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3STo. 41. An Ordiihincr. relaiim lo l'ounds and to prevent CuttU running ut lure. Bu ii ordnit il by the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldtnnon uf lliuCiLy ut' Ann Arbjr. Mc. 1, The Comtnon Conncil of t.iio City of Aun Arboi sliall, as soon ns jiracLicalil., jirovide two smiiiOlc i'uuuda, ona lo bo located luirth ot' Huían Uiver to bu siylod " s'orth fuuild, ' the i'IIkt out 11 ol Huron Kivcr 10 be i.l .1 " ïSoulIi Foouü ;'' and aliall nppuint fi l'óuiid kccK-r iur eacb Pouiid . who siaii liolil llie uilioc uiaii aiiO.lM' ij nppoiuted in liis Öko 2. lt sh:iil be Uie ilr.ty of eae'i poundUu. i.r lo rum ivu ii'om n : i y lei'luu. wliose duty lt ib üy ufuniance tu Urivo tlic öatut-, uil iii.iuiUia so diuio iu l li pound u,udr lus oliargi-.tu pay for driving, to iiafely keep, care lor and leed, io tU-ny'r o tlu: owiiui' Umii reoivmgia ic-s witn iü exprnse, apd tu givc uutieti and sull ilu; siime if not lukcn nsvuy in uccordtnice with il. is (Jrdmuuce; lie shnll kep au aocount of all au lea with u descripuoi. oí . hti animal nold.ihe unmint íor wlntli it was Huid wiili i b name of the putCb&ser, ihe cust tuid ch i'cs iguinst eaeli, creüiiing llio balance u ilucity, nnl if paid' to the owner st;ito to whoni Hfid t.a'u' hia re ceipi iherel'oi ; shall tile a copy ot'sueli rucord with Ij ís account and l'ecipt and the Ciiy 1 .'i-eiisuro: "e receipt with the Recorder bet w vén th ni.d IjiIi dny óf MarcU iü i caoli jciir, iiniiHidiiitely praeefling wliich liö I slull pay lotlieOiiy Tivusuivr all balances in hls hands. Sec. 3 it Shall be unlmvful for any Horst, liare, Jlule, (Jult, liull, ux, iteei-, Cv. Cttlf, Uog Öliuat, l'i, slK-i-p Gouse, or Uuclv Iu gu ut lurgi wiiliin the liiniis uf the Uity o! Aun Aruur it sha.l belawiu, lor any per son and il sliall bc tbe duty ot the Marsh il and eacíi ul niá duputieH ana ol noli Uuiialubl' of aid uity to drivu uii j üvaio lo puund or cause thu giiuiu tu buso driven and f r driving ihe Burlif Lu pouiid as aloicsaid the Mare shai Cona.UL-u-, ir uny poron employed by the Muishul, shall be enlllled to leceiv twenty ceots furtach Horge, Mare, Mule Coli; Buil, ux Steeip, (Jow, Unir, tío;;, or Shoat, nd live cents for each sujking i'ig, Shoep, üoose ur D'.'.cit. SlC 4 The pound kei-por sliall be enti tled to the same feei reeeivjug thut the diiv=i is fur driving. eaoh uumff.ül, togetber wi'.b rMatonablo umirg'-s for keeiog ilud ieeding, not exeeeding iweuly-üvu cunis pir day which siiall be pui . Inin by the owner thereui oi by aoine.ot lier persun , bef'vri sueli animal sliul'l be riieased li'oia the pound, ai)d it' ilit o.vner shall not pay the f-rs fur driving, ini) undi. g. and all reasouaule charges w.tllir 48 huuri ufter the sume is unpouuded, tlieu the pouLd kivnr shall Bell such animal at publlO vendue ut llie pjund, givmg threa days not ico thereof by adveittseujeiiti posted at tlie pouud, at the nearest public hutt8,and at Uie I'usl Oltice iu said City, except the geese and ducks which may be sold afttr 4d hours de ention without riotice iwo or mere biddjis being present ; the pottiid keeper shall be entitled to rt-oeive out of proceeds of thu ■ale flfty cents Forad.enising each lot of animáis and live per cent. on au; mut of sale for Bc-lling, he Bhall return the surplus to thé o'.viui' ot jnch animal, pru"ided it shall bu demaiKlod prevluUS tu ii 8 being paid to the City '1 re.ihurtr. Sto. 5. Il siu.l! be the duty cf the Marshal, njid each if his duputies, io carry the provijions of tliis Ürdinance into effect, and upon ocmplaint, befuie any J stice of the IVace in said City of a negfect ur failuie, after dut Dolice, to drive or cause t be driveii to the pound any Horse, Mare, Mule, Colt, Buil, Ux, Öteer, Cu,v, L'ali, Hog, iShoat, Pig, Biieep, Güuse, or DucU found running at large; in said CJjiy, with proper proof thereof, hu shull on conviction be Benleaced to a fine of not less tl, i.n onc jol lm' nor inore than fivc dollars together w th cst of proseculion. Sec. 6. If oitlier of ihe pnoad-keapen shall relus' to receive any aiiimals üriven to the pound, in acourdane; vi h this Ordinanoe, or slial 1 wilfully neglect auy othor duty hereby piescribtd be sliall upon cjnvictim pay :i line of onu dollar uud oost o: nruseautioti, and it he shull neglect to ren er i curreet Hocount inJ to pny ovi r wliatever tliere may be in iüs hands according ;o pcation 2, he shall upon comjilaint and ciiviction before nny Jastiee of tiii-Pcaec in saic City, pay i fine of i.ut k-ss thnn ten dollars, togetber with theamount of all moni-y asc. riained to be in hU hai.ds and costs ot ])roa cu ion. ?ko 7. If any p.r.on Bhall wilfully break or nttempt tu bivak eith r oi ihe i cutida in said City or r. seue or titteinpt to rexroe any anima oonfined thorein, or wliilc being driven tbtreto, or attenipt to prevelt the s.une froin biiiiL' re:nken previdea it shall haye escapee] he chalí upttn eonviction linreof be fined not exoerding firty di'ü and posi of pr secution, or imprisoned ten tlnys and ei.stsof pros eoutio-n, or Uplu aooirding to disere lion of the ciurt Sec. 6 Ordinance No 1, entitled an Ordinnncs- to prevent Hoga running at large; ()rdinanee Nu 14 iilative to (t e running at large; Ordinnnee No 19 relativa tu üor-es and Caitle running at Isrsre; Ordinanoe No. '7 amendat ry of No I9;nd Ordinnncp JSo. 1 .' rel .1 ivi' to the sale of firo wood are hereby repi-aled Made and pn-e.l in Conünon Cov.ncil, tilia 3d day of June, lStil J. F MILLER, Mayor. S. M Webstek, lico rder. An Crdinance relatice to Slrcets e. Be ii ordntned by the Mayor, Kaeordcr, and Aldu'reen of the City of Ami Albor TliHt wlieuevr the Marshal virtue ol Ordinances No 7 or 2-3, have mnoved any '.imber, wood, steno or othor inoumbrnnoe fioiii any of the stree'.s lanis allrys or side walk of said City. he sliall unmediatejy give notice to tlw) owner thereof, if tó be found, t hal he can have the same by payin'g the expense of reir.uving together with the legal charges tlierefor, and it no owner ci.n he found he ohall put i;p a noticu as near as may be to the plac from whence said obBtiuction was riinoved. anti if no daipqft-nt sliall appear and pay eaid expendes witlrn ;hrec days from the date of said notice, th ■ Marshal shall prooeed toseil tho -ama at public auciion to tlie hiiihtat bidder, fiist giving tour days noticeof aaid eale by losling up five or more wntten or printed not ices in cons ieuous plaues, and shall immedia ely inake rel urn of the sale to the Ci y T.eaítirir and pay tlie money ever to him. tbking duplicate for the samo olie of which a shall ïmmediaiely fiie iu the Urtjorder's office. Made and passed in Common Council, thia 3d day of June. A D .. 1861 JOHN F MILLER, Miyor. S M. Wlbstkii, Keeordor TJf3" HEAD. A, DEFOREST5 AiWitys aheadlu Low Prlces: HAVIVG REMOVED MY 8I0RE t the Dist ka of Miin Stret, nne flour nnrth of Guitornian's. Jam now reoeiving Nqw Goods, c m Ti-ing all kinds of, Fiuita, Extract, ülasewarr, Lamps, Looking GlasPs, Cut-fry , lver-plateu Goodtf, Eo. LOWKIÍ. kllAN EVER! FnmCb China Tea Sr-tf, frora êt S6 te 18 00 Krench China D nnrr fcts. from SÍ0 Co to 00 00 FtooeCbfna Tea tfU, from . 3 00 to 4 50 Cliina UlnncrStts frooi S 60 tol6 50 I Beautiful UUum Gobleta, 200 pr dozen ' itla-s Kcr 'i'M'iie LumpK from ■ ö7 to ' 0 MftiWe Kerosene I.íimps from 75 t" 2 00 Fluiü i.ami-. Iri'in 30 to 50 Keruseue OU, goodqualtty, 8üc pergalloa All othör (í'hhLs at Corn Bijrnfling priors, ffcif Lampa Öf allkmrlr. altortdiiud ieptirer1. Poplea store, 7J9tf A. 1)K FOHEST. STALLION8. ATTENTION M0 BEEDERS. TÖUKO HENRY CLAY, and YÖUNG BLACK HAWR Youn ITenry C)y WAS raised bjr Iaaitfl PI ) II lipa, of Ontario Co., Y. 1 His olur is íi cual black, IC hniiO-i high, weighriI150 Ibs., an'i nevar wa ! raiaed, ánd can trot in 3 minuteé, ■ and wil: i bown In htirueAs'to uny on-' wLtbing, and as a hdi-.-e fornü work cannot be Rurpased, as the tes '■ avila lif ii i .-■; ,-i t] la si 'M! &how ; be received a premium ' at the Na jional Porse Show at Kalamaioo, cocpeMng wiihtwe've poreet from díffVnnt ttatfs, alao fit tho Late Michigan StatO Agricultura! Fair, hvli in Detroit, competing withíín horsca, he &1bo receirei the Jst premium at tho iaat VTarthteuawCú, Agricultura] íiocioty. ' Yoniiiï Binr.k Hnivk Isa mahogany by color, Ití hnnds hig, anrt valgb 1150 Ibs., imd for atttnD nn( Intii.g qiuility c;uii !'],■■ surp.-ipütd for ono ucv-rr lifiii.Ued more. Iliiï get ühowd wi-lla.s tliey can be Kcscu nrinl ai-oinifl Anu Irbör, a ba bu pruvoil liimeif a ure fnl grttsp VouneBJack Hnwk tlu raitd by Kbni, of StlUwaUr, Saratoga Co., W Y, fr m Iuk luperior ham Iiaruble, ■■'M for furlher psrticulrs of qi.alitics and coudness, Ircfcr you f,.Ia. Newland, of iliis cily. Tbe abo e hordes moy be mn at mjr Ktable f.n Friday ad Saturday of flucfa u-(ek. no Arbor, Uayítb, 1861. "03m2 BÏJ ON Cl.l I K ' rpnE CüPAKXN-KRsiin' hentofora existiog belwwn tb nnaorigneS,undertha flim naino au i itvie of B i toheMr i; EUelo.i this dj dissolvd by cont,eut. AU domantlp n favor of anl í;anst fairt liria wU M sotUcd by D. C.Dalalioltitr at il6 oíd and JOHN E LK, _ O, UAICUrLDER. Dtieí, Ann Arb:r. M y 2", UU. 8lUv ï, I. wooü $ co., HAVE JXST OfENEl? LARGE & YELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable (ïoods, For the SPBllíG i SUMMER Trede of 1861 Having purebased tbeir stock at much iess tlian tie usual prices.lhey are prepared to offer GREAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful fcr pnst favors they Tvill le ever ready to ehow their Qoods and bj fair and liberal dealing[liopo to receive tbeir full aliare of the public patronage. West si de of puMlo iqnare. Ann Arbor April 1861. FORT SUIYIPTER EVACUATED. Mack & Schmid REIKTPOROED! vith a T remendous Stock OF STAPLE AND F ANC Y DRY QOODS! CKOCKEJRY, SHOES, HATS Sz, G4PS3 OARFETS, &c, &c. ilosiiüiks Coninienced ioetroesl! Death to High Priees ! ! MACK & SCHMID aro no receiving their SPRING AND SVMME$ ESrO O X S l apd yjll scll t'em íor the NEXT 90 DAYS, Much Cheapcr Than has eyer beeft he$r(i of IIST -A.ISTISF ABBOR. Come One, Come All, and See. C.MACK, . 795 F. SCHMID. Important Nional Works, I'ubli.shed by D. AITLETON k Cö.t 346 AND 343 BUOADWA.Y NEW YORK The following works areseptto Suijficribors in any part of the country, (ujuü rtceipt ot retail juice,) by uiail or PxpreM, prepaid: THE WKWAMERIA CVCLOPEDIA; A Popular IHctkmary of Géjerr.l Kuowledge. EilÜed by Geo Rxplbï 3nit4i:AliLKS ■■ i-í-AN-A, aided by a nuraerous select corps ui Wnien ia all branches of tácienoM, Art and Liturature. lhis work is bing publialiedin about 15 !arge octavo volumes, oach coutainiuí; 750two-colunm pMest Tob. I., II., III., IV. V., VI., Vu.. viiï.,& IX. iuo now ready, each conlaining near 2.5ü0origiual arti cles. Aa adiütional volume vül be published once in about throe monthH. Ti'ice.iu Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3.50; Half Russia, Si.60 each. Thö Now Amcricau Cyclopsedia is popular without boinjï siipcvGeiul, learncd wMhout beiug pedaatk, comprohenslri butsufltciontly detailed, freefvoxa personal pique aad party prejucUce, feosh and yet accurate. It Ís & completo Btau'Lncut of all Ihat is kuown uj-on evory important topic witliin tho scope of human iutelligeuce.- Ërery bsportnnt vrticle iu it has been specially writtou for IU pagei by ran authoritics upon the topic on wliieh. they fpL-ak. Tlicy are reuired to brmj? the subject up to the present moment; to state just it tanda now. All the statifitical informatton is í'rai thfi latest reports; thë geographical aoöounti keep pace with, the latent exploraUsos; historiciü puntara include the freshof4t just views; the biographical nr.ticeK qJb ak not only of thedead but also pf tJ EyJRf. It is a hbrary of :t(-elf A .R1DSENE.T OP THEDEBATES OF tüNGRESS Being a Politica 1 Hiátory of tho United States, ftosn the organïation of the flrst Federal CoaBtQ m W 178'" to 1853. t)ditnitand compiled by Hort. TüO IÍAki líEMONroru the-OQtciul lUvoras of CoogreHti. Tho work will be conspleted in 1& royal octavo volunsef of 7êO nteseacb., il (tf which tro now ready. Aa adaltiónaj volunie ill be publUlied once in three mout h. Cloth, $3; Law Sheop, lialf Mor.. 4; Half Cal f, $4.50 each. A WA Y OF PEOCDBINO THECYCLOPEDIA ORPEBATKS Fi;rm a dub of four, and remit theprice of four books, and tivo copies will be sent at the roraitter's expenaefor carriage; or fof ten hubscriber.i, eleveo coplctt will h sunt at our eïpeuKO for carriae. To Agenta. No other work wil] so lüx-rally rcward the exertions of vL,cnti. Ax Acevt wantcd ï.v tira CocïfTY TermB DQdf kaoini on appücation to tue rbliahers. Anu Arbor, Mareh. 1869. ' ' 600?amt -L Bov Tiio:--. Wuoar, agent at K!nno & Sruiths Book Htnre, Vpsiianti. 1000 Fine Overcoats ! For Bile Cheap ut GUITERMAN & CO'S


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