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jUiiËATMRGÏmS . May nar d, Stebbins & Wïlsoh's. TirE ÏIAV'E ACAIN REPI.ENISIIED OUK - E Wil V t.H ,11 . ! tli-iJ "IVAS ■■ n '.!'■ tabHshmenf ;i lin..1 tl.. : -'.: we üüpt i;jr ■ is l'iw a.s can be for.uJ it: Vu ion We want Money ! iml tv Ui r.iiiko Greiil Saerifiees on Aoytüifig w liET6 to oblaJn ii; Dot excepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS r Tfo conlially invito ALL CASH CL' STOMERS to cali and examine ouz Gooda &od Tricen. W alw Inyite out Prompt Payüig Customers to ci:iiff .añil 1 n y ílicir suppltdfl for ti'O AVintcr. To thox Bawhful unes Lhat are aJVaid to cali, we say tu Uiena, &k - wiUioutlongör wivitii for higlier pric ,cjme ín, oíd t&a ftt such prïcoi a's ffili op nll Io88es It accccáííary to euumertUeoui üoo! We have Bverything! A large ussortmont of CARPETING, CKOtKERY DPvY GOOJJS, MEDILNES, GEQEEIES, PAINT5, OILS, HAT3, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c,, &c. (Tlr.lf) MAYNARD, PT1.11HIXS J:VIIHD Stoves 8c Hardware 1 RISDON & HENDERSoS Hare now in Store .i large a sortmentoí ime rar EO i jssbz &bs 9 Hardware and House Furnishing ET SCO S AU T. Ol'k will Ijü sold as l'IIEAT asat any otticr Establishment in Michigan, T!;rv havo got iho Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND l'LATE nJ?Or ES i3xr this síi'ua.'raa, And will sollthom Chapar than THE CUE AP EST, Pléase cjtll tfbdsee. AU kinds of tin waro kipt on lia:i'l. P&rUculu attentioQ pald t rt II kinds of Wliich vil) bo ■ wllli il TWÍS'S1 A ND D 1SP A TCZ7: 49Pleone calland we (boirSTOVE ROOM In 'M story of Nbw Blocki E1SDON Is HENDEBSON. Ann ArVir, J:m. 5, 1861'. WHBiraiBmmiaisrarani!nr.Da!EKr,i:iffliiMKi;;5r,i!i:' Still in the Field! wnii A LAEGE STOCK ov GOODS in my line direct lïum New York, Boston, and the Manuiacturers! I have just received a large and well elcctedassoilmenl CLOCKS, WATCHES, J 13 "W TaS Ij 5. "3T. SILVEll & PLATED WARE, Musical Instrumentsi Tablc and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And il grent vnnt'ty of Yankftc Notions, ácc. I wouldcttll particular attontion to my lurge stoeli. of SPECTACLES, of Gold, Silvor, Steel, and l'lated, vvitli PEIl SCOPIO GLASS A supi-rior article, and a groat variety of articlen in the '"öHEAP foatr O-A.s:l'crsouo havsng difitult withglasses, can bc accommo]iitPl as niy stonk ís large nn'l cvinplett, I" B, Varticulrr attenti'it paid t i : tte REPAIRING of all liinds of Fine Watcbos, soch as Making ás Setting New Jewels, PJNIONö, SÏAFFS and CYL1NDERS, also OLOOKS, AND JEWELIiY, N'eatly Repolred and warrant cd. C. BLISS. August 28, 1SC0. T68Ü Ayer's Agüe Cure.


Old News
Michigan Argus