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2f;TOLD F1UEND3CJL1 g IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Filis■ 0=?= THEBESTFAMILT -n r Êi :üi, thartic in the world, J_ s3fTls r'j a&eH t w eBty yon rs 1 y tivi ín; l;on,s ni" persons # . " aiiiuiaUy : always give ■ i ' ■■. satisfacción , contain gj, njf nothing; aQ :iti-(nci1 by the prin an dHÉNftúv ■' ;-': i1'1''' oiwïa uní jjj ■rus iti 11 in Cnion : ;1 pJcLfantly ei1ed wilh w th u - BBS JS' t-arge Boxes 25 cents; NjJWJWPY 5 ivp b"xes fr 1 dollar. ca s. TaI.T.ABASSÏ, I, KON OrNTY.1 JjJ FlurUu, July 17,1600. ƒ wl ToDb, ITi-:i.rictT) A)bany,N. Y - My Dear Doctor i - I rite thís to lafoim you of the wooderrui ofteót of yonr uar Co&tcd Pilis ou my ftlder dnughier. Fci threo tara shc: Hfitfi boen nffilcted witli a bllllous dcrangrment f the system. sadly imparing her health, whieh bu I jeen steadly failing during that period. When in New m 'orb in April last, a frieml &dTÍed me to test your plQ. aving t lie fttllest confldence ín ths judgmont ol my T' 'riend, I obtained a fluppJv (jí Usssri, Barnes ít Park, X ruggista, Park Row, New York. Ou returniíiR horae. „ e gceased ;ill other treatinent, and ndmimstorcd your v 'ills-, mí' cach ■ i'-rlif . The Impi OTcment En her feeling?, ímpIexioB, digestión, cíe., rarpnsed us njl. a lapid D íd-periniiiient wstoration to health has heen the resuít, J Ve used lesS ihan flrdboxei, and considcrhor ent'rcly ell. I consider the íiboc a jnst tribute to you as a 'hysiern, and trust thatít will bü the means of toduchlg i ; lanjr to adojit your Pille hs thoir faiírtTy medicines. 1 uniaiii, di.-arüir, wíth inany thunks, , Ycur obedlent ser van t. S. G. MoanisüX. Henick's Kid Strengthening Piasteis irfl iti fivo bourt, pains and weaknes.s of thftbreast, di tod ivick. Kii'l Klu'umatic fomplainls in an equully __ urt puriod of timií. Spread on beautiful white lam'j cin, their uso subjeoís tho wearer to co inuoaveaioce, nñ each one vtltwdaf from ono week to throe months. p i ice 1SX ceñís. Ihiiick's Sugar Coated Pilis and Kid Piastors are BoW Hl y Driifïgists ;;n 1 Blerchaata in all parts of the, United se tales, Canada and South Amorica, and may be obtained n! y calling fort hem by their full ñamo. 'lyOó DB L. b. HERRTCK, & Co. Albany, N. VÑOTÍCEi I IJ. Persons inilcbtodto the late firmofO. S. Goodrich V Son iré requested to cali at tho office of Miller, Dais & Wbster, and settlc the -same by the Ist day of Ju!y JOHN' F. MILLER, Recoiver. Ann Ai')or, Juno 8, 1861. 8()4v;i Anu Arbor Marble Wor"s. :Ocit;cl3.olca.or 1 AS oa li;ind a fine awortaant of American and r TA L I A N IT A 11 B L E vhichheis pvoparoil to jnAnufacture into H E A n #J STOKKS, . t o m b 'J0ÚEík finnSI tabIíEs n all thnir vavietios, and in a WORKMAXLIKE raanner. Having had considerable experience in the business e flatters himaelf that he wlll be able to please , II who raay favor me with their orrerp. His prices ÍOW AS THE LOWEST. bou wishinc any thing in my Une are respectfully , n Mted to cali C. BATCilELDER. Aun Arbor. Hay CO, 1861. 801tf MANHÖÖD B How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Envclope, A LrfTURE OX THE NATURE, TREATMEXT AND ÍADICAI, CURE OF ?l'ER..iATORRHOEA, or Seminal ' Vríikness, Sexual Oebility, Xervousness and Involuntay Emissions ÍL.ducing Impotency, and Mental and 'hytiical Tncftpaeity. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. 1 Author of the " Green Book," Sgc. Thp world-renowned author, m this admirable I.ecturo r olearly proves frojn bis own experionce tliat tlie awfu! conjequencí1 ofself abuse may be effectually removed rithout mc'liciuo and without dangci-ous surical operaions, btnigies.intfunienta, rings or cordials. pointiní 1 out a mode ór cure at once certain and effectual, ty which every sulTert-r, no matter wbat his condition may le.m&Tourebhnself citavly,privaMy and radicaUíj.- riii. Ijëcture will prove a boouta thousands aud thousiiuls. Best unilrr sral to any addross. post paid, on tho rer.oipt of two postage stampa, by ddressine Dr. CH. J C KLINE, 12Ï Bowery. New York Post Box, 536. '85 UNl'ARALLELED SÜCCESS SECOND AliRIVAL -or- Or O O X P - AT THE- Banner Store, A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. (Jcods boBghtnuder panic priées, And sold at prices that will makt hard times come again no more ! Pacts for the People -OF"WA SHT E1ST-A."V -AND- ADJOTNING COUNTIES ! Ana their numcrou3 questions answcred. Whtf is Everyhody trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Because A. P. MILLS, the Froprietor of that Establishment has just rcturned from tho Eastern Gities wnh the Largf&t, Ilandsomest, Cheapcst, and Most Aüractive Stock of STAPLE AKDFANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought to this part of the State. 1 Why is Ecarybody pleased with hií Stock? Because hisstyles are more boautitul, quality better.and pnces lower than at any other store in the county. Why has he always Sonuthing New and Cheap to Show? Because hühüs a friend connecteii with one of tho largest DryGoods Uouses in New York, who is continuuiy " BOBB1HG ROü'yD" for chcap bargaina and the lates styles, a tljey appear from limo to time aud intliia way keeps him supplied with iyles, and consequuntN custornera can always lind somethiug Fresh, EEW CHEAP and DESIRABLE Why does he tell io much Cheaper than the rest? Booa-.iKf! he has a buyer In the city all tho timo to takp advantage of tho contiuual change of the markot, and in that uay buys his gooús much ohpef than others can, and ther. he marks them down to the IjOTÍTEST IIC3XJI:ia3S. Why does he sel Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes to much cheaper than was ever hcard ofby the oldest Shoemakers? Because he buys his stock in (he lan of juoemakcrs, of the manufacturéis, fuliy 25 per cent cheapor than the New York Jobbers sell them, and much better work than theygeuerallr keep. Ihis couriio cnablcs him to sella better Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othorssell at 50 cents, and a botter F0XED GAITER at 50 cents, than others Bell at 75 cents. Hat he any Kats and Capa? Yos.Tobould think he has star.k.i of thcm, enough to su(1t the State, nt prices lower tkan wa everheardol rouadthese parts. Why U his Tea so much beller Cor the priee say than you gel il otlier places? Bccausohelakesgrwit care u ?í?Ct;!:; ''; :ind glTW ' customeis tho beneftt of a real good 76 oont TEA I'OR 50 CENTS, It is a way ho has Lot Whcre should you go to gei your CLOTHS and have them Cut or Made? To the BANNER STORF, where tho l'eonlc's Bmnor ie unfurledfor the Peoplc'sgood. íouth side of Public Sauare, a few doors west of Cook 'i Iloíe!. A, P. MILLS. ■tucí u, i! - leetf


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Michigan Argus