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O. I. I Pns-enLfr traint öow leave DttroÜ and the Bver&l J Sttttions in thtïuunty,as folhnvs. G O 1 N 0 WEST. Dny I'.s. Mail Ex. .Tkck.Ac. X!t1it K.t. Detroit T.OO v. M. 7. '5 A. M.4 10 r, M. 6.80 P. M Fpsilanti, S.OJ " 8LS " 5 60 ' 7.40 '■ Ann Albur, 8.22 " 8.55 " 6.51 " K.00 " X-xt.-r, " fl.K " 0.45 ■ " 8.S2 '■ 7.06 ■' Ar. Chicago, 0.00 P. M. JT.UO " 0 Ü0 A. M. G 0 I N G 1! A S T . Kight Ex. Jack.Ac. Mili l-.x. Day Ex. míolaía, a. r. C.40a. . Hp r. K. P. H. I ÉSxter, " 705 " 3.00 ' Ain Arbor, 5.15 '■ 7.35 " 8.80 " 4.S5 " rpalRnti, 5 35 " 8.02 3. 55 " 4.55 " Ar Dítroit, 0.40 " 9.80 " 5.20 " 8.00 " Traini .'.o not btop at stations where figures re omlttcd iu t!.o labio. PRIZB POETRY. Let Chieftaiiw boast t deeds in war, And Minstrela tuno Ihcir swect quitar, A nobler theme my trari is fllled - I:i praise ol Illiltit'icx's matchless pilla. Thoir ares are found in every land- Amid Russiji'p enoVs - and Afric's sands The oñdrous rorkfl - the papor.í íill, Produccd by Heruick's matchk'ss Pilis. Jni dlseni f fflo( yon ? nover doubt This charming eompound will Bi?arch it out, And li'.-ilih agaiu your ayatem til!, If yon By ni om i Heiü.'icu's Pilis. They're safa fnr all - bota oíd and young - Thf ir prafaes aro oe ; Disease, dlsarmed - no longer bilis, Since ive ara bleasfd wlth Hkkkick's Pilis. Put up with Englinh. Spanisl, Gorman aod prendí direitiona. Frice 26 cenU ptr box. Sngir Opattd Seo advertisement on th'ml page; 804 MOTHBRS RBAD THIS. The following is an oxtrart from a tettor vtritten by thc pastor of a Baptist ('lunch to the "Journal and r," Cíncinnatl, Oblo, and spoafcs Tolumcs in favor ol that world-reoowtied medicina- Mus. Wi.vsLOW'S iíOOTHISfa SVHT!' POR Culi PRK.N TEKTIII.VG : ';AVesee an adrertisement n your columns of Mrs. Winalow's SootbiDg Syrup. Now we never said a word in favor of ■ patent medicine beftre in our life, but we feel compclledto say to your readers, that this iR no humbuj - vm HAva t:;i:-:d it, and k.vow itto be ai.l it claims. It is. probubly. one ot' the most successful medicines of tne d;!v. becaone t i- one of tha oest. of your read' r; who havo babies can't do it bitter than to ! y in B l ipi ly " bee KÏvertisemeia iu another column RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAK'S PÜLMÜNIC WAFEKS The Orlgiual Medicine EstabHahed ín 1837 j and the firs : ind ever inti I ■ r llie oame o " Pulmom : V.n:i: ,;' in ihis or in any ether country all otlier Pulmpnic Wufcrs are counterfeits Tbc en uine can be known by the name BRYAN beleg stampe on cach WA] Brvan's Puimontc Wafers Relieve Coughs,Colds, Str Tbroat, Hoaneneai. Iíiívan's Pl'imo.vic H Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difïicult Brcathing. BRYA'S Pcliionk; WafeRö Ka He re Ppittinyfof-Blood, Paintii in the Chest. Hkya's Ptíutosio Wafcos Reliere tscipient Consumption, Lu ng Dificases. Bbtan'ö PnutOHic WiFKia Relieve Irritutioii of the Uv;ila ukI Tonsils. BRTAN'a PULMOMC WáFEKS Relieve the above Coraplaints in Ten Minutes. Brtak'm Pi imünic Wafkbh Are a l lessing t o all Cliisscs and Cnnstitations. Brvan's PlEUCONlC Wafehs Are adapted ío Vocalista and Public Speakers. Rryas's Pulmonic Wafbrs Are in a simjjle form, and pleaauti to the taste. liiiYAN-' Polwokk Wafers Xotonly relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. BbTan'3 PüLHOSlC Wafkhs Are warranted to give satisfactiou to every one. Nofftmily phonld be without a box of, ■■ l'.ryun's PulBlOlrfc Waltil'S ' in the houRe. No traveler should be without a supply of " Bryaa'a Palmonic Wafers " in his pocket. No person will ever object to gire for 'Bryau's Pulmonic Wafers'1 Twonty-five Ccntsi. JOB MOSES, SuleProprietor, Y. Sold by Grenville Í: Fullor, and all good druggïsts in the Daitéd Staten and Cañadas. IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALïh rtisu i.ifü OFWOMAH" Is coDtianaliy in peril f slic ik meA enoagh to noglect or mlireat tliosc sexua! negulorities to whioh tv.-othirda of her pex are more or less subject. 1'!'.. CH ESI PIU5, prepirel from thc same formuli! which fue inventor. COKVEUUS L. CHHBSEMAN II. P,,oí Xew-I'orli, has for tiveniy ycars nscil successfaüy inan extended private rcticr - immediately relieve without pain, all disturbancos of the pcj-iodical discharge, wbether ansing from vclaxation or euppreftsion. Th"1}' act like a charm inremoving the pams that accanpany niilicult or immoderate mc;:atruation, and aré the onljr t&ta aiiö ruiittbla remeáyfor I'lushes, Sick .1 . Paius in the Loto, Hack and Sides, Falpitition of the Ilcart Xcrvcus Tremors, Hyslcrics, Spasms, Uroken Shwp anrl othev unpleuant and dangerous effects of anunnataral condition of t'je sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor )! er VVhites, they effect a sjieedy cure. To WIVES and MATEOXS. DS.CHEE.-EMA.'SHLIarc otTe-ed as the only safe means of renewininterrupted menstruation, but . TiVDlKS KUST BKAR I1V MIMJ There is onerondhion of Ihcfemale syslcm in whir.h the Pillt ca'inotbc laken wi'hmit produorg a PECULIAR RESULT. Thcco'idi'ionrrfrrredlo i' FREGNANCÏ- the resull, K1SCIRRIAOE. Suck is the irresistible tendency of íhc medicine to restors the serval fnnetions to a normal conJiüon, that reen the rcjwductive power of nature canïiot resist it. Expli'-ü directions stating when, and when thcy should nol be uscd, wilh Box, - the Price One Dollar cach Buz, r.öntaining 50 Pilis. A valnable Pa uphlet. to be had free, of the Agents. Pilis sent by mail prompthj, by enclosin? pnce to any Agent. Sold bv Drugcrisis general y. R. 1!. HUTCK1NG8, rnrrietor. 20 Ctdar-St., Nem Yor!. For Sale bv MATXARD STEBBIXS & WII-tON , and GREXVIIXÉ & ÏCLI.EU. Circuit Court It ules rniIE Circuit Court f! r the County of Washtenaw - JL At a 8ision.of aaid Coart held, at tbe Court House in the City of Ann Arbur, ou the 15tii day of June, A. U, 1801. Present Iloa. Edwin Lawrence. Circuit Judge. GHNEnAL UULE. It is ordered by the said Court now here that the folluwing Fule be adoptad, to n muiii 'm l'üice uuLil the Cimit hbiill ulheric i rlur, viz.: ihc p.irty inhosej avor défault may been have entered in terra or in vacatioo may at any time, aftertwü days in term time b-Lall have. Intefveoed, or it enttrtd in term time, t-nu.. ui uny time alui the expiraron of two days thereaftec ha e i ruletinterudin the Common Rule Boök uch defauit absolute, and for such jui-igmcnt as tUü p rty is eatitled to by reason il tbe (l.tault. lf ! sucb. liefault be laki u by l'Uinniti for want of a plea he may by sa.d rule ín casos where it i competent make relerence to tbc Cier:: I lamagea ; and in other cases haíd rule shall direct the assessment to be made liv tke Court or by a Jury. By Eb WIN LAWBENCE, Circuit Judge. fTHE Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw. At a sctjsion of said Courl held attheCouit Uuuse in theCitv uf Ann Arbur, on tliü löthday of June,A. i). 18t)l. i'resent Hon. Edwin Lawrcnce, Circuit Judge. i;i:."erai. kulk. It ifi ordercd by the said Court now here that tbo foïlowiug rule be adopUd to remin m torce untii the Court shall otheiwise order, .. . A notice of tbe issue joined in any cau-e in tliis Courl shall be servad on the Clerk ol" this Court at least sis day.s before the opening of any term of this Court, ín order te, entitle such issue to be placed on tLe docket for trial at such term. By EDWIN LAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. # New Remedies fou S P E 11 vi A ï O ïl II f ï (E A . HO'.VARD ASSOC1ATIOX, PHILADELPHIA. A Bencvolent Insti'.idion ejtabliskcd bij secial cndtwmenl, for the reHef of the Sirk and D'Sfrcsiteed, nfflicted tcilh V'ru'enl and Ckronic Diseases, and espectally for the Cure of Dueasts of lltc Semal Organs, MEDICAL ADVÍCE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. , VAI.üABI.E REPOUTS on Spcrmaiorrhcea, and olher ' of thc Sexual Organs, and on tbr NEW KKMEUIEH einployed in y, sent In ssaled letter envelopex, free of charge. Two or thret stimps for aoceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKII.I.IX HOUOH TON', lloward Association, Xo 2 S. Xinth it., Philadelnhia, l'a. ly805 "Wool Vanted TfOR V,'IHC1I I WILL PAY CAíH 0R COODS. Cash or Wool not rrfuscel on Note, ítnd acccucts due me. Ho picase fetch on your Cash or Wool. A. F.!i!I18, AntiArbor, Juac 18.1861. i" :''A To thi' Public, ALL PFiRSOXS aro cftutionéd DgaioAt Irusiing rny persen ou my account without a written order froin me, ; EDV.'ARD PACEY, Lciü:.Tuno 13,1861. S04w3 CARDS! CARDSü CARDSlü HaviDg piarehased a Rcaaucs Kotaky Diamond Card Pregs}wltbaSnea8ortment of Card type, the Argis OiEcois prepwed to print Cards of all kinds in tho Deatest possible styla and at a great rfdactiou from former prices, including; Buglaoss Cards fur vacn of all avacations andpicfeíváiüü?, HaJl, Wedding, and Visili g Ceda, ole., etc. CalV i" i order snd 50 1 f i? don ' '


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