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Later From Europe

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Ilalifax, May 14. The stcamer Europa, witb Liverpool dates to the 4th, and Queonstowu to the 5th inst., haa ar-rived. Gbeat B.ritain.-- In the House of Commons, Mr. Ewart asked whethcr, seeing the possibihty of privateering being punuHted and encouragcd by the Southern Coufedcracy, the American govcrnnicnt had placed a suffieient naval force ia the Gulf af Mexico for the protection of British propcrty in American ships and if privatocrs sailed under the flag of an unreeognized government vrould be dealt with as pirates? Lord John Ilussell &aid that Her Majesty's government had directed that a naval force, for the protection of British shipping, be sent to the coast of America. " Tbc government," he said, " had received aooounts of tb? progress of tho war in the States of America, It hzi heard, tho other day, that the Southern Coiifederation had issued letters of marque, and that it was intonded by the United States government that there should be a blockade of all Southern ports. There werc soinc points oí law on these questions. aud thoy have been referred to the law officers of the Grown for thair opinión in order to guide them ininstructions to the Minister in America and Commander of the naval squadron The government has feit that it is its duty to use cvery possible means to avoid taking part in the lamentable contest. - Nothing but tiic imperative duty of protecting British interests, in case the}' are attackod, justifies the government in iaterfering at al!. AVe have not yet been involved in any act or by giving advice in the matter, and, for Gbd's sake; let us, if posbible, keep out of it." The betrotnal of the Princess Alieo to Prince Louis of Hesse had been formallv announced by the Ministry in both Houses. The London Times says the excitement in the Nortbern and Southern sections of America has had no parallel sincs tho early days of the French Revolution. The underwriters asked higher rates of premium on British vessels from AmerioEsn porta - say 20 a 2Ös. from New Orlcaus, 10 a 15s. from New York, and 1 a 2 per cent extra is deraanded of American vessels from ludia, China, &e. War risfes on American vessels detained in Southern ports havo advanoed from 5 to 10 guineas. FüAxcE.Tbe London Globe says that it was rumorcd that it was M. Thiera vfho wrote the recent pamphlet published by the Duc d'Aumale. The Archbishop of Tours, in a letter to, the Minister of Juátice, says the temporal power of the Pope is abolished, and the Catholic world will hold Louis Napoleon respousiblo ior it. The Paris Bourse was finn at C9f 15c. Bpaix. - Correspondents had said that all the towns in Haint Domingo had issued a pronunciaiiiento in favor of annexation to Spain. Italy. - Large bodies of Italiau troops had cmbarked from Genoa for Southcru Italy, aud 3,000 had reached Naples. The official jourcal of Rome denies that Sardinia bad made conciliatory proposals to Kome. Laïest - Via Liverpool. - London, Ath Moucy mark'et and fuuds dull. The American crisis caused a depression. Coi:suls slightly dcelined. Lord John Russell made an important statement on American affaire, as to the Federal Government oomjnitting infringement on international law by collecting duties from foreign ships before breaking bulk. The law officers of the Crown said so much depended on ciroumstauces that no definite instruetiona can be sent to cruisers. The Government bclieved such coUoction impracticable; that blockade can only be reeognized when effective ; aud regarding letters of marque, it is the opinión of the Government that tho Southern Coufederaoy must be reeognized as belligerents.


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