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The Michigan Sick

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The Al exandrian correspondent of the Frce Press Bftys that the folio wing members of the Michigan Regiment were to be dfechurged, for d i se as es aamed, and thnt they were to leave lor I home en the 6th or 7h: William Wiggmorc, Cömpany A, PbtbWö Pulmonalis. K'l.Viii Lirermor, CompTinv B, fujuj v t Spin". EiUv.nrii;; UaraiU nMnmj-anyÜ, Üwnmlig. Charle Baker, Cómp&D B, BiIHour Colffi. CUirt-nce Ij. Lockwpod, Ct.iapnny K, Doafñcss. Frek'iick HolTmui, Compan.v E. Chronic Harrhoca. Johñ Decker, drafany K, Tjphoid Fyvcr. V.'m. II Phclpd, O inpany (1. I'iaeatc of Ilfart. A CD. T. Smilii, f'nnijiaoy ö, Chronic RhOUmutbiB. Charles 0wen,Compaujr F.Bractuvoof Clavicle; AiKtrew J Bocklana, Compiiny F, DlneftM Of Kidneys. Chtirles Iyients (Corj.o'"ai), Company l'} Losa of Tooth JiLd Ulceratiün. HpnzerShirly,rompany Ih riamapriHlo. Fhvio ti.A Ion, Conpaoyl, V.-rvus Di-bilitJuIju Huil, Corupao)1 I.CLroaic Orchi:is, L35" T'1Q Springfield Repuèfiean say.s that Ákson Buiílingame was alwnys h lucky man ; thnt tho tide of Cnow-Nothirvgirtin carried hirn into Congross ; thur, a " buil y speeoli and a husky challenge kupt hiin there;" th'dt another speeeh gave liim ulaim to the Sardinion mission and got him tbat of Austria instead, and that novv his lucky rcJKction must ir.crenso his uotoriety and give him n M:j"r-Gcncral'8 ;ouirnission. Tho TLipublican uvidonlly is a bcliever in luck, and thinks that it wil) put a man through, even if botton) is liicking. JCS üno oí tho seizcd tclcgrnms rovcals the fiict that Mr. Harvej, latuly appoiutcd by President Lincoln, Minister to Portugal, is tlie man who telcgraphed to tbe autlioritics of Soulli Carolina that an expedition had left for the relief of Fort Suinpícr. Mr. H. was ono of tho Editors of tlic I'hiladelphia forth American an 1 a Ropublicau of t!i ; N. Y 7rihu)i0 btauip, for whk'h paper he w;3 iiiany jearg ihe Washington correspondent, tío was a S juth Oarolirian by birtb, and it would scwii '■ bloed tclls." He will probably be reoalled. fsjLr Tiio Jrtcksnn Guarda, of Dotroit, havo gimo to Cliic:ii; id ittitohed theniKcivos to Col. MuUipin'is Rugitnent. Tliis Coftipany nijfobers over olio linndred putiiotio Irih citizenn, and is cotnuandud by Cupt. MciJERMOTT. " An election took p'.aoo in Maryland yesterday for niembers of Congross. Difficulty was anticipatod, ctipecially iu Baltimoro. 53P" P;'ivato adviors say thnt tho Union meo of East Tenncssec will resist 6ecession to the last, and by forco.


Old News
Michigan Argus