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The Charleston Mercury On Northern War Movements

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Nigbt and day, for the last two montlis, bas the Northern Government been making kcroulcui eflbrts in its department of war. Preparationa on tb e most gigautic scalo have gono on steadily arid unnagging uuder the intelligent and able suporintendence and dircetion of General Scott. Au immense body of voluntoers bas been tbrown into camp, and are drilling eight hours a day undcr competent officors of West Point training. ïhe anus at hand havo been distributcd, and all who are to engngo soon in battlc bave been thoroughly equipped with the beat weapons. Factorij tbr the manufacturo of cannon, rifles, sabres, bayoncts, and ammunition of every description, are all in full operation at the North during tbe wholc twenty-fuur bours of eaoh day. Agcnts havo long sinee been sent abroad to Europe to procure and forward, as fast as possible, cargoes of improved arms, and already tbey have bognn to ar rivo. Great ell'orts have also been made for the bealth, comfort, and supplies of Northern troops. Energy and proiuptitude have characterized tbeir movcmcnts botb in Marylund and St. Louis, and tbeir success along tbe border bas, so far, been complete. Tbey bave, in tbe West, obtained and secured tbe great repository of arms for that seetion, equipped our enemies of St. Louis, Illinois, Indiana, and Übio, leaving the resistance men of Missouri poorly provided, Kentucky unarmed aud overawed, and Tennessee, also, with a meagre provisión for fighting, dependont on tbe cottbn States for weapons of defense. Maryland bas been cowed and overpowered, Washington rondered as secure as may be, while Virginia is iuvaded, and Kicbmond threatc-ued with cap tura. In all this the military proceedings of the North, since tbe tall of Sumpter, have been emiLently wise. Por the purpose of overpowering, disbeartening, and gaining the first advantago, wbieb both at home and abroad, are of immense, importance, the concentration of all the forces available as promptly as possible, bas been clearly tho course of gcneralship aud truc eeomomy. The first blow is said to be ofteu half tbe bafcÜo, The var policy of Scott and the Northern Government bas all tbe effect of tbe first blow. Tbe final result we cannot, in tbe sligbtest degrce, doubt. Tbe immediate signal will depend in a great measure, upon the number of troops now got ready, and the ciEcioncy of the preparation made for them by the Confedérate Government during the same period Scott bas been at work. Let us not com mit the mistake of underrating our enemy, or of supposing tbat in modern warfare, it is thoonly courage of a pcople and the relative military talent of their field officers that decide the issues of war. - Ability in combinatie ns, and bravery in executing them, may fail of success where the material is wanting or deficiënt. An hour's dehiy of a corps of reserve lost the battlo of Waterloo ; and Napoleon fougbt the battle witb the best troops in the world. They were cut to pieces.


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