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GBEAT. GREATER GSEATESl BAÏtGAINB EVER O3 1859. 859. ■ Mt In tliisCity, tire now being pffèred at the CIIEAP.CLOOK.WATCII, & Jewelry Stoao1v. niilrts.iy to the ritizpn' nl Ann Ari ■ particular, ana the rOt of VVnahtenaw [ut IN i'Oitl'KD 1)1RECTLÍ Irom liURO] I TromondouB Stock of Watches! AU of whiili ho l.inils himsclfto scll CHBAPER Ihmt .; vnst nf New Yoik oty. : Watches i rom to 810 i bever lo lo 8 to 21 '" do i 14 i ! i !t Oylinder tlo do 9 to 28 ■ rom SO lo 150 1 [.ave also the CELE I3R ATE D AMERICAN WAT CHES, I Watch wurranted to m wo!l, or ibt! monuy relu ■ -. . Cioclía, Jew Pintee! Warfl, Füpry Oooiïa, Gold Pens, Musical Instruments and rtt rings, Cuticry. ic, and ii: fací o raricty I by Jew i. tí can bebougbtfbrtne nextninety d iy ut yuur OÏÏN P 11 I C E S ! Persone buying nnything ai tbifi well known estabnt ''mi rely upon getting ■ ■ ■ ■: ns repd, orthemonpy p fu nd secure the bost bargains ovur otl'ored in thií City, One word in regard to Repairing : We are propared to moke any repairs onftne or comraoii Watcbe, ftveii íomakingor tln entire watob, ii' neci - ;. a snd JewIr as AJao tbe manufactarirK ol RINGS, BROOCHS, or aáythtng destred, from California Gold on short no Uiff in tillits branchueexcunted witbnuat nt-ijs and djspstcn. J c. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jfín. 28thl859. 7L4w IIÜRACE WATERS AGENT 333 Broadway, N e w Y o r k l'ubllshvr ofMuslc aiKl WusU Books Pianos, Melodeons, Alcxandre Orgañs Organ Accordeons, Martin 'e oelebrafeed and other Guitars, Fioíins, Tunor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, F] atinas, Flutos, Eifee, Triang1es,'ClarÍ3nett8, Tuning IJorkSjPipes : :, VlolipBoWs, bcstltalian StringSj Basa íustraniento for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, .and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Sí la. o o t 1WC xx S i o, : ts íntheTJ. 8,,BertÍnt'8 Himtin's, 1 ■. trnction Booka : Mufltc ,:■ boand; Masía papor, au'l all kinds of Uusic A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, ■ i, $226, (250, and up to $800. ..■m $'i5 up to ■ i tts, $45,' 00, and up to :.-. ,. . 30; ■:■■■ ■ ■: a Ubemí i ScbooJs, Soi lied at tbe usual trado n oís TBtlUkonlalfl Of tbe lïoracc AVutvra Planos Rttd Mclodfoiiü. Juhn Hewett, of f ■■ ' ■ lir.s had . . follows:-UA friend di' inine wishes mo toputohasea pisno lor . a gold me n i ïy pian ' popular ín lilis place, and I ti:ik I une or two more; they vriU be mi ' Pianos in nee in oi n?.-y, odq el' whicb I -r threo years. a stify to iheír good quálity ai Carrol?, IU. i of your past. I haví' fonttd r Instrument. Aiosr, ■ I Frinripai Brooklyn Reights Sexxitnory. . ■■■ nuneau iuthe Ion, Va. : rnved. I feeï obliga :1 discount." Rev. J, M. .MiCoRMick, ', C. ''The . ■ ■ ■ ■ i tor vuur prompti . oihum, Braéjoed Cn. Pa. "Yoi i II. tt is tli" I ■ Campbeïlton, Ga. . ■ ■. .- mucb ■ ■ for having so:it ■ ' ■ anos are knomi asaraong tho very i' tal knowledgO of their irflble quality." - V. y. y, , 1 'We ;inns fro b áng the rery fbaest iMeiligeiicer. The Horaoe VFators planos aro onilí of thelesi anl ■ . . ■ better, ai tblstban at ■ ai." - Advocate and Journal.' Waters' pianos fl : tere in tlie conuiry.7' - Borne. aro of fulí, rich and ;1- .V. Y. Mii-ticnl Retew. ■ i-ic and of Pianos ío be found iti i thcy go to N-w Y"ork." - Grakam's Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], 1OO ,000 issued lu ten Months. Uie : of tldfl bpok 1 : publisl: I : he many beautifu] tunos ai in.iv be ; ' :'i I'y d, imleed 1 rill." 1 tnnireri .ic, with ■ iHMi-iy -JOU 1 1 ■ :;. bound, intomany of the Pnb '. .... 1 , '2, 3, & : : ■ Uuudrcd No. ■ ■ ■. Lp. flore thaa : ; he pasl ■:■! Israptdly ii . Igont, Fnblised by Horaco Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal t(Kio ; Wcst;T' ■Tu.., "GiTd meback my Mountain Úomé;" UJa.y i' ■,."■ i Ja '■■." '-i:-,-. , . . . ig ti efl in Sorrónr3 "Bírd ;f el,'1 and c i ach. nt (ir Singiog Bírd Polka.' 40c; '■ "Piceolomlnj bai beautiful "Arabian Wa . . ■■■ altt," and "] ■':. "The Empireof I Irille;" a . i - . lebratqd iö= iliiiJcd ñrw. & ■ duálo at half Pianos, Mclodcons and Organs. 'i ; .. i [oraoa Wa ti m i, for dopth, pnrity oftone nnd darabIMty, are unsarpassed. Pricea .: Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $25 to id ifusical ínstructioiM of aU kinds, atibe H0BACB WATERS, ' tïo. 833 Broadway,N. V. TiKTiMovTArs;- "Tli Rorace Waters Piauos ar asanti: i.' - Evatifcifot. "Wecan speak of their merite from personal knovrlCtrhtian Intditt; the pair displayd si-cater excellence -" - CUurdloons challenj with tho flnest madeanyhereÍntJiOcoQm;ry."- flÍMM [iving'a Works - National JÈdition fnntS Fino Edition ofthe Worki of WfAS0iíOT?N Ii 1 viko lie Ufe oí WashlugUn villbepub SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Müntbly Volumea, Prico $1.50 blo on Dclivcry. p inted on heavy Buperflne , i' quallty, and aubstantially bott3 In ■ i Ís. B7Baoh Volume iUustratd with Vignetteí mi Steel iukI Wood, XD Kni ■'. ■ ork, Skolt ;' Book, Cloth. :, volí. Braci bridge Hall, ■ 'Hany, Capt. HoiMH.'vüli', Oliveí Gol Ismith, Mahomot. ií vola. ■: , Aiïi' ■ ■ st, .. o cundí. . : 11 be SOld EXCICSIVELY to Uj ttaperior 1" nnj ev r h popular woi k. v. iiiiiu tho n ana ofall. (.;. I'. rUTNAM, Agt .Publl ■.


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Michigan Argus