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Thero are nnw fiftcen véasela of war n the Gtuif, twelve on tho Atluntiu coast and ten in tb e Cbesapaake and Potomac. The Philadelphia Press, in referring to the operations in the navy yard at that eïty, says : It is announcod that tho sloop-of war Jamestown, which has been undergpiog repairs ior sorau time past at the navy yard, wíl] pi'obably be ordered off in a few days. The Jamestown carries fourteen tbírty-two potnSders, and six sixty-four pounders. lier battery is the same she bronght homo with her. Her otEcers are as folio vy 8 : Captain, Charlea Green, of Oonnoeticut; First Lieutennnt, N. 13. Harrisoo ; sailmakor, Eobert iiunter ; carpenter, John Hoovor; boatsvvain, Long; guouor, Ellis. The frigate St. Lawrence is almOSt ready ior service. She carries filty guns, ten eight-inch and forty thirtytwo y oundors - thirty of her battery on the gun deck, and tweoty on the spardeck. The stoamer Flag, Lieutenant Sartori commander, which has already left the navy yard, carries six eight-inch guns, and two thirty-two pounders, The following is a list of her oflieers : Lieutenant Commanding, Lewis C. Sartori ; First Lieutenant, Edward McCauley; Master, Albert Kantz ; Acting Blasters, Win. H, West, J. Warren ; Midsliipmen, A. Dester, Weidonnan ; Assistant Surgeon, C. W. Saitori; Acting Paymaster, Linford Lardner; Acting Engineer, First Assistant, Sprigel; Assistant Enginoers, Sprigel, líarris, Walker; Masters' Mates, liobert Wharton, Joseph Johnson. Some five hundred workmen are now employed at theyard, only one half of vvhoin compose the additional f'orce recently engaged. Corn mander Carr, recently in command of the yard, has been ordered to report to Commodoro SlKngham of tho Gulf squadron. The Boston correspondent of the same paper, referring to the operations in the navy yard at Charleston May Sist, says : The steara frigate Colorado wil] be put into commission to-day or to-moiTow, and will probably sail carly nest week. Her destination 11 be the Gulf, vvhere sh.e will meet the frigate Mississippi, and take on board FlagOfficer Mervine, of New York, and act as flag-ship of the Gulf división oí the blöekading squadron. She carrie forty gunt, and 570 men, officers in eluded. The Preblo, carrying sixteen gnns and 180 men, is nearly feady te receive ier coramission and officers. The officers have not reported yet, and it is not gonerully knowQ who they are. She will probably join the Airican or Pacific squadron. The sloop Vincennes, rating twenty juns, and carrying 200 men, is now undergoing repairs, and will not bo ready beforo a rn&nth, altliough her ofioora are expected to report at the yord n a short time. Her destination is not known. There is comparaüvely few men e:v.ployed in the yard at the present time ; three weeks ago there were about 2,500 men at work in the various depurtments ; tn day there are only 1,450, 150 oí wbom are occupied on the Vincennes ; many of the others are engaged in getting out the timbers for a riew gun-boat, the keel ot wbich has already been laid in one of the shiphouses. There will probably be many more men employed to work on her, as she is to bo ready about the Ist of Septemb-r They expect, howover, to build tvvo oí these boats here, as the yard at Gosport is destroyed, and that of Fensacola is in the hands of the rebels. In the ropo walk they are very busy, einploying nbout seventy-fivo men, most of vvhom work fifteen hours a day running out about twenty tons of cordage per dav. It is said this is the only government walk in operation, the one at Portsmouth being ueed for soldiers' barrackp. The Journal nf Commerces correspondent, under date May 30th, gives the movements in the navy-yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, as follows : Under the order o! the Secretary of the Navy to Commodore Pearson to get the Santee, the Dale and the Marión ready for sea as soon as possible, all has been work and'no play at this yard, for the last three weeks; and now the Santee and Marión are reported as being in the desired condilion. The nuraber of mechanics called into service was 1,100, and a better ordered, more indusirious and températe body of men I have neverseen. Not a single case of intoxication or irregularity has come under my nctice, or has been heard of. The work in eome departments was carried into the night, and through the night. the stroko of the hammer, the rattle of the vvheel, the puff of the engine, and the echo oí the anvil, being heard, when " nature's sweet restorer" was visiting other wearied laborera. The officers of the yard, Com. Pearson, Capt. Misroon and Lieutenants Colvorosses and Cooper, were as busy as others sparing no pains, always on hand, and quiutly but steadily and enercreticallv pushing on the work. Much praise is due to them for the rapid and satisfactory execution of their orders. The Santee was corunienced as long ago as 1848, but was not completed till 1855, and has never beon to sea. She was built hore, and is regarded as one of the fincst frigates in the navy. lier tonage is 1,726, and she carries 50 guns. - The officers wlio may be called to command her may thiuk thcmsclves fortúnate uien. The Marión is a sloop of 56G tons, and carries 18 guns. She was built in Charlestown in the year 1839, and was last in service on the coast of África, iVom which shfi rcturned last winter. - She neoded considerable repairing, but is now in good condition. The i)alc, the other sloop ordered to bo mado ready, is of tl;o same tonnage and was built in Phikvdelphia tlio same ycar with the Marión. Slie needed some repairing, but is now out of the dry doek, and will soon be ready. It is expected that the Santeo and Marión will be ordered to sea next week. The Alabaraa, a ship-of-the-line of 84 guns and 2,633 tons, and has been on the stocks ever since 1S18, and is a noble j ship. How strenge, and sad also, thu [ cireumstance that men war beariug southcni ñames should havo been built in tuis cold North and be required, by a stern nacessity, to blockaJo the porti or storm the towns üf tliat vcry part of the country which thcy were designed to honor with thcir names. Tho United States vegsols now lying in tho Brooklvn Yard, are? the steam frigato lloanoke, 44 guns : the sailing sloop-of war Savnnnah, 24 guns; tlie sailing frigato Potomae, 50 guns; the suiliug frigatc liraudywine, 50 guns: and the ruceiving sliip North Carolina, pierccd for 84 guns, but roally only carry ing about 80 carronades.


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