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Qhanccry Notice. STATE OF MTCTHGAN, tho Circuit Coort for il, Countyof W.-i-lilt-naw. In Chancery. At a rif saiO Court, heM at the Coart Hoaae In the city Of Ann Arbor, in sai] c tatc, on tbs fí(tebtli June, A.I), 18CI, l'rownt Hon. Edwin J.-iwrvnce Circuit Jiulge. In the soit of Robert McClelland, Om! plalnant, fl gatast pnrtlftfl tó Inm unknown, whereln h prayfi for pnrtftionof certain Laodfl and prrinisen in i ; . tinft 'm which he claims to lmvcau Interest : It Batisfactorily nppenring to mM Court that tlin otber pnrtiefl inten sted in BaM landa anrl ■ 1 are to tbo nufd Complainant UDknowan mottonef A. Fclch, Solicitar for fiftld Complainant, it 1 1 fora I tht nW pnrtlcintfretel 11 s.iid lands nivl prest. isps (parlitiou of wbicb is nougbt in thts cause), opK:ir uní juiHwt'r tli1 bil! fjf cnmplainl filed in ilii4 cftune by the nr-i (ïayór Oetobn-, . l..lSfil, or that such bfll tf complamt bc (ikt-n us confesara by them. BoW lamli and premisas are sitúate In the county vf Wasbtanaw. nad State of Michigan, and are deaeribedafl (VjIIows, to wit: tbe BOath half of neetlon twentr-foor, an-1 the vreai haif. find thn cast half of the nortïi enxi qaartar, of aöctioa twenty Bto, In towcslrip foor Boath of ranjfe B6Teaèastin Ib' landí Formerly uuujcct t s:t'.i' :tt IfoorW, i" aaW State, contaioing in all fifven huudrcd and twtnty aeren, accordjng to the l'M-nr. therefor. And it la rorther orflered. that withln twenty daya from the entryof thia order, the complainajkt cania a copy of thia order to be pnbünlied in the Michigan Argag, :i newpaper printed and pablfchcd insaid city or Ano Arbor. ajojq tbat Btich pubucAtïon bu conti nuctl at teasf once in each weeli RticeftMlTdy, for six weeefcs. )■: LAWR&XCE, Circuit Jodge. A. Fi'xni, Sollcitor, nw of (Jonusel for Complainant. Cbanccry Sale. STATE OF WTCHIGAN, tuk Cucüit Coükt for -rntc Onr.VTV ov IVBBXKBAV, ]-liz;i A lYrkins vs. Scbrah IVtkfnfv-In Chanccry; In pnnuanoe i n docreinl of tho Circuit Court of the County of W&sMeo&w, tn Cbaucery, niadc in tbc abov cause on the second da-y ■[ December, A. n. etgbtoen hundredand Qfty nini-, snd h furthcr order of thia Conrt marte on the sUth dy of FcÏTi-nary. A. I) eigbteen liHnclred anrl sixty-ono, wil! bo BoH, itnder tKo dfreetinn of the Circuit Conrt Oojnmissionerfor the County "i Wash tonaw, ai public auction, at tbc south or front door of the Court House, in the cfty of Ann Arbor, on Saturd the sixth day of -luly, efghteen hundred and Bixtyooettt tweWe o'clock, noon, of said day,nil those certa in tractn ir parcela of land lytftg and belng in the tovhahlp ol 9%. leu, in tlie Cpunty of Washten&w aforesaid', and ]■ scribeil in rjiM doeree ■■■ followSjVit; west halfol the sonthesst qriarter of soction ftftccn, and the west b:it f of the north ea-.t quarter of section twenty-two, iq township one sonth. 01 range Beven eaat, or so móeb tiiereot as may bc DOCOMary to satisly tbo amount düe ti i ■ ■- - ii said uecrec, together witl loterest and costg D. s. TWITCHELL, Cír. Court Com. for the County of Washtniw . i O. HAWKlNS,So!icitor fur CompUünant and Asaüniee AnnAibnr May 20,1831. " SIJERIFF'S SALË BY virlucor an cxeciitlon issucd out of nnij unrlcr th seal of tikt' Circuit t'ourt tor tibe County of VTufa. tenaw, and State al Hichiganj hearing date the üi'th dy of December, 1800, and lo me directe! and elelivered against the goodn and chattels, and for want tliercof landa and leneruents of John D. Klef defendani tlienin named, I dij in the 29tli day of Ilccembt-r, JfiOO levy upon and 0i7.e all tlie title and óf the said John I"). Kief, in and to the followiug describert land andpniiiws.fuit: Thennth 3í of norfh-ëut J of section No. 2; aiso all lam! lymg north of the Tillara of Kancbmter on tbe,Huth % of iecüon 2, (reserrhM a lot sold to Bamabaa Oaw):lao north-west .J ofsoutli west Si , seotlon ft; ateo north-east a or south-east and soudi cast ,'., of north east .'., : also 2 aerea olt tlíí eastsidooftlionortii-wesl V, of soutlieast }{ ; also ]0 acreb otF tlie east side of sowh-wesi } of north east }.{ of section 3, town 4 south range 3 cast. Also al that piece orjiarcelof laudin the toivnsliij, of Manchos-I ter belng tbe cast 40 acros of the north part of tnc norlh-oast tr.icti.mal of section 3, citmmencinp on the north line of said ection at a noiftt 31 clmins 3" links from tho north-east cerner of said section, ruimin thenee vesf on aald section line 28cliains aU,i n; link lothe northwest oorner of th north-eail '4 of the Dorth-wost '., of said section, thence sontherly on the uuarter lii.i: tp the Bonth wosi corner of the nrtli-fat ■, of the north -we! '., of aaid aeotion, tbence eaeterlj 2$ ehalns and 37 links parallel witli tl, e said sectinn line to the corner of land assigned to and t-. :i." Iliins, tlu'r.ce northerly on the wct line of said Higrlns' liod tn the place of beghming, includinfr also the right of way in an easterlj and westcr ly direction acrosa said Higglns' land, reserring the right of ray in aneaaterl; and westerry direetion acrosn tlie said 40 acres in tovnsiip 4, snutli of range 3 east.- Also hloeksNo., T, 8, '.). 15, 18, 19, ?.i 24 2ft W 27,28, 29, 80,81,86, and 84; also lot No. 1. in block No. 3, lot No. 3 aml w.vt '„ of lot 2 in block 5: tbo lotsN'o. 2, 3, 8, 0. Il, 12, 13, 14, 15, in bleek 11, (ex-it from the abore descripUon all lanls deeded to the MichTitan Southern and Nortlfern Indiana Rail Rnad Co. fur Depot grounds. and alsn lot No. 5 in block 24, and lot 12 in block 12 ovned byS. B. Spenxier); also lots 3, 5, 9, 12, and weel ü of lot 5 in block 12: lot 4, 5, and fi, in block N"o. 22, (exceut that deeded to Wllll in ltatt'r); also block Xo. lti, (exmpt Iota Ko. 1,2 and 4,) all in tho village of Manchester; also a part of east '. of northeast ',; of metion No. 11, n Town 4 south range 3 nat beginning at north-west corner of faid lot, thence north 80 degreos east 3 ehainsand (7 links toa take in northwest boundary of laiuls on jii'. lv Messrs. Carr and FreoiiKiii, thence along the same south .M degrécS and 30 minutes west 2 chains and (Í9 links to a stake in the mlddie of the Territorial Road, thence alone thu same, north (12 di -. ■!-, -i ■ m I ; ii minntes west 2 chains and 7 links to the place of bezinning coutaining 38100 acres of landalso i.irX.i. 10, 11,12. 13, 11 and 15 in block No. 1S of the Viliago nf Manchestsr; aln block No. lOandlotN'o. S in block 18 in Manchester; also bezinning at a eertain stake on the woat bank of the rivor RaMn and on the east side of block No. 20 in tho villase of Manchester, tl-.enci! Boutb 61 degreea 30 minutes west to a stake in a line betwecn blocks lfl and 20 in said village, thence along said line north 20 dejjrecs 30 minutes to the Kiror afori said Kiver to the place nf bemninfr, contafning Í of an acre, in the county of Wasli. teñan ■ 11 of which preadsea I ahall exposé for sale at public anctlon, as the lawdlrects, at -lie front door of the Cbnrt Ilonse, in the City or Ana Arbor, thatbeing tl bolding the Circuit Conrt for the County or Washtenaw, on Uonday the 8th day of Jnlj isext, al eleven o'clock in the fnVcnonn of said lay THOMAS V. LEONAKD, late Sheriff. Dated, May 16, L8l. 800td Mortgago Foreclosare. BEFAUI.T having been made in the con.lition of a Mortgage execu ti IbyPatrick Snllivon and Joanna Sulliran to Luthor James, dated April ejghth, A.ri. 1S58. and recorded In the Regiter's Office i:i Washtenaw County, in I.ibcr 24 of Mortgages, at page 422, April 9th, A. l. IS.'iS. al hnlf past threc o'clock, 1. M., by ivhich defaultthe power of sale contained in said mortKa :'■ became opi'rative, and no snit or proceeding having been instituted stlaw torecover the debt sejured by aid raortKage or any part thereóf, and the u oY sis hundredand linee dollars and uinc-ty-six cents ($C03 06) being now clabned to !'■ duo (hereon. Notice U therefore hereby fflven tn;it said mortgagowfl] be foreclosed by a saleorthe ni'irtgrtired premistís. to-wit: Tbe south-west quarter of the north-east Qaarter, and tho southoiist iimiiter of the north-weat quarter of sedtion No. B6Tentand the soath-east teu acres of the sonthast (uarter of the north-eastijuarter ofsection number nine, ixfndinjr severtyroda east and west, and north and south far enough to contain ten acres, all in township No. south of range five east, being in H"ebstr. In the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, or some part tliereof, at public venc'ue, at die Court House in the city of Ann Arbor on the 6th dav of July next at noon. Ll'TIIËR JAMES, Mortgagee. E. W. UmOKS, At!y. Datcd, April 12, A.D. 1861. City lïleat Market. TIIEIR MAEKET TO TÏIK CORNER, OÍ' ANN AND MAIN STItKETS AihI WÍU heep constantly on Iiand a full assortment of wbicli they wil! alwayi tjo fnniul In readiut-spto cut upon SU1T CCSTOMERS. Xo pabcb will be ifparftd to keep tbeir ni;ii!ct't Clean, ml Meats Sweet and patronfl may reiv upon gettfng tlte best roapts stbakS, emirs, etc. .tliatcan bc found in the City. CAUi ANDTRY US. S. , l'HOCTOR T. WALKER. Ann Arbor. May 4, 18G0 745mB ISnEATV O O O 1D 23 . WLXES & KNIGHT Aro uOw roceivingtlicir SECOXD and Summer STOCK OF GOODS In couaequence of the Grcat Pressure in the JVrOTXTEY 'IWI ARKST we have been enablcd to purchase many kind of Goods at our own prices. We can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for LES3 THAN WAS PATD FOR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in Ne York SIX WEEKS S1NCE! We inviU tc ftttention of all to an iuspoation of our stook. W1NES & KNIGHT. May 10, 1861. Oval Picture Frames A IX S17.MJ. StTLÊS and P&ICE9 just receivcd and foraale oheapal S5CHOFF & MILLER'S., 780tfj lÖÖÖVosts, Shirts aud Drawers For Salo chenp nt WJITEKMAÍÍ . Co


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Michigan Argus