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S. ECIAL 3tTOTIOT3S. IMPORTANT" FEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OFWOMAN ■ !':i!i;illy in jkmü If sho Ifl irvi'l BHOttgh to BBglect or mallreat tbose sexnal In tlaritles to which twnthirds of hersex are more or lesa subject DB. CHEESEMAN'3 PILIS, preparé! Trom th name i which the íaví ■.ï.il'S L. CÍÍSESEMAN, M. D,f of KeV-forkj lias fot twenty years usetl suecessfuUj inan extended ptltate i fsctiee - immediately relieve without pain, all of th perioilical discharge, wbeüifti :n . sluntíon or suppres-1 sion. They act like a eb&rna in rrirïoving the pams tliat ncccmpany diQicult or immodorato ïnerstruation, and uthe only safe and retiatile remefly for Flushes, Siclt Headatho, Paltia in ihc Lotne, B&dt and Sidcs, Palpitation of tlie lïeart Nerveus Tremors, Hysterics, Rpasms, Broken Blmp an 1 otbeer anplöaAnt muí d&ngeroua efíecH of an unnatural comlition of tlie sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Wbites, they effect speedy euro. 'J7o W1VE6 and IVXjVTKOlSrS. DX CHEESEMAN'3 PILL3 are offeredas the oniy nfe means of renewing intcrriipterl tnemtrufttlon, bul. ADÍES MUST BEAU IN BETO Thcre s one condltion of the f erna) e system in ickick the Pilis caunotbe talicn without pro&ucmg a PECULIAR RESULT. Tkcco'idi'ionreferrcdto is FïtEGXANCY- thê reduit, MISCARR1AGE. Such is tkt. irresistible tmdency of the medicine torestors the. strrnal fnnctons to a normal cowütion, tiat even the rrprcductive power of nature. cavTtot re.sist Ü. U directions stat'mtr when, nnd ichcn they should not bc nscd, wiih each Box, - the Pricë Oue Dollar cach Box, n,bntaiitng 50 Pilis. A valaable PampMfft, to bo had freo, of the Ageiits. Pil] .ttt hij mail promptly, ,y (nelosing pnce to any Agent. Bold lis i tneral y. R, B. HÜT0H1NGS, roprletor. 20 Ccdar-St., üaö YqtU, For Sale by MAYXARD STfiBBINS k WII.SOX, and GREJÍVIUS & ' il.LLR. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA K.UUiOAI). 1861. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 18Ci. Ir&ina now run on this roail, Pandara escopted, as follows: Lea re Toledo rnr Chicago claily oxcppt Mondays at 10 40 A M.,and 1') C0 1'. 51.. añil Via A!r Lin.'nt 10 45 A. M. Leare Detroit for Chicago at l,ao. M. and 7,60 P. M. Arriving m Chicago firom Toledo and Detroit at 8,00 A. M. aud 8,00 P. M . and via Air Line at Ï.IOT. M. Arrire at Detroit from Tü1l'1o, at 7:15 A. II., 2C0 I'. U. and (■.30 1'. Mt. Airivo in Detroit from Chicago at 6. SO P. M. , and 7 .18 A. II. á rrire Ín Toledo from Chicago 4,35 P. M. and 4.30 A. M., and via air lineat 4.2" 1' 51. l.cave Jaeküoo íor Toledo at 6.00 M. and 1,45 1'. II. Arrive at Toledo at 9,10 A. II., and 4,S5 1'. lí' CONNECÏIONS. At Toledo- Witli Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road. v, lili Valley Rail Road. At Detroit - Wlth Grand Trunk Rail way , with lireat Western R;iilw;;y, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee. 'aiirua'l At Nt:v Ai.ruvr & SlUS Ii. R. Cnossi.vo- With Trains for I afayette, New Albany acd Louisville. At Csicaoo - With Chicago and Rock Mand, Galena, Mtlvaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy - North West Railway - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Points Weet and South. tL3f Trains arerun by Chicago time, whicli Í3 20 minutes Blower than Toledo time. tKti Patent Sleepïng C'urs accompany tbo Night Trains on this líoute. &íf Tuno and Faro tho samo as by anj other Rail Road Route. JNO. Ti. CAitPBELL. Oene-al Superintendent. THE GEEAT ENGLISH BEKEBY. S1K JAMES OLABKE'S Celebraled Feíaaie Pilis. PEOTECTED ÍíSt?! L E T f E E F EY R0YAL 5 OIS FATENT Preparcdfrom a prcacripiion of Sir J. Clarke, ii D., Physkian Extraordinary to the Quesn. Tl-iÍB invíiiunMe medicine if! unfailinj in the cnre of. ai! 'liooe nainful and dangeroua diReaseii to which the Teníale ! mstitutwn ia subjest. It moderatCB all excesfl and reciovES all obstructionn, and a Bneedy caro m.iy be rfclied on. TU KUtlüED IiADiSS [t ís peenliariy Buited. H wiü, in a short time, brlrig oo the monthly periort with rqu'.arity. Kach b()tUe, prioe OnO Dollar, Wira the Gorernineal tamp of Great Eritain, to prevent counterfeiu. rr.- Pillt rkcld nol bt íaf;r.n ly ftntaliê arisf íil F1BST THR&L MOSTHS if Prcgnancy,astkty art ture to Itriaf on Mcarri"?c, i"' m 'Uur titu thef &rt aje. In all caaos of ICerrous And Spna] AITactlotiB, PaIe íl the Back and IJmös, Fatigue on slight eirílon, Palpita tion of the Haart, RyBtsricr, and WhitPs, these FUls vrü] effect a cure wben aH othor mcan3 have fcviied, and Klthough a powerful reroedy, do not cosUdn iron, oioml Èjitimcny, or any tbing hurtful te the constitutiva. f all direcüoiMi acccmpar.y each pacsage. Sole Agcnl for the United States nd Cánida, JOB KOSE3, ÍLatal.C. Balduin ft Co.l RocLester, N. Y - J1,OC mi C posijge t enclosf d to tmy au Agu t, wiil intsre a botUe of tt Wli bj reta Sold be ORENV1LL & FULLEE Ann Arbor, and by Druggists inevery tewn. Ilang-stei-fer's Ulock. DEA ftí CO., IN'ITK attention to tlieir new stock corapriüing all kind-s of Crociiery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fistures aml House-faraishing good,all of wh'ch thi-y are offer ing At the Zowest PossibJe Ilates. Fronch China Ten sets from $5 01 to 20 00 Tix-ncb China ilinnr seis from V5 0 to 70 00 Stone china Te;i ets firom 3 5ft to 5 00 fcHone china dínner sets from 8 50 to 20 00 Glass Kerosene Lamp coio]Mete fr:m o % to fi'2 M:rb!e Kerosén Laiups complete from SQ to 10 0J Fluid Líimps frora 18 to 62L fLa Lamps of all kinds a'tered and repaircd. DE FOREST, ARMSTKÜNG & CO. DHY GOUDS MEKCIIAJiTS, 763 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, New York. WOULÜ NOTIFY THE TRADE that tney aropeniii W-eklv, in m w' and bcautiful patterns,lhe ALSO THE A Kew Print, whicb exccls every Print in the Country fo perfeciion of exocution and design in f uil Bladder Ooion. - Our Printte are oheaper i'iii aay in murket,and mft.'tiiig wth extensiva sale. Order promptly attended t( 782yl DKALINO IN PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET1 Music" 4" Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICH. FI.N0 PORTES from the manufaetory of A. H. QALE .t CO. of Nc-w Yi.rlí, for uhnm I am agt. 1 wiH ■warrant inferior to none, in style of finish quauti'y 01 quality of tone and prümptness of aöüoa MELODEO JS"S , tnanurarfircd by TREAT k IIX.-XKY Nw Havpn Conn. k BBTEY & (3RKKX, of Brattlebori Vt, I will wan'iint Kaperiorto any in the ro.ivkpt in every res; eet that pertains to thegood qualiticsof a Melndeon. I hare oa hand and am oorataotlj receiving from the publibcrs ]ar;'e qnanties of the most popular SHEET MUSIC which I wlfl pond by mail f o any part of the country , oa i w p of markcd río?, A good aatortcuut of GUITARS, YIOLINS, TIANO jStoola, Bows Stringe, Instructions Booka for all inBtruniut.c, CHUBCH MUSIÓ B00ES Glee BooJcs fyc., fyc., Sfc. The imial discount to the Profesión. Musical TnMrumfntn tunod anl repalred an'l fíatisfactíon guarantco lj-787 r, F rAVDALT,.


Old News
Michigan Argus