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Letter From Mr. Seward To Gov. Hicks

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Tho ibilowing important letter han been sent by Mr. Seward to Governor Hicks of Maryland : Dei'aktmknt of State, April 22, 1861. Thomas H. Hilks, Governur of Mnrylnml. Sir : - I have had the honor to receive your coininumcaüon of this morning, in which you have infonned mo that you have feit it to be your duty to advise tho President of the United States to order elsewhere the troops off Annapolis, and also that no more be sent through Maryland, and that you have further suggested that Lord Lyons be requested to act as mediator between the contending parties in our country, to prevent the i; Ilusión of blood. The President directs me to acknnwledge the receipt ol that cornmunication, and to assuro you that he has weighed the counsels which it contains with the which ho habituully cherishes for the Chief Magiatrates of the several States, and espeeially ior vourselt. He regreta, as deeply as any Magistrate or citizen üf the country can, that demonstrations against the saiety of the United- Htaies, with very extensive preparations for the eftusion of blood, have made it his duty to cali out the force to which you allude. The lorce now sought to be sent through Maryland is intended for nothing but the defense of this Caüital The President has Decessarily confided the ehoioe of the national highways which that force shall take in coming to this city, to Lieut. General Scott, commanding the army ol the United States, who, like bis only predecesor, is not frss distinguished for his hamanity thaa for his loyalty, patriotism, and distinguished public service. The President instructs me" to add that the natiunal highway thus selected by the Lieutonant General has been chosen by hirn upon condiiltution with prominent magistrates and citizens oí Alaryland, as the one whioh, wliile a route is absolulely necessary, is lurther removed from the populous cities of tbe State, and with the expectation that it would therefore be the least, objectionablü ono. The Pret ident eannot but remcmber that there has been a time in the history of the American Union when forcea lor the defense of its capital were not unwelcome anywhere in the State of Maryland, and certainly not at Annnpolis - then, as now, the capital of that patriotic State, and then, also, of the capitals of the Union. If eighty years could have obliterated all other noble seotiments of that age in Maryland, the President would be hopeful, nevertholess, that there is one that would forever remain there and everywhere. That sentiment i, that no domestic contention whatever, that may arise among the parties of ihis republic, ought, in any case, to bo referred to any foreign arbitrament, leaft of all to thé aibitrameut of an European Monarchy. I liav the honor to be, with distinguisUed considpration, Your Excillency's most obed't servant. WILLÍAM H SEWARÜ. i i ■ i


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