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A. DEFOREST, Always nhetvdin Low Piiccs. HAVIXG REMOVED MY STORE to the EnBt sido o' Main Street, Mie door nortli of GuiU-rman's. I urn now recpiving New GoorH, cmnprtsing nll kinds of GtoeerlM Fruit?, Extracta, Glaasware, Lamps, Lookiug Clasica, Table Cut'iory, SilTer-plateü Goodl, kc, JLOVVER i HAN EVER ! Frcnch China Tea Sets, f rom t 50 to 18 00 Frcnch China Dnm-r Ssets. from 20 CO to 30 00 Stone China Tea Sets, frnm 3 00 to 4 50 Stolie China Dlnner Set!, from 0 50 to 16 50 Beautiinl Glas Goblet, 2 00 pr dozen Glass K'T'iseiK' I.:impH from 87 to f0 Mal ble KerOReue J,ai],s froro 75 to 3 00 Fluid Lamps from 16 to 60 Kerosene Oil, goodquality, 80c per gallon All otlier Gooda al f'orrspdn'linp pricci. JRS" Liunps of all 1vu1k altcixdand lepaired. Peoples Store, 799tf A.DeFOREST. Hangrsterfev's JJlock. DEA N C O-, TNVITE, aticntíon to thelr new stock comprising all 1 kinds of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtiires and House-furnishinj good,a!l of which they are offei ing At the Zowest Possièlo Untes. French China Ten set- from j5 0? to 20 00 Frcnch China dinner seis from '2b 00 to 70 00 Stone china Tea sets fn-m 3 50 t 5 00 Stune china dinner Sí ts from 8 50 to 20 00 GIrss Kerosene Lamps complete Trom 37 L to 62 L Marble Kitosc-bp Iinips complc-te from 80 to 10 0:) Fluid Lam pn from 18 to 62L jGöT" LBpi of all kinds altere! and ropaired. TROTTING STALLIONS. ATTENTI0N JpJin BREEDERS. YOUNG HENRY CLAY, and YOUNG BLACK HAWK. Yonng Henry Clay WAS raieed by Isaae Phillips, of Ontario ;Co., (f. Y. His color ia a cual black, 16 banda high, weighs 1150 lbf., and never was trained, and can trot in 3 minutes, and will be ahown in harneas to any one wishinjr, and aa a horseforall work cannot be surpassed, aa the tostimoniala he receivc-d laat fall ahow; be received a prpmium at the National Horae S'bow at Kalamazoo, competing with twelve horses from ditTerdit Statep, alao at tho late Michigan State Agricultural Fair, held in Detroit, competmg with 26, he also received the lat premium at the laat Wa.shtenawCo. Agricultural Society. Youiig Black Huwk Isa mahog.iny hny color, 16 hands high, and weigh'1 1150 lbs., and for action and lasting quality cannot be surpassedfor one never handled more. J i is get ahows well as tbey can be seen ín :in 1 around Ann Arbor, as he has proved himself a sure foal gtttt'r. Young Black Hawk was raised by Ebcnezer Lgjre1t, of Stilhvaler. Saratoga Co. , N. Y , fr.'ra his superior mare Kamble, and for furiher articulara oí' qualities and goodttMH, I refer you to Jas. Xewland, of tbis cily. The abo e hor.íes m;ty be seen at my atable on Friday and t-'aturday of each wiek. Ann Albor, May 8th. 18C1. 799m2 BYRON' GREEN'. Important National Works, Published by D. Al'PLETON k CO., 346 AND 343 BEOADWAYKEW TORK The folloiving works are sent to Subscribera in any part of the country, (unon receipt of retail price,) by 'niail or oxpress, prepaiil: TUK S(l!.VVAall5niA CyCr,OPDIA; A Popular Uictionary of GenerF-l Knowledge. Editcd by Gko. Ripley and Charles a. Dana, aided bv a numerous select corps of writers in all branches of ciences, Art and Literature. This work is being published in about 15 large octave volumes, each containing 75Otvo-column pages. Vols. I., II., III., IV. V. , VI., VII., VIH., & IX. are now ready, each containing nenr 2.600original arti des. An additional voluine will be published once in about three montha. l' Clotli, $3; Sheep, $3.60: Half Kussia, $4.60 each. The New American Cyclopïcdia is popular without being superfieial, learned without beiug pedantic, comprehensin but delailed, freefrom personal pique and party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is known upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence.- Every important article init has been specially written for itfi pages by men who are authorities upon the topic on wliich they speak. TJiey are requircd to bnng the subject up to the present moment; to state just how it stands iww. All the statisticalinformation is from the latett reports; the geograpliical accounts keep pace with the latcst eiplorations; historical matters include the freshest just views; the biographical notices ads ak nol only of the dead but also of the living. It is a hbrary of itscir AiSiUDGEMEKT OP THE DEBATES OF CONGRBSS ISeing a I'olitical History of the United States, from the organizaron of the first Federal Congress in 178 to 1856. Editedand compiled by Hon. Tho Hart Bn.vio,from the ODicial Records of Congress. The work will be completed in 15 roval octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11 of which "are ñow ready. An additional volume will be published once in three months. Cloth,'i $3; Law Shcep, Half Mor., $4; Hall Calf, $4.50 each. a wat or rnocuRixG thecyclopedia ordebatks Fora a club of four, and retnit thepriceof foiirbook, and live copies will be sent at the remitter's expense for oarriage; or for ten subacribers, eleven copies will h sent t eur oipense for carr;;;?. To Agenta. No other work will ao liberally revrard the eierlions of vgents. A.v Aobn't wanted in Tnis Countt Terms made known on application to the Publishera. Aun Arbor, March. 1359. (i902amt -ff Rev. Tuos. Whiohi, agent at Kinne 4: Smitha Book Store, Ypsilatti. DO VOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOÜ WANT A MHSTACHE? BELLINGHAM'S CF.I.EDRATED STIMULATING OxXGUENT, For the Wüisksrs and Huir. The rubscribcrR take picasure in announcing to tho Citizens of the United States, that they have obtained the Agency lor, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above justly celcbrated and worW renowned article. THE STIMULATING 0NQUENT s prepared by DB. C. P. Bkllinguaíí, an eminent phytiicianof London, and is warranted tobring out a thick set of Whiskers or a Mustache in from three to six weeks TliU article is the only one of the kind used by the French, and in London and Paris it is in universal use. It isabeautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound actingas if by raagij upon theroots, causing & beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure baldnüsp, and causJ to npring up in place of the bald spots a fine growth Of new hair. Applied according to directions, it will turn bkd or towy liairDAKK, iind restore i?ray hair to ita original color, leaving it soft, sinooth. and flexible The ■'Oxgcet" is an indispensable article in every gentleman' toilet, and after one weeitB uso they would not for any consid oration be without it. The subscribers are the only Agents f r the article in the UniteO States, to whom all orders must bo addressed Frice One j ollar abox - tórsalo by all Druggiüts anc Dealers: or a bo of the Onguent" (warr.inted to havo the desiredefiect) will bo sent to any who denire it, by mail (direct), securely packed on receipt of price an: postage $1.18. Applytoour address HOÜACE L. HKGEMAN 4: CO., rmi-GüiSTS ac., 7S8mG 24 Wi'liam Street, New York NE"W Gr O O ID S . WLNES & KNIGHT Arsuow recoiving their SECOXD Spring and üSummcr STOCK OF GOUDS In eoaicqusnce of th Great Pr essure in tb3 IHOTNTOESTZ" IMAHSET we havo ben enabled to purohase many kind of Goods at our own priees. We can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LESS THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in Xew York SIX WEEKS S1JV CE! We invite the attention of uil to au ascjüon of our et eek. WIPÍES & KIMG1IT. D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVE Jt'ST OPKSEÖ A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING & SUMMER Titde of 1861 Hnving purcbased their stock at muoh les llian the usual pnces, they are prepared to ofïlr GREAT INDUCEMËNT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for post faTor they will be ever ready to eliow their Goods and by fair and iberal dealingjhope to receivo their full share of the publio pntronfige. Weet ide of public squaro. Ann Arbor April 1861. FORTSUNIPTER EVACUATfiD. o Mack & Schmid with a Tremen dous Stock OF STAPLE AND F ANC Y DRY GOODS! CROCKERY, SHOES, HATS 5c CAPS, 0ARPET3, &o.f &c. UosliHlivS Comnunccd n earnesi'. Death to High Prices ! MACK & SCHMID aro nor rocoiving their SP B ING AND SÜMMER and will scll them for the NEXT 90DAYS, Much Cheaper Than has ever been heard of iisr A.nsrisr a.rbok,Come One, Come All, and Lee. C MACK, 795 F. SCHMID. 18Ü1. Ï861. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C.H.MILLKN&CO. Haro romored to tboir Brick Store rwontly oceuple by A. DeKorest, and aro uow roceiving x SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS FOE THE SPEING TEADE, Among wliici iro Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NEW sTYLES. TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &e., ie. Choice FAMILY Groceries, ; BOOTS, SHOES, & CROCKERY. AIso an entire New Stoelt of Carpet and Oi1 Cloths, of New and Beauliful Patternt, THESE GOODS WERE BOÜGHT AT iPA-ïsTIC PEICES! , ! Aud wt cao satlsfy all who will cali and Oxamlne our 8tooi,that üoodsaro CluapMi Spring, for CASH OR RBADY PAY. MIULKN' ï CO.


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Michigan Argus