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ixr. o. r. n .Passenger trains now leave Detroit and the several Stations 11 thiu Count y,as follows. GOINO WEST. TJay Ex, Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Xight Ei. Delroit 7.00 i. M. 7.76 A. M.4 10 F. M. 6.30 p. x, Vpsilantl, 8.02 " 8.35 5.50 " 7.40 AnnArbor, 8.22 " 8.56 " 6.51 " 8.00 " Dexter, " 9.17 " 0.45 ' Chelee, " .32 " 7.05 '! Ar. Chicago, 0.00 P. 30 " 6 00 A. M. GOING EAST. Night Ex'. Jack. Ac. Mail Ex. Day Ex. CHielsea, A.M. 6.40. M. 2.40 P. M. PM. Dexter, " 7.06 " 3.00" Ann Arbor, 5.15 " 7.35 " 3.30 ■' 4.36 " psilanti, 5 35 " 8.02 3.55 " 4.65 " Ar Detroit, 6.40 " 9.30 " 6.20 ■' 6.00 " Trains do not stop at stations where figures are omitted in tlie table. Forest Hlll Cemetery. ALL PERSONS WHO haTe aclected lots in Forost Hill Omitery, Ann Arbop. without taking desda therefor, are requested to makt arrangement. wïtb tlie Treasurcr ond take their deeds within thirty days, otherwise their sek'ctions will be forfeited. By order of the Board. E. W. MOROAN', Treasurer. Pated, Ann Arbor. May 21, 1861. 802wo Dissolution, THE COVARTNF.RSHIP heretofore existing botween the undersigned, under the firm name an-l styie of t Batchelder & Eisele,istlns day dissolved by mutual j sent. All demanda in favor of andagainfit said firoi will be settled bv D. C. Batchelder at the old stand. JOHN EISEI.E, D. C, BATCHELDKK. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 20, 1861. 801 wG TJF HEAD. A. DE FOREST, Alwnys atiead in Low Prices. HAVIN'G REMOVED MY 'STORE to the East side of Main street, onc door north of Guiterman's. lam now receiving New Goods, compri&injj all kinds of Groccries, Fruit, Exlracts, Glassware, Lamps, Looking ülasses, Table Cutlery, Silver-plated Goods, &c, LOWER 'IHAJYEVER! French China TeaSetu, from Í 50 to 18 00 Krench China Dinnrr Sets. from 20 CO to 30 00 Stone China Tea Sets, from 3 00 to 4 50 Stone China Dinner Fets, from 6 50 tol6 50 Beautiful Glafi.s Goblets, 2 00 pr dozon (Jlass Kerosene Lnmps from 37 to CO Mat ble Kerosene Iimps frum 75 to '-Í 00 Fluid tamp from 16 to 50 Kerosene Oil, goodquality, SOc per gallon All other Goods at Corresponding priccs. jjST lJimpH of all kindn alteredand ïopaired. Feoples Store, 799tf A. IE FOKEST. TROTTING STALLIONS. ATTENTION jffif BREEDERS. YOUNG HENEY CLAY, and YOUNG BLACK HA WK. Young Henry Clay WAS ruised by Isaa Phillips, of Ontario Co., X. Y. His color is a coal black, 16 banda high, weighs 1160 Ibs. , and never was trained, and can trot in 3 minutes, and will benhown in harness to any one wishing, and as a horseforall work cannot bc surpasseil, as the testimoniáis he received la&tfall show; be received a premium at the National Hnrse Sliow at Kalamazoo( competinpf with twelve horses from differt nt States, also at tlie late Michigan Stute Agriculturn.1 Fair, held in Detroit, compctmg with 26 horses, he also rweired the Int premium at the last Washtenaw Co. AgricuUural Society. Young Black Hnwk, Is mahogany b}' color, 16 hands high, and veïghs 1150 1bs.,and for nction and lasting qiiality cannnt be surpassedfor oae never handled more. His get shows well as they can be seen in and aronnd Ann Arbor, as he hns proved liimself a sure foal getter. Young Black JInwk was raised by Ebenezer Lepgett, of Stillwater, ara toga Co., N. Y., from hi superior mare Ramble, and for further particulars of qualities and goodness, I refer jou to Jas. Xewkind, of this city. The abo e horses may be seen at ray atable on Fridav and Saturdiiy of n;ich wvtk, Ann Arbor, May 8th. 1861. 709mS BYROX GREEN Important National Works, Pu'-lished by P. APPLETON & CO., 346 AND 343 BROADWA.Y KEW YORK Tne following works are sent to Subscribers in any part of the country, (ujiou receilit of retail price,) by mail or express, prepaid: THE NKWAMERIAÏT CVCLOPDIA; A Popular IHctionary of General Knowledpe. Edtted by Geo. Riplkv and Ciiahleb a. Dana, ajilod lv a numerous select corps oï' writers in all branches of Hcionces, Art in'l I.iterature. This wrjrk is being publislied in ábout ló large octavo volumes, eachcontaininir 750two-coiuinn pages. Vols. I., II., III., IV. T., VI., VII., VIII., & IX. are now ready, each containinp; near C.öOOoriginal arti cles. An additional volume will be publi.shed once in ibout three mnuihs. Price, in Cloth, i$3; Sheep, $3.50; Half Russia, $4.50 earh. ïhe Ne' American Cyclopredia is popular without benR superfieial, learned without beiug pedantic, coniprelensivf but suftlciently detailed, free from personal pique and party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is'known upon every iiuxirtant topic within the scope of human intelligencc.- Every important article init has been specially writttn 'or its pages by men who are authorities upon the topic on wliich they speak. Thcy are required to bnng the subject up to the present moment; to state just how it itauds j. All the statisticalinformation is frora the latest reports; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorutions; historical matters include tho freshest just views; the biographical notices ads ak not only of thedead but alsoof the living. It is a library of itself AHR1DGEMEST OF THE DEBATES OP COPÏGRESS Being a Political History of the United States, from the organization of the first Federal Congress in 178" to 1856. Editedand compüed by Hon. Tuo Hart JiENTOS,from the Official Records of Congress. The work will be coir.pieted in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each , 11 of which "are now ready. An additional volume will be published once in three months. Clotli,5$3; Uw Sheep, Half Mor., Half ('alf, $4.50 each. A W AY OP PROCURTJÍ G THE CYCLOP.EDIA OR DEBATES Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books, and live copies win be sent at thereraitter's expense for carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will be sent at our expense for carriage. To Agent. Xo other work will so liberally reward tlie exf rtions of ygents. a.v Agemt waxtïd lx this Cocxty Terms rnadeknown on application to the Fublishers. Ann Arbor, Itarch. 1859. 0902amt -Í3S Bev. Tuo?. Whioht, agent at Kinne k Smiths Dook Store, Ypsilauti. Hansterfer's Kloek. DEA N CO., TNVITF. attention to their new stock comprising all X kinds of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures andHouse-furmshinj good,all of wh:ch they are offei ing At the Lowest Possibïe Rales. French China Tea sets froro g5 00 to 20 00 French China dinner sets from 25 00 to 70 00 Stone china Tea sets from 3 50 to 5 00 Stone china dinner sets from 8 50 to 20 00 Glass Kerosene lainps complete from 37K to 82} Marble Kerosene Lamps complete from fio to 10 03 Fluid Lamps from 18 to 62 JL %& Lamps of all kinds altered and repaired. KTAJ W GOODS. WINES & KNIGHT Are nw ceiving their EECOND Spring and Slimmer STOCK OF GOODS In consequence of the Great Pressure in the ■we have been enabled to parchase many kind of Goode at our own prices. We can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LESS THAIi WAS PAID FOR TEE SAME KIND OF GOODS in New York SIX WEEKS SITtCE! Wer inrit the a,ttnt!oa of all to as inapection of our stock. WI]VES & KNIGHT. Msy 10, 1861. D. L. WOOD & CO., UAtt JUST OfEXE A LARGE & WELL SELECTED 8TOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING &SÜMMER Trde of 1861 Having purchased thcir stock at rnuoh ks Ihan the uaual priccs,they ure prepared to offer GEEAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thaokful for post favor they will be ever ready to show their Goods aud by fair and liberal dealingjhópe to receive their full shnre of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor April 1861. FORT SUMPTER EVACUATED. Mack & Schmid HEISTFOBOBD! with o. Tremendous Stock OT STAPLE AND FANCY" DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SHOES, HATS Sc CAPS, CARPETS, Sec, &c. Hoslüiiits Commeoced in uarnesi! Death to High Prices ! ! MACK & SCHMID are now roceiving their SPRING AND SVMMER GOO XS! and will sell them for the NEXT 90 DAYS, Much Ohcaper Than has ever been heard of I3ST -A-ISTT A.K,BOn. Come One, Come All, and See. C MACK, 795 Y. SCHMID. 1861. 1861. NEW STORE NEW SPKING GOODS! C.H.MILLEN&CO. Have romfrfd to Iheir Brick Storn reeen t!y "ccupled by A. DeForest, and are now receiving a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS FOR THE SPEING TEADEi Araong whicb aj Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAVTIFUL NEW sTYLES, THIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONiiETS. RIBBONS, &o., &c. Cboice FAMILY Groceries, BOOfS, SHOES, & CROCKERY Aho an enlire New Siock of Qarpets and OU CJothi, "f New and Beautiful Pattèrns, THESE GOODS TVE RE 90UGHT AT FA.IÑTIO PRICES! And cin iJ' tHo ■$[ eU ipd miae sar Stoek, tht Goode CHteap ihi, Sprtoig f ar " ' CASH OÁ RHADY ?AY. C H COAnn ArVir, Varab e 1801. I;93


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Michigan Argus