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Senator Douglas As A General

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The telegrnph tclls na that the President, saya he has not ofíerod a Generalship to Air. Dougla and has not ihought oj it, but lio is confident such an office would ho wel] bestowed, and udde that Mr. üouglas foresaw some of the most important ocsurrences of tho war&O fur, and pointed them out to him. We have noüoubt that Donglas woukl make jast as enorgetic, shrowd and far-seeing a General as he is a statesman, but ho is worth more to the country n tlio Senate than in the field, and the President, no doubt, desires him to retnain where he can be of most service. If Gen. Scott should bej lost to us, we believe Mr. Douglas would be the filtest man in tho nation to succeed him, in pite of his lack of military expcrienco. His immense energy and ability to plan, combino, and forsea would make him a first-rato General, Üiough ha liad nuver seon a gun in his lifo. E3 It is related of Mr Lincoln, that one day last week a gentleman preRented himself witb the following introdnction : ".Mr. Lincoln, I have but a single reoomraendatioD to your favor, sir; I arn n ivpublican aid do nol v:ant an office." Abraham raised himself tohis full height, put on a facetious look, held out lus long anns, saying with ernphasis "God blessyou sirí You are a refreshing sight. You aro good lor soro eyeti. Let me give you a word f waruing - fake care lest Barnum catch you!"


Old News
Michigan Argus