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The Resolutions Of Western Virginia

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The rcsolutions adoptad ut the W liecling Convention last week were, as follows : 1. Jletoked, That, in our delibérate judgtnent, the ordinance passed by the couvention of Virginia, on tho 17th day of April, 18G1, kuown as the ordinance of secession, by which said convention ündertook, in the name of the State of' Virginia, to repeal the ratifioation of the constitution of the United States by this State, and to resume all the rignts and powers granted tinder said constitution, is unconstitutional, nuil aad void. 2. That the schedulc atbicbod to the ordinanco of secesson, suspending and prohibitiug the elcction of members of Congross for tbis State, is a manifest usurpation of power, to which we ought not to subuiit. 3. That the agreement of the 2-ltli of April, 1861, betwecn tho Commissioners of the Confedérate States and this Stato, and the ordinance of the 25th of April, 1861, approving and ratifying paid agreement, by which the wholo military force and military operations, offensive and defensive, of this Gommonwealth are placed under the chief control and directiou of the President of the Confedérate States, upon the samo principies, basis, and footiug as if the Commonwealth were now a member of said Confedcracy, and all the acts of the cxecutive officers of our State in pursuance of said agreement and ordinance, are plain and palpable violations of the constitution of the United States, and are utterly subversive of the rights and liberties of the peoplo of Virginia. 4. That we earnestly urge and entreat the citizens of the State everywhere, but more especially in the western sectiou, to be prompt at the polls on the 23d inst., and to impress upou cvery voter the duty of voting in coudomaation of the ordinance of secession, in the hope that we may not bc involved In the ruin to be occasioned by its adoption, and with the view to demónstrate the position of the West on the question of secession. 5. That we earnestly recommend to the citizens of western Virginia to vote for members of Congross of the United States in their several discricts, in the excreise of t!(e right secured to us by the constitutions of the United States and of the State of Virginia. 6. That we also recommend to the citizens of the several countios to vote at said election for such persons as entertain the opinions expressed iu the foregoing rcsolutions for members of the Sonate and House of Delegates of our State. 7. That in view of the geographical. social, commercial, and industrial intercsts of north western Virginia, this convention are constrained, in giving expression to the opinión of their coustituents, to declare that the Virginia convention, in assuming to chango the relation of the State of Virginia to the Federal government, have not only acted unwiseïy and unconstitutionally, but have adopted a policy utterly ruinoüs to all the material iuterests of our section, severing all our social ties, and drying up all the channcls of our trade and prosperity. 8. That in the eventof the ordinance of secession being ratified by a vote, we recommend to the people of the counties liere ropresented, and all others disposed to co opérate with us, to appoint, on the 4th day of June, 1861, delegates to a general convention, to meet on the llth of that month, at sueh place as may be designated by the committeo hcreinafter prov.ded, to devise such measures aad take such action as the safet}' and welfare of tho people thcy represent may demand - each county to appoint a number of represen tatives to said convention equal to doublé the number to which it will be cntitled in the nest House of Delegates ; and the Senators and Delegates to be elected on the 2'5d inst., by the counties referred to, to the next General Asseiubly of Virginia, and who concur in the views of this conveution, to be entitled to si?ats in the said convention as members thereol'. 9. That inasmuch as it is a conceded political axiom that government is founded on the consent of tho governcd, and is instituted for their good, and it cannot be denied that the course pursued by the ruling power in the State is utterly subversive and destructivo of our intcrests, we believe we may rightfully and uuccess fully appeal to the proper authoritiea of Virginia to permit us peacefully to separate froin the residue of the State, and form ourselves into a government to givc eft'ect to the wishes, views and interesta of our constituent. 10. That the public authorities bc assured that the people of tho Northwest will exert their utmost power to preserve tho peace, which they feel satisfied the}' eau do, until an opportunity ia afforded to sec if our present difficulties caunot receive a peacetul solution ; and we express the earuest hope that no troops of the Confedérate States be introduced nmong ub, as we believe it would be eminently calculated to produce civil war. 11. That iu the language of Washington in hi letter of Scpt. 17, 1787, to the President oí' Congrcss, "in all our delibcrations on this subject we have kept steadily in view that which appearsto us the greatest interest of every true American, the consolidation of our Uuion, iu which ia involved our prosperity, felicity, and perhaps our national existence " - And theretbre we will maintain and defend the constitution of the United States and the laws made in pttrsuanco thereof, and all officers acting thereunder in the lawful discharge of their respective dutics. 12. That John S Carlisle, James S. Wheat, 0. D. Hubbard, F. H. Pierpont, Campbell Tarr, George 11. Latham, Androw Wilson, S. H. Woodvvard, and Jumes W. Paxton be a Central Coinmittee to attend to all the matters connected with the objects of this Cfmvention ; and that they have power to assemble this Uonvention at ar;y time they may think neecssary. 13. That the Central Committee beinstructed to prepare an address to the people of Virginia, in conformity with the foregoing rcsolutions, and cause the same to bo published and circulutod as extensively as possible. m-- -a ■►■ [rp Wc should give as we receive, chcerfully and without hesitation ; for thore is no graee in a bcneíit that sticks to the fingers. t I begih to believe that a boy who doesn't swear, smoke and chew tobacco, may be a very good b"v, but is uatuvallv stupid.


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