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#Citre Cirngk, Cali. Henenen, Ivfiua : ■ Irrttithn or Soreneu of iht Throati .' I :. „ir C-'imh in Conintmpliim, Hroneiiris, Aslfi,ui and Ca'arh. Citar ir l ':'t Ugth tOlhiVOiCt Of FUUL.IC SPISAKER, and SllVGEUS, '.'t Couph ia! whlcb in the ld yielcl t a mild r-m-.iy, If oe s -uri ;, taoka the l.imn. -'Bi-owu's Branchial Troches,' Dgredlfírts Pulmonar? and ia ! [ir'ta tion. I'.ROWIfS We in my Tl)ront, (for whlch th "Troche" are :i "■filie) haring made Tunpnri ""' ""'"' amere vhigpen ■'I r soommend their ane : UROWNV REV E. II. CHA] i:. "Have proved extremelj IUULHI KEV.HENRY WAKD In BROVN'S i!íhul' u '''■"■■' hm." ■TOS'. TRiiniriri 'Contalu no Opium or aartiilng innifl iltOCHh 1JK A. A luYi:s, Chetntat, Iiosi(.n. BROWN'S " v ' : :!!''" fini! plOMMUl combina tion for Coi -:n ,,;.'■ Ijr. a. F. UICIELÜW. TROCHES "Beneficia! is Enoxinm.-." Uil. J. K.W. LAXE, BROWN'S ,„ . Botton. I MT provcd thon excellent tor i TKOOIItö REV.H. W.WAESKH, Boflton, BRO'Wli'S "'i1''! ;,on Sompelled tu sju-uk, offcring iïum Ooud." Tpnnmt; ia;v.c. j, p. ASDERBOS, i IKÜIHHS St.Lonw. "Enectual in femovtBg Hourpeumasna DROWN'R [rit Ltii.ii of th Tnruat, si. commoo Ith 1 KOGlihS lGwnge,O. Teachpr of Mnsio Southern BROWN'S „„ ,, rnto Oollfgo. "Great binent when taken befbre niH ,,„„„„„„ after preaching, a thoy prevent Hoarie1 KULillvb aesa. Krom thoir past effiret, 1 think tliey .i,i b: oí permaDent advantAge tu me." BROWN'S HKV.K.KOWI.KV, i M. President of Athena Cellest, Tcnn. TROCHES nCK n"1 1 XTUKTG & BXiOOD INFIRMAR Y. F.'shes Block Wvorlward Are Detroit Drs. S. J, CARPF-XTEK A 1ÍAIVAIÍD. :o: DOCTORS gen rally pretend that Consumpiion is incunibli', becanae they c&nnot cure it themuelves; but tliis doos in 't mnke it irue. Slufly mtfchadioa will wurlta on a job all dar aml af terdoing QotbJng but upoil Lhe material Üxej wil] tel] vuii it n'jvcr cn b do&Q n the wj you want it. But by applylng to a bettra voikmaa - ono who tlioroughly underataiKla hia businefts- -you v.-ill get yuur work wceoropltihed in In thifl reBpect there la the same öifferencfi to be founcl in a!í trades ;i;i'l profesaiooa. 'Jlic bungif n in mc'liíiuííui,in t!; ■ art . In Uw, in theologe, nn in physic, - , e&nnot be done.' And it Ts trac tliat tliey could not be 1. aÜ!Ü6H VftH "ke tboi9selvep. Bat forttltiatet j 'i1 i I r olaia oí' men, and Ui se, wh I ■ .nr ca?.e in baod, tin the ■ ■■'.! want it, or resti re you to boalth, acoor ing to dentre. Wehave n.y to romera box tl is .act to anderstand whj one pbysician ebould pronounce tiiai incurable ffbích ;in tin r cai In m ■ ■ Eoetimoa lim: t':at by a pol of Buporii r !pi ■ oew Invention, of whicb he has the boI uso, or b) the Rreater iagcnltj of his ïniii !, one perSoïi Tili ra:ike er do no other c;in. Exactly t may be sS in pijysíc. And tbis ia the ion why I i'.i i " tueb LM af ■ ■ al othen m the treatiüetit of Consiraptltra, fiy hsving the í-i-i-nn.-tl geniiMi, by poaseasififg f lic Luög-Metef, nhich enablei me to cfearly úeit nohia th natur of the diaea eañd by hatíBg aaob remedien Cot Couaumption as no otber PhyMcia ■ evet had,make bold t say that I hare, and can effect a cure of this dUeso beyond the of any other man. To prove (lus to hare been the case, I migUt gire you nurabers upon numberfi of certiticatos trom tn n and wooien giren over to the graTe, who have been rettcaed and rectored to health by the pöi -r-.L-ring ase of my remedies for Consampti'i ■ But it is not neet ssa" y ftw me to du ?o liore, for ïhe fact of one man domg ivtrat anothor cannot cannot, is ovideni toali mon of cünimoii nttnm. If the j tive wi.slifi further proof iban thi. I can only say, come ítnd satísfy yeurarif by tri 1 af my skill in tbe cure of youi1 complaít ltoctor Carppnti r will visit Ypsilrnti, ainí AnnArbor, durÍBgl8eO-l. Aun Arbnr, at Cook's Hotel, 3d an-1 ith oí eaeh month; Uawkin House, YpBÜanti, 5th and Cth of eacli month. Tlie remainder of the t;mo, lie wili be fouiid at hia Lung Tníinuai y in Detroit lyTTS. HST E "V7" XvíE J JP " OF THE G0UKTTE3 OF Washtcnaw & Lenawee, Micb. , From Official Rrcoris and Special Surveys, By BECHLEIt, WEWIQ & CO., and GEIL &- HARLEY, Beíng Successt r.s to (cil & i ■ grapbteal Fng's, Autoora of Mapa of tfie Countiea of Híllsdale, Branch, Rt. Joseph,Calh.oun, .Ki'í .-,■ n Cas, Van fin ron, Berrien, ■, Phiawaeaee, Mi nroo, Ma31 Clair, &c, M.cUfan; Loraíne, Medina, fec, (Uno; Niágara, Krie, Ca'taraugus, Greene, Sarütogft, &c, New Vork; Monuiouth, Mortis, ice., New Jersey; City oí ReaJing,"4:c., PeoB.jLapoxte, ce, Indiana - etc., etc. Tbe nndfsïgöed are preparing to publiüh, by Sabftcriptiii, a new and c mbined Mapof tho Countioa oí Wahtb.vaw and Lkvawep1, Micuign, fnmi eareful íurreya oí tlic entire District, made espreaely for tkla fforfe, and from OíHcia! Keooi dd aad other relia ble Information,- Tbe Map wiU delinéate roinutely varloua Gr cal and Topogra pineal features of theCovinties, among whieb may be enumera ted thc folio wtag: 1. H TTill show all th Townsbip, fectton, and Quarler I linea. 2. It willgenerally show thc Bouiidary Lines of Farms, and the ñames of resident ownera :. Ii will show the loca tion of Public Roads, dist'mig the opon roads from thone not openod. 4. lí wltl show the location of Churchos, Scbeol Houaea, Hotela, Miils, Uanufaotorles, DwelJingti, Shops, to. 5. It -ïvill give tlic courip of Rivera and Creeks, and show the location and outline of allmeandercd Lakea. 6 It willcontaín Plana of the Pnnoipal ViUagea, sbowingtliG dÍT08' Lotn, and location of Buildings, Each Villaje rían wlli &!& oontain .a Directory, giving the ñames and business of rillaffe Bubaoriberï. Tho recordedadd.tionfiloVUlíigcs wii: I lhe3 by cOJora. 7. I. will give theuüurseotvn,;i::ú:.-!' .v-aiplo'ednd ñl-.; suoh as as aro now in procesa of eonstruction. 8. It wiU contara a Dlstance Table, gïving thediPtauCC by the most direct open roada, between any two Villngos in the Diíírict. 9. It will contain a Business Directory of oountry subBortbers, giving theirnamos, eccupatton, and the si-ctiou on which thi. v resido. -10. Views ofl'rivato RoPiucnces snd prom'nont Buildings, will be engraved on the margin, by s-pecial contract only. Iu order tn secure an insertif-n, early appüeation shouldbe made to the Agents in tbeir respective diitr Íets. 12 The Map wHl be neatly engmved, Uandsomely oolored, substantially backt-d witt musKn, and muuiited on rollers. No pains nor expense will be sparod to make tho wort in every respect worihy of public Confidenee. The prioe of the Map wiH beat tbe iow rato of Sil Dollars pr oopy, payable on delivery. Amhortzer agonts wil! visit rvc-ry portion of the Ins trict, for the purposo of perfect ing the work, and, at the same time, to aoficit patronage to ,it. Upen their cali. will, be the time to subscribe, in order to ubtain the work aa it will be sold by subscriptien only Communications in regard to business pertaining to this Map, if Bént to Ann Aübok, Mich., will rceeivo prompt attention. GEIL &. HARLEY, Pubi !■&!. ij&x. A Premium bas boen _awarded by the Michigan State Agricultu ral Society, to Gxjl, IIarley & Sivkkd, for their Couaty Mapa ou exhibitionat the Annual Fair, held in Detroit, in 1800. !]& See Circulara which will ba dissrtbuted. 78f!m3 MÖORE & I.OOMIS Have Removed to tho STORE REOENTLY OCCUPIED BY C. MACK, Phceuis BlockjEast side of Main St., AND & HAVE Ia Store SéM A Largi and T Vi PIete STOCK 5 BT OF BOOTS SHOES Of every clescnpiion ■whieh will be SOIiD O II 22 -3. DF E3 X? THAN CAN BE BOUGII7 IM Thïs City. Also a largo assortraent oí HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds made in the mest Fashionable Sí y Ie BY GOOD AND EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -OTTRFEENCfl CALF BOOTS arflXOTsuitpsBDtliissMoof New York City, and are warrauted nút to i;ip. üur erOGASAND KIP Si. are made of tho bett materials Our stock of Morocco Bootees for Ladies ís the the '.est in iown, vriih heols or without We Mnlte 1o Order, and of si'mso tho lirst time so give usa cali and we will show you oi free of charge We have (,-cured tho services of two Ex terienced Journeymen who do Ourm'emllng in the %'eat est Planner, aud on ehorteat notiee. Oor motto is Quick Sales and Smal! Proflts. Thankfal 'or pa l farora -,re hopebypaj Ing atrid atten Ion to our business to merit a liberal nhare ef your patronap;r for the latore. JBcV Keinembor we are not to be nndenold. "rJ MUORB Si LOOMIS 1OOO Fiao Overcoats ! For Snle Chc:ip nt GU1TERMAN& CO'S. Ayer's Cherry Fectoral,


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