, and Modern School, and all kinds of Instrnction lïookii for the above instruments; Church MuhÍc Bookw; Music elegantly bound; Music paper, aud all kinds of Music lferehandbO Att hcLowest P rices. New Planos, At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. SaOrad Hand Pianos frmn S"J5 up to $100; New Ufllodeoiu, $46 $60, $7fi} $100, and up to $200; Becond Hand Melodeon from $yO to $80; Aloxandre Organs, with five stops, $160, nlne stops, $1R5 and $22fi;thIrteeD stops, $290, $275 and $300; fiftecn stops, $320 and $375; A liberal discount to Ctergvmt'ii, ('Imrchea, írabbatb Scbools, Seminaries and Teachers. The suppliod at tlic usual trade discounts Testimoniáis of the Horace IVaters Fíanos and IVUUxUons. John Hewett, of Cartliagp, Xow York, who lms liad one of the IloraccWaters Píanos, writesae foUowa: - iLA friend of mine wishes me to purcha?e a piano for Hlie likes the one you old me in December, 1850. My piano is becoming popular in this place, and I think ] can introduce one two more; they will bo inore popular than any other make." L'We have two of Waters' Píanos in use in ourFomi nary, one of which has been severely lested for threo years. and we can testify to their good qualitv and luralility." - Wood & Gregory, Mount Carroll, III. "H, Waters, Esq. - Dkar Sik: Having used one of your Piano Kortes for two years past. I have fonud it a very superior Instrument. Ai.ozo Gkay, Principal Brooklyn Heigkts Seminary. (iThe l'iano I received from you continúes to givc satisfaction. 1 Kgardlt as one of the best instrument in tin. place." Jamu I Clabxb, Charleston, Va. "The Melodeon has safely arrived. I feel oblijred to you fory our liberal discount." Rov. J. M. McC'OKMick, YarfiuatvitleS, C. "The piano was duly receiverl. Itcame in oxcollftnt conditiou, and is vtsvy mucli ulinired by my numerous family Accept my thanks for your promptucsa." - EtonBBl COOFBE, WArrenham, Jiradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano pleases u woll. It is the best ono in our cnnniy.",- TuoMas A. Latham, Campbdllon, öa. "We are very much obligeil to you for havinp aeni snob a lino instrument for $250." - Hra.k,IIki.d Co. Buffalo Democrat. "The Horaoe Waters Pianos are known asamong the very best We are enabled to speak of these instruments with confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and durable qnality." - N. Y. Èwangdiêt. fVe can Hpeak of the merite of the Horace Waters pi anos from personal knowledge, as baing the very fincsl qualiiy."- Chrigtinn Intetligencer. "The Horace Waters pianos are ouilt of the best anö most thorougbly seasoned material. We hare no doubi that lm vers can do as wcll.perhaps bet ter, at t bis than at any otïuTdouse in the Union.1' - Advocate and Journal Waters' pianos and melodeons challenge oomparlaoo with the fiaest made anywhere in tbe cuntry." - Fíame Journal "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich anc even tone, and powerful-JV. Y. Musical Haren. "Our friends will And at Mr. Waters' storp the very best asfiortment of Music and of Pianos to be fooad in tlie United States.and we ure our soutiiern and vettern frtendfl to pive hhn a cali whenever they go to New York.'1 - Qraham'i Magaiine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba th S ch ooi Bell, lOO OOO issx:ed in ten Montïis. The unprfcedcntod sale of this book has inducid the pubhbr to add ome 30 new tunesamlhymnn to Ita present si7.e, without extra chaxve, except on the oheap edltim- Among the many bcautiful tune-i and liymns addMl niiiv bfl found: - "1 ouht to lovc my inother;" "O Pil be a good child, iudeed I will." These and eight oibeTfl from the Bell, were sung at the Sunday School Anniversary of the M. E. Churcb at the Academy of Music, with grat applause. The Bell cor.tains nearly '00 tunes and h mus, and is ono of the best collections ever issuerl. l'iicf i:ïc; $10 perhundred,postage4c Elegant ly bound. embossed gilt, Ü5c, $20 per 100 It bas been introduced into many of the l'ubHc Schools. The i 1 is published in spiall numbers entitled Anniversaryand Sunday í?chool MuhÍc Books, Kor. 1,2, 3, & 4, in order to accommodate the million; price í'2 & $3 per hundred No. 5 will soonbe issued- commencement of another book. Also, Revival Muic Books, N'o, 1 k 2, price $1 k $2 per 100, postage lc. More than 300,000 CODles of the above books have been is-sued the past jtghteen months, and the demand Í8 rapidly increasing. Tublished by HORACK WATERS, Agent, 33 Broadway, N. X". 3JOXnE7 3VCXTLÍÍC5, Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Words can never die;" "The Angels told me so;" "Wilds of the West;" "Thoughta of God;" "Givomeback my Mountain Homo;" "Day Preams;" "Dandy CockRobin;" 'U'm with thee still;"Petnamos;'' "The re 'h no darilng like mine;" "Saiah Jane Ie;"" Ever of thee;" "I'm leaving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Kosabcl," aud ■ Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c each. 1 iNsriiUMKXTAi, - 'Palace Garden, or Sin;?ing Bird Polka,' 40c; "Swinging Sehottisehe;" 'lürftbel Schottisch;" 'Thomas Baker 's Scbottische;' "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents each. The nboTopieceshavebeautiful Vignettee. " Wclmor Polka;" "Arabiau Wal cry March," the very last; "Vassovianna Dnniclls Mnzurka; "Rea.l: ing Polka;" "Crinoline AValtz," and "l-ancers Qua drillo," 26o eich. "The Empire of Reich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Ilibernian Quadrille," 35c each. Many of these pieces are played by Baker's celebrated orchost ra witli great Mailcd free. A large lot of Foreign llu.sic at half price. planos, Ufelodeons and Organs. Tho Horace Waters Pianos and Melodeons, for depth, purity of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. Prices very ïow Second Hand Pianns and Melodoons f rom $25 to $150. Music audMuuical Instructions of all kinds, at the lowest pricos. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 888 Broadway, K.Y. TSBUMONUIBj - "Tho Horace Waters Pianus are known as among th1 vny bert.' -Evangelist. "We can speak of their merits froi personal knowledge." - Christian Intcltigcncer. ' 'Xothing at the Fair displaycd greater excellence -"- Churchman. Waters' Pianofi and Melodeons challenge compari.son with the ftneat made anywhereiu the country. "-Home Journal. 710tf Irving's "Works - National Edition rrtlITS Fine Edition of the Works of Wasiíisoton Ib I vnra (includiug the lile oí Washingto), willbe pubished for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Monthly Volumes, Price $1.50 Payable on Delivery. neautifully Printed on heavy superfino paper, of 'the t ipiality, and substantially bouud iu heavj bevelled boards, OEach Volume illustrated with Vignettet on Steel and "Wood. XD Knickerbocker's New York, Sketob Book, Cloth. Columbiis, 3 vols. Bracebridgo Hall, Afitoria, Tales of a Travoler, Crayon MLicelinny, ('apt. BonneriUe, Olivor fioldsmitb, Hahottiet; 2 vola. Grenada, Alhambra, Wolfort'a Roost, I.ifi1 of Washington, 5 vols. Balmagondt. Thif edition will be BOld EXCirsivKi.v to Subacribcre and will bo groatly superior to any ever before IwiiedyA vecy handBomo net of these universally popular work. in thus i'laced within tlio mcmis of all. O. P. PLTNAM, AKt.,Publiher, 115 Nassau Street, Now York.


Old News
Michigan Argus