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FIRE! FSRE ! WESTERN MASSACUUSETTS Insurance Oompany . C ASK CAPITAL & SURPLUS; OVBPl 9200,000. W. N. STRONK, Agent Ann Arbor, ttareU,LO. 1861. 19ftt LIFE INSUIlANCE. The Connecticut Mutual L::fo Insuranco Company. Accumulated Capital, - 83,500,000. WUJ.1N31 RÍ3UVK.S Uu iny amouni nut exceeding $:o.i o fof wl-.-ili' tciin of Life rfor i term of ymn, on themoat favorable berma. N'. Il The Comnany i purt-ly mutual And the jmlicy hnMers getUlI tl surplus orer tl.r i'X'"-t eost f hisurnnce It acomnodates th insnrod in the Mtttamcnt of thcir premium ON UFE ROIJCIES, it" dt-üred, by takin anote fur onfc half thé imoUnlj bwtlbg interest at bIx pi-r cent, per uanum. Diiudends are Dedarcd Annualïy! n-l sïnce they now nmountto kivtv por cent on the neinitini, caftli and nol e, and are incro&slng tbey may bc afipHed to eanoBl the noto. Ktö"" The r.-itcs of premlüma areaslow nu any nther responsiMo Cnmpany and Iholnrpt nccmnulutort fiimï of $3,500,000 is .ecureiv fnvented, ás inay be weet hy rtjervucp to tin statenirut moda Rccorrtlng lo law, on fi!c in tbeptBceuftbe Countv dcncta1 Ann Arbor.HSi JAMKS GUOIAV1N, Vrctï. (irv R. i'iiü Forp&rtfcnlwsaprfyto JAEfl C. WAT80S, I08j 1 -Agent at Ann Arbor, Mich. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumuluted Jan, 1800, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vire President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with UifrCumptrollerof tbe Ptito rf New Vork. Divitleud.s average 40 per cent. anaually ASSETS. C3h in Bank, 31,055,49 Invested in secorltics, crcntil imler tlif lawsóf the 8tte of Kew Y..r] nn.l of tho l'. 8., 25S,870,79 Ueal Estáte and Fixturos, Nos. 112 ftml 114 Broulway 1M.450 04 nonrls .ind Mnrttrniyii lrftwinff 7 pr et. interest 5H3,01)8 .39 Notes receivetl for 40 per cent .of preiniuüls on life policios, bearing iiitvrt-st, 675,315.85 Quarterly and Seml-Annilfl 1 premiums, due subisequent to Januarv 1, 1S60 20,550.38 intcreüt accmcl up t" -lan. 1. 1SB0, Sfi.488.77 Rnta accriiwl up to Jan. 1, Í86O, 1.70S.34 Troiuiurus on polioiesin hands of Ageuti, 2(i,44.1'( 81,787,133.24 TV Wells and Lkwitt, Vcdtoni Fxfiniinr-rp. ït'f J. (I1.UK1ÏT SMITU, Agent Insurance Agency l C. H. MILLEN IS TUK AGF.XT for llie f.illowinfr first dass cnmpanics: HO.-.i:-: INSXTRASCK COMPANY, of Nrw York C'ity.--Ca]iital nd Surplus, Sl,5C0,000. CITY FIUK IJfSl'RAXCB COMPANY, of Hartford.- Capital and Surplus, SW0.O00. COTIE.TAl4 IXSUHAJCK COMPANY, of New York Citj.- Capifcil and Surplus, 10O,00O. Three juarters of the nett profita in this Corupany is dividcd aimu-'illy among its policy holders. O.H.M1LLENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1SG0. 6m778 Conwny Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WIIITNEY, h. 3ODMAN, VV. EI-I.1OTT, AS (1O LAND, D C. MinlLVKAK, E. O. MOKOAN WAIT HKMKNT. JOSIAII ALLIS. A. II. HU' I. EN W.H. nlCKINSON, W.T. CLAPi', D. C. ROGERS. Au Arbor Refcrenccs: Dr. E. WEI.I.8, L. JAMES. L. IWPGE, BNOCH JAMES. CAPT. f!.S. OODRICH J. W. KNIGUT. Agent. Ann Arbor. Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - $500,000 one of the HKAVIEST, SAKEST and BEST Insurance Co's. in the U. fl. lusures on r?asonahle terina, and al ays psj proniiitly. 'fhcre is no better Fire lnsuranc Compau. Money Wanted. Wli o wil 1L end Money 1 ÍAM BEQÜFSrKD BY SEVERAL PERSONS to obtain for tlicm at Ten Per Cent latere st, (Or More.) IVranvone u-Min?; to lend, I can at once invest on qood unencumbered abnndant REAL ESTÁTE ecurity anvsums of inoney and see that the tltle and socurity are ah. hjcht. . Tho borrowcr piying all expnnse, includmir recordm. W. MORGAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7.1858. 71Mf General Land AgencyPERSONS rantlng farm, or reldeBcerl ornwi Ann Arbor, can by calllng onmp olectfrom Ut ofover 1OO KarmsFor Salet Ofvrlou slzeitrom 3, to 1300 aercfoach ;(ome i goodinylnthlConnty.) Morethan 5O DwrliHK HouBiis nihlOity,fromtwo hundrod to fourthousanddo1raoach:and orr 2 M aiIILDISC I-OTS! AmonRlhofarms are the Blshcptarra, I3n0acre, the Potter farm, in RreenOaï, the Placefarm, ij 4j) acres, the Blandón nnd Jenks farms, in Webater; the StubSs, Michael Clancy, Newton Becgan, and Fallahai farm, In Ann Arbor; J.Kingsley'4 farm, inPittSedthe Hatch and Hick farm In Lodi;tho PatrickClnyularm in Freedom; W. S. Dayikon, B. G Bakers and Buck's farms InSylvan. Mostoi thoo nnd many otbors can be dlvldod to uit "rcl""er' E.WM01GAW. AnnArboJ.Jan lt . 185B 53 J W.MOEÜAN, Agent ior Mutual I.ife Insurance Company, New York. Accumulate.dA3.wtK, - - - $5,350,000. the iMkdtng Life Insurance Company in the U. n. Knickerbocker Lifu Insurance Company, New York, a f, rst class safe Co. - term reasonable. Humboldi Five In-urance Company, New York. Capital, -ith 1mï' surplus, - ■ $200,000. lViri Marine fc Fit Insurance Co., l'enna 111. hot t. Xo. 1 Fire Insurance Co's. 707tf C-ipital, - - - $500,000; L. F. BANDALL, DEALING IN PIANO FORTES, MEL0DEONS, SHEET Music lf Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICIT. PIANO FORTES from the manufactory of A. H. GAI.E & CO. of New York, for whmn I am agt. I will warrant inferior to none, in stvle of tiniKh qviantity oi -piiiüty of tone and promptness of actioa MELODEOJSTS, manufacture! by TRKAT k LINSLEY New Haven Conn& EBTEY & GREEN, of Iïrattloborn Vt. I will warrant superior to any in tlie maiket ia every respect thiitpertains to the good qualitit's of a Mfl'KU'm. I have nti hanfl anI am contantly receiving from the publishers large quan lies of tho most popular SHEET MUSIC wliioli I w'M senfï hy mail tn any part Of the country, on receipl of mavküJ prices. A good a.sjjoitruent of GUITARS, VIOLINS, TI ANO (Stools, Bows String8, Instructions Book.s for all instrumenta, CIIUEG MUSIC BOOKS Glee Books Sfc.j tyc., fyc. The usual rtisconnt to the Prnfesion. Mnsical Tn cii'imifiii-"iHii-l -ui rt'pnire'ï anl satiKfactlonguarautce ín cvfry respect, 1 %niii h. K. HAXDAIX ARK N'OW OPENING, DIRECT KROM lTIil.lSHlüKS ASI) MitnufHcturrrs, a New and Complete stock of L.AW & MEDICAL UOUKS, School Books, MiserlUineous Books, Blank Books. dan ST.A.TIOJNrUH.Tr! Wnll and VTladow Paper, Prawing anrl Instrumenta. Music, Juvenilo Librarles, Kltvtlopes, Inkfi and Ciinls. GOI.D And all olier kinds of Pens and Penal t Winilow ('ornice, Bbadea nuil Kixturp, POCKET CUTLEKY! And o very thïng portninmji to tlu trailc. and moro to whlchtbéj would iüvite the attention cf Ihe eoutttrjL ïooónducttug onr 6vafness, we nhaUdo all that can bc that uu rcasooaWo man, woinan or chiM shall (hul any fault. Wt possesp facHilios which will er.ablc us to supply our stomers at tho Lowest Possible Figures. We proposc ín mA (Vr REAHY PAY, at a .smal) advanci. V expect a prllt on our Roodfj btit Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGUBES. Wi have ■■'i-I tlu Ki-rvi.f; ol J.VMK F. PPALniN'U, henfnre art' pii'p:ireil t fumish Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards written to order, icith ncatness and dispatct, by mail or oherwise. Tlio "Kmvirf BÓOA SrOBB," is mnnnod by afr"M 'crew.' lul tliry will always be founti in tho "(iiinrtcr doek," rofly anil willing to nttend to all with pleasurc, wlio will favor thein witii ■ cali. Uemembor the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & CoAnn Arbor, Hay, 1860. 7J{ THE BANNER STORE. " SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- C3r O E 3E i QOODs'fHOM AUCTION. Facts for the People -OF"WASHTENA-W - Min- ADJOIiNING COUNTIES! And tlipir numcroiiB questions answered. Why is EveryboJy trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Because A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor of tlmfc Establishment lins just rclurned from the Éastern Citieswith tho Largcst, Ha))d$omest, Cheawest, and Most Attmctioe Stock of SFAPLE ANDFANCY DRY GOODS! ever brouglit to this part of the State.) Wly is Ecvrybody pleatitl with his Stock? Becanw hityfea are more bcaiitit'al, qallly lmtlor.and prices lower thao at any otUcr storo iu the county. Why has he always Somcihing New and Cheap to Sliow? Because ha has a friena connecVd with one of tVie ly nut Dry Gooi HouKwta New York, who I conttnnatat " DOBBNG ROUND" for cheap barpiiliKand 1he late style as thev appoar Trom time to timo and m way ke.-ps'him suj.plied with stylea, and conseia'ïnt.v custoincrs caa always fmd somethiog Fresh, NEW CHEAPand DESIRA BLE Why does 'm teil to much Chtaper than the rest? Because he has a buyer n the city all the time to taVe advantage of he continual cbange of the market, and in that ay buys his goods inuch che por than others can, and thee he marks them down to the ItOTPEST 3EI3-TTri.33S. Why doei he teil Ladiet' and Childrens' Shoes o much cheaper than teas ever heard nfby the oldest Shoemakers ? Because he buvs }m stork in the lan. of .(hoemakers, of the manufacturers, fully '25 pt:r cent cheaper' than the New York Jobbers sell them, and mtich botter wmk than they gonerally keep. Thiti course enable.s him to sella bctter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otherssell at 50 cents, and a better F0XKD GAITf;i at 50 cents, than uthurs sell at 75 cents. Ha he any Kats and Caps? Yes,Ishould think he ha stack of'thcm, enoogta to upply the State, at prices lowcr than was ever heard of roundthese paris. Why is hU Tea so much belltr for the pricc you pay than you gel al other places? Because hetakesgreat care in selecting it, aad giveshis cu itomers the benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It sa way he has got. Where thould you go to get your GLOTHS and have them Cul or Matle? To the BANNER STORE, where the I'eiiple's Banner if unfurledfor the reople:sgod. South side of Public Square, a fewdoors wcstofCook't Hotol. A. P, MILLS. Sept. 18, 1860. Wtt Ann Arbor Marble Works. -i AS on hand a fino assortineut of American and 1 TA L IA 2f MA H B L E whicl he is propared to manufacture uto HEAD ygjSBjMqjjjjp STONES, v o i iï jty( iCIK TABLES in all their varietie, and in a WORKMAXLIKE manner. Baring had considerable experience in tho businesK he tlattors bimself that he will be able to pleas all who may favor uiu with thcir oiyerp. His j.i ..■■■. LOW AS THE LOWEST. those wlüfaing any thing in luy line are respectfully in'ited to cali. 1). C. I1ATCI1KI-Ii;it. Ann Arbor. May 20,1861. 801tf Oval Picture Frames AU. SI7.B5, 8TVXES and FBICE3 just reocirêd and for salo chenpat CHOFF & MILLER'S. 25, 78Otf 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers Fur Sak clieup ut 'JUITEKMAN.A Cu


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