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"save The Pieces."

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"S'pose you o uldn t Int a man have f;ve lollarS,' this mi ï'ninu? ' said Mr. OartU] oxpeotantly, as he ba! nu eed bimsèïi u IÜh neighbor'a o1!k-j step. 'L'ivü ! what'a t!io trouble ? is ' not your business as profitaMè ás mino1!'"" askoil iho ueighbor, sornpnhut unjsrraciously. 'NV 11 - vos - butsornehow I nevor eau contrivu to rnake both ouds meet.'" "Sorry 1 can't iccominodato you I" sai.l the neighbor, brietíj, and -Mr. Oardèl lounged back into his store, ]-;tthor disco;i ii'.ed by llie iil succcís ol his negoüaiion. L-Uer i:i the day his neiglibor carne in on sotno trifling errand, and Mr. Cardel wasjust twisiing up u hall-shcel of writing paper to light his eigar. "What do you waste that gooi) paper ior?" i: qriired ilic savrirg poftal, whosc e5ononiu!al bump waá yti-ongly dovolopcd. "Too mueli trnuble to hunt up a match-bos,'" said Rtr. Oarftcl, 6rÍDgip liis fcot Ieiiuiely about as he satou tüo coniiicr. His néighbor turncd nway with pcareoly a perceptible shrug of the sliouklerts, muttering to hiinself, "Xo wónder he can't incikebolh vtidá raeot." Tlio afturnoon s:;n had crept half ïvny up the uull bcfore Mr. Cardol bc: tiioujjlit K?mae)#of a neoeasary business letter "that must be mailed thsrt day. j)ravers, dosU and counter were vainly bon reliad, ior a scrap "i paper ! "Halló Jira !" ctii'd he to tho errand boy, who, in iwitation ot' hi.s inasteR's enlteinanh dulce Jar viente, vvaa suuning liimself on thü thrcshold, "rlinoiit muí huy a ebeet ol papef, and hüu f you can't bo back before C'hristínas will you ?" Jim be8trrod hitnself accordingly, but j :st as Mr. Carde! vvrote tlio at lino f bis lotter he glahe-ed up-at tíjo dock - tho houí1 for closing tho westurn ii);iii was overpassed by just two niinutta ! 'Oh doar! what bad ludí I do have - it'l! bo a cíeái1 húndred dollars lost!" groahed ho thrówing down bis p!eo ,n déspair. Mr. Cardi-1 is not (he only man in the woild who lias failed to inake the ]ro]ier distinction between bad kick and bad management ! Just ao the domestic whee's of homo revolved, " Isn't ít a püy to buró up those nioe clippings and'ends oí' deluioes?" inquired a casual visitor as tire. (Jar del was "lidyina up" her room. "Well'l want 'em out of tho way,' retiirnud the lady, "and I doü't seo that tlioy will ever be of any uso ío mé, now that the girls' dresses are fi,iished. The visitor shook her head. " always save th'j p eces !:' Mrs. Cardcl liad just bidden her guest adieu, when her youngest little girl came running up the steps. "Oh, mamma ! mamma ! sec how I havo torn my dross, all across the iront. Indeed I wasri't to blame - it caoght on the fenoo !" "Bless me !" ej acula tod Mrs. Cardol holding up both hands in horror, vs she Burveye'd the long zigzag rent, ''and I havo not an inch of stuff left to darn nder. Who would havo supposed I should noed thoso littlo odds and ends? Well your father will have to buy you nnother dross - that's all ! I do think wc aro the most unlueky pcoplo i the world 1" Poor Mrs. Carde! - she was alwaya trying, and vet never suceceded - always vvorking and yet never accom])lished anything. She cramped hcrself in the vain idoa that she was económica], and yet the outgoes always oxueeded the incomo in hor book of expenses. Tho troublo was that she never thought it wortli whilo to " save the


Old News
Michigan Argus