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- Ilciiry L. Whiting, of St. Clan-, a Regent of tlio University of Michigan has aceepted the Colonclship of a Vcruiont Regiment. - Co). Andcrson has been given the eommand of the deparf ment of Kentuoky. - At Portsmouth, va , an entire rifle company voted against secessiou, and was diabaoded in oonsequence. - By a general order of tho War Department voluuteers, are given the samo nioney allowauce fot elothing as the regulars, - Lieut. Slemmer reporta 1000 men in Fort Fickena, and says they can hold it against any fotco ükely to bc brought against it. - Report says tliat large numbors of I men have receutly left Southern Illinois to join tlic confedérate army. - Several Western Keutucky seecssion papers liave been compelled to suspeud - Companies A and D, Second U. S. Infantry, Gapt. Jordán and Lieut. Grove, with twenty-four womeo and children arrived at New York from Texas on the 30th May. - Bird's Point, on the Missouri ehore, j opposite Cairo is now held by IJ. S. troops I - St. Louis volunteers - and will be strongly fortified. - Each discharge of a 0-inch shell gun is at a eost of' $9.34. - The Hiclmiond Examinar calis the U. S. forces sent into Virginia to squelch rebellion : " The horde of thievcs, robbers, assassins, in the pay of Abraham Lincoln." - Lord I'rougliam saj's privateoring, according to international law, is not piracy, but that it would be a piratical act to join an expedition ngainst a power at peuce with Kngland. - llugh Maher, of Chicago, gets the great anny beef contract, at 4.44 per hundred, delivcred in Washington. Live wciglit we suppose. - By order of Jeff. Davis, Thursday next is to bo observed by " ye hyal rebels " as a day of fasting and prayer. - Humor says that snuthern ladies are transporting revolvers concealcd under their crinoline. -The N. Y. 7th regiment left Washington for home on the Bist. - The President has approvcd the course of Gen. Butler in holding fugitivo slaves and putting them to wark. - Gcns Scott and Leo have givcn assurances that no troops shall be sent to Mt. Veruon, It is open to visitors as usual . - Gov. Lett-her has a brother in commaud of a Virginia conipauy. - The order to stop the seceded States rr.aüs does not apply to Western Virginia. - McLanc, late Minister to Mexico, is the secession candidato for Congress in one of the Baltimore districts. - Gen. Harncy reports himself removed i'rom the eommand of the department of the West, by order datcd May Gth. - Robcrt S. Scheuck, of Ohio, was commissioncd by the President, May 29th, as Brigadier General. - A Baltimorean says that 4000 Gern ans and Irish were receutly coaxed from that City to Virginia by a of farms, and then pressed into the army. - The Alabamaians are indignant at the romoval of the Capital froin Mootgomery. The Mail says that the President and (Jabinet are abovc tho soil that bred them. -New Jersey bas fivc regrments orgauizcd, and the Chaplains are : a Presbyterian, a Univcrsalist, an Episeopalian, a Román Catholic, and a Methodist. - The North Carolina Convention, by a vote of 34 to 73, refused to subiait the ordinance oí secession to the people. - " Father Waldo," a Revolutionary relict, and once Ohaplain to Congress, raised the National Flag, at Svraeuse, N. Y., ou the 29th uit. - Surgcon Brodie, of the First Michigan Regiment, bas charge of the hospital at Alexandria. - It is reported that Gov, Letcher has ordered a warrant issued for Hon. Mr. Carlisle of Western Virginia. It will be another thing to arrest him. - Tenne.c8üo is to vote on t';e ordi. nance i i secession to-morrovv. It wilj probiibly bo cauied through violence, - A correspondent of the Petersburg ( Va.,) Êxprft, says that the wiie of Commodore Pendergust hns " seceded" from his bed and board because the Connnodoro stands by the Union. - At Newport, Ky., tho Rev. Mr. Balch was rccernly escorted out of his Churuh for omitting tho prayer ior the President of the United States. - Oen. Scott is reported as rerfiarking: " This is my last campaign, gentlemon, and t shaïl be my best." - The Conneclicut troops have been BUpplied with twelve thousand Iranked letter envelopes by members of the last Congress from that Stato. - The New Orleans Ddla pro claims that Es-Congressman Bouligny bas given in his adhesión to tho Southern Confedoracy. Doubtlul. -Sergeant Rider (Ed.) of tho First Michigan Regiment, bas been out taking observations, and - " ha got his name in the papen" - that's all. - It is said that Miss Dix has been ordered to Fort Monroe to take charge of the hospital arrangements thero. - Mr. Dixon has been appointed Collector at Alesandria, and thut port is regularly opened. - Wigfall is announced as tho chief aid of Jeff. Davis in thb campaign. - It is positivdy asserted that the government will cali out no more troops, and as ■poútivehj asserted thüt 75,000 more are to bo called, for the war. - On the 3d inst. Gov. Hicks took one hundred and fifty muskets from the Bültimoro City G aards, and sent them to Fort McHenrv. - ït is said Jeff. Davis visited Harper'fl Ferry on Thursday of last week, - Bartlott's Naval Brigade has boen reperted and ordored back to New York. Gen. Butler rotained their arms and tnunitions of war. - Judgo CaoVallader bas issued writs of habcas corpus for three men arrestcd on a charge of burning bridges north of Baltimore. - London letters say Col. Fremont wil] bring home 10,000 rifles and forty 12-pound riiled cannons. - It is rumorod that the N. Y. Seventh Regiment will be remustered into service, and stationcd at the Staten Island Camp, for tho nstruction of recruits. - Jeff. Davis is reported as having iseued a prociamation caüing upon the Federal troops to loavo Virginia. When they do, t will be for the Carolina?. - The irignto Powhatan is blockading Mobile, - Private adrices say Davis ie both alarmed and II. Ho has rcason to be. - The Susquehanna, Troquois, and Iíichmond, of the Medcterranean squadron are on their way home. - Col. Blair has been appointed to the command. of the arsenal at 8t. Louíh. The Sixth Missouri Regiment was sworn into service on Saturday last. - Fiftcen war vessels are now stationed in tho Gulf of Moxico, twelvc : on the Atlantic coast, and ten in the Chesapoako and Potomac. - Townsend's regiment and the Scott Life Guards left Now York for Fortrees Stoñroe on tho 3d. - Tho Coldwalcr Light Artillory Company arrivod at Cincinnati on Sunduy morning last, and went into i qu artera at Camp Dennison. - Capt. Derby (alias " John PhrcDÍx") is dead, and his funeral was attended at St. Louis on Monday. - Capt. Marr, killed in tho recent skirmish at Fairfax, Va., was a member of the seccding convention, and a member elect oi the Legiflature. - A son oí the late Kulus Choato is a Lieiitenant of ono of tho Massachusetts volunteor cornpanies. - Six hundred government troops have arrived at Havana f rom Tesas, in a destitute condition, and their wants vvere supplied by tho Cuban uuthorities. - It is positively asserted that the citi.ens of Norfolk are suffering from the want of the comtnnn necessaries of life, supplies having given out, and the dronght dried up the springs and cisterns. - A Chambersburg (Pa.) dispatch snys that over 500 soldiers have been sent from Ilarper's Ferry to Winchester, sick with small pox and diurrhcca# - A Stato Military Camp is ordered founded at Nornian's Ilill, a few miles below Albany. - A blacksmith named Bennett has been hung by tho rebels at Manassas Junction, Va., for shoeing government cavahy horses. He loved his country too well for a Virginian. - On Friday last a man named John Swain was shot dead, in New Vork City, for avowing disunion principios. Such mob law shouid be severely punishod. - Hon. Robert Dale Owen has been commiíisoiied to go to üurope to porchase arrns for Indiana. - It is Gen. J. E. Johnston, exQnarlennaster General, U. S. army, who commands at Ilarper's Ferry, and not Gen. S. Johnson, of tho Utah Expcdition and the Pacific department. - Lieut. Col. Farnham pucceeds the lnmentod Ellsworth as Colonel oí the Zouavee. - Gen. Butler refuses a commission in the regular artny, wishing to return to civil Ufo after the rebellion is crushed out. - The Frankfort (Ky.) Border State Conventillo adjoumod sine die on the 3d, having adopted nat ion al and State addresses. Crittenden has accepted the tiomination for Congress in tho Lexington, Ky., district. - Gen. T wigge has taken command of the Department of Louisiaoa. - The Brooklyn has capturod the bark II. J. Sheftring, bonnd for Now Orleaos, with a cargo oí ooflee worth il20,0U0 dollars, and sent her iuto Key West. - The Powhatan has captured the Mary Clinton, írom Charleston to New Orleans, loaded with rice, peas, etc. - Troops are report ed leaving Pensacola lor Richmond. - Savannnh is blockaded by the flag ship Minnesota and propeller Union. - J. S Pulley, a member of the Illinois Legisla ture, from Williamson county, has been arrested on a. charge of treason. JCS" The Coldwater Light Artillery Company loft Detroit for Cincinnati on Friday morning last, where it wfll report to Gen. McClellan, aDd its future movements be under hia directiona. The Company has been filled up od a basis of three years service, and mustered and sworn in for that time. It numbers one hundred and thirty men, and takcs seventy horses and six cannon into the field. It is officered as folio ws : Captain, - G. O. Loomi?. Frst Licutenants.-O. II. Gillam and 0. A. Edmonds. Secotid Lieutcnants. - Eoland Root and Robert G. Chandler. Quartcrmastcr Sergeant. Ed. F Halo. - ■ t-mm- jL=L The Companies of the Fourth Regiment are designated, by Regimental orders, as flolows : Smith Guards, Monroe, Company, A. Lenawee Tigers, Adrián, " B. Peninsular Gaard, Sturgi., " C. Barry Guard, Ann Arbor, " D. Hillsdale Volunteers, Hillsdale, " E. Hudson Volunteers, Iludson, ■' F. Union Cadots, Tecumseh, " G Grosvennor Guard, Jonosville," H. Tronton Volunteers, Trenton, " J, Union Guard, Dextor, " K. Company 0. Captain Stoughlon, takes charge of the R ïgimental Colors Hecker's Band, of Cleveland, Ohio, has been accepted as tho Regimental Band. The Band consists of Cfteen pieces, and tho leader is John VanOiker. CiP Col. Wilicox has sont home, to his brother in Detroit, a pocltet pistoJ, one of tho trophies taken r.t Alexandria. It isseven leet, four inches long, and has a bore ono inch in diameter. A good duelivg pieco. jST On Monday last, ia behalf of the ladies of Grand Rapids, Col. McRetnolds presented the Third Regiment a beautiful silk flag, and (o each mana Testament anda "Havelock." It is said that 10,000 people witnessed the presentation ceremonies. E" An Alexandria newspaper correspondent reporta findingabig negro at the Marshall House QDgaged in the laudublo enterpriso of 6niearing pieces of oil cloth with blood drawn from his own veins, and selling them as rolics of Ellfiworth and his rnurderer Jaekson, What say those who have received these bloody mementoes to this annnuncümet. StOST The I'rce Prest says that Col, MclilYNOLDS, of Grand Rapids, bas been j appointed Cülonol of the Cavalry ment raisod by Cari. Schurz, and that he lias Ieft for New York to arrangc for taking the command. ET The Second, Third, and íourth j Michigan Regimenté have been ordered j to report at Washington immediately. - : The Second Ieft P ort Waync yestcrday, and go via Cleveland, Pittsburg, Ilarrisburg and Baltimore. The Third and Fourth will follow as soon as equippcd.


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