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Our Crisis Paragraphs

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- It is reportad ihat Gapt. lngnv rom, of Eostfl f:ime, died at Charles - on, Juno lOth. Too latu íor liis lame. - On the 28th uit., the Seooml zlhode Tsland Kegírpunt orrested a spy near tl)eir camp, arnicrt wilh four re voivers and a pound of' nrsenic. - It is saitl that the Seeretary of War will report 300,000 men in th. field. - It iá reported tbat a Britisb ship recenlly run the blockade and look into New Orlcans eovtral tüDB ol poirdcr and 20,000 stand of urine. - Tlie State Treasarer, Auditor, {and Register ol Lamia oi Missouri, havo taken tbe oatb of allegiance to the Uiiitod Statos, and rosuiiied tho discharge ot thoir duties. Attorney General Knott decliued, and 13 held as a prisoner. - Col. Ward, of the steamer Freeborn, was killed in the recent . ment with a rebol battery at Mathias Point. - Ex-llarshal Kano's pólice forco has been completely disorganized, 350 1 out of 400 having resigned. They clid not like the vigilant watching oí a Union bead. - Tho entiro Pacific mail, until further ordered, is to bo sent overlanct, via St. Joseph. - Ia Baltimoro large "quantiüos of arma have been discovered secreted 11 private dwelhngs, saloons, and uil sorts cf liiding places. - John W. Ford, recently driven from Petersburg, Vn., for his openly expressed Uniou sentiments, has boeii appointed a Frst Lieutenaut in the regular service. - The army paym asters have comrneneed their labors and the soldiers rejoice. - The active complicity of Governor Magoffin, of Ky., with the rebels, is asserted. very Itlccly. - The peoploof East Tennessee aro taking activo steps to imitate Western Virginia, Thoy will not lcave the Union. - S00 rifles, a cnse of pistols, and large quantities of baH cartridges, caps, eto., were found secreted in Marshal Kane's office, after his arrest. - Xashvillo, Tenn., wants the Capital oí the Southern Confederacy loeftted thero, and as an inducernunt tho City Counoil ha3 voted $750,000 to build a Presiden tial mansión. - Cola. Havdee and Magruder have been appdnted Brigadier General in the Coniederato army. T ia nnwr rri.tori tkn öti, nna 000 f tLv Oi.ivJviiv 1v(js UB9 veen uitdij, - Capt. Craven has been promoted to the uommaüd of the Potomac flotilla, vice Wnrd killed at Mathias Point. - -The Stato Öupenntendenf of Comrnon Schools - Joshua Pearl - has been notified to leavo Tennessee, ior Union proclivities. - The rebel iorces in Virginia are esthnated at 80,U00, only 50,000 being armed. - Col. Allen, of a New York regiment, has been aire.sfcd by order of Gen. Butler, for disobediencc of orders. J&3T" öor. Htcus and the secesaion Legislatura of Marylund have cotnpleteiy dissolved all partnership. Ho no lpnger hesita tes to stand by the Union " without a ivhy or whereforo," and the Lögislaturo Jon overy occasion shows a dütcnnination to take tho State out of the Unioo if poasiblo. It can not succoed. Cy Walter VV. Miaipiir, of Jones, villo, has been uppointed Consul to Frank'brt-on-the-Miiin, vice Hosmer deceased, " Walt" ia aa ardent I?e. publican, of tho noisy stripe, mueh inoro noted for wind and cunning than for talent or merit. Mr. Bkidqb, of De' troit, recommended by the Board of Trade, possessed in a greatly superior degree the elementa of fitness, but lackod tho partisan rocord. ISP A now trial bas beer. granted in the Burch divorce case, and scandaj niongers are in tho midstof rejoicings. CSWool comes in elowly; the sheep have all been sheared, tut growers refuse to geil nt present prices while buyeri obstinatcly refuse to advnnce. Quototions tbroughout the State range irum iu o eb =, .ia „e know of no higher tlmn the latter figures havin;; been paid hero. l'robably tho entire purchase nt ihU point will not reach at this date 20,000 ltj. ine'.eod of 150 000 to 200, (JOU jn ordinary years. On Tuesday we conversed with one giCVn ifto had juet sold his at 31 oents.Ust year he reoeivcu ivr fleecc-s írom tbo same sheep 44 cents ; and on Wednesday iinother grower gave us the sa:ue report. Th!s is a decrease fiom last year of 13 cents prr B . We can not promiso au advaneo. Thcre seems to bc a lack of oonfidence on the part of eastern manufacturera and buyers, and tliey have no agents in the field. It waats peace or a hard figlit - icactivity 13 ruin - to clear up tho horizon and settle tlie country on something. In tho meantime holders must consult the best authorities aud act acoor dingly jjC f"ew áixya since we visitod the farm of Mr. W. A. Lovejoy, some ïwo railes North-East ot this City, and had the pleasure of examining a fi ce field of Wheat if a v-ni'toty just introdneed lütO IIUS Vleitïify by him. It is called the Duyton Wh eat, and certa inly promises to be a valuable acquiei tion, It stands high with large strawand hna deve loped lorge. well-filled hcads. It has not lodged like adjoining fields of Mediterranean of a lightergrowth, and in this respect is oue of lts claims to superioriiy. It is an early white wheat. The soed wa3 obtained froni ft large farmer in Monroe County, ïï. Y ., who cluims that he cut 30 bushela to the acre last year from a liold late and indifforently sowud. He writos that he has discarded all other varieties and that bis neighbors aro dping the same. Mr. L. has sown 18 acres and it now promises a bountiful yield. We should advise farmers to take a luok at it now, and again at harvest tiine, as & hardy, proliric superior white, and at the same time an early wheat will be a desirable variety. P" We hear óf nightly injuries to gardens, - and we inight say daily, - by oows that are permitted to run in Ihe streets. - This is not right, and owners should see to it and avoid official interference. 2 Dr. S. G. Armoub, of DajtoD, Ohio, we tbiok, who wna elected, at tho March sosion of the Board of Eegents of the University, Professor of Ihc Institutes of Med. icino and Mutciia Medica, has 3gnified his acceptance of the position, and will enter upon duty at the opening of the uew year. Oktober first. GP If J'ou want fashionable shoeH, good shoes, chcap shoes, or boots, go to Hoost: fc Loóme' Store od Main Streetf tuul you will find them. They have them ready Diddo, an mnket'i wder. Tiv iheiDi


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