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Death Of Captain Fink

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The ooruinuaitv was shoeked yesterday tnorning at tha intelligonce of the death of Qapt. Fiuk, U. S. A. He waa activelj cngaged duriug the wLulc of Thursday in ïnuiteriog in the coinpanies of tho First Regiment, and complained to the Surge-jn towards eveniug oí' bcibg very much iatigucd. Ou h3 rotura homo he refused to eat any gapper, and after sondiag for iiis second in comiiiand, and giving sonic dircctious iu reference to bis dut le.?, rctired to his bed. About o;i o'cloek in t!ie moniing he spokc to Iiis wií'o, and s.úá h would go into tbo hall oí' the building, and putting on bis dressing gown and slippers he wcufc out. Hra. Fínk dropped to sleep, and 0:1 awaking and m. hiüi bsoame alanned and wout to ni'.n. Slio found him lyiñ ; ina i: áble in ia the hall, near the door oí' bis room, to which he started to rotura. Sha arousod the i-.mues of tho boasa, and lie wa3 taken in aud mediaal aid was prooured, but too late to bo oí' any avail. - Life wíj proba bly extiuct before h was taken iuto his room. The cause of his dcath was apoplexv, oocasioned by oxoeraive fatigue in tnustering tbc troops at Fort Wayne on Thursdiy. The air waa ruw and chilly, aud, being wurmly about his cliest and wesrUg a heavy lint, a rush of blood was inducod to his heid, which wa.s still furthcr acceloratcd by the damp grouud, whiah obiHed his foet. Captain Fiak was a nativo of Brunswick, Gennany. ilc oomo to this country somo tweaty years sinca, and entored the regular service as a private, and served with ciodit in the L'lurida War. Jlo was uiado Sergeant-Major of the 8th Kegimont. He afterwards served iu the filexican war, aud was brevuted Second Liutito'.Kint for Dieritorioos couduot at the taking of the city of Mexico, whcre lie receivcd tliroo sevorc gunshot woands, whioh diaablod hiui from aciivo service ior six inoatfas. September 7, 1852, he voceived a First Lieutouaiit'.i conimiasion. On tho ürst of Jitly lust ho was orderod vj Detroit to take charge of thu recruiting station located hete, and whüu ht-ro was promoted to a Cuptaiocy. Captain Fink loaves a wifo and four okíldren to moum his uutimcly death. - Ilo was a man of fine social ijualities, and, during bis short rosidence amoug us, bad gaiued uiauy warm lVicnds. In token of respect to ;hc deceaacd, all the ilaga iu the city aud on thu shipping. yesterday ,at pUocd at hulf-uiast, - ireo l'ress, th iwt. 13?' A regiment of KenUicky troopjB fca#arriv] ai Harper'a Ferry.


Old News
Michigan Argus