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Andrew Johnson's Correspondence Stopped In The Mails

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Tlic following, from the í?fftRmond Knquircr. shows what a foul gntñi tho secession thiovcs havo been playiirg for weeks in Virginia. Breaking opeu private letters in transitu from MassachuboHb to Tennessco, seizing drafts to sustain the cause of the govirnment in that betrayed aud persceuted State, and violating the very mails which Jiavu been carried for years at a heavy losn to ihe Federal government; We liave just wen a letter from Amos A. Lawrcnce, of Boston, 11 knowa to the country as onc of her mefl of Capital, and a ljeading black republican, in fuíí confidenco of President Lincoln and his governmeut it Washington. It is addresaed to Andrew Johnson, of Tennesseo, and endoses .1 draft for ono tbousand dollars, as a part of the pay intended for his services in betrnyiug the confiding portion of the peoplc of Tennossee who have stood by liim in support of the innintenance of the Federal Union. We giro tliis letter to the public. It was intercepted in its passage to Johnson, and is now in the possession of a reliable gentleman of this city. Tlicro is no doubt of the genuinencss of the letter. Let the peoplo of Tenncssee ponder over this letter, and ask theinselves if so baso a traitor should longer exist in their midst. Ko blasting a crime cannot bc rosentcd witli too diré a vengcance by the peoplo of Tennessee. He ought to be arrested at once: Boston, May IR, 1861. Dj;ar Sik - If your note to me vrero priuted in our newsjftpers, it would bo good for ton thousand dollars in three days time. Uut of course I must ouly uso it as a private letter. In order that you shall bc surc of somethiiig at once, I writc below this ! diaft which sonie of your Union bankers or merchants may bc williüg to cash at the usual premium for eastern exchance. Probably (Jarduer & Co., Evans & Go., Douglas & Co., of Nashville, will do it, The govcrumont will soon cxliibit a power whieh will astonish even you. - The nullifiors have been pluying into Seott's hands for threc weeks, and Ihey have lost the jranie. Y our, witn wjjïird, AMOS LAWBEKOS. If you cannot use the draft, return U and teil us what tj send. Boston, May 18, 18G1. At sight, without grace, pay to Addrew Johuson, or order, onc thousand dollars, for value reccived aud charge to r.iy account. AMOS LAWREXCE. To Mrtson, Lawrcnce & Cu., I'oston. Aeross the face of the rtraft is the acceptanee of Mason, Lawrcüce & Co. The original of this letter is now in the hands of Gov. Sarris. Scveral previcus letters have also been detected.


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