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Virginia Joins The Southern Confederacy

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The followiDg important documents are )ublished in the llichraond papers : A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The Convention of the Commonwealth has, on this, the 25 th day of April, 1861, adopted an ordinanee " for ie adoption of the Constitution of the 'rovisional Government of tbc Oonfedeate States of America ;" and bas agreed ;o a " Convention botwocn the Commonwealth of Virginia," which it is proper lould be made knov.'n to the peoplo of lis Commonwcalth and to tho world : Thcrefore, I, John Lctcher, Governr of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do ïereby publish and proclaim tliat the folowing are authentic copies of the ordiance and Couvention aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and undcr the seal of the Com[l. s.] mouwealth at liichmond, this25tli of April, 18G1, and in tho 8öth year of the Commonwealth. . JOHN LETCHKR. By the Governor, GeOKGE W. MaNFORD, Seerfitary of tlie Coramonwealib. An Ordinanee for the Adoption of the Constitution of the Provisional Government of the Confederóte States of Amerita. We, the delegates of the pcople of Virginia, in Couventicn asseinbled, solemnly impressed by the perils whicb surround tbc Commonwealth, and appealing to the Searchcr of hearta, for the rectitude of our intentions in assuming the grave responsibilitics of this act, do, by tbis ordinanee, adopt and ratify the Constitution of the Provisional Government of tlio Confedérate States of America, ordained and establishod at Montgomery, Alabama, on the eighth day of February, eigbteen hundred and sixty one; provided tbat tbis ordmanco shall eease to havo any legal oporation or effect, if the people of tbis Commonwealth, upon the vote dirceted to be taken ou the ordinanee of secession passed by this convention on the seventeouth day of April, eightcen hundred and sixty one shali rejeet the samo, A truc copy, JOHN L. EUBAXK, Secretan-. Convention letween the Commoniucalth of i'iriniu and the Confedérate States o) América. ■ The Commonwealth of Virginia, looking to a speedy unión of said Commonwealth and the other slavo States wïth the Confedérate StatC3 of America, according to the provisions of the Constitutiun for tho provisional Government of said States, enters into the following temporary eonvention and agreement with the said States, for tbc purpose of meeting pressing exigencies affooting the comraou rights, intereats, and safety of said Commonwealth and suid Confeduracy. .■' - Until the uaion of said Commonwealth with said Contuderacy ghall bc perfected, and said Oommonwealth shall becouie a ïncmber of suiu Confederacy, according to the Constitutions of both Powcrs, the wholc military forco of and military operations, offensivo and dafensivc, of said Commonwealth, in the impending conflict with t!io United States, sball be under tbc chief control and direetion of tho President of said Confedérate títates, upon tho samo principies, basis and footing as if suid Commonwealth werc nov.', and during the interval, a meirber of said Confaaeracy. . i.'--ïhe Coimnoriwealtli of Virginia will, after tho consummation of tbc 'union contemplated by tlii.s Convention, and her ádoption of tbc Constitution for a permanent Goven.ment of said Confedérate States, and she shall beoome a inembcr of said Confoderacy under said permanent Constitution, if the same oceur, turn over to tho Confedérate States all tho public propert}1, naval stores and niiinitions of war, etc, . then bo in possession of, acquired fretn tho States on the same terma and in like miancr as tbc other Siatcs of said Confederacy have done in like eai 'J'hird -Whdicvcr expeadituro of money, il any, said Oommonwealth of Virgiuiasball makc before the IJuion, under the Provisional Government, as contemplated, shall bo consnmmated be met and providod for by said Confedérate States, Tliis Convention ontercil , on the 2th dayof April, 18G1, by Alexandsr II. Stevens, the duly authorized Commissioner to act in the matter fur thesaid Confedérate 8tatcs,.aml John Tyler, Wra, Ballard Preston, Samuel Mol). Moore, James P. Iiolcombo, Jas. C. Bruee and Lowis E. Harvie, partios dnly authorized to act in liko manner for said CojnmonweuUh of Virginia - the whole subject to tlio approval and ratifi;i of the proper authorities of both Govcrnmcuta respeetively. In testimony whereof the partios aforesaid have hercunto set their hands and seals the day and year aforedaid and at the place aforesaid - iu duplicato origináis. ALEXANDER H STEVENS, [Seal.] Comm'ner for Oonfederate JOHN TYLER. [Seal.] Wil. ALLARD PRESTON, [Seal ] S. Mcl). MOORK, [Seal 1 JAMES 1'. HoLCOMBE, fSoal.l JAMES Ü. BKUUE. LEWIS E. HARVIB-, Cornini.ssjoners for Virginia. Approved and ratified by the Convenf Virginia, on tho 25th of April, 1861. JOHN JANNEY, President. JOHN L. EUBANK, Secretary.


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