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The Last Hours Of Senate Douglas

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Wlieii lately Senator Dnuglas rcturnud to thia tífty, h-o uüarril as the object nnd reuipwnttif -n iHbiu ovation, memorable nmrwig H the Weleotnes evef tendered by Cbigo to ttione she (giited to hwM'j h-o in., do his lust speeah lo n immense audientc, who lor the lust time heard the full tonos oí his roioe in ui open and miin)y stand on Iho inipoiuttit issues of the day, whereio póke the pntriot nml tbu tmo innB, spoku, and then in-k through tho i!,',i;:li.l STiidatioiis of u oh amber cf I 3 illaess, id mience everraore Grave fara bad been entertainde) in Mr. Douglus' bi half on thumoreróciT:t oófewsions ol his eevere illnoss. He was not well wlicn be appèared beforo liis iiudience it iS'utionnl ll-ill, WednéBiiuy evening, May 1.-!, ;ml sp ke with (I ll'u-.ultv, not notioeable to his audience, bilt coDÍosted to sevoml of t1)O8e lriende who cfuitered about bim to grwp his hand. To one ol tiiose he stoted that ho was ontit to appoar iu ■ublic, and should Ú6W scek rest, a ieet -"o muuli necK'ed, cíe he again entcred on his duties at Washington. I-ittlo did he or tlioso he addr.saed, deern bijirork'was done, its re-'t the grave. Senator Douglns was accompanied on liis jo:rney to Chicago by his wil'e, leaving tho two sons at school in Georgetown, li C. They took their Dccustomed jaarters at tho l'rcmont Hoiree. ïlw nest duy, May 2d, a pliysician was eaüed. It was t nnlil soine ten daya sinoe that Scnaior Duoglad' illness asdumed tin tilannrng type-. From the tirst he has bten uttended by some ol out best medical talent, and lately it was Ihought dusirable tósummpn hither Dr. Mi Her, of Washington, inwhoseoarë Mr. Doaglaa had paxséd ihrough seveie illinbsees. Dr. Mfller anti the Washington relativos of Mrs. Dougl:l8 reached Chicago on the 25th uit., and sioee then havo ieon ulosély in attëhdance apon hitn. Througliout the latter part of last ■enk, Mr. Doughis' position was deerned extremely critica!, with the chancea against his recovery. His primaiy attaik was acute rheutnatism, vhich rgpidfy assumed a typhutd charncier, and cunlimied from the first very nnyieküi g. Alter i-rme ten er twelve (lays, his malady was complioited by an ulcerated sore throat, which soon ieleled. 'J'orpor of the lirerund conBtipution of the bowela ensued, soon lollowecl by n j.iundiced condition, acloiüpanied by poisoniog of the blood, whreh preetrated his nervoua system KtlH more. A wandering and ehriouê state ac compahied his illnes more oí loss (rom ilH ii'.ception lo its fatal close. At such tiiiies as he was rationa! List week, he heönied'aware of the grave tears er.ti'rtained in his behalf, and on one occasion itl to lliOtie about bim, lliat he knerr his constitütion so much botter thaii they did, he feit confidönt he hou!d recover from the Qttiök. lioubtless his will and courage, joined to his physïcal powers, had much to elo with liis so long continuing to resist a mala tly bofore which feebier men would h;.ve r.ipidly suceutnbed. Throughout Saturday it was foared lio cjuld not not survive niany hours. Ai nigbtfall drcw nc.-ir, without any positivo chango baring taken place in lus disease, Jic }'ct secmed casier aud so passcd the niglit. He had only brief intervals of eonsciousness after this, but lay iu a quiet state, gradually but surcly sinkiug. At timos he briefly rallied, but it was uot to a elcar coneeption of what was trausjiiïitig about him, Uu one occasion indeed, it was evident that lucmory and liabit of mind were strong In the dying btatcsinan, and that Lis thoughts were onoe more in the Senate Chamber. One of bis pliysicians, Dr. Hay. was adininistering a blister. " What are jou doicgV" iskud the patiënt; "stap, thore are twenty ogainst mo - the measure is defeated." Atanearly hour yesterday morning lie liad an interval of rallying, was rationil, conversed briefly with those about him, and thea sank goutly aud quietly and without a gtragle. His devotee! and Inving wife romaincd with him to the iast moment. Madison Outts. bis brjther-in law, Mis Young of the Trcmout House. B. G. Caulfield, Rnd Dr Ilay, were also present, tíuch has been the auxiety with wbich news frora the sick room had been looked forjby the public that throughcut Sunday almost hourly bulletins were posted iu the office of the Tremont House. The carliest bulletin of yesterday reported "Judgo Douglas is dying." A little later, and the intelligence spread, "Judge Douglas is dead.:'


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