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MM Cure Courh, Cold Harsenen, JtíWmL cnm tmy Irritrtticm or Scrmrua oj the fj k-alhll Thronlï Heliere the Hachng Cmigh M{]HUlU0 írta, íiífí Cata.-rk. CUar aud WÊiyÊÊny fivc fttrcnglh tnthcroice of mtÈiiS&r I'l III.K SI'KAKKH'a, Mjy nnd SIJKíKH, I Few aware of the importrtnccof chi'ckiug: r Conph i r "Comuion Coid" in its Snit stage; that which in tlir bcginninit would yicM toa miM nonedy, If iieglerifd. oon attacksthe Luns. -'Brown's lironcliial TrochpH," onjaining(]pmu!cont ngreclients allny Pulmonary and ironchml Irr'tation. 5ROWÏTS '-That trnnbluin my Tbroat,(for wluch the 'Truches" are a specific) having made TDAnuuc.' ine often u mere whisnerer," 1 KUOHtis N p yrlUJ. "1 recommend theirufie to Pvïïlic SpkakDROWN'S " REV E. H, CHAPÍN. - "Have provpd extremely serviceable fur BH KOÜHkb REV. HEXRY WAKD 3KECHKR. "Almost instant relief in the flistrpssing -w SROWN'S labor ol breathing peeuHsr to Aaimu." LRKV, A. C EUflJjytCHJ. X. TI}intJT?a "CunUin no Opium or anj tliing njuriRUCHtSous." IIIt. A. A. HAYKS, Cliemiftt, Dacton. JROWN'S "A pl and ple.asant combination for Cocous.Sc.'DR. O. F. B1GEL0W. i ( KUOUÜS "Beneficial in IiojrroiiTis." Dit. J. F. W. LAXE, r-m BROWN'S „. . . Btoa. 0= I have prored them excellent for _.__ WUOOPING CüL'GH "' TROCHES rev. II. W. WARREN', P( iïoston. BROTVN'S "noneiicial "hen compelled to speak, íuflei-ing fromCQU)." TRflPHF c ANDKRSON', I ROOHKfc t:t. Lomt. "EITeetunl inriMnoving Hoanicr.eKs nd BEOWN'S Iiritation of thc Tliruat, ao commou with i, ürUKKasanilixncas.'' Ï3 l KUlOW LaGrange, Ga. Teacher of Muaic Southern r ROAVN c! Female College . "Oroat VnofH when taken hefine nnd „„„„„.. aïter prcaching, as they prevent lloarsei lUOtili.c Qess. From their pasteffect, I think thejf [ .vin be of permanent advantnge to me." LP BROWN'S KKV.E.ÜOWLF.Y, A M. President of Athens Colleg, T.Min . ______„ 3. Soldby all I'i-usijisUat TWEXTYTROCHES nVtCSNTSA UOX.- 776m6 "LUÑGT& BLÖÖD INFIRMA RY . Ftskers Block JFrodward Ave Detroit Un. S. J, CARPRNTEtt A RA1NARD. DOCTORS gen, rally pretend tbat Consumplion ih ircurable, becnuse tliey cannot cure it themselves; but thÏH does not make it trae. - Jlany meclianics willwi-rks on a job all dar and af A tar doing notbing but wpoil the material they vill ttitl yon it never can be done in tho way yovi want it. liut byjpplying to a better woikman- one who tliorouglily understtntis hia business - you wiil get yuur work coraplished in shape. In tliis respect there is the same diíTerence to lrfound in all tr-ides and prnfessinns. The bunglcrs in R. mrch.mism, in the arti, in law, in theology, and in pliyaic, will sa y such tilines cannot be done. And it irtrue that they r.ould not hu it all men mft like TC1 ■klrca. lint. fortiinately there is anuthir Dbun of mm, and those, when tliey tukc your case in hand, do the - obas jou want it, Or mton you to liealtb, accur1 inp -- to desire. We have onty to romember tl is act to understand whj one physician should prjnounce tha; incurable which anoth-r can cure, In mechaiiics, wcnonictimes fmd thftt by a possessic]; uf Huperior means, by unle nuw inviintion, of wliich lic has the solé use, or by the ffrea'cr ing'nir-y of hi mind, one person wiil m-iVe 6r c what no can. Exactly it mny be so in physic. And tb ia is the i vcry reason why I have such great succcms over a.1 i ■ othors tn the treatment of Consumption. Iïv liavint; tho oiigiiKil genius, by posaeasing the Luug-MetfT, which enablcs m to c(early det( rmine the nature of the by haring sucli remcdit;-- lr Cousumption nu no otber PfajRlct&a ever had, make bold t nj tbat 1 jê have, fcod can elïVet a cure of this dii-ease bevond Ihi rcach of any man. To prove this to bare leen tho case, I might pive you numbors upon numbor? Il of certific:itf's frnni men and women given over to the Sfrnve, wh have been ro.scuoil and restored to lienlt'u by tho ptratrerfttff uro of my rtmedit s for Consumj-tlini . But it is not ncc( ssa" y fr me to du o liere, for tin An fact of one man doiDg what another ennnot c:innot, ís evident toali mon of coinmon hon.-ie. If the T tive wishes further proof tban thia, I can only ny. come nd Fatisfy ymirself by tri.l of my skill in the cure of your cnrnplait Iioctor Carpnttr will visit Ypsünnli, and Ann Arbor. durlny 18C0-61. Ann Arbor, at Cook's Hotel. Sd and 4tb of each raonth; Iliiwkins House, YpHÜanti, 5th and 6th of cuoh nmnt)]. The reniainder of the tnic, he of uillbe found at bis Lung Inflrniaiy inL'etroit ly7T3 or the coü.xt.'es of Jj Washtenaw & Lenawee, Mich , From Official Records and Special Surveys, By BECHLER, WENIG & CO, and GEIL & HAELEY, G Being "lUMlWiTii to Geil & Harlry , Topugraphicnl Eng's. Authors of Mapa of tlie Counties of Hillsdale, Hianch. wi St. Joseph,Calhoun, J&ckftHl, CaR, Van Uuren, Bervicn, esi W;i vne, Geneee, Kkhiraazoo, 8hf 1 Tm roua, Monroe, MacombjSt, Clair, &c, Michigan; Loraine, Medina, kc., yl Ühio; Niágara, Érie, Cattaraugus, G reene, Para toga, kc, V Xew York; Monmouth, tforrïft, &c, New Jersey; City ot ReadingSC, ï'enn.jLaporte, A:c-, Indiana - etc., etc. tj1( an The undrsigned are prepnring to publiah, by &' tion,a 1íw and c mbined Maouf the Counties of u1j te.vaw and Lknawpíf, Mhhigan, from careful ■arrajl of tlie entire Distnct, made expressly for this work, and _ frum Official Iïecordsand other reliable lnformUffl.- The Map will delinéate minutely various üeographical and Topogrnphical features of theCQuuties,amons[ which may beenumeratcd the followin: 1. It wHl ahovr all th Township, Scction, and Quarter -_, ünea. % It ' ill gene rally show the BuudVry Linea ofïarmfl ftnd the names of resident owner.s. 3. It will show the location of Public Road, distinguishing tlie open fads from tttOM not opem'd. 4. It wili show the locatiun of Churchoe, School Houses, Hotels, Mills, Manufactories, Dwellingtí, Shops, &c. " 6. It will give the coure of Rivtrs nd Crook, and show the location and oulline of all meandered La!;cs. _ 6 It willcontain Wam of tho Principal ViHagos, sbow. ing the Streets, Iots, and locatiou of Buildings. Kncli Villaje Plan will aUo contain a Directory, giving the name and business of village subcriberrt. The recorded add.tionsto Villages willbo distinguishtd by colora. 7. I will give the eourse of Kail Koads comple'ednd alsosuch as asare now in process of contruction. jg 8. It willcontain a Distiince Table, giving thedistance bv the most direct openroads, between any two Villages iii the District. 9. It will contain a Business Directory of country nubBcribers, giving theiruamen, occupation, and the section on which thty reside. X 10. Views of Private ReRidences nnd prominent Buildings, will be engraved on the margin, by special contract only. In order tosecure an insertiun, early application should be made to the Agenta in their respective diftrïcts. VI The Map will bo neatly engraved, handsomely _ orfd, Rubstantially backed witt musKn, and mounted on jt rollerd. No pains nor expense wiUbe spared to make the work in everv respect worthy of public confidence. The price of the Map wiJ be at the lowrate of ix Dollars per copy, payable on delivery. Authorizor ajjents will visit evcry portion of the Dis trict, for the purpose of perfecting ihe work, and, at the Kfime time, to solicit patronage to it. Upon their cali, will, be the time to subscribe, in order to obtain the work an it will be sold by subscriptien onty Communications in regard to business pertaining to J thin Map, if sent to ANN Akbqk, Mich., will rceeive prompt atteniion. GBIL & HARLEY, Publïsheia. fÜ. A Premium bas been 'awarded by the Michigin _ State Agricultu ral Society, to Gkil, Harlev k Pivkbp, I for their County Maps on exhibition at tho Anuual Fair, held in Detroit, u 1860. tíee Circulars which will ba dissributed. 789m3 MOORE& LOOMIS Have Removed to the ' STOIÍE REOENTLY OCCUPIED BT C. MACK, Phoenix Block.East side of Main St., AND Of HAVE BOOTS SHOES Of overy descripiion whioh will be SOIjB OIIES-!KI3E3r THAX CAN BE BOVGII7 JA' Tb ii City. aIso alargo iesorímení o' HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds m&do in the most I'ashio na bic Style . ut o3o tya EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, FRENCfl CALF BOOTS aro NOT s'jiïpassep this sido of New York City, tai are warranted not to kip. üur erOGASAND KIPS&. are made of the best materialc Our stock of Morocco Bootees , for Ladies is tho tht i nst in town, with heels or without We Make to Order, and never miss of svrn.G the i Qrst time ko give usa cali and va will show you nu r stock free ottiuxm We have -cureii the eervicee of two Ei r periencftd Jouraeymen who do ourmendins in the IVcatent .Unnrier, aud on jhortest notice. Óur motto is Quíck Sales and Small Prolits. t Thankfulr pastfavors we hop? bypartiiEr :;trictattentio,i to our boUNI to niüiU a liberal hhare of your patronage for tho tuture. Ülf Rüuaexober we aso not to be nndersold. "ft ivraoRE & loómis 1000 Fine Gvercoats ! ! For Sale CUeap at ÜUIÏERMAN it GO'S. SPRING GOODS. RICH GÜODS, L BACH fc PIERSON HAVE just crpened a lnrge and well P ted took of ' latest stvles and patterns iucluding „ s POPLINS, CHALLIES, K DE LAINES, TRIMMIXGS, ti S U M M E R S T UFFS. o i F DOMESTICS, STAPLtS, Carefully selected, Warnnted to pleaie, and I i for nle cheap. COM33 ÍSk.3?aX IBJüU. t BACH fc PIEKSOX Mnrch2G, 1860. 793tf ___ l ANTOHER M ia ARRJVAI. AT THE KhJgfOLD AND RELIA BLE !filÉ CL0THIWÍ EMPORITJMü sSte'-B, 3T O. 3 PHECENIX BLOCü, MAIN STREET. "Wna. ' w ja.a-3xrn3n. : hasjust returnod frin the Ea'.tcrïi Citics, with n tftfg aiül leniiable stock of FALL A1MD WINTER GOOBS irhich he ié now offering at wan ma ff J IjOW PHICES! Among bis Assortment ma y le fouud BROADCLOTHS, CA8S1MERES. KINS, & VEfeTIKGS of all doscriptiODN, espfcially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which he ís cutting and mnkin to order, ïn tlielatcst ar bost Btyles, tugwiht-r witli a superior abíiorimunt of READY MADE CLOTUJNG. TKÜ.VKS CARPET B.VUS, ÜMBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode wi tli numcrouK otlier art ''des usuullj found in aimila: establishment.1. As ANEMPOHÍÜM OFFASIIIOV the BubHcríber flattcr-; himself, tuut liirf lnnjr rxporipnet and generti. succPKs.will pnahle him to give tlie roates' ■-atisiiicUun toall vrlio muy trust L.111 ;ri the way ui man ufneturiug gannents to ordtr. TtíUtf VM WAGNEIÏ. 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEIRS WA.NTED! TO ASSIST IS" THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! iVliite folks, or of whatever color, c9to or nativity. whether icarritul, 6ngle or of doubt ful conrexion, will becnlisted in the noble cause of EMANCIPATJNO THE COMMVNITy - FROM TUE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! nd -wiü rcoeive iheir outfit at the Extensivo Fur nishing Establishment .--OF THEG V ITE R MANS HEAD QUARTERS! having been cstablished for the LAST TEN Y E ARS, our known rulo of warfare is an UndisguisedDestruclion OF HIGH PRICES! I"OH CIiOTHIKTG For all JLgétj Sex and Conditions! In consrquenoo of the very flittering oncouragcinent wliicli we hnvo leo-ivod lince our location in this city, wi havo inorensol our " Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIWG! To meel tliO demanda of our ouatompra, nn3 having bocome moro fully convineod than ever, tlmt our mode of dealing, na.nely: at ihe lowest possiblc ratea for i tho only trne plan; wo will continue t: erve the public na heretoforei duricj tho cuming fnll and winter. Oiir Stock eoneiats in every variety of READY MADE CLOTH1NG I i Plain and Fancy 1 CLOTHS. CASSIM'KRS. SILK, AND SILK VELVETS. i Alargelot of OENTLEMEN'S FÜRNISH1NG GOODS, wliich ure all warrunted DON'T FAIL. TO Oj&J2L,SLjA1? Qr. I3C. Q. [ For past favors wc are grateful to all, The samo for largo ones in proportion, And thoso w!:o sce rit to cali Shall receivo onr best 6milo$ aa4 dovotion. M. Guiterman êt Co ÏT. B. Sludeiiis and all othirs who want to, ooe SÖhNBHEIM'.S ncw [mode of cutting will do well to cali ami leavo their measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! Mr?. WINSLOW, At fxpcrifn ed Kure iari F-ale Fbysic'nn, j.rer-nt to the aitcníioD of m Ehrr.i,h r SOOTHINü SYRUp, FOU CHILDRE3T TEETfnOF9p vti!cb ?reatly facilítate O proces nf tMthlsf, ty pi'fti n Bg ihe gums, reducir all ittftTmmtU-'&--wu ollav ALL PAIN and sa.-mmíte tic?;-,, and ÍK SüñE to REGÚLATE the B0WZL3. Iipp(-nd upen it, m.lWcr.-í, it mil gie ífcst tu jouratfi, and Eelief and hcaltli to rotir Infanta Wc hftve put tij) n'l Rn'1 nM tbi or: íor ftrer Mi yrai, Mi'i CAN" SAY, IV 10X1 UiJtÁfK XSf TKCTHnftt, ht ve Iinvf rrver be. n tVf fu irf nf. ni othirmrtlUia - KLVm Has 11' FAlI.tii ÍN SlX(ilE INtT.NCK 'lo 11H(T A CIKE, wh- t mp'i ii-0. Ncwr i'.iil Wff km w rn rf diKataiartiojí any i dp whu une-i -t. (n the c mríy ,' ali nlv tlcÍJghted w'.th tta ofu t. ti' u , nd sp nk n trrof, of ctmniH-nrlatii n of ifei Baglcal efír-et" mi inrdic! irtue-. W ,penk in tliii muttr 'WBAT WK 1 O KXUW,'"afti-r te yeaiK n'pirlvncr, itp H.U'IK OCR RHI.TATKN 'FOP. 1JIK' KU J-ILIMI KT OV WHAT Mi 111.1U-; DI ( 1 AHÍ. !n lnT7m .t,ry n t.-Or. win re the :nf nt U siifT t n !r ni pn n und ■xlmu-ti' :, rultoí will be imin-1 ín tifu-m n ttidj nat. Ir f- tlic svrup í-j mlmlniMiTvd. lilis valujiblft jiírpar Tiun u (he prí"=citifn if Mil ofths raott F.XPE1UKNCK.1) n! SKI1.I.1II. M r.SKS in IC''W 1 nliiD'!, nli'l has bt-eu ui-cd with ICLVUI FAIURC íl'CCLSS in THüUSANP of r,srs. It nr t orly rl-res thcchll frm m n. h-it íiivír' rnhn tlic t 'mach sn 1 buivfls. ew ty. hïi.lfii# ■ ::n 1 fiKTgy to Iho wl!o!e)-5tem It will alinm t ;ntAllr rflifvo rnUPIMG in the buwei,-', AKu wmr rni,jc .■ni om rconie convulsi ■, which if ni .ipdtr f.m iic'H, mi in denth. We hplipve it tli1 MET n'S iUREsT HFMEbY !N IHE WuRl.n, ín 11 c tif ■ iY-fcNTHlYan.1 MaHi'.IKKA IN CHIl.l'Ri N, hr1h4 it arnés ir m tet'rn fr fr m anv otlur nm##. Wp would Hfiy lo ever)' nut'i'r wh h R ft child ulTrÉn rrom nny of tlie f'r-ontr cmplnnt - Tu NOT I KT Vo( H PlíKJUI ICE, NOR TUK lT.fJUMCK K (JTHERSt Ktund l.twcn jom mí ywi mlfrrM rliild, huí! therollef thillwQ] Le SUl'.K-YKS. All: Ol.t TH.Y - to follow t'ip ni(í nf t'iU nudic tM. if timlv mnM. Kiill iii'-rtiiin ir us:n ill a ce Hipan r rurh bnlll, Xnn'pniiinn fnlesa t: e fue simüe i'f Cl'KllS i TKKKIN". Vork, ii un til" nnisi.le wnpflt, S.Jd by 0ritgi5U througmit the wirld. PrliKlpnl íllc-, 13 r.rtr Siif.t. W. Y. KtICE ONM.Y i5 CENTS l'KR COT11.E F.,r inl.i bv EWwrl' ■ r,,. 1r775. ibr Me Speedy and Permanent Cure of SrmYKGÍ WeaknesSt Nocturnal and Dhirnal Kmissions, Nervous and General Dtbility, Impotcnce, and all Piscasen arisingfrom Sotitary Habita or Excessivc Indu!gcncc. TIIERE are thousands of Yocxo Men, as wll as Mikdl Aged and Oi.d Mes, wlio aro suforia; to soma xt4 from the above discases. Manv, perhtpf. re not nwrt mt their true coadition, or when assiatance ís really ncdcl. For the benefit of such, we herewith givo % few of th mmi Cftminou Rymptoms, vii; Vraknes nf the Back anri Limit, Pain in th. Head and Sids, IHmhmm of Siglit, Pnti nd VTeb befora the Eyes, Pulpitation of the fleart, l)yprpiii, Lou jf Jfemory, Confusión of JÉfan, Deprrxxion of Spint, Artrtiam to Society, Sclf-Ditrnt, Tnnv.liti, tU Für cach nd all %t ths above svmptoms these remedies will bo found a " Sorsriga Balín.' Thüse reraoilies embrace threo prísenption: A ixx f PastcLi. a box nf Nervou Tonic I'ilh, iid % box of Viril Tonic PUI, all of which have impoitnnt offiiéi to rffrm. and ihould be uted together in evcn-cwe, Thoir enperioritf OT8.' other mods3 of truatmeut inay bo brieUy stftted aa fflowa, vir : j(5 They diminish the violence of sexnal eTeltronl. JJÍ5T The ltnmcdjatcly arrest nocturnal and diurna! ! lons. jflfSr They remove local weaknes, cauilag tlit orgam t ftssumo their natural tone and vignr. JlfS" They strengthen the constitutioo bjoviroomUf nwrous debility and general weaknesa. jBÉTiioy enliven the spirits, which ara Ufuaïïy SepreWM. by expelling al! excitinjï causes from the Bj-tein. y By their invigorating r-roportiii they reslore bU patiënt to his natural health and vig'ir of manhond. jfc"y Tiioy cure when all other means Iiiitv failcA. ay Thoy contain no Mtrrury, no Opium, nor aaythlaf. that can iii any event prove injurious. j(y Thoy arO easy and pleasint to oc, and wïll not Infctctore with the patieut'a usnal business or pleMnro. ÍST They enn be used witluut ■mpiirlin. or knswledf f Ten a room-mate. That they may com wftliin the reach of all. w hve fli j fcha prioa of the PtaM at $t p'ir box, and ths Vili sit V ents per box each. In orderiug by mail, in addition tn th price, twelve cents ia stampa shonld bo inc'.oaod for reiur postage. gw I,ATTE5 in want nf a safe and ffeetnal jM&lA reniedy for Inrjttlariti, .Supprtatinn of th Ü6fL3kLil Menxes, or any disease peculiar to their %x, mmW 'hould use Du. Gatess F km a lx MotTHLr M4ÊÜ' T L Pills. Priot!, by mail, SI aiul ono it.iinp. wjBkw Caltion. - 'l'hcso Pilis .ihould not bo nH J durin prfijnancy, au (twrearriuge will ba ih JHS -xP conaequencu. I.ADIKS who. from il!-heUh. dtformiir, ffr any otlier humine and reuaonable cause, dt-em H nc#ary to avoid an increaae of family, eau do b withoat ineurring danser to health ir constitution by the ie Of -V. tM Crauxlf French Preventies Poxcderx. I'rice, by mail, $1 ai4 two Btampfl. These Powders can only b obtained by aildrttin tfa Oeneral Agonts, as bolow. Sond for Dr. Gates's Prívate Medical Troié on Smwti i)KjMf. Fhics Ten Cenm. Addrcss, B. O. MILÏ-EIÏ t CO.. Onir# Afrnii Louw? il!, Cr. Fnr tfWf hy JMAYXAKD, STEBM.Vd, AJWIISON. " y73rin Ann'Arbor. Micii ViOA'. .. MlLLElfS IIAIR INVIGOEAÏOR. 4N EFFfiCTITE, ÜAFEAXll KOOXOMICAL COMPOtNIJ FOn RESTORIKOGIUT HAIR In its oiiRtnuï color WÍJ - out ihoing, ai 1 [iiwüutii iho llir frun turniug 2rat7TOR PREVENTIStí DAl.l'N'FSS aml curir.g it.wliwn thr i the least piittiüle ot' vitaiily or recuHTtivf fiitirjj renniininz. FOK BKAIOVma SCOUT ANP DAXDRLTF, ftW1. alt etanoous atïl-ctions of the ircalp. KOR BKAUTI1VIXG TIIK HAlR, imfarting to it an anrquaücd gkM ud brilliancv , mnking it soft an.. a-üï-.y Ín its texiure nn 1 causiog it tocurl readilv. The gri'at celebiiiy and !);e inereaüing demaiKl for thin uucqualleil ïroparation, cnuvinoe Ifae prnj -lictor Uit or trial is only npctsary to s&tisfy a dipcerning public of it superior mialities ver ny othr preparni ion nt nwWl in use. It cleanes the ht-ad and ücalp irnm _dav dr u ff an oiheT cutnntous dtscases. Cau.-e thu iïair to grov lu uriíintly, &oü givLs il a, rich , solt , glossy and Lexibi nfpearance,and uUowbere (he hair is toostiiog nd thinning, it Wïll give Htii'iigth aiul vigor to tlie rootu, ai.d restore tlie growth to UiOM parts which liavè becon: bjM, cau.sing it to yiell nfresk rorcivp ofiair. Tdercare hundruds of lu'lirs and gcnlUuicn ir4 N'ow Yoik who have hii'l their Imir rostord bv the u r,f thif Invigorator, when all other preparntiori had f;iild. L. M. hvx ai his popsession letteas itiiuuno'.alile testiirirg to thtí above facïs. froni persous of the bighest re8].ri;1ability. It will eíTeetually prereni tbe hair from tmmhtf graij until the lates t period ui life; and m capes irbvrü the hair has c han geel ts clor, ihe sp aftbc Invipnraicr will withcertainty restore ii to its oriiiivrl hü ghrtnf it a dark, Rlossy appearancp. As a fcifunie for tho Icilft and a Hair Rentor&tlvc it is partieularly rveommiwWI, hariiig an agreeable frairrance; and the grrt ÍMilittn it affordj in dressin? thehair, whlch, when nnlal with th ïnvigorator eau bc dressed in any required form o ai tu i-vesiTV.' its ])l;icr, whf!!er plain or in purln hfC the tireat uemand for it by tho iarlies m standard toilet article which none ought to bo without, a tho pric placos it wii.hin the reach of all, bcin ONLY TWENTY-FIYE CENTS pir bottlt', to bo hal at all respoct.iblo druggipta' %n& perfumers. SITLLEIÏ vouM.Otli tli Atfontion üf V&rnU asd (ïuardian'i to the uso of his in vigora :or, is case; hrr the chiklrcns' Halt inclinen to he wenk. Tiic yne of it lays the foundation for n (rood lifJitl of hnir uk it rrmovn any impuritie that may hfve beennao eaawutrd vith tbc scalp, the romoval of which is noceparj bbtti for th health of the child onl the faturo ipptiarance r,f it Hair. Cat'tion-.- None gnoïe xritljAnf thefnc slmilo I OT'IS MI1.T.KH oji the outer wiapjier; altfl, L. MII.I.ER'd U.U LW1G0IUTOB, N. V. hi-.vü in Ibe jrlass. Whulcftale i 1'ív ft. aad i-okl by uil the prínoípl Morchkiits au'l DnifrïntR Ibrougitout' the world. Liburai dUtotmtto (rureKaen by the c,mintitv, I alsütltsiroto i rescut to tho Anu ricas Public m New & Improvod Instantanoous Liquid Hair Bye ' n-hich aTtor ywtra of scientific r?:fcrnieniDg I Yv bronfiht io pêrfection. It Öjea black nr brovm intantry without inniry to RatrArkla ivmrrantd tho bö4 artido of tho kind In oxistoncp. PRICB ONLY FIFTY CENTS. . DEPOT, 56 DE F ST., Nm Fósv. City Meat Market. jTTir 'tl ndersigneil jTHEIR MARKET TO THE COBKLK CF .KN NT) 1ÍAIX STPSUS AuO -vil! kcop constantly on li.ind a full as; ortment of 3F"-i--c-st-to. 3Vr-e--t--, ■which ikey wUl ahiays hp fouad in rMdini'Ftto Cut uprit SU1 1 CUSTOMEES. X"o taixs will be sjrd to keep thoir ciarket Clean, mul Me nis Sveet ani patroni mpy roly ipnn ptiirg: iUe bent RnütTa steakp. cnrl's.oto.,thatcan h fouadin thfOtr TALfc AXDTKY Ki. S VPOTOR T. WAl.KKif. Anr. Ar'oor.fy -t, 1SC0 7ra Hifle F actor y! A. J. 8UTHERLAM) HASromovedhieGvinShoptotheïiHw Blotlcn H'tt toaitreet. snutb of th Tourt lii tife,ot.ti.eucou4 Boor, wbrrr nr is prrpnreii to tV. rnUb Guns, Pistáis, Ammunition ; Flas&s, Piüifies Gaine Bzjs, ani} Everj otl'.or artk-Je in Lis Line. i)U iio n;osl rcaBr-cabV" Utito. nn.-i to Ho 11 hjodi o O tho shürtetnotlce.anH f n r h i1 brst mATin!


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