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.GiiüAT BARGA AT I May aard, Stobbins & Wilcen's. Q ___ - WE HAVEAGAIN lïKH.KNTSFlED OBR STORE W1TE Uie moi i plendid Stook ut jtfr" 'r T"bi. ■?TI"'5S tfTXT Ly L.jft V_P" jL7 SíSi) -o 'I ] tli-tt WAS ovr-r ojfered in :uiy oue st;ibli.lnii.'i)t bi ) ih Stilte, aü oí wliicli wo uU(r for I aslow as can be fouml in the Uuton We want BXoney l i II!' V.'iïl llülkO Great Sacrifices on Anytliit! ■' wejmve to obtain it, not oxcepting OLD NOTES AND A CC OUNTÊ We öOrdlally invite ALL CASH CU STOMERS to cali and examino our Gooils and Prlces. We ftlw invite our Prompt Paying Customors to como uní lmv tln'ir siijtplics for the Winter. Bbvhful oncKthat aro afraïd to cali, we say to, tak oourogo wülidiit longftr wftitii.g for liigher prices, come in, oíd scores, and theu at such prfcefi ns will nuko uy all Iobsm It in haidl; accces.iary to emuucvaloour üoods, for We have Sverythingl A largo oSBoitmoat of UARPETING, CROtKEÜY DRY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, TAINTS, OILS, [lAT, CAPS, BOOTS, SB OES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c,, &c. ("l.r-tf MAYNART), PTF.BH1XS & WIISU Stovcs &. Hardware l a,. %i Pi RISDON & HENDERSON Hnvo oow ín Rtorta large Msoctaniof SPBö "BT1 E1 "7" _MÏ3 ia 9 Hardware and House Furnishing All vork will be BOld afi CIIKAT asat ftny other Establishment in Michig'an, Thpy ha ve (üiit the Beat Assortment of Cooking r ARLO R A ND I'LATE And will sellthem Chüaper than rZ.È' C 11 E AP EST, Ploasp caU an soe. Alt kinds of tin ware kept on hand. l'artJcul."-r .ittont inu xv to all kiode of dJCDïB ï) 32 OS.; Whicli wül bcdiine wltli NE A TNESS A NB D7SPA TCII. J-Please cali tod sce llnir STOVH ROO5I n iid story of Ncii Block. . RISDON & HENDERSON. Ann Ai!nr. Jan. 5, 1801. O ■ 23 Xj I JS S3 Still in the Field ! W1TII A LAEGE STOCK of GOODS in my lino direct from New York, Boston, find the Manaf a c trarers! I have jast rooolvéd :i l&Tgfl ami wcll ;elecleclasiortnieiit CLOCKS, VVATCHES, sr m 'w e: r n. 3r. SIL VER & PLAÏED WARE, láusical Instiiiments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And n grea'' variety of yankee tfotiona, cfeo. I would culi .particular nttontion to my large stook of oí Gold, Bilvor, Stool, and Platcd, witfi PER SCOPIO GLASS A8aKaOTarUolo,andagrrat varioW of arUclej n the CEEBAP fo.r C7.A.JSS2:. Persone havapg dJlTcult.walchwfi no yithgUumo . ,- p te ftècömmniited umi -tir-k i lrg Knii cvhipli te, 1"' S, l'iirlicuhT nttt ' !'■ u ' ajd tp tlio r e Xa -jSl i h i isr a of :iü kinds of Fine Watohoa, uch nu Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFFS an.l C L1NITKIIS, also CLOCKö, A1TD JEWELÏIY, N't'atly ïïoprtirccl umi warttg C. BLISS. August 28, 18CP. T6Stf Ayer's Agüe Cure. Scrofola, or King's Evil, 'v n c eorruption nf the blood, by whioh Üiis fluid t-ccomps fitiated, ■vvcak, and ;;oo-. Bfing in the circuUtion, if ! pervadcs the whole body, and mny burst out in discase m nny par' of it. No organ is free from i! i atfacksj nöir is thcre ono whieh it may not dystroy. 'ïl.u scrcJftUous tnült is variously enused by movemini disenso, low living, disordcred or imhctuthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressmg vices, and, above all, by the veneteal inf'ection. Wluitcvi-r ba it; oiigin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descentüng " from párente to ehüdren unto tl'.c third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it socmis to lx the rod Ot Ilim who says, "Í Will visit the iniquities of the fathers upou their cliildrcn." lts effects commcncc by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tltf lungs, liver, and infernal ornns, is tertned tubercles; in tho glands, swcllings; and on tho eairfnoe, eruptions or sores. This foul corruption, which genders in the blood, depressos the energics of liíc, so that scrofulous constitutions not oiüy suffer from serofulous complnmts, but tliey have far less power to withstand the attoeks of other diyoases ; consequontly vast numbere perisl. by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, ere stiil rundí red faíal by tliis taint in the eystem. Most of tho consumption which decimatcs the human family has its origin direetly in tliis scrofulous contamination ; and many destruclivc (lisiases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, nrise from or are nggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all onr pseple are scrofulous tlu-ir persons are invadcd by this lurking infeetion, and their hcalth is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we nmst renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, nnd invigoiate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wc supply in AYER'S Coiiipouml Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most cffectual remcdy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this everywhere prevailíng and fatal malady. It is combim-d from the most active remediáis that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructivo consequences. Henee it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it, such as Eiiuptiye and Skin Diseasbs, St. Akthony'8 Fihe, Rose, or EitïsiiT.i.AS, Pimple?, Pustules, Blotches, Blains and lioii.s, Timors,Tetter and Sai.t IIheoí, Sc.u.d He.vd, Rixowohm, Kmiimatism, SvrmuTie :indMi;ucuiaAi, l)iskasks, Dkopsy,'Ki'siA, Dkiumty, and, indeed, ai.l Compl.unts akisino trom Yitiati: On Imi'vri: lii.oon. The popular belief in "inmwitt oj'iie blood" is founded in tnith, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of tliis Sarsaparilla is to puriiy and regenérate tliis vital fluid, without which sound health is impossiblu m contuniiiiated cbnotitutions. Agne Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Intermittcnt Pcver, ét Fcvcr and Ague Remittent Pever, CSiill Fever, Dmab Agnc, Pei-iodical lïontïaclic, or BiXious Heatiaclic, nnl Bilions Ftvers, indeed for tlit bisólo cías of diseases originatiikg In lïillary (Icraiicmcïwt, causcd by the Malaria of Miasrautic Couutrios Wfl nre eiia1leï horo to offer tho commmilty a remedy wbicli, vhile it cures tho nbovQ romplaints with certainty, s till perftitly hannli-ss in any quintlty. Such tí rfiuctly is invaluatik' in dintriits vhoro thuKD nfíiicting dlsoniurn prevAil. Tliis "Cuke" oxiiols tho niifumatic poison of Füver. asd Acüe from the syfitem, and prevontö thö dovolopmoiit of the dieense, if ütken on tho first approach of it1) premonitory symptoms. It is not ouly the best remedy ever yut discovered for this clasa of complaintf, but also tho The largo qunutity we supply for a dollar brinps it within the reach of every body; and in bilious dis trie tav horo Fkvkïi and Ague provailf, evory boiïy should havo it and use it ftflely both för cure and proteetion. It ïy hopod tliis pricc1 will place it wühin the reach of :■]! - poor as wéJI ob tho rich. A grent supcriority of this roniody over any othor ever dlBcoTQred fr Uiespeedyand ceitain cmv, of Tnteriaittents is. t!iat it contnins no Quinine or mineral, rfmsoquently it produces no quinisui or other injurious efiects whatever upOD tho eonstitution. Thope onrt-d by it are lfft os henlthy as if thoy had ncver had the diseflfic Fcvcr and Agne is not alone the con sequen co of the mfaituatic poison. Agrcat variety of disoidcrB arise from its irriiation, among which ara Neuralgia, liheumatisnij Gout, Ueadache., lUindnas, 3x4hac7ie, Earache, CXitarrh, Asthma ly'.l}ü:tiw, 2}ii7iful Jffcrtion of üie Spleen líysterics Pain in the Bowels, Chlic, Puntltsi% and Derangement of the Sleniach, ;ill of whtcfa, when or[ginating j 11 thÏB cauüOj put on tho intPimvUenl typ?., or beeome pcriadioni. Hila "Cure" exiwls the polson from the Mood, and conBoniiitIy euros thora all alilte. It is on ïnv:ilu;)ble proteetion to immigrftntö and persons travelliug or temporarily residiu.u; in tho malcmous ditricta. ïi takon oeca-sionally er dally wliilo oxposed to tho infection, that will bo excreted from tho system, and cannot aocumulate in nifftclent quant! ty to ripen into disease. llcnco It is oven mor! valualilo for piotction titan euro, and fow will ever sulfer from Intormittents if tlicy avail thcmselves of tho protection thi remcdy affordH. Prepaxed by Dr. JC. Ayer & Co., IiOWELL, MASS. MAYNARD STKHB1 Nit IV I i.SON, and by all Druggists and Uualers evsrywluTi'. J. BURRILL, Travbling Agent. An apérieni St maofaíc nepjiration ofIROX purii i..l in Oxygen ;Lrn] Carbón by combustión in liyurnge. ictioaed by the highest Medical Autboritiee, both föEu rojK. and tlu; Uuued Staten. and prescribid 11 tliwr pxac tice The i'perience if tïmtiKnmls laily prove that no prop1 Iron can be conipared iritb ir. fanpurHiea 'ii' ihc blood, dopressïous of ital energy, pale and othersrlse sickly comploxiona indicates is ncccsslty En almost every couceivaWO & [nooxlou in all Dialadlea in wnich it lias luon tried, "ialoly euiïitivein each of i'uílowing complaini lu DcïUliy,!Vrvous( Affoctlons, Emnriatlon uypciwla, Con e Upa tl on, DIarrKoea, nycntery, tnclplciii Consuinptlon, St'rofulous Tu ïjerculosls, $ak Rheum, Mismimetrualum. White. Chlornsis, Idver-Complaints, Chtonic Readadus, RkekTntermUtetU Jrccers, Fimplcê on the Face, kc. LRALDBiuJY,whotherthoremiHf acute dlsnase, or be. continué] úiminution (f nervous and muscular energy frora hroïc complaïnts, one trial ot" this restfu-alive has proved succe 1 □ rti)t which m 'icripiioii unrwrü icn attesta.tign would render credibïe. invalida so long heil rfdden a i fiave beoome forgotteo ín their own D0ighborhoods} liavcsuJiicniy re-appeared in tliebiisy world as if juut returnod frcim ptotnietof] fraVel (na distnnt land. 9 nal lostancea of this kind an attested ï tema 1 ■in:;-i:i tod '-t n ■ of ápparení marasmns, soñffuineou - Bxhaarttott, eütloal ahanges, and that complicHtion of nervons and dyspeptic aversión tu air and exereïse for whicb the physieian htm m In NBRV0UsAFTBCTlÓ8 0f all kinds, and foT iVü-nns T:imiliar to medical mon, tbe opocaüon of thia prepara tloo of iron mnsi necea arllj be lalutary, tor, iiiiliko the ild oxides, it is vigoroual) ton e, without being exeiting ind orcrhcatSng; and gently, regulariy aperfent, even the nost obstínate eo renoM without even '■ ■ ■. or inflioüng a í- ■ ation. It fa thlRiattei propertv . among oihers, which naakes M i ■!?■■ t ;■ :s 1 !in" i:i;:i:n: a reme h for PUet, iipon which it ftko appar,Wtexcri 1 id spo;ilic action by dlsperslng the local tonaeney which forma them. In DtspbpsUj Innumerable as are íts anees, n -,n of1lioo OliiUybeate Wlla have maften suffleed tor :he must habitual capw(incíu4ingthe attendc&t Cosiivees. In anahiecked Diarrikra, oreti whendyanced to Thjsen try oonftrmed, . ad apparently maltgnanti In1 ('ITri,1!:; l:;iviri1 In iln ,m-: .-in , . ■ ■ 1.1 M-.-li 1 n ' strongth , debilituting ;muh, and remi! f o il be-ctk, whicb genera lly indícate Int tptmt Consumption, in severa) very gratifyinjr and In iereal ing ín tancea. In Scmflons Tubcrcuoütis, this medioated Iron bas lad far moreihan the hf oiost-tyiutioufl y balbinoed prepararlona -t todine, vrithoat ;mv of iocír woll bnown llablUtfes. Tlu' jittiTttion of femaleseanDOtbetooeo&fidently invied fco this rrmrdy.uu] rcMurncivc in tho casos pecülíarly tffeci Ing i hem. In Rhetimnusm, bbth clironic and inflammatory - in the atter, however, more dccidorlly - i t Mi nu boen invarïnbly rell roportod, both as alleviathig pain and rednurfag ths :'■■■■ j ! ■ :,rvl iiui ■■ .■!■ . Jn Tntermittctii Fccer#i must oeceasartly bea greatrem■dy nnd enerjffttic rentorative, nnüits projprens in the ncw ottlements uf the West, will probably bo one of high rcinivii and usefulness. Nu L'emoüy lutij ever been disco voved 111 the wholo hiato■y ofmo3tciñe, which ex'ori ffuclí prompt haftpy, ftn'd nlly rostoratfve A appehte, compiote AU ;estkri, rvpid anqnisition r strength. with ao unusaal dlflpoRition for active-ahd cheorful exercisc, niiLu-Uately l'nt ni in noat flat i&otal hox08 oontalnlng rÖ0 piHs, irloe 50 cents per box ; tor iale by druggfni Viil bc ■■ut ñree i'1 ■!'.. recèipi i the prioe. UI luttws, order . etc , tfhmU t lx; íidOiMKfWMl ío I! B ■ .ni-, ■ITTv 1 880 Broad'Tfty,N. Y. Sale byGRENVILLE & KULLER, nn ArUr. Howard Asaociation, Philadelphia. í fíenccolcjit ín f y oppclal endgtotatn for (K rrilrf uf thi. síck and "Qistn l'!ii?ri ana E for the u ofihsSgxUá -iijfrec topotíén tu allí wttofth United Sta V ALO A BI EREÍ'( RT8 on 8pennatorrha . and othe Uy n;il Orgaün,jindualli.eNiLVHK4il inyr.i, ent to the ATfi ■ ■- Lwo or ihree Stamps for poiitage be will he eptal i' . ;. J, SKI1 l.'X HOrfilITOM, ■ 1 Howard I isociation N" -, aouth Nintli :■!(. Im:,. ■ T86yí 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers For Sale chotip at G ANA Co


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