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Death Of Count Cavour

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Camillo di Ciivour, President of tho Oouneil and Minister of Finance of tho Kingdom of Bardinm, died on tho Gth inst. IIo was bom in Turïn, July 14, 1809, and iíi early liíu spent much time in England, becoming doep'y interested in hor men and nystcm of govornmont. Ii! 1842 lio returned to Italy and began tho politieal enrecr which has mado nïm so líiraoiis. With the crisis of 1847 both absolutism and governmont of all kinds wero thrcatoned wltb dostruotion. Oavour.a foo aliko to aoarohy and despotism, in oonjunelion with othor prominent Itnlian liberáis, now ostablished EI Ris'irg miento (the Resurrection), a journal exponent of thoso principies to which ho and his party havo ahvays been pledged. As tbe storm grew thicker ho became the mouthpiece of all the moderate liberáis, and was tho to proclnim Sardinia's great want - a constitución. Cavour himself, wrote to the King, strongly urgiug tho necossity of that meaeure, and within a week afterward, Charles Albert granted it. Cavour entered the Bardinian Chamber of Deputies in 1849, and soated himself among tho moderato opposition. Soon aftor the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce was eonferred Opon hi:n, to whicll, in 1851, was added that of Finance, In 1852 he bouamo President of tho Council, and wilh the excoption of a short retiremont in 1855, filled that position until bis death. IIo added mucli to Iiír reputation by opposiog the Pope and the nl - tramontanists, and taking sides agaiiiKl Kussia in tho Crimean war. Hesigned the manifestó of Sardir.ia during thia latter period, and was one of her two representativos at tho Peace Congrcss oí Paris in 1850. During tliis conference he took occasion to protest ngainst the continued occupation of the Pontifi cial States by foreign troops, and (o represent tho necessity of inducing the King of Nap'es to moderate bis eystem of' govurnmeut. #iot less famoue did he becon'.e ÍVom the part he took in carrying througn tho Sardiniün Parliament the inoasöre for urpressing ctmvents and monasterios, and secularizing tlieir estates, wliich drew tlown unon hiin, and til who partioipated in the ennctment and oxecution of thia statute, the mnjor cxeommunication of tho Pope, and the hostilities of' a large por tion of the Sardinian clorgy and their supporters in Parliamont. Despite the raany powerful interests which his . refonming tendencios ofiendod, the Ministry of Count Csvour was sustained by the masses of the pooplo. After the attempt upon the hfe of the EmpoFor of the French, Jan. 14th, 1858, Count Cavour acceded to the requests of' tu French Minister of Foreign Áfiaírs, and proposed and carried through tho Legislaturo an act in rtiorence to political refugeesand conspirators against tho lives of foreign sovereigns, which was denounced by the democratie mornbers of the Sai'dinian Chamber of Doputics. The act conceded a special jurv of 200, to ba designated by the mayor and municipal council of the town in which the Court of Appeal is established, for the trial of oonspirators aguinst foreign potentates. Ün tbe various quostions which havo arisen between the contracting partios concerning tho construction of tho European treaty of peaco of 185G, and coacerning the settlement of tho Danubian Pnneipalitics, thij Ministry of Cavour supported French views, and unifornJy set themselvcs o opposition to the policy of Austria.


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Michigan Argus