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KKXOW ulv..M.. I'l..nT FÜOM !Ti!].lSII]];S AXD Manufacture, a New and Cúmplete stock ut JLAW & MEDICAL liOOKiS, School Boolcs, Misccllaneous ftoois, Blank Books, dun STA.TIOKTEJRY! ' W'nll and VTlndow Paper, 1). nwlng and ïntrnmi'nts. Slusic, Juveuüo I.ibriiik1?., KuvLlopus. Ink.s au'l (Vins. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pencis Vinlmv Córnlcej Shales and Fitnre, POCKET CUTLERY! And evorythinj; t.TÍa tahúr to the trade, and more to , whlcbtttoy ffüilla Invito thfl atleniioii Of thé country. Iocondtctingour boniupss, we balido all that r.-m he dorie,8O fcbal no rcaaónable man, womao or chiUl liall r 8nd an ia uit . We jüisscss far.Hlties which will pr.abic us to supply our stomers at tho Lowest Possible Figures. We proposetodeHfor RKADY PAYjUtaftnalladvance. We Bxpwt ft profit on our gooos, bilt Cash Salos will Admit of Low FIGURES. e hnveenipsed services ol JAMES F. SP AU UNO, herèforeare prepared to furnih Visking, Wedding and all olher Cards written to order, wilh ncatness and dispalch, b mai'or otherieisc. The "Expibe B i Blow ,"is manned by agMHi 'crew,' l lll tbev wi'.l nh.rvs be founO ■:: "j i::i fti-r -ii-k' j réady ani"i willink io Mtendto ;i!l wHb pleaHurp, wUo wil! llicm wtth B cali. 5 Uumember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEJJSTER & Co. t Ann AiW, Mnv.lSGO. T)f i _ - : _ ; ANTOHEB J @ AKRIVAL . AT THE ÏS OLD AND RELIA BLE SH CLOTHIKt . Üidi'UltlUüi,: .B T = - o . PHCEKTIX BLOCJiS., MAIN STRKET. lilis Jiist returnod from the EasUrn Cíties, with a largí and (Icaiiablc stock of FALL AND WIXTER 3r O O J3 E3 ! which he is dow ófièrtng at uuusiinlly ) XjtO7V PRICSS! i Ain)iig liÏJ4 Assortniciit may be fuund BROADCLOTITS, CASSIMPIRES, DOESKJXS, & VESTINGS, f of all tle-scriptions, espvciullv for F ATX AND WINTER "WE AR ! whtcb he in cntting a ml making to order, In helatesJ mv'. ' 'besttStyles, Logether v,:!i a nVipcffir otssoitmeilt of READY MADE CLOTMlsG! ; ffKÜNKS CARPET BAüfi, U.MH'Kl.l.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, ) witb mimoroiisotlicr árticles usuiUy fouuil in hii:iil:i: BstablÍBBJDMHtB A3 I ANEMPOEIUM OFFASH1OJN, tho subsmbor fiatteti liimseir. Uut bis tong expertenoe aml genera. succew,wiU enabte )im to give thé grdolfesi MttshlCtioD Loall wilO may ïru.sL hilii in tin; waj Ol DHUQ ( ufaeturiiiff earments to order. 7Güti ' W.M. WAONER. i ' - " '■ ■ ■ , Ho for the Mmrnoth Cabinet Ware Hoorns. MAHTIN & THOMPSON, TT AVE JUST OI'ÊXKD IX T1IKIH new and Elegant War e-R o o m L KAST SinivOF MATN STREKT, ANIO' ARBOR A complrtí stock of ROSEWOOD, MAI1OGAJNY SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE 1NCLÜDIN0 ! Sofas, Tetc-.i Tiics, MahpSBU' Roju WnD'l, ïïlack Wal nut, Plain ;iïifl Marble Topjicd RO3BW00D. 0 WAIIOCANV. BLACK WAI.NTT, ( FANCV ,NI CUITAÜE CIIA1RS, &c, :;., Kc, kc. .m. ac. as . 9 Klegant MIRRORS, IH'HKAUS.PKrr.irrAKIE?, Cúmplele BED-ROUU hETS, '" INCLUDI]SG LAÏEST STYLES, -OFMATTRESSES I. Of itai bc-.-l quality umi Different Material In Fací llu-y Have Ererything with whicli tu furúldh PXKLOR, " h HUIR, BITTIWG ROOM. OK ElTCHEK, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longergo to fetroit or olaowben to n3 a iai FTJB IINtYt TJRE musul bt sold aml will bo nold nt , VERY LOW F RICES! &&■ Lot ov.-rv mui aini bis wiTo or going to be wift OOME AND 8ER, rheyatso haS d HE ARS E CAR Rl 'AG E, And aro always roadv tbattend to Lhe bui-ial of tbc dead in the City an 1 adjomtjijfcountry. Ware-Ri siüe bfnafVrSCreet, let ween Waihiugtou itn'd LiberQ 0. M. MARTIN'. 0m798 C. B. THOMPSOK MANH0QD" How Lost and How Restored. ' Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Envdope, A LKCTURE OX TUK NATURK, TRKATMENT AND RADICAL CUBE OF SPKRMATORRHOEA, nr Semioal caknea, Scxoal L)ebtlltr, !"ervonni!M and inroiuntnr.v Knrssii.M lidociOg Impotenoy, aud Mental and l'li;.sir;il lnc:ipacfty. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Authorojtiie1' Green Book," $c. The wi-iria-renowileJ author, i n Oii.i Jmiriible Icture clenrly proves from hfs own experience tha1 llie awful coDtequencea ofself abose may be eíltctually removed without ui'1, without aangerotte surglaal operations, bougies. ipHrument. rin.ís or cordial, ir,;ntiiiii nut :i or Cure nt om-e errtain :tnd t'IT.-ctual, by whïcli evpry sunerer, rn matter wnat his coodltion may b,mar onrB blmself clir.aply.prhntdy aml rndicrtlhj.- This Lecture will prove B hoon t: thousands aüd thou-sandii. Sout under wal toany addresf, pont pai.1, on the receipt of two postigo Btamp(,by .■.:-;,- ni Dr (II J. C. KLKNE, 121 Bowery, Neiv York Pust Box,' .5S6785 New Remedies tok SPER VI ATOR R il CE A . HOWARD ASSOCIATIOV, PHILADELPHIA: A Be nrroirnt Instirmwn tatablithcd by apecUUmkovmtm for thr. rtHrf nf tir Blek and THtrtuttd, nfflir.led teith VirtiUnt and Cllttmic Viseases, aud espectally for the Cure of Dlttata nflhe Sczual Onfan!, MEDICAL AÜVIC'K given gratis, by tho Acting SurVALÜABLE REPORTS on 3perma1orrl)cea, ana Dlsenses of the Sexual OreaUfi, and on '.). i;w REM EWES i-nipi.,v..l in tho Dfopensary; ent In scáled letteí envclopes, fice of charge. Two or ihxcM j-tnrups fur poBtageacceptnble. AddraM, Dr. J. SKÍtLIN HOüGH TON,eaW AMoclatloB, .Vo a s. Kmth ST, Phila(lelphia, I-u, ,505


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